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Plant Dis ; 2023 Dec 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38115570


In México, avocado production is an important economic source. In the last season it generated $ 3. 27 billion USD of foreign currency in the country. Irpex spp. are wood decay fungi. In the period 2019-2022, in the state of Michoacán (19°13' N; 101°55' W), México, basidiomes of Irpex sp. were observed on the base of trunks and crowns of 5-years-old and older avocado (Persea americana) trees. The trees exhibited disease symptoms that included white root rot, leaf yellowing, small leaves, branch diebacks, generalized defoliation, apical flaccidity, abundant but small sun burnt fruits due to the lack of foliage, and after 2-4 years of first disease appearance, the infected trees died. In the place where fungus was established, abundant white and cottony mycelium was formed, which caused trees decay. The incidence of the disease in the sampled orchards was estimated to be 30% per ha with 350 - 400 trees, which was determined through a simple sampling design focused on trees with signs and symptoms of the disease due to the phytopathogen. Samples of infected tissue (roots and stems) and fungal basidiomes were collected from 90 trees (5-6 per orchard). The symptomatic avocado trees studied were randomly selected from 17 orchards. For the fungal macroscopic characterization, the synoptic keys described by Gilbertson and Ryvarden (1986) and by Largent (1973) were used. The samples showed typical structures corresponding to Irpex sp., including rosettes, annual basidiomes, a system of monomitic hyphae, and subglobose basidiospores. In vitro fungal isolation from basidiomes and infected tree tissues was done according to the protocol of Agrios (2004). The fungal strains were maintained on PDA at 28 °C. At 16 days of incubation the colonies were opaque, whitish with fluffy and corky mycelium. Microscopic analysis of the fungus showed typical yellowish spores, with an ellipsoid shape of 3-4 x 4-5.5 µm (50 accounted structures per isolate [N=19]) and basidia of 20-25 x 4.5-5.5 µm (n=20 basidiomes). For molecular characterization, two molecular markers were used, the internal transcribed spacer rDNA-ITS1 5.8 rDNA-ITS2 (ITS; White et al. 1990) and the large ribosomal subunit (LSU; Vilgalys and Hester 1990). The PCR reaction was performed as described by Martínez-González et al. (2017). The consensus sequences were compared with those deposited in the NCBI-GenBank, using the BLASTN 2.2.19 tool (Zhang et al. 2000), the samples showed 99% match with the species, Irpex rosettiformis. GenBank accession numbers of the submitted isolates are summarized in supplementary Table 4. To test Koch's postulates, 3-months old avocado plants grown in greenhouse conditions were inoculated (n = 10 per each isolate [N= 19]) on the roots with 3 g of I. rosettiformis mycelium. The experiment was done twice with 20 non-inoculated plants as control. After 67 days, basidiomes (50 x 70 x 1.5 mm in average) were observed where the disease incidence was >77%, with subsequent tree decline. The pathogen was re-isolated in vitro in PDA and its identity was confirmed by morphological characteristics of mycelium. This work shows that I. rosettiformis is not only a wood decay fungus, but also a phytopathogen, the causative agent of white root rot disease in P. americana var. drymifolia, cultivar 'Hass', which establishes a precedent for monitoring and preventing its proliferation to other regions in the American continent and the world where nursery avocado seedlings are exported.