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Int J Mol Sci ; 24(16)2023 Aug 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37629099


An oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) bud rod disorder of unknown etiology, named Fatal Yellowing (FY) disease, is regarded as one of the top constraints with respect to the growth of the palm oil industry in Brazil. FY etiology has been a challenge embraced by several research groups in plant pathology throughout the last 50 years in Brazil, with no success in completing Koch's postulates. Most recently, the hypothesis of having an abiotic stressor as the initial cause of FY has gained ground, and oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) damaging the root system has become a candidate for stress. Here, a comprehensive, large-scale, single- and multi-omics integration analysis of the metabolome and transcriptome profiles on the leaves of oil palm plants contrasting in terms of FY symptomatology-asymptomatic and symptomatic-and collected in two distinct seasons-dry and rainy-is reported. The changes observed in the physicochemical attributes of the soil and the chemical attributes and metabolome profiles of the leaves did not allow the discrimination of plants which were asymptomatic or symptomatic for this disease, not even in the rainy season, when the soil became waterlogged. However, the multi-omics integration analysis of enzymes and metabolites differentially expressed in asymptomatic and/or symptomatic plants in the rainy season compared to the dry season allowed the identification of the metabolic pathways most affected by the changes in the environment, opening an opportunity for additional characterization of the role of hypoxia in FY symptom intensification. Finally, the initial analysis of a set of 56 proteins/genes differentially expressed in symptomatic plants compared to the asymptomatic ones, independent of the season, has presented pieces of evidence suggesting that breaks in the non-host resistance to non-adapted pathogens and the basal immunity to adapted pathogens, caused by the anaerobic conditions experienced by the plants, might be linked to the onset of this disease. This set of genes might offer the opportunity to develop biomarkers for selecting oil palm plants resistant to this disease and to help pave the way to employing strategies to keep the safety barriers raised and strong.

Arecaceae , Olea , Arecaceae/genetics , Brazil , Hypoxia , Industry , Metabolome
Front Plant Sci ; 14: 1187803, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37384354


Introduction: Purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) is a non-conventional food plant used extensively in folk medicine and classified as a multipurpose plant species, serving as a source of features of direct importance to the agricultural and agri-industrial sectors. This species is considered a suitable model to study the mechanisms behind resistance to several abiotic stresses including salinity. The recently achieved technological developments in high-throughput biology opened a new window of opportunity to gain additional insights on purslane resistance to salinity stress-a complex, multigenic, and still not well-understood trait. Only a few reports on single-omics analysis (SOA) of purslane are available, and only one multi-omics integration (MOI) analysis exists so far integrating distinct omics platforms (transcriptomics and metabolomics) to characterize the response of purslane plants to salinity stress. Methods: The present study is a second step in building a robust database on the morpho-physiological and molecular responses purslane to salinity stress and its subsequent use in attempting to decode the genetics behind its resistance to this abiotic stress. Here, the characterization of the morpho-physiological responses of adult purslane plants to salinity stress and a metabolomics and proteomics integrative approach to study the changes at the molecular level in their leaves and roots is presented. Results and discussion: Adult plants of the B1 purslane accession lost approximately 50% of the fresh and dry weight (from shoots and roots) whensubmitted to very high salinity stress (2.0 g of NaCl/100 g of the substrate). The resistance to very high levels of salinity stress increases as the purslane plant matures, and most of the absorbed sodium remains in the roots, with only a part (~12%) reaching the shoots. Crystal-like structures, constituted mainly by Na+, Cl-, and K+, were found in the leaf veins and intercellular space near the stoma, indicating that this species has a mechanism of salt exclusion operating on the leaves, which has its role in salt tolerance. The MOI approach showed that 41 metabolites were statistically significant on the leaves and 65 metabolites on the roots of adult purslane plants. The combination of the mummichog algorithm and metabolomics database comparison revealed that the glycine, serine, and threonine, amino sugar and nucleotide sugar, and glycolysis/gluconeogenesis pathways were the most significantly enriched pathways when considering the total number of occurrences in the leaves (with 14, 13, and 13, respectively) and roots (all with eight) of adult plants; and that purslane plants employ the adaptive mechanism of osmoprotection to mitigate the negative effect of very high levels of salinity stress; and that this mechanism is prevalent in the leaves. The multi-omics database built by our group underwent a screen for salt-responsive genes, which are now under further characterization for their potential to promote resistance to salinity stress when heterologously overexpressed in salt-sensitive plants.

Phenomics ; 3(1): 1-21, 2023 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36947413


Soil salinity is among the abiotic stressors that threaten agriculture the most, and purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) is a dicot species adapted to inland salt desert and saline habitats that hyper accumulates salt and has high phytoremediation potential. Many researchers consider purslane a suitable model species to study the mechanisms of plant tolerance to drought and salt stresses. Here, a robust salinity stress protocol was developed and used to characterize the morphophysiological responses of young purslane plants to salinity stress; then, leaf tissue underwent characterization by distinct omics platforms to gain further insights into its response to very high salinity stress. The salinity stress protocol did generate different levels of stress by gradients of electrical conductivity at field capacity and water potential in the saturation extract of the substrate, and the morphological parameters indicated three distinct stress levels. As expected from a halophyte species, these plants remained alive under very high levels of salinity stress, showing salt crystal-like structures constituted mainly by Na+, Cl-, and K+ on and around closed stomata. A comprehensive and large-scale metabolome and transcriptome single and integrated analyses were then employed using leaf samples. The multi-omics integration (MOI) system analysis led to a data-set of 51 metabolic pathways with at least one enzyme and one metabolite differentially expressed due to salinity stress. These data sets (of genes and metabolites) are valuable for future studies aimed to deepen our knowledge on the mechanisms behind the high tolerance of this species to salinity stress. In conclusion, besides showing that this species applies salt exclusion already in young plants to support very high levels of salinity stress, the initial analysis of metabolites and transcripts data sets already give some insights into other salt tolerance mechanisms used by this species to support high levels of salinity stress. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s43657-022-00061-2.

BMC Genomics ; 23(1): 735, 2022 Oct 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36316643


BACKGROUND: Soil salinity is a problem in more than 100 countries across all continents. It is one of the abiotic stress that threatens agriculture the most, negatively affecting crops and reducing productivity. Transcriptomics is a technology applied to characterize the transcriptome in a cell, tissue, or organism at a given time via RNA-Seq, also known as full-transcriptome shotgun sequencing. This technology allows the identification of most genes expressed at a particular stage, and different isoforms are separated and transcript expression levels measured. Once determined by this technology, the expression profile of a gene must undergo validation by another, such as quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). This study aimed to select, annotate, and validate stress-inducible genes-and their promoters-differentially expressed in the leaves of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) plants under saline stress. RESULTS: The transcriptome analysis led to the selection of 14 genes that underwent structural and functional annotation, besides having their expression validated using the qRT-PCR technique. When compared, the RNA-Seq and qRT-PCR profiles of those genes resulted in some inconsistencies. The structural and functional annotation analysis of proteins coded by the selected genes showed that some of them are orthologs of genes reported as conferring resistance to salinity in other species. There were those coding for proteins related to the transport of salt into and out of cells, transcriptional regulatory activity, and opening and closing of stomata. The annotation analysis performed on the promoter sequence revealed 22 distinct types of cis-acting elements, and 14 of them are known to be involved in abiotic stress. CONCLUSION: This study has helped validate the process of an accurate selection of genes responsive to salt stress with a specific and predefined expression profile and their promoter sequence. Its results also can be used in molecular-genetics-assisted breeding programs. In addition, using the identified genes is a window of opportunity for strategies trying to relieve the damages arising from the salt stress in many glycophyte crops with economic importance.

Arecaceae , Gene Expression Regulation, Plant , Plant Breeding , Salt Stress/genetics , Gene Expression Profiling , Arecaceae/genetics , Transcriptome
Plants (Basel) ; 11(20)2022 Oct 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36297811


Drought and salinity are two of the most severe abiotic stresses affecting agriculture worldwide and bear some similarities regarding the responses of plants to them. The first is also known as osmotic stress and shows similarities mainly with the osmotic effect, the first phase of salinity stress. Multi-Omics Integration (MOI) offers a new opportunity for the non-trivial challenge of unraveling the mechanisms behind multigenic traits, such as drought and salinity resistance. The current study carried out a comprehensive, large-scale, single-omics analysis (SOA) and MOI studies on the leaves of young oil palm plants submitted to water deprivation. After performing SOA, 1955 DE enzymes from transcriptomics analysis, 131 DE enzymes from proteomics analysis, and 269 DE metabolites underwent MOI analysis, revealing several pathways affected by this stress, with at least one DE molecule in all three omics platforms used. Moreover, the similarities and dissimilarities in the molecular response of those plants to those two abiotic stresses underwent mapping. Cysteine and methionine metabolism (map00270) was the most affected pathway in all scenarios evaluated. The correlation analysis revealed that 91.55% of those enzymes expressed under both stresses had similar qualitative profiles, corroborating the already known fact that plant responses to drought and salinity show several similarities. At last, the results shed light on some candidate genes for engineering crop species resilient to both abiotic stresses.

Front Plant Sci ; 13: 970113, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36212369


Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is a oilseed crop of great economic importance drastically affected by abiotic stresses. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play crucial roles in transcription and post-transcription regulation of gene expression, being essential molecules in the response of plants to abiotic stress. To better understand the molecular mechanisms behind the response of young oil palm plants to drought stress, this study reports on the prediction and characterization of miRNAs and their putative target genes in the apical leaf of plants subjected to 14 days of water deprivation. Then, the data from this study were compared to the data from a similar study that focused on salinity stress. Both, the drought-and salt-responsive miRNAs and their putative target genes underwent correlation analysis to identify similarities and dissimilarities among them. Among the 81 identified miRNAs, 29 are specific for oil palm, including two (egu-miR28ds and egu-miR29ds) new ones - described for the first time. As for the expression profile, 62 miRNAs were significantly differentially expressed under drought stress, being five up-regulated (miR396e, miR159b, miR529b, egu-miR19sds, and egu-miR29ds) and 57 down-regulated. Transcription factors, such as MYBs, HOXs, and NF-Ys, were predicted as putative miRNA-target genes in oil palm under water deprivation; making them the most predominant group of such genes. Finally, the correlation analysis study revealed a group of putative target genes with similar behavior under salt and drought stresses. Those genes that are upregulated by these two abiotic stresses encode lncRNAs and proteins linked to stress tolerance, stress memory, modulation of ROS signaling, and defense response regulation to abiotic and biotic stresses. In summary, this study provides molecular evidence for the possible involvement of miRNAs in the drought stress response in oil palm. Besides, it shows that, at the molecular level, there are many similarities in the response of young oil palm plants to these two abiotic stresses.

Plants (Basel) ; 11(13)2022 Jun 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35807707


Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is the number one source of consumed vegetable oil nowadays. It is cultivated in areas of tropical rainforest, where it meets its natural condition of high rainfall throughout the year. The palm oil industry faces criticism due to a series of practices that was considered not environmentally sustainable, and it finds itself under pressure to adopt new and innovative procedures to reverse this negative public perception. Cultivating this oilseed crop outside the rainforest zone is only possible using artificial irrigation. Close to 30% of the world's irrigated agricultural lands also face problems due to salinity stress. Consequently, the research community must consider drought and salinity together when studying to empower breeding programs in order to develop superior genotypes adapted to those potential new areas for oil palm cultivation. Multi-Omics Integration (MOI) offers a new window of opportunity for the non-trivial challenge of unraveling the mechanisms behind multigenic traits, such as drought and salinity tolerance. The current study carried out a comprehensive, large-scale, single-omics analysis (SOA), and MOI study on the leaves of young oil palm plants submitted to very high salinity stress. Taken together, a total of 1239 proteins were positively regulated, and 1660 were negatively regulated in transcriptomics and proteomics analyses. Meanwhile, the metabolomics analysis revealed 37 metabolites that were upregulated and 92 that were downregulated. After performing SOA, 436 differentially expressed (DE) full-length transcripts, 74 DE proteins, and 19 DE metabolites underwent MOI analysis, revealing several pathways affected by this stress, with at least one DE molecule in all three omics platforms used. The Cysteine and methionine metabolism (map00270) and Glycolysis/Gluconeogenesis (map00010) pathways were the most affected ones, each one with 20 DE molecules.

Plant Genome ; 15(1): e20182, 2022 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34964552


Soil salinity is one abiotic stress that threatens agriculture in more than 100 countries. Gliricidia [Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth] is a multipurpose tree known for its ability to adapt to a wide range of soils; however, its tolerance limits and responses to salt stress are not yet well understood. In this study, after characterizing the morphophysiological responses of young gliricidia plants to salinity stress, leaf metabolic and transcription profiles were generated and submitted to single and integrated analyses. RNA from leaf samples were subjected to RNA sequencing using an Illumina HiSeq platform and the paired-end strategy. Polar and lipidic fractions from leaf samples were extracted and analyzed on an ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) coupled with electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight high-resolution mass spectrometry (MS) system. Acquired data were analyzed using the OmicsBox, XCMS Online, MetaboAnalyst, and Omics Fusion platforms. The substrate salinization protocol used allowed the identification of two distinct responses to salt stress: tolerance and adaptation. Single analysis on transcriptome and metabolome data sets led to a group of 5,672 transcripts and 107 metabolites differentially expressed in gliricidia leaves under salt stress. The phenylpropanoid biosynthesis was the most affected pathway, with 15 metabolites and three genes differentially expressed. Results showed that the differentially expressed metabolites and genes from this pathway affect mainly short-term salt stress (STS). The single analysis of the transcriptome identified 12 genes coding for proteins that might play a role in gliricidia response at both STS and long-term salt stress (LTS). Further studies are needed to reveal the mechanisms behind the adaptation response.

Fabaceae , Transcriptome , Fabaceae/genetics , Metabolomics , Salinity , Salt Stress/genetics , Salt Tolerance/genetics
BMC Plant Biol ; 21(1): 518, 2021 Nov 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34749653


BACKGROUND: Several mechanisms regulating gene expression contribute to restore and reestablish cellular homeostasis so that plants can adapt and survive in adverse situations. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play roles important in the transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression, emerging as a regulatory molecule key in the responses to plant stress, such as cold, heat, drought, and salt. This work is a comprehensive and large-scale miRNA analysis performed to characterize the miRNA population present in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) exposed to a high level of salt stress, to identify miRNA-putative target genes in the oil palm genome, and to perform an in silico comparison of the expression profile of the miRNAs and their putative target genes. RESULTS: A group of 79 miRNAs was found in oil palm, been 52 known miRNAs and 27 new ones. The known miRNAs found belonged to 28 families. Those miRNAs led to 229 distinct miRNA-putative target genes identified in the genome of oil palm. miRNAs and putative target genes differentially expressed under salinity stress were then selected for functional annotation analysis. The regulation of transcription, DNA-templated, and the oxidation-reduction process were the biological processes with the highest number of hits to the putative target genes, while protein binding and DNA binding were the molecular functions with the highest number of hits. Finally, the nucleus was the cellular component with the highest number of hits. The functional annotation of the putative target genes differentially expressed under salinity stress showed several ones coding for transcription factors which have already proven able to result in tolerance to salinity stress by overexpression or knockout in other plant species. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide new insights into the early response of young oil palm plants to salinity stress and confirm an expected preponderant role of transcription factors - such as NF-YA3, HOX32, and GRF1 - in this response. Besides, it points out potential salt-responsive miRNAs and miRNA-putative target genes that one can utilize to develop oil palm plants tolerant to salinity stress.

MicroRNAs/metabolism , Palm Oil/metabolism , Transcription Factors/metabolism , Gene Expression Regulation, Plant , MicroRNAs/genetics , RNA, Untranslated/genetics , RNA, Untranslated/metabolism , Salt Tolerance/physiology , Sequence Analysis, RNA , Transcription Factors/genetics
Bioinform Biol Insights ; 11: 1177932217702388, 2017.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28469420


Transposable elements (TEs) are mobile genetic elements present in almost all eukaryotic genomes. Due to their typical patterns of repetition, discovery, and characterization, they demand analysis by various bioinformatics software. Probably, as a result of the need for a complex analysis, many genomes publicly available do not have these elements annotated yet. In this study, a de novo and homology-based identification of TEs and microsatellites was performed using genomic data from 3 palm species: Elaeis oleifera (American oil palm, v.1, Embrapa, unpublished; v.8, Malaysian Palm Oil Board [MPOB], public), Elaeis guineensis (African oil palm, v.5, MPOB, public), and Phoenix dactylifera (date palm). The estimated total coverage of TEs was 50.96% (523 572 kb) and 42.31% (593 463 kb), 39.41% (605 015 kb), and 33.67% (187 361 kb), respectively. A total of 155 726 microsatellite loci were identified in the genomes of oil and date palms. This is the first detailed description of repeats in the genomes of oil and date palms. A relatively high diversity and abundance of TEs were found in the genomes, opening a range of further opportunities for applied research in these genera. The development of molecular markers (mainly simple sequence repeat), which may be immediately applied in breeding programs of those species to support the selection of superior genotypes and to enhance knowledge of the genetic structure of the breeding and natural populations, is the most notable opportunity.