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J Phys Chem A ; 115(15): 3386-92, 2011 Apr 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21443237


We have carried out DFT studies to explore the cause of anomalously fast reaction rates of ethyl group (R = Et) in the gas-phase S(N)2 reactions of RCH(2)Cl+Cl(-) and RCH(CN)Cl+Cl(-), and also for those in the cationic forms of RCH(2)(+) and RCH(CN)(+) with R = Me, Et, i-Pr, and t-Bu. The TS stabilization by hyperconjugative donor-acceptor vicinal charge transfers (CTs) from R to the major NBOs at the reaction center carbon in the S(N)2 TSs were estimated using natural bond orbital (NBO) analyses. In all cases the hyperconjugative CT stabilization increases in the order R = t-Bu < i-Pr < Me < Et in agreement with the experimental as well as theoretical rate orders, exhibiting an ethyl anomaly. We have also determined the reorganization energies and hyperconjugative CTs from R to the two major NBOs, C-O(-) and C-N(+), in the tetrahedral intermediate formed with five water molecules, T(5w), by transformation of sp(2) to sp(3) centers in the reactions of RC(═O)OC(6)H(5) with NH(3). The reorganization energy is the lowest and CT stabilization is the strongest with R = Et in line with the fastest experimental rate. We conclude that C-H is a better donor than C-C bond orbital and hyperconjugative vicinal σ chain extension leads to a stronger CT stabilization in the TS. The stronger CT stabilization for R = Et rather than Me is achieved by enhanced hyperconjugative CT to the reaction center in the TS as a result of narrower energy gap and greater overlap brought about by long-range orbital mixing as the C-H σ-chain is extended from n = 2 for Me to n = 3 for Et. We find that CT properties of the all-trans vicinal hyprconjugative C-H σ-chains are closely analogous to the corresponding conjugative polyene π-chains although skeletal patterns of bridge bonds are different and the stabilization energy gained by extension of the σ-chain is much weaker than that gained by the π-chain.

J Phys Chem A ; 113(25): 7073-9, 2009 Jun 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19480432


Gas-phase nucleophilic substitution reactions, F(-) + CH(3)SO(2)F, Cl(-) + CH(3)SO(2)Cl, Cl(-) + CH(3)SO(2)F, and NH(3) + CH(3)SO(2)Cl, have been investigated at the B3LYP/6-311+G** and MP2/6-31+G* levels of theory. A very shallow well for the reaction intermediate in a triple-well potential energy surface (PES) was observed for the identity fluoride exchange, but double well PESs were obtained for the other three reactions with three different PES profiles. NBO analyses of the transition states showed substantial charge transfer interactions in all cases which provided a much larger amount of stabilization energy compared with the corresponding species at the carbon center of methyl halides. This difference is primarily caused by the strong electropositive nature of the sulfur center. The F-S-F axial linkage in the distorted TBP type intermediate in the identity fluoride exchange reaction exhibited a weak three-center, four-electron omega-bonding, which is considered to provide stability of the intermediate. All the reactant (RC) and product complexes (PC) have Cs symmetry. The symmetry plane bisects angles HCH (of methyl group), OSO (of sulfonyl group), and HNH (of ammonia). Vicinal charge transfer interactions between the two out-of-plane C-H, S-O, and N-H bonds provide extra stabilization to the ion-dipole complexes together with H-bond formation of in-plane H atom with the nucleophile and/or leaving group.

J Org Chem ; 70(14): 5624-9, 2005 Jul 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15989346


[reaction: see text] The aminolysis reactions of aryl N-ethyl thionocarbamates (ETNC/EtHN-C(=S)-OC6H4Z) with benzylamines (XC6H4CH2NH2) in acetonitrile are investigated at 30.0 degrees C. The rate of ETNC is slower by a factor of ca. 3 than the corresponding aminolysis of aryl N-ethyl thiocarbamate (AETC/EtHN-(C=O)-SC6H4Z), which has been interpreted in terms of cooperative effects of atom pairs O and S on the reactivity and mechanism. For concerted processes, these effects predict a rate sequence, -C(=S)-S- < -C(=S)-O- < -C-(=O)-S- < -C-(=O)-O-, and the present results are consistent with this order. The negative cross-interaction constant, rho(XZ) = -0.87, the magnitude of betaZ (= 0.36-0.50) and failure of the RSP are in accord with the concerted mechanism. The normal kinetic isotope effects, kH/kD = 1.52-1.78, involving deuterated benzylamines suggest a hydrogen-bonded cyclic transition state. Other factors influencing the mechanism are also discussed.

J Org Chem ; 70(8): 3089-93, 2005 Apr 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15822968


The addition reaction of benzylamine (XC6H4CH2NH2) to benzylidene-3,5-heptadione (BHD; YC6H(4-)CH=C(COEt)(2)) in acetonitrile is investigated. The rate is slower than the corresponding rate for benzylidenediethylmalonate (YC6H4CH=C(OOEt)(2)) as the result of a greater steric hindrance in the planar dicarbonyl transition state. The kinetic isotope effects (k(H)/k(D)) involving deuterated amine nucleophiles (XC6H4CH2ND2) are greater than 1 (1.37-2.04), indicating N-H bond stretching with concurrent N-C(alpha) and H-C(beta) bond formation in the TS. The trend of change in k(H)/k(D) with variation of substituent X in the nucleophile conforms to the Bell-Evans-Polanyi principle. It has been stressed that the dicarbonyl group activated olefins exhibit insignificant charge imbalance in the TS for the benzylamine additions in acetonitrile as a result of the two strong n(c) --> pi*(C=O) vicinal charge-transfer interactions.

Org Biomol Chem ; 3(7): 1240-4, 2005 Apr 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15785813


The kinetics of the aminolysis of aryl thiocarbamates [ATC: H2NC(=O)SC6H4Z] with benzylamines (XC6H4CH2NH2) in acetonitrile at 10.0 degrees C have been studied. The rate order with variation of the non-leaving amino group, RNH, in RNHC(=O)SC6H4Z is NH2 < PhNH < EtNH indicating that the polar (sigma*) and steric (E(s)) effects of the RNH group are insignificant, and the strength of push to expel the leaving group in the tetrahedral transition state is the sole, important effect. The strong push provided by the NH2 group, the negative rhoXZ(-0.38) value, the size of betaZ(-0.54), and failure of the reactivity-selectivity principle are all consistent with the concerted mechanism. The kinetic isotope effects involving deuterated amine nucleophiles (XC6H4CH2ND2) are normal (k(H)/k(D)approximately 1.40-1.73) suggesting a hydrogen-bonded cyclic transition state.

J Phys Chem A ; 109(12): 2978-83, 2005 Mar 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16833618


The Hammett rho+ and rho- values have been determined by varying substituent Y' for a given Y in the benzhydryl cation and anion formation (YH4C6-CH-C6H4Y' where C is a cationic or an anionic center) at the RHF/3-21G, RHF/6-31G, RHF/6-31+G, and B3LYP/6-31+G levels. The failure of RHF theory in accounting for the stabilization by delocalization leads to the smaller magnitudes of rho+ and rho- with electron-donating and -withdrawing substituents, Y, respectively, than the corresponding DFT values. The effects of solvent (benzene, dichloroethane, and acetonitrile) on the rho values were calculated by applying the conductor polarizable continuum model method to the DFT results. Finally, the cross-interaction constants (rho(YY)') and their variation with solvent were determined. As the polarity (dielectric constant, epsilon) of the solvent is increased, the magnitude of rho+ and rho- decreased, whereas that of rho(YY)' increased. Satisfactory correlations were obtained between rho values (rho+, rho- and rho(YY)') and the Kirkwood function f(k) (= epsilon - 1/2epsilon + 1). The rho(YY)' values are negative with a magnitude greater for the anionic (rho(YY)'-) than the cationic (rho(YY)'+) system.

J Org Chem ; 69(26): 9285-8, 2004 Dec 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15609967


The aminolysis of aryl N-ethyl thiocarbamates (EtNHC(=O)SC(6)H(4)Z) with benzylamines (XC(6)H(4)CN(2)NH(2)) in acetonitrile at 30.0 degrees C is investigated. The rates are faster than the corresponding values for aryl N-phenyl thiocarbamates (PhNHC(=O)SC(6)H(4)Z), reflecting a stronger push to expel the leaving group by EtNH than the PhNH nonleaving group in a concerted process. The negative rho(XZ) (-0.86) and failure of the reactivity-selectivity principle found are consistent with the concerted mechanism. The kinetic isotope effects involving deuterated nucleophiles (k(H)/k(D) = 1.5-1.7) and low Delta H(++) with large negative Delta S(++) values suggest a hydrogen bond cyclic transition state.

J Org Chem ; 69(24): 8219-23, 2004 Nov 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15549790


The aminolysis of aryl chlorothionoformates (7, YC(6)H(4)OC(=S)Cl) with anilines (XC(6)H(4)NH(2)) in acetonitrile at 5.0 degrees C has been investigated. The rates are slower than those for the corresponding reactions of aryl chloroformates (6, YC(6)H(4)OC(=O)Cl). This rate sequence is a reverse of that for alkyl chloroformates (1-4) in water, for which rate-limiting formation of a tetrahedral intermediate, T(+/-), is predicted. On the basis of the large negative cross-interaction constant, rho(XY) = -0.77, failure of the reactivity-selectivity principle, normal k(H)/k(D) values involving deuterated nucleophiles (XC(6)H(4)ND(2)), and low DeltaH(not equal) with large negative DeltaS(not equal) values, a concerted mechanism with a four-membered hydrogen bonded cyclic transition state (11) is proposed for the title reaction series. It has been shown that the solvent change from water to acetonitrile for the aminolysis of 6 and 7 causes a mechanistic change from stepwise to concerted.

J Comput Chem ; 25(14): 1740-8, 2004 Nov 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15362131


Hydrolyses of phosphorus halides, (RO)(2)POX where R = H or Me and X = F or Cl, in the gas phase and in the reaction field have been investigated theoretically with ab initio and the density functional theory (DFT). The free energy of activation in the reaction field was also estimated using the Onsager method with a correction of entropy change and basis set superposition error (BSSE). The reaction of (MeO)(2)POF proceeds through a path with bifunctional catalysis regardless of the medium, but the reaction of (MeO)(2)POCl proceeds through bifunctional and general base catalysis in the gas phase and in water, respectively. The estimated free energy barrier of 23 kcal/mol for the hydrolysis of (MeO)(2)POF is in good agreement with the experimental values of 24 kcal/mol, and relative barrier of 3 kcal/mol to the (MeO)(2)POCl is also in good agreement with the experimental values of 5 kcal/mol of diisopropyl phosphorus halides ((Pr(i)O)(2)POX, X = F and Cl).

J Org Chem ; 69(11): 3806-10, 2004 May 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15153013


Kinetic studies of the benzylamine additions to benzylidenediethylmalonates (BDM: YC(6)H(4)CH[double bond]C(COOEt)(2)) in acetonitrile at 20.0 degrees C are reported. The rates in acetonitrile are consistent with that expected from the through-conjugative electron-accepting power of the activating groups, (COOEt)(2). The sign and magnitude of the cross-interaction constant, rho(XY) = -0.45, are in general agreement with those for the single-step amine additions to activated olefins. The kinetic isotope effects (k(H)/k(D) > 1.0) measured with deuterated benzylamines (XC(6)H(4)CH(2)ND(2)) increase with a stronger electron-acceptor substituent in benzylamines (partial differential sigma(X) > 0) and a stronger electron donor in the substrate (partial differential sigma(Y) < 0). These trends are the same as those found for benzylidene-1,3-indandiones but are exactly opposite to those for other activated olefin series, e.g., beta-nitrostyrene. It has been shown that the former series are thermodynamically controlled, whereas the latter are intrinsically controlled with a relatively strong transition state imbalance. The activation parameters, Delta H(++) and Delta S(++), also support our proposed transition state involving concurrent C(alpha)-N and C(beta)-H bond formation with a four-membered cyclic structure.

Org Biomol Chem ; 2(8): 1213-6, 2004 Apr 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15064800


Kinetic studies of the addition of benzylamines to a noncyclic dicarbonyl group activated olefin, ethyl alpha-acetyl-beta-phenylacrylate (EAP), in acetonitrile at 25.0 degrees C are reported. The rates are lower than those for the cyclic dicarbonyl group activated olefins. The addition occurs in a single step with concurrent formation of the Calpha-N and Cbeta-H bonds through a four-center hydrogen bonded transition state.The kinetic isotope effects (kH/kD > 1.0) measured with deuterated benzylamines (XC6H4CH2ND2) increase with a stronger electron acceptor substituent (deltasigmaX > 0) which is the same trend as those found for other dicarbonyl group activated series (1-4), but is in contrast to those for other (noncarbonyl) group activated series (5-9). For the dicarbonyl series, the reactivity-selectivity principle (RSP) holds, but for others the anti-RSP applies. These are interpreted to indicate an insignificant imbalance for the former, but substantial lag in the resonance delocalization in the transition state for the latter series.

J Org Chem ; 69(9): 3150-3, 2004 Apr 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15104455


The aminolysis reactions of aryl N-phenythiocarbamates (PhNHC(=O)SC(6)H(4)Z; 3b) with benzylamines (XC(6)H(4)CH(2)NH(2)) in acetonitrile are studied. Rates are much faster than the corresponding reactions of aryl N-phenylcarbamates (PhNHC(=O)OC(6)H(4)Z; 3a). The rate increase from 3a to 3b is greater than that expected from substitution of thiophenoxide for phenoxide leaving group in the stepwise aminolysis reactions of esters. This large rate increase and the similar change in the aminolysis rates that are reported to occur from aryl ethyl carbonate (EtOC(=O)OC(6)H(4)Z; 2a) to aryl ethylthiocarbonate (EtOC(=O)SC(6)H(4)Z; 2b) lead us to conclude that the aminolysis of 3b proceeds by a concerted mechanism in contrast to a stepwise process for 3a. The negative rho(XZ) values (-0.63) and violation of the reactivity-selectivity principle (RSP) support the proposed mechanism. The large beta(X) values (1.3-1.5) obtained are considered to indicate a large degree of bond making in the transition state, which is consistent with the relatively large kinetic isotope effects (k(H)/k(D) > 1.0) observed.

Org Biomol Chem ; 1(11): 1989-94, 2003 Jun 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12945784


Kinetic studies of the reactions of alpha-chloroacetanilides (YC6H4NRC(=O)CH2Cl; R = H (5) and CH3 (6)) with benzylamines (NH2CH2C6H4X) were carried out in dimethyl sulfoxide at 55.0 degrees C. The Brønsted betaX values were in the range from 0.6 to 0.9 and cross-interaction constants phoXY were positive: phoXY = +0.21 and +0.18 for 5 and 6, respectively. The rates were faster with 6 than with 5 and inverse secondary kinetic isotope effects involving deuterated benzylamine (ND2CH2C6H4X) nucleophiles, kH/kD < 1.0, were obtained. Based on these and other results, a stepwise mechanism with rate-limiting expulsion of the chloride leaving group from a zwitterionic tetrahedral intermediate, T+/-, is proposed. In this mechanism, a prior carbonyl addition to T+/- is followed by a bridged type transition state to expel the chloride. An enolate-like transition state in which the developing negative charge on C(alpha) delocalizes toward the carbonyl group (nC-->pi*(C=O) interaction) is not feasible for the present series of reactions due to a stronger charge transfer involving the lone pair on the anilino nitrogen (nAN-->pi*(C=O) interaction).

J Comput Chem ; 24(8): 963-72, 2003 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12720317


Various ONIOM combinations-ONIOM(HF/6-31G*: PM3), ONIOM(B3LYP/6-31G*: PM3), ONIOM(MP2/6-31G*: PM3), and ONIOM(MP2/6-31G*: HF/3-21G)--were applied to investigate thermal decomposition mechanisms of four 2-phenoxycarboxylic acids (2-phenoxyacetic acid, 2-phenoxypropionic acid, 2-phenoxybutyric acid, and 2-phenoxyisobutyric acid) in the gas phase. All the transition states and intermediates of the reaction paths were optimized. The reaction pathway of four reactants yielding the phenol, CO, and the corresponding carbonyl compound was characterized on the potential energy surface and found to proceed stepwise. The first step corresponds to the elimination of phenol and the formation of alpha-lactone intermediate through a five-membered ring transition state, and the second step is the cycloreversion process of alpha-lactone intermediate to form CO and the corresponding carbonyl compound. The reaction pathway of latter three compounds to produce the carboxylic acid and phenol via a four-membered cyclic transition structure was also examined theoretically. Comparison with experiment indicates that the activation parameters for the fist reaction channel are accurately predicted at the ONIOM(MP2/6-31G*: HF/3-21G) level of theory.

J Org Chem ; 67(25): 8995-8, 2002 Dec 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12467420


Kinetic studies on the pyridinolysis of aryl furan-2-carbodithioates 1 are carried out at 60.0 degrees C in acetonitrile. The biphasic rate dependence on the pyridine basicity with a breakpoint at pK(a) degrees = 5.2 is interpreted to indicate a change of the rate-limiting step from breakdown (beta(X) = 0.7-0.8) to formation (beta(X) = 0.2) of the tetrahedral intermediate, T(+/-), at the breakpoint as the basicity of the pyridine nucleophile is increased. Observation of the breakpoint is possible with pyridines since the expulsion rate of the pyridine (k(-)(a)) from T(+/-) is sufficiently low, with the low k(-)(a)/k(b) ratio leading to a low breakpoint, pK(a) degrees. The clear-cut change in the cross-interaction constants, rho(XZ), from a positive (rho(XZ) = +0.86) to a small negative (rho(XZ) = -0.11) value at the breakpoint supports the mechanistic change proposed. The magnitudes of rho(Z) and activation parameters are also consistent with the proposed mechanism.

J Org Chem ; 67(11): 3874-7, 2002 May 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12027706


Kinetic studies of the pyridinolysis (XC(5)H(4)N) of aryl dithioacetates (CH(3)C(=S)SC(6)H(4)Z) are carried out in acetonitrile at 60.0 degrees C. A biphasic Brönsted plot is obtained with a change in slope from a large value (beta(X) congruent with 0.9) to a small value (beta(X) congruent with 0.4) at pK(a) degrees = 5.2, which is attributed to a change in the rate-limiting step from breakdown to formation of a zwitterionic tetrahedral intermediate, T(+/-), in the reaction path as the basicity of the pyridine nucleophile increases. A clear-cut change in the cross-interaction constants rho(XZ) from a large positive value (rho(XZ) = +1.34) to a small negative value (rho(XZ) = -0.15) supports the mechanistic change proposed.

J Org Chem ; 67(7): 2215-22, 2002 Apr 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11925231


The kinetics and mechanism of the reactions of Z-aryl bis(4-methoxyphenyl) phosphates, (4-MeOC(6)H(4)O)(2)P(=O)OC(6)H(4)Z, with pyridines (XC(5)H(4)N) are investigated in acetonitrile at 55.0 degrees C. In the case of more basic phenolate leaving groups (Z = 4-Cl, 3-CN), the magnitudes of beta(X) (beta(nuc)) and beta(Z) (beta(lg)) indicate that mechanism changes from a concerted process (beta(X) = 0.22-0.36, beta(Z) = -0.42 to -0.56) for the weakly basic pyridines (X = 3-Cl, 4-CN) to a stepwise process with rate-limiting formation of a trigonal bipyramidal pentacoordinate (TBP-5C) intermediate (beta(X) = 0.09-0.14, beta(Z) = -0.08 to -0.28) for the more basic pyridines (X = 4-NH(2), 3-CH(3)). This proposal is supported by a large negative cross-interaction constant (rho(XZ) = -1.98) for the former and a positive rho(XZ) (+0.97) for the latter processes. In the case of less basic phenolate leaving groups (Z = 3-CN, 4-NO(2)), the unusually small magnitude of beta(Z) values is indicative of a direct backside attack TBP-5C TS in which the two apical sites are occupied by the nucleophile and leaving group, ap(NX)-ap(LZ). The instability of the putative TBP-5C intermediate leading to a concerted displacement is considered to result from relatively strong proximate charge transfer interactions between the pi-lone pairs on the directly bonded equatorial oxygen atoms and the apical bond (n(O)(eq) - sigma(ap)). These are supported by the results of natural bond orbital (NBO) analyses at the NBO-HF/6-311+G//B3LYP/6-311+G level of theory.

J Org Chem ; 67(6): 1953-60, 2002 Mar 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11895417


The gas-phase identity nucleophilic substitution reactions of halide anions (X = F, Cl, and Br) with cyclopropenyl halides, X(-) + (CH)(3)X <= => X(CH)(3) + X(-), are investigated theoretically at four levels of theory, B3LYP/6-311+G**, MP2/6-311+G**, G2(+)MP2//MP2/6-311+G**, and G2(+)//MP2/6-311+G**. Four types of reaction paths, the sigma-attack S(N)2, pi-attack S(N)2'-syn, and S(N)2'-anti and sigmatropic 1,2-shift, are possible for all the halides. In the fluoride anion reactions, two types of stable adducts, syn- and anti-1,2-difluorocyclopropyl anions, can exist on the triple-well-type potential energy surface of the identity substitution reactions with rearrangement of double bond (C=C), S(N)2'-syn, and S(N)2'-anti processes. The TSs for the sigma-attack S(N)2 paths have "open" (loose) structures so that the ring positive charges are high rendering strong aromatic cyclopropenyl (delocalized) cation-like character. In contrast, in the pi-attack S(N)2' paths, a lone pair is formed at the unsubstituted carbon (C3), which stabilizes the 1,2-dihalocyclopropyl (delocalized) anion-like TS by two strong n(C)-sigma*(C-F) vicinal charge-transfer delocalization interactions. The barrier height increases in the order S(N)2'-anti < sigma-attack S(N)2 < S(N)2'-syn for X = Cl and Br, whereas for X = F the order is changed to S(N)2'-anti < S(N)2'-syn < sigma-attack S(N)2 due to the stable difluoro adduct formation. The sigmatropic 1,2-shift (circumambulatory) reactions have high activation barriers and cannot interfere with the substitution reactions.

J Org Chem ; 67(4): 1277-81, 2002 Feb 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11846674


The reactions of aryl benzenesulfonates (YC6H4SO2OC6H4Z) with benzylamines (XC6H4CH2NH2) in acetonitrile at 65.0 degrees C have been studied. The reactions proceed competitively by S-O (kS-O) and C-O (kC-O) bond scission, but the former provides the major reaction pathway. On the basis of analyses of the Hammett and Brönsted coefficients together with the cross-interaction constants rho(XY), rho(YZ), and rho(XZ), stepwise mechanisms are proposed in which the S-O bond cleavage proceeds by rate-limiting formation of a trigonal-bipyramidal pentacoordinate (TBP-5C) intermediate, whereas the C-O bond scission takes place by rate-limiting expulsion of the sulfonate anion (YC6H4SO3-) from a Meisenheimer-type complex.

J Org Chem ; 64(13): 4783-4789, 1999 Jun 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11674552


The kinetics of reactions between Z-thiophenyl 4-nitrobenzoates and X-pyridines in acetonitrile at 55.0 degrees C are investigated. The Brönsted plots obtained for the pyridinolysis of thiophenyl benzoates are curved, with the center of curvature at pK(a) approximately 4.2 (pK(a)(0)). The Brönsted plots for these nucleophilic reactions show a change in slope from a large (beta(X) congruent with 0.64-0.72) to a small (beta(X) congruent with 0.19-0.23) value, which can be attributed to a change in the rate-determining step from breakdown to formation of a tetrahedral intermediate in the reaction path as the basicity of the pyridine nucleophile increases. This mechanism is supported by the change of the cross-interaction constant rho(XZ) from a large positive (rho(XZ) = 1.41) for the weakly basic pyridines to a small negative (rho(XZ) = -0.32) value for the strongly basic pyridines. The reactivity-selectivity principle (RSP) holds for the rate-limiting breakdown but fails for the formation of the intermediate. The aminolysis of thiophenyl benzoate with deuterated 4-chlorobenzylamine catalyzed by glymes has primary deuterium kinetic isotope effects (PKIEs), k(H(cat))/k(D(cat)) congruent with 1.28-1.62.