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Faraday Discuss ; 251(0): 296-312, 2024 Aug 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38758164


We investigate the collisions of different alcohol molecules with hydrated nitric acid clusters using a molecular beam experiment and molecular dynamics simulations. The uptake cross sections σp for the molecules evaluated from the experiment are in excellent agreement with the simulations. This suggests that (i) the nontrivial assumptions implemented in the evaluation procedure of the experimental data are valid, and (ii) the simulations describe correctly the major processes in the molecule-cluster collisions. We observe that σp decreases with the increasing alkyl chain length of the alcohol, and also with the branching of the molecules that have the same mass but different structures. These systematic trends can be rationalized based on the accessibility of the hydrophilic OH group, which decreases with the increasing chain length and steric hindrance. The observed trends and their interpretation differ significantly from the simple model of hard-sphere collisions. The obtained data shall be beneficial not only for the fundamental understanding of the molecule-cluster collisions, but also in the modelling of atmospheric new-particle formation and aerosol growth.

Chemphyschem ; 25(10): e202400071, 2024 May 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38372591


We investigate ion formation in hydrated formic acid (FA) clusters upon collision with electrons of variable energy, focusing on electron ionization at 70 eV (EI) and low-energy (1.5-15 eV) electron attachment (EA). To uncover details about the composition of neutral clusters, we aim to elucidate the ion formation processes in FAM ⋅ WN clusters initiated by interaction with electrons and determine the extent of cluster fragmentation. EI predominantly produces protonated [FAm+H]+ ions, and in FA-rich clusters, the stable ring structures surrounding H3O+ ions are formed. In contrast, EA leads to a competition between the formation of intact [FAm ⋅ Wn]- and dissociated [FAm ⋅ Wn-H]- fragment ions, influenced by the cluster size, level of hydration, and electron energy. Our findings reveal a predisposition of low-energy EA towards forming [FAm ⋅ Wn]-, while higher electron energies tend to favor the formation of [FAm ⋅ Wn-H]- due to intracluster ion-molecule reactions. The comparison of positive and negative ion spectra suggests that the mass spectra of FA-rich clusters may indicate their actual size and composition. On the other hand, the more weakly bound water evaporation from the clusters depends strongly on the ionization. Thus, for the hydrated clusters, the neutral cluster size can hardly be estimated from the mass spectra.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 25(32): 21154-21161, 2023 Aug 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37458324


We investigated the dissociation of nitric acid on large water clusters (H2O)N, N̄ ≈ 30-500, i.e., ice nanoparticles with diameters of 1-3 nm, in a molecular beam. The (H2O)N clusters were doped with single HNO3 molecules in a pickup cell and probed by mass spectrometry after a low-energy (1.5-15 eV) electron attachment. The negative ion mass spectra provided direct evidence for HNO3 dissociation with the formation of NO3-⋯H3O+ ion pairs, but over half of the observed cluster ions originated from non-dissociated HNO3 molecules. This behavior is in contrast with the complete dissociation of nitric acid on amorphous ice surfaces above 100 K. Thus, the proton transfer is significantly suppressed on nanometer-sized particles compared to macroscopic ice surfaces. This can have considerable implications for heterogeneous processes on atmospheric ice particles.

J Mass Spectrom ; 58(7): e4955, 2023 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37401114


We present the design and performance of an in-house built electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) interface equipped with an S-lens ion guide. The ion source was designed specifically for our ion beam experiments to investigate the chemical reactivity and deposition of the clusters and nanoparticles. It includes standard ESI-MS interface components, such as nanoelectrospray, ion transfer capillary, and the S-lens. A custom design enables systematic optimization of all relevant factors influencing ion formation and transfer through the interface. By varying the ESI voltage and flow rate, we determined the optimal operating conditions for selected silica emitters. A comparison of the pulled silica emitters with different tip inner diameters reveals that the total ion current is highest for the largest tip, whereas a tip with the smallest diameter exhibited the highest transmission efficiency through the ESI-MS interface. Ion transmission through the transfer capillary is strongly limited by its length, but the loss of ions can be reduced by increasing the capillary voltage and temperature. The S-lens was characterized over a wide range of RF frequencies and amplitudes. Maximum ion current was detected at RF amplitudes greater than 50 V peak-to-peak (p/p) and frequencies above 750 kHz, with a stable ion transmission region of about 20%. A factor of 2.6 increase in total ion current is observed for 650 kHz as RF amplitudes reach 400 V p/p. Higher RF amplitudes also focus the ions into a narrow beam, which mitigates their losses when passing through the ion guide.

Chemistry ; 29(9): e202203259, 2023 Feb 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36404276


Understanding molecular-scale reaction mechanisms is crucial for the design of modern catalysts with industrial prospect. Through joint experimental and computational studies, we investigate the direct coupling reaction of CH4 and CO2 , two abundant greenhouse gases, mediated by Ta1,4 + ions to form larger oxygenated hydrocarbons. Coherent with proposed elementary steps, we expose products of CH4 dehydrogenation [Ta1,4 CH2 ]+ to CO2 in a ring electrode ion trap. Product analysis and reaction kinetics indicate a predisposition of the tetramers for C-O coupling with a conversion to products of CH2 O, whereas atomic cations enable C-C coupling yielding CH2 CO. Selected experimental findings are supported by thermodynamic computations, connecting structure, electronic properties, and catalyst function. Moreover, the study of bare Ta1,4 + compounds indicates that methane dehydrogenation is a significant initial step in the direct coupling reaction, enabling new, yet unknown reaction pathways.

J Phys Chem A ; 126(9): 1542-1550, 2022 Mar 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35230848


We report an experimental and computational study of the electron-induced chemistry of methanesulfonic acid (MSA, MeSO3H) in clusters. We combine the mass spectra after the 70 eV electron ionization with the negative ion spectra after electron attachment (EA) at low electron energies of 0-15 eV of the MSA molecule, small MSA clusters, and microhydrated MSA clusters to reveal the solvation effects. The MSA/He coexpansion only generates small MSA clusters with up to four molecules, but adding water substantially hydrates the MSA clusters, resulting in clusters composed of 1-2 MSA molecules accompanied by quite a few water molecules. The clustering strongly suppresses the fragmentation of the MSA molecules upon both the positive ionization and EA. The electron-energy-dependent ion yield for different negative ions is measured. For the MSA molecule and pure MSA clusters, EA leads to an H-abstraction yielding MeSO3-. It proceeds efficiently at low electron energies below 2 eV with a shoulder at 3-4 eV and a broad, almost 2 orders of magnitude weaker, peak around 8 eV. The hydrated (H2O)nMeSO3- ions with n ≤ 3 exhibit only a broad peak around 7 eV similar to EA of pure water clusters. Thus, for the small clusters, the electron attachment and hydrogen abstraction from water occur. On the other hand, the larger clusters with n > 4 display a peak below 2 eV, which quickly dominates the spectrum with increasing n. This peak is related to the formation of the H3O+·MeSO3- ion pair upon hydration and subsequent dipole-supported electron attachment followed by the hydronium neutralization and H3O• radical dissociation. The size-resolved experimental data indicate that the ionic dissociation of MSA starts to occur in the neutral MeSO3H(H2O)N clusters with about four water molecules.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 24(4): 2623-2629, 2022 Jan 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35029252


The reactions of tantalum cluster cations of different sizes toward carbon dioxide are studied in an ion trap under multi-collisional conditions. For all sizes studied, consecutive reactions with several CO2 molecules are observed. This reveals two different pathways, namely oxide formation and the pickup of an entire molecule. Supported by calculations of the thermochemistry of TanO+ formation upon reaction with CO2, changes in the branching ratios at a particular cluster size are related to heat effects due to the vibrational heat capacity of the clusters and the exothermicity of the reaction.

J Phys Chem A ; 125(9): 1919-1926, 2021 Mar 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33651608


Focused electron beam deposition often requires the use of purification techniques to increase the metal content of the respective deposit. One of the promising methods is adding H2O vapor as a reactive agent during the electron irradiation. However, various contrary effects of such addition have been reported depending on the experimental condition. We probe the elementary electron-induced processes that are operative in a heterogeneous system consisting of iron pentacarbonyl as an organometallic precursor and water. We use an electron beam of controlled energy that interacts with free mixed Fe(CO)5/H2O clusters. These mimic the heterogeneous system and, at the same time, allow direct mass spectrometric analysis of the reaction products. The anionic decomposition pathways are initiated by dissociative electron attachment (DEA), either to Fe(CO)5 or to H2O. The former one proceeds mainly at low electron energies (<3 eV). Comparison of nonhydrated and hydrated conditions reveals that the presence of water actually stabilizes the ligands against dissociation. The latter one proceeds at higher electron energies (>6 eV), where the DEA to H2O forms OH- in the first reaction step. This intermediate reacts with Fe(CO)5, leading to enhanced decomposition, with the desorption of up to three CO ligands. The present results demonstrate that the water action on Fe(CO)5 decomposition is sensitive to the involved electron energy range and depends on the hydration degree.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 23(5): 3195-3213, 2021 Feb 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33524089


In this perspective, we review experiments with molecules picked up on large clusters in molecular beams with the focus on the processes in atmospheric and interstellar chemistry. First, we concentrate on the pickup itself, and we discuss the pickup cross sections. We measure the uptake of different atmospheric molecules on mixed nitric acid-water clusters and determine the accommodation coefficients relevant for aerosol formation in the Earth's atmosphere. Then the coagulation of the adsorbed molecules on the clusters is investigated. In the second part of this perspective, we review examples of different processes triggered by UV-photons or electrons in the clusters with embedded molecules. We start with the photodissociation of hydrogen halides and Freon CF2Cl2 on ice nanoparticles in connection with the polar stratospheric ozone depletion. Next, we mention reactions following the excitation and ionization of the molecules adsorbed on clusters. The first ionization-triggered reaction observed between two different molecules picked up on the cluster was the proton transfer between methanol and formic acid deposited on large argon clusters. Finally, negative ion reactions after slow electron attachment are illustrated by two examples: mixed nitric acid-water clusters, and hydrogen peroxide deposited on large ArN and (H2O)N clusters. The selected examples are discussed from the perspective of the atmospheric and interstellar chemistry, and several future directions are proposed.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 23(13): 7682-7695, 2021 Apr 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33496289


The combination of supersonic expansions with IR action spectroscopy techniques is the basis of many successful approaches to study cluster structure and dynamics. The effects of temperature and temperature evolution are important with regard to both the cluster synthesis and the cluster dynamics upon IR excitation. In the past the combination of the sodium doping technique with IR excitation enhanced near threshold photoionization has been successfully applied to study neutral, especially water clusters. In this work we follow an overall examination approach for inspecting the interplay of cluster temperature and cluster structure in the initial cooling process and in the IR excitation induced heating of the clusters. In molecular simulations, we study the temperature dependent photoionization spectra of the sodium doped clusters and the evaporative cooling process by water molecule ejection at the cluster surface. We present a comprehensive analysis that provides constraints for the temperature evolution from the nozzle to cluster detection in the mass spectrometer. We attribute the IR action effect to the strong temperature dependence of sodium solvation in the IR excited clusters and we discuss the effects of geometry changes during the IR multi-photon absorption process with regard to application prospects of the method.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 59(52): 23631-23635, 2020 Dec 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32966698


The products of methane dehydrogenation by gas-phase Ta4 + clusters are structurally characterized using infrared multiple photon dissociation (IRMPD) spectroscopy in conjunction with quantum chemical calculations. The obtained spectra of [4Ta,C,2H]+ reveal a dominance of vibrational bands of a H2 Ta4 C+ carbide dihydride structure over those indicative for a HTa4 CH+ carbyne hydride one, as is unambiguously verified by studies employing various methane isotopologues. Because methane dehydrogenation by metal cations M+ typically leads to the formation of either MCH2 + carbene or HMCH+ carbyne hydride structures, the observation of a H2 MC+ carbide dihydride structure implies that it is imperative to consider this often-neglected class of carbonaceous intermediates in the reaction of metals with hydrocarbons.

Chemistry ; 26(35): 7861-7868, 2020 Jun 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32250483


The gas-phase reactions of O. - (H2 O)n and OH- (H2 O)n , n=20-38, with nitrogen-containing atmospherically relevant molecules, namely NOx and HNO3 , are studied by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR) mass spectrometry and theoretically with the use of DFT calculations. Hydrated O. - anions oxidize NO. and NO2 . to NO2 - and NO3 - through a strongly exothermic reaction with enthalpy of -263±47 kJ mol-1 and -286±42 kJ mol-1 , indicating a covalent bond formation. Comparison of the rate coefficients with collision models shows that the reactions are kinetically slow with 3.3 and 6.5 % collision efficiency. Reactions between hydrated OH- anions and nitric oxides were not observed in the present experiment and are most likely thermodynamically hindered. In contrast, both hydrated anions are reactive toward HNO3 through proton transfer from nitric acid, yielding hydrated NO3 - . Although HNO3 is efficiently picked-up by the water clusters, forming (HNO3 )0-2 (H2 O)m NO3 - clusters, the overall kinetics of nitrate formation are slow and correspond to an efficiency below 10 %. Combination of the measured reaction thermochemistry with literature values in thermochemical cycles yields ΔHf (O- (aq.))=48±42 kJ mol-1 and ΔHf (NO2 - (aq.))=-125±63 kJ mol-1 .

J Am Chem Soc ; 142(12): 5862-5869, 2020 03 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32125833


Mass-selected Ta8O2+ cluster ions catalyze the transformation of methane in a gas-phase ion trap experiment via nonoxidative coupling into ethane and H2, which is a prospective reaction for the generation of valuable chemicals on an industrial scale. Systematic variation of the reaction conditions and the isotopic labeling of methane by deuterium allow for an unambiguous identification of a catalytic cycle. Comparison with the proposed catalytic cycle for tantalum-doped silica catalysts reveals surprising similarities as the mechanism of the C-C coupling step, but also peculiar differences like the mechanism of the eventual formation of molecular hydrogen and ethane. Therefore, this work not only supplies insights into the mechanisms of methane coupling reactions but also illustrates how the study of trapped ionic catalysts can contribute to the understanding of reactions, which are otherwise difficult to study.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 11(6): 2101-2105, 2020 Mar 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32101439


We investigate the uptake of the most prominent biogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs)-isoprene, α-pinene, and their selected oxidation products-by hydrated acid clusters in a molecular beam experiment and by DFT calculations. Our experiments provide a unique and direct way of determination of the surface accommodation coefficient (αS) on the proxies of ultrafine aerosol particles. Since we are able to determine unambiguously the fraction of the clusters to which the molecules stick upon collisions, our αS is a purely kinetic parameter disentangling the molecule pickup from its evaporation. Oxidation increases the αS of VOCs by more than an order of magnitude, because oxidized compounds form hydrogen bonds with the clusters, whereas the interactions of the parent VOCs are weaker and nonspecific. This work provides molecular-level insight into the condensation of single molecules into atmospheric particles, which has important implications for aerosol nucleation and growth.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 21(17): 8691-8697, 2019 Apr 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30977497


We probe the negative ion production upon the interaction of free electrons with gas-phase HNO3 and its mixed clusters with water. The electron-induced chemistry changes strongly with clustering, exhibiting significant electron energy dependence. For HNO3 hydrates, we identified three involved energy ranges with different behavior: low energies up to about 3.5 eV, an intermediate energy range around 6 eV, and a high energy range, approximately above 9 eV. The major difference is the degree to which the major gas-phase product, NO2-, is converted to NO3-. The latter is the dominant stratospheric anion. Its appearance due to the electron interaction with mixed HNO3/water ice particles thus strongly depends on the electron energy. We discuss the elementary processes and reaction pathways behind the anion conversion.

Mass Spectrom Rev ; 37(5): 630-651, 2018 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29178389


Nanometer-size particles such as ultrafine aerosol particles, ice nanoparticles, water nanodroplets, etc, play an important, however, not yet fully understood role in the atmospheric chemistry and physics. These species are often composed of water with admixture of other atmospherically relevant molecules. To mimic and investigate such particles in laboratory experiments, mixed water clusters with atmospherically relevant molecules can be generated in molecular beams and studied by various mass spectrometric methods. The present review demonstrates that such experiments can provide unprecedented details of reaction mechanisms, and detailed insight into the photon-, electron-, and ion-induced processes relevant to the atmospheric chemistry. After a brief outline of the molecular beam preparation, cluster properties, and ionization methods, we focus on the mixed clusters with various atmospheric molecules, such as hydrated sulfuric acid and nitric acid clusters, Nx Oy and halogen-containing molecules with water. A special attention is paid to their reactivity and solvent effects of water molecules on the observed processes.

Beilstein J Nanotechnol ; 8: 2200-2207, 2017.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29114446


In this work, we probe anion production upon electron interaction with Fe(CO)5 clusters using two complementary cluster-beam setups. We have identified two mechanisms that lead to synthesis of complex anions with mixed Fe/CO composition. These two mechanisms are operative in distinct electron energy ranges. It is shown that the elementary decomposition mechanism that has received perhaps the most attention in recent years (i.e., dissociative electron attachment at energies close to 0 eV) becomes suppressed upon increasing aggregation of iron pentacarbonyl. We attribute this suppression to the electrostatic shielding of a long-range interaction that strongly enhances the dissociative electron attachment in isolated Fe(CO)5.

J Chem Phys ; 147(10): 101101, 2017 Sep 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28915744


The reaction of HNO3 with hydrated electrons (H2O)n- (n = 35-65) in the gas phase was studied using Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR) mass spectrometry and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. Kinetic analysis of the experimental data shows that OH-(H2O)m is formed primarily via a reaction of the hydrated electron with HNO3 inside the cluster, while proton transfer is not observed and NO3-(H2O)m is just a secondary product. The reaction enthalpy was determined using nanocalorimetry, revealing a quite exothermic charge transfer with -241 ± 69 kJ mol-1. Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations indicate that proton transfer is an allowed reaction pathway, but the overall thermochemistry favors charge transfer.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 19(37): 25346-25351, 2017 Sep 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28891582


We present infrared multiple photon dissociation (IRMPD) spectra of (H2O)nO˙- and (H2O)nOH- cluster ensembles for n[combining macron] ≈ 8 and 47 in the range of 2400-4000 cm-1. Both hydrated ions exhibit the same spectral features, in good agreement with theoretical calculations. Decomposition of the calculated spectra shows that bands originating from H2OO˙- and H2OOH- interactions span almost the whole spectral region of interest. Experimentally, evaporation of OH˙ is observed to a small extent, which requires interconversion of (H2O)nO˙- into (H2O)n-1OH˙OH-, with subsequent H2O evaporation preferred over OH˙ evaporation. The modeling shows that (H2O)nO˙- and (H2O)n-1OH˙OH- cannot be distinguished by IRMPD spectroscopy.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 19(19): 11753-11758, 2017 May 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28397887


Polar stratospheric clouds, which consist mainly of nitric acid containing ice particles, play a pivotal role in stratospheric chemistry. We investigate mixed nitric acid-water clusters (HNO3)m(H2O)n, m ≈ 1-6, n ≈ 1-15, in a laboratory molecular beam experiment using electron attachment and mass spectrometry and interpret our experiments using DFT calculations. The reactions are triggered by the attachment of free electrons (0-14 eV) which leads to subsequent intracluster ion-molecule reactions. In these reactions, the nitrate anion NO3- turns out to play the central role. This contradicts the electron attachment to the gas-phase HNO3 molecule, which leads almost exclusively to NO2-. The nitrate containing clusters are formed through at least three different reaction pathways and represent terminal product ions in the reaction cascade initiated by the electron attachment. Besides, the complex reaction pathways represent a new hitherto unrecognized source of atmospherically important OH and HONO molecules.