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Int J Biol Macromol ; 279(Pt 3): 135317, 2024 Sep 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39245117


Microbial seed coatings serve as effective, labor-saving, and ecofriendly means of controlling soil-borne plant diseases. However, the survival of microbial agents on seed surfaces and in the rhizosphere remains a crucial challenge. In this work, we embedded a biocontrol bacteria (Bacillus subtilis ZF71) in sodium alginate (SA)/pectin (PC) hydrogel as a seed coating agent to control Fusarium root rot in cucumber. The formula of SA/PC hydrogel was optimized with the highest coating uniformity of 90 % in cucumber seeds. SA/PC hydrogel was characterized using rheological, gel content, and water content tests, thermal gravimetric analysis, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Bacillus subtilis ZF71 within the SA/PC hydrogel network formed a biofilm-like structure with a high viable cell content (8.30 log CFU/seed). After 37 days of storage, there was still a high number of Bacillus subtilis ZF71 cells (7.23 log CFU/seed) surviving on the surface of cucumber seeds. Pot experiments revealed a higher control efficiency against Fusarium root rot in ZF71-SA/PC cucumber seeds (53.26 %) compared with roots irrigated with a ZF71 suspension. Overall, this study introduced a promising microbial seed coating strategy based on biofilm formation that improved performance against soil-borne plant diseases.

Plant Dis ; 2024 Aug 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39175274


Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis), in the family Brassicaceae, is a widely planted crop in China valued for its nutritional benefits. In May 2023, wilt symptoms on Chinese cabbage (cv. 'Dongtian118') were observed in several commercial fields located in Sheqi County, (32.47ºN, 112.46ºE), Nanyang, Henan Province, China. A disease survey noted that disease incidence on plants was approximately 20% to 50% within observed fields. Symptoms included yellowing and wilting leaves, and vascular discoloration of the stem bases. To isolate the pathogen, ten symptomatic leaves collected from different diseased cabbage in two field were cut into small pieces (5 × 5 mm), surface disinfected with 75% ethanol for 30 s, then washed three times in sterile water. After drying, tissues were transferred onto potato dextrose agar (PDA). Plates were incubated at 28℃ for 7 days in the dark. Twelve morphologically similar fungal isolates were obtained by single-spore subculture. The mycelia on PDA were originally white, later becoming dark gray due to the formation of masses of melanized chlamydospores after 15 days of culture. Conidiophores were hyaline and most had secondary branches. In addition, verticillate branches had three to four phialides in each whorl. The conidia were hyaline, elliptical or nearly circular, measuring from 3.2 to 9.5 × 2.6 to 3.8 µm (n=40). These morphological characteristics were similar to those described for Gibellulopsis nigrescens (Zare et al. 2007). The isolates were further identified based on PCR amplification. The ITS, GAPDH, and TEF1 genes were amplified using primers ITS1/ITS4, VGPDf2/VGPDr (Inderbitzin et al. 2011) and EF-2/EF1-728F (O'Donnell et al. 1998). BLAST analysis revealed 12 isolates were highly similar to G. nigrescens, with 99.82% similarity for ITS (OR818474, KJ534578), 93.17% similarity for GAPDH (JN188192.1, JN188166.1) and 91.07% similarity for TEF1 (EF543798.1, EF543804.1). Sequences of the representative isolate BC230515 were deposited into NCBI GenBank with accession nos. OR889646 for ITS and PP135039 for GAPDH. Pathogenicity of all 12 isolates was tested on potted Chinese cabbage plants (cv. 'Dongtian118'). Twenty-four healthy Chinese cabbage plants were inoculated by applying a 10 mL conidial suspension (1×107 conidial/mL) at the artificially wounded root region of each plant. Twenty-four control plants wounded similarly were treated with sterile distilled water. All plants were kept in a growth chamber at 22~25°C (day)/18~20°C (night) , 85% relative humidity and a photoperiod of 12 h per day. After 15 days, inoculated plants exhibited wilting symptoms similar to those observed in the field, whereas control plants remained healthy. The pathogenicity test was repeated three times. The associated fungus on the artificially inoculated plants was reisolated from the symptomatic leaves, and its identity was confirmed by PCR with the primers described above. Reisolated G. nigrescens had identical morphological and molecular characteristics to the original isolates, confirming Koch's postulates. To our knowledge, this is the first report of G. nigrescens causing yellowing and wilt of Chinese cabbage in China. G. nigrescens is a destructive pathogen with multiple hosts such as beet (Zhou et al. 2017), alfalfa (Hu et al. 2011), prevention and control measures should be taken in advance.

Plant Dis ; 2024 May 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38812369


Leaf mustard (Brassica juncea [L.] Czern. et Coss.) belongs to Brassicaceae and is an important leaf vegetable widely cultivated in the Yangtze River basin and various southern provinces in China. In August 2023, the rhizome decay symptoms were observed at the stem base of leaf mustard plants (cv. Huarong) in the field of Changde City (29.05 °N; 111.59 °E), Hunan Province, China. The incidence of symptomatic leaf mustard was approximately 30% in several fields (2 ha in total). Brown and water-soaked symptoms appeared at the base of the outer leaves, and hollow rot at the base of the stem, accompanied by a fishy odor. To identify the causal agent, six infected stem samples were collected and surface sterilized by soaking in 75% ethanol for 60 seconds, rinsed three times with sterile distilled water, and finally cut into pieces (5 × 5 mm) in the sterile water. The extract was streaked on nutrient agar medium. After incubation at 28°C for 24 h, 17 strains were obtained and the colonies of all strains were creamy white, roughly circular, and convex elevation. Six single bacterial strains JC23121001-JC23121006, individually isolated from six different diseased stem samples, were selected as representative strains for further study. For preliminary identification, DNA from the six strains was extracted and identified by 16S rDNA sequencing using the universal primer pair 27F/1492R (Weisburg et al. 1991), and the sequences (accession nos. PP784484 to PP784489) showed 99% query coverage and 99.65% identity to Pectobacterium brasiliense type strain IBSBF1692T (Nabhan et al. 2012). In addition, five housekeeping genes acnA, mdh, mltD, pgi, and proA of the six strains were amplified with specially designed primers (Ma et al. 2007), and the resulting sequences from all six strains were 100% identical. The sequences of the representative strain JC23121001 were deposited into GenBank with accession numbers PP108247, PP066857, PP108248, PP066858, and PP066860, respectively. The maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree clustered JC23121001 with P. brasiliense type strain IBSBF1692T (Nabhan et al. 2012). The pathogenicity test of six strains was carried out on the six-week-old leaf mustard (cv. Huarong) plants grown in the greenhouse by inoculating 10 µl of each bacterial suspension (108 CFU/ml) on needle-like wounds on the stem base of three healthy leaf mustard plants (Singh et al. 2013). Control plants were treated with sterile distilled water. After inoculation, the plants were incubated at 28°C and 90% relative humidity in a growth chamber. This trial was repeated three times. All inoculated mustard stems were slightly water-soaked after 24 hours and eventually developed into soft rot symptoms, consistent with the original symptoms observed. The control plants remained symptom-free. The strains were re-isolated from inoculated plants and re-identified as P. brasiliense by sequencing five housekeeping genes, thus fulfilling Koch's postulates. P. brasiliense has a broad host range and has been reported on other Brassica species, such as Bok choy (Brassica rapa var. chinensis) in China (Li et al. 2023). Soft rot of leaf mustard caused by Pectobacterium aroidearum has also been reported previously (Chu et al. 2023). To our knowledge, this is the first report of P. brasiliense causing soft rot on leaf mustard in China. The soft rot poses a significant threat to the local leaf mustard industry and requires further research into epidemiology and disease management options.

Sci Total Environ ; 939: 173610, 2024 Aug 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38815821


During the process of cleaning aquaculture ponds, the drainage contributes significantly to antibiotic pollution in the surrounding water environment. Therefore, we conducted a study on the distribution of 26 antibiotics in 57 ponds within the Taihu Lake basin. The results revealed that the detection frequency of antibiotics ranged from 1.75 % to 80.7 %, with the overall detection concentrations ranging from 3.27 to 708.72 ng/L. Among them, the detection rate of 8 antibiotics exceeded 50 %. Regarding the spatial distribution, the concentration of antibiotics was relatively high in aquaculture ponds located in the Changzhou area, with the highest concentration reaching 708.72 ng/L. This observation is likely due to the large size and intensive breeding practices in Changzhou. Fish ponds exhibited a significantly higher total antibiotic concentration of 3.27 to 445.57 ng/L compared to crab ponds (13.01 to 206.30 ng/L) and shrimp ponds (23.17 to 107.40 ng/L). Quinolones and sulfonamides were the predominant antibiotic classes found in fish ponds, accounting for 51.49 % of the total antibiotic concentration. Notably, sulfamethoxazole (SMX) and enrofloxacin (ENR) exhibited the highest antibiotic concentrations. Risk assessments demonstrated that SMX, ENR, and ofloxacin (OFX) contributed significantly to ecological risks. Furthermore, the study found that the tertiary constructed wetland treatment process achieved a remarkable removal rate of 92.44 % for antibiotics in aquaculture wastewater, while other treatment processes displayed limited effectiveness in removing antibiotics. This study addresses the knowledge gap concerning antibiotic pollution during the cleaning process of aquaculture ponds within the Taihu Lake basin.

Anti-Bacterial Agents , Aquaculture , Environmental Monitoring , Lakes , Ponds , Water Pollutants, Chemical , China , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Ponds/chemistry , Lakes/chemistry , Anti-Bacterial Agents/analysis , Risk Assessment
Plant Dis ; 2024 Apr 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38687572


In April 2023, soft rot symptoms were observed in broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) commercial fields in Songming County, Yunnan province, China (103°12'E, 25°31'N). The disease incidence in these fields (6 ha in size) was high, exceeding 50%, and it caused significant yield loss. The affected plants displayed characteristic symptoms, with the roots and stems of broccoli becoming soft, yellowish-brown, rotten, and emitting a foul odor. To identify the causal agent, soft rot symptomatic stems were surface sterilized by dipping them in 75% ethanol for 30 seconds, followed by three successive rinses with sterile distilled water. Tissue specimens were then plated onto nutrient agar (NA) plates and incubated at 28°C for 24 hours. (Wang et al. 2022). Three representative bacterial isolates HYC22041801-HYC22041803 from broccoli were selected for further analysis. The colonies on NA plates appeared as white, small, round, and translucent with smooth edges. Physiological and biochemical tests were performed, along with 96 phenotypic screenings using the BIOLOG GENIII microplate system (Biolog, Hayward, CA, USA). Three isolates were negative for D-arabitol, maltose, and sorbitol, but were positive for cellobiose, α-D-glucose, sucrose, glycerol and gentiobiose tests, which are consistent with the reported type strain P. polaris NIBIO1006T (Chen et al. 2021). Total genomic DNA was extracted from three bacterial isolates using the QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (QIAGEN, USA). The 16S rRNA region and nine housekeeping genes (gapA, icdA, mdh, mtlD, pel, pgi, pmrA, proA and rpoS) were amplified with universal primers 27F/1492R (Monciardini et al., 2006) and designed specific primers (Xie et al., 2018), respectively. All amplicons were sequenced and deposited in GenBank with accession numbers ON723841-ON723843 and ON723846-ON723872. The BLASTn analysis of the 16S rRNA amplicons confirmed that the isolates HYC22041801-HYC22041803 belonged to the genus Pectobacterium. Phylogenetic trees based on 16S rRNA gene sequences and multilocus sequence analysis of other nine housekeeping genes of the three isolates were constructed and the results revealed that three isolates clustered with P. polaris type strain NIBIO1006T, which was previously isolated from potato (Dees et al., 2017). To confirm the pathogenicity, nine broccoli seedlings were stab inoculated with a bacterial suspension (108 CFU·ml-1), while sterile distilled liquid LB medium was used as a negative control. The seedlings were kept at 80% relative humidity and 28°C in a growth chamber. Three trials were conducted per isolate (HYC22041801-HYC22041803). After 3 days, the inoculated petioles showed soft rot symptoms similar to those observed initially in the field, while control plants remained asymptomatic. All three isolates were re-isolated successfully from symptomatic tissues to complete Koch's postulates. P. polaris has been previously reported as the causative agent of blackleg in potato in several countries, including Norway, Poland, Russia, and China (Handique et al. 2022; Wang et al. 2022). Additionally, it was reported to cause soft rot in Chinese cabbage in China (Chen et al. 2021). However, this is the first report of P. polaris causing soft rot disease in broccoli in China. This discovery is of great importance for vegetable growers because this bacterium is well established on Cruciferous vegetables in the local area, and effective measures are needed to manage this disease.

Plants (Basel) ; 13(5)2024 Mar 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38475575


Anthracnose of pepper is a significant disease caused by Colletotrichum spp. In 2017 and 2021, 296 isolates were obtained from 69 disease samples. Through morphological analysis, pathogenicity detection, and polygenic phylogenetic analysis, the above strains were attributed to 10 species: C. scovillei, C. fructicola, C. karstii, C. truncatum, C. gloeosporioides, C. kahawae, C. boninense, C. nymphaeae, C. plurivorum, and C. nigrum. C. scovillei had the most strains (150), accounting for 51.02% of the total isolates; C. fructicola came in second (72 isolates), accounting for 24.49%. Regarding regional distribution, Zunyi City has the highest concentration of strains-92 strains total, or 34.18%-across seven species. Notably, this investigation showed that C. nymphaeae infected pepper fruit for the first time in China. Genetic diversity analysis showed that C. fructicola could be divided into seven haplotypes, and the population in each region had apparent genetic differentiation. However, the genetic distance between each population was not significantly related to geographical distance. Neutral detection and nucleotide mismatch analysis showed that C. fructicola might have undergone population expansion.

Plant Dis ; 2024 Feb 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38356278


Mongolian snake gourd (Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim) is a precious traditional Chinese herbal medicine and perennial liana plant in the family Cucurbitaceae, and the root, fruit, seed and peel all possess the medicinal value (Zhang et al. 2016). During 2021-2022, the root rot was observed in a 20-ha commercial farm and became a major disease limiting Mongolian snake gourd production in Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, China (119°27'E, 32°12'N). Field investigations showed that disease incidence was estimated at approximately 70% and resulted in up to a 50% decrease in total production. Symptoms on snake gourd initially appeared as yellow mottling produced on the surface of the infected new leaves and systemic wilting on the upper leaves. With the development of the infection, the base of the stem began to brown and die, and has lots of filamentous hyphae attached to it. As the lesions coalesced, the whole plant gradually wilted and died. In order to explore the cause of the disease, six infected plants were randomly collected from the commercial farm. The roots of the plants were rinsed in sterile water to remove soil debris, and symptomatic roots were surface sterilized using 75% ethanol for 60s, rinsed three times in sterile water, then plated onto the potato dextrose agar (PDA), and incubated at 25°C for 3 days in the dark. White fungal colonies grew from the tissue pieces, then hyphal tips were transferred to PDA to obtain pure cultures. A total of six isolates with similar morphological characteristics were obtained from six of the infected plants. One representative isolate GL21091501 was chosen for further analysis. At 5 days after inoculation, the colonies on PDA began to grow as white, and with the incubated time was extended, the hyphae turned yellowish-brown with a yellowish-brown center on the reverse side. Observations under a light microscope showed conidia that were falculate, slender and slightly curved, and the cells at both ends were sharp. Macroconidia had four to five septa, measuring 22.4 ~ 33.5 µm. Microconidia without septa, elliptical, measuring 4.36 ~ 9.88 µm. On the tip of aerial hyphae can form conidiophore, and produce macroconidia (Wonglom et al. 2020; Lin et al 2018). The pathogen was typical Fusarium spp. by morphological characteristics. To identify the species level, the mycelia of the representative isolate GL21091501 was used for genomic DNA extraction (Tiangen, China). The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and partial translational elongation factor subunit 1-α (TEF-1α) of the cultures were amplified and sequenced using the primer pairs EF1/EF2 and ITS1/ITS4 respectively (White et al. 1990; O'Donnell et al. 1998). The obtained sequences were deposited in GenBank under the accesion numbers OP311409 and OP311410. BLAST searches of the deposited sequences showed 100% identity with the existing TEF sequences (MT563420.1) and ITS sequences (MN539094.1) of Fusarium incarnatum isolates in GenBank. In addition, BLASTn analysis of these in FUSARIUM-ID database showed 99.62% and 100% similarity with F. incarnatum-equiseti species complex (FIESC) NRRL13379 [ITS] and NRRL34004 [TEF-1α]), respectively. Phylogenetic analysis was conducted with the neighbor-joining (NJ) method using MEGA6.0 (Tamura et al. 2007). Combined phylogenetic analysis revealed that the isolate shared a common clade with the reference sequence of F. incarnatum in the F. incarnatum-equiseti species complex. Therefore, according to morphological and molecular characteristics confirming the identity of the isolated pathogen as F. incarnatum. In order to fulfill Koch's postulates, fresh isolate GL21091501 hyphae were cut into 3 × 3 mm agar plugs from a 7 cm PDA plate and inoculated in 200 mL the Potato Dextrose (PD) liquid medium on a shaker at 170 rpm, 25°C for 5 days. Spores were filtered through four layers of gauze, adjusted to 1 × 106 spores/ml with sterilized water. Then Mongolian snake gourd seedlings at the two true leaves stage were transplanted in (15-cm-diameter) pots (1 plants/pot) filled with mixture of sterilized soil: vermiculite: pearlite (2:1:1, v/v). The pathogenicity test was conducted on seedlings plants by root irrigation method (50 ml/plant, 1×106 conidia/mL), control plants were irrigation with sterilized water (50 ml/plant). Each treatment was repeated three times. After 15 days, all inoculated plants showed the same symptoms observed on the original diseased plants in the field, whereas, the control plants remained symptomless. The same pathogen was successfully re-isolated from the inoculated plants, and identical to those of the originals based on morphological and sequence data. To our knowledge, this is the first report of F. incarnatum causing root rot on Mongolian snake gourd in China. F. incarnatum has been reported to cause root and stem rot in many plants worldwide, including muskmelon (Wonglom et al. 2020), Cucurbita pepo (Thomas et al. 2019) and Bambusa multiplex (Lin et al. 2018). This discovery is of great importance for Mongolian snake gourd planters because the fungus is accurately identified in a certain geographic area and effective field management strategies are necessary to control this disease.

Microorganisms ; 12(2)2024 Jan 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38399655


Clubroot (Plasmodiophora brassicae) is an important soilborne disease that causes severe damage to cruciferous crops in China. This study aims to compare the differences in chemical properties and microbiomes between healthy and clubroot-diseased soils. To reveal the difference, we measured soil chemical properties and microbial communities by sequencing 18S and 16S rRNA amplicons. The available potassium in the diseased soils was higher than in the healthy soils. The fungal diversity in the healthy soils was significantly higher than in the diseased soils. Ascomycota and Proteobacteria were the most dominant fungal phylum and bacteria phylum in all soil samples, respectively. Plant-beneficial microorganisms, such as Chaetomium and Sphingomonas, were more abundant in the healthy soils than in the diseased soils. Co-occurrence network analysis found that the healthy soil networks were more complex and stable than the diseased soils. The link number, network density, and clustering coefficient of the healthy soil networks were higher than those of the diseased soil networks. Our results indicate that the microbial community diversity and network structure of the clubroot-diseased soils were different from those of the healthy soils. This study is of great significance in exploring the biological control strategies of clubroot disease.

Int J Biol Macromol ; 264(Pt 1): 130323, 2024 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38387628


Clubroot, caused by the obligate parasite Plasmodiophora brassicae, is one of the most important diseases of brassicas. The antagonistic bacterium Paenibacillus polymyxa ZF129 can suppress clubroot while its effectiveness is often unstable. To control clubroot more effectively, the macrobeads for controlled release of ZF129 were prepared using microencapsulation technology. Macrobeads with various ratios of chitosan (2 % w/w): carrageenan (0.3 % w/v) were prepared by an ionotropic gelation method and the bacteria ZF129 was loaded into macrobeads. The 1:1 chitosan: carrageenan showed the maximum swelling ratio (634 %), and the maximum survival rate (61.52 ± 1.12 %) after freeze-drying. Fourier transform infrared revealed the electrostatic interactions between chitosan and carrageenan. The macrobeads can efficiently release ZF129 strains into phosphate buffer solution and reach equilibrium in 48 h. The maximum number of bacteria cells to be released in the soil was observed after 25-30 days. The control efficacy of ZF129 macrobeads (chitosan: carrageenan, 1:1) and ZF129 culture against clubroot disease was 76.33 ± 3.65 % and 59.76 ± 4.43 % in greenhouse experiments, respectively and the control efficacy was calculated as 60.74 ± 5.00 % for ZF129 macrobeads and 40.94 ± 4.05 % for ZF129 culture under field experiments, respectively. The ZF129 macrobeads had significant growth-promoting effects on pak choi and Chinese cabbage. The encapsulation method described in this study is a prudent approach toward efficient biopesticides utilization with reduced environmental implications.

Brassica , Chitosan , Paenibacillus polymyxa , Carrageenan , Crops, Agricultural
Pest Manag Sci ; 80(6): 2761-2772, 2024 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38314954


BACKGROUND: The use of pesticides in greenhouse vegetable cultivation is necessary and significant. However, traditional pesticide application methods such as the use of backpack sprayers with water-diluted pesticides have certain drawbacks, e.g., uneven distribution, high labor intensity, and safety risks. RESULTS: In this work, fluazinam ultra-low-volume liquids (Flu-ULVs) were prepared using oily solvents as carriers. The effects of different oils on the physical properties of the preparations were investigated. The Flu-ULV can be sprayed directly using a hand-held ultra-low-volume (ULV) sprayer without dilution with water. Compared with commercial water-based suspension concentrates of fluazinam, the Flu-ULV samples showed better wetting of tomato leaves, better atomization, and more uniform droplet distribution. At a dosage of 300 mL/ha, the coverage rate of tomato leaves ranged from 32.47% to 79.3%, with a droplet deposition density of 556 to 2017 droplets/cm2. Application of Flu-ULVs provided 70.86% control efficacy against gray mold in tomatoes, which was higher than those achieved with reference products. Dermal exposure to Flu-ULVs was also evaluated in greenhouse experiments. The coverage rates for all parts of the operator's body ranged from 0.02% to 0.07%, with deposition volumes of 2.23 to 12.26 µg/cm2. CONCLUSION: Ground ULV spraying of fluazinam was proved to be an effective and safe management option for the control of tomato gray mold in greenhouses. This study laid a foundation for the use of ultra-low volume spray to control vegetable diseases in greenhouse, especially those induced by high humidity environment. © 2024 Society of Chemical Industry.

Plant Diseases , Solanum lycopersicum , Solanum lycopersicum/growth & development , Plant Diseases/prevention & control , Humans , Occupational Exposure/prevention & control , Vegetables/growth & development , Vegetables/chemistry
Pestic Biochem Physiol ; 198: 105760, 2024 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38225067


Corynespora leaf spot, caused by Corynespora cassiicola, is a foliar disease in cucumber. While the application of quinone outside inhibitors (QoIs) is an effective measure for disease control, it carries the risk of resistance development. In our monitoring of trifloxystrobin resistance from 2008 to 2020, C. cassiicola isolates were categorized into three populations: sensitive isolates (S, 0.01 < EC50 < 0.83 µg/mL), moderately resistant isolates (MR, 1.18 < EC50 < 55.67 µg/mL), and highly resistant isolates (HR, EC50 > 56.98 µg/mL). The resistance frequency reached up to 90% during this period, with an increasing trend observed in the annual average EC50 values of all the isolates. Analysis of the CcCytb gene revealed that both MR and HR populations carried the G143A mutation. Additionally, we identified mitochondrial heterogeneity, with three isolates carrying both G143 and A143 in MR and HR populations. Interestingly, isolates with the G143A mutation (G143A-MR and G143A-HR) displayed differential sensitivity to QoIs. Further experiments involving gene knockout and complementation demonstrated that the major facilitator superfamily (MFS) transporter (CcMfs1) may contribute to the disparity in sensitivity to QoIs between the G143A-MR and G143A-HR populations. However, the difference in sensitivity caused by the CcMfs1 transporter is significantly lower than the differences observed between the two populations. This suggests additional mechanisms contributing to the variation in resistance levels among C. cassiicola isolates. Our study highlights the alarming level of trifloxystrobin resistance in C. cassiicola in China, emphasizing the need for strict prohibition of QoIs use. Furthermore, our findings shed light on the occurrence of both target and non-target resistance mechanisms associated with QoIs in C. cassiicola.

Acetates , Ascomycota , Fungicides, Industrial , Imines , Strobilurins/pharmacology , Fungicides, Industrial/pharmacology , Drug Resistance, Fungal/genetics , Plant Diseases
Phytopathology ; 114(2): 359-367, 2024 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37665395


Cucumber leaf spot (CLS), caused by Corynespora cassiicola, is a serious disease of greenhouse cucumbers. With frequent use of existing fungicides, C. cassiicola has developed resistance to some of them, with serious implications for the control of CLS in the field. With a lack of new fungicides, it is necessary to use existing fungicides for effective control. Therefore, this study monitored the resistance of C. cassiicola to three commonly used and effective fungicides, boscalid, trifloxystrobin, and carbendazim, from 2017 to 2021. The frequency of resistance to boscalid showed an increasing trend, and the highest frequency was 85.85% in 2020. The frequency of resistance to trifloxystrobin was greater than 85%, and resistance to carbendazim was maintained at 100%. Among these fungicides, strains with multiple resistance to boscalid, trifloxystrobin, and carbendazim were found, accounting for 32.00, 25.25, 33.33, 43.06, and 37.24%, respectively. Of the strains that were resistant to boscalid, 87% had CcSdh mutations, including seven genotypes: B-H278L/Y, B-I280V, C-N75S, C-S73P, D-D95E, and D-G109V. Also, six mutation patterns of the Ccß-tubulin gene were detected: E198A, F167Y, E198A&M163I, E198A&F167Y, M163I&F167Y, and E198A&F200C. Detection of mutations of the CcCytb gene in resistant strains showed that 98.8% were found to have only the G143A mutation. A total of 27 mutation combinations were found and divided into 14 groups for analysis. The resistance levels differed according to genotype. The development of genotypes showed a complex trend, increasing from 4 in 2017 to 13 in 2021 and varying by region. Multiple fungicide resistance is gradually increasing. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the types of mutations and the trend of resistance to guide the use of fungicides to achieve disease control.

Acetates , Ascomycota , Benzimidazoles , Biphenyl Compounds , Carbamates , Cucumis sativus , Fungicides, Industrial , Imines , Niacinamide/analogs & derivatives , Strobilurins , Fungicides, Industrial/pharmacology , Plant Diseases , China
Microorganisms ; 11(12)2023 Nov 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38137993


Quinone outside inhibitor fungicides (QoIs) are crucial fungicides for controlling plant diseases, but resistance, mainly caused by G143A, has been widely reported with the high and widespread use of QoIs. However, two phenotypes of Corynespora casiicola (RI and RII) with the same G143A showed significantly different resistance to QoIs in our previous study, which did not match the reported mechanisms. Therefore, transcriptome analysis of RI and RII strains after trifloxystrobin treatment was used to explore the new resistance mechanism in this study. The results show that 332 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were significantly up-regulated and 448 DEGs were significantly down-regulated. The results of GO and KEGG enrichment showed that DEGs were most enriched in ribosomes, while also having enrichment in peroxide, endocytosis, the lysosome, autophagy, and mitophagy. In particular, mitophagy and peroxisome have been reported in medicine as the main mechanisms of reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging, while the lysosome and endocytosis are an important organelle and physiological process, respectively, that assist mitophagy. The oxidative stress experiments showed that the oxidative stress resistance of the RII strains was significantly higher than that of the RI strains: specifically, it was more than 1.8-fold higher at a concentration of 0.12% H2O2. This indicates that there is indeed a significant difference in the scavenging capacity of ROS between the two phenotypic strains. Therefore, we suggest that QoIs' action caused a high production of ROS, and that scavenging mechanisms such as mitophagy and peroxisomes functioned in RII strains to prevent oxidative stress, whereas RI strains were less capable of resisting oxidative stress, resulting in different resistance to QoIs. In this study, it was first revealed that mitophagy and peroxisome mechanisms available for ROS scavenging are involved in the resistance of pathogens to fungicides.

Microorganisms ; 11(11)2023 Nov 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38004819


Pectobacterium brasiliense (Pbr) has caused significant economic losses in major vegetable production areas in Northern China by causing bacterial soft rot in cash crops such as potatoes and cucumbers. This study aimed to establish a PMA-qPCR detection method for Pbr by screening specific and sensitive primers based on the glu gene and the conserved region of the 23S rRNA gene. Based on the optimized PMA pretreatment conditions, a standard curve was designed and constructed for PMA-qPCR detection (y = -3.391x + 36.28; R2 = 0.99). The amplification efficiency reached 97%, and the lowest detection limit of viable cells was approximately 2 × 102 CFU·mL-1. The feasibility of the PMA-qPCR method was confirmed through a manually simulated viable/dead cell assay under various concentrations. The analysis of potato tubers and cucumber seeds revealed that nine naturally collected seed samples contained a range from 102 to 104 CFU·g-1 viable Pbr bacteria. Furthermore, the system effectively identified changes in the number of pathogenic bacteria in cucumber and potato leaves affected by soft rot throughout the disease period. Overall, the detection and prevention of bacterial soft rot caused by Pbr is crucial.

Plants (Basel) ; 12(21)2023 Oct 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37960058


Clubroot is one of the most serious soil-borne diseases on crucifer crops worldwide. Seed treatment with biocontrol agents is an effective and eco-friendly way to control clubroot disease. However, there is a big challenge to inoculating the seed with bacterial cells through seed pelleting due to the harsh environment on the seed surface or in the rhizosphere. In this study, a method for microbial seed pelleting was developed to protect pak choi seedlings against clubroot disease. Typically, a biocontrol bacterium, Paenibacillus polymyxa ZF129, was encapsulated by the spray-drying method with gum arabic as wall material, and then pak choi seeds were pelleted with the microencapsulated Paenibacillus polymyxa ZF129 (ZF129m). The morphology, storage stability, and release behavior of ZF129 microcapsules were evaluated. Compared with the naked Paenibacillus polymyxa ZF129 cells, encapsulated ZF129 cells showed higher viability during ambient storage on pak choi seeds. Moreover, ZF129m-pelleted seeds showed higher control efficacy (71.23%) against clubroot disease than that of nonencapsulated ZF129-pelleted seeds (61.64%) in pak choi. Seed pelleting with microencapsulated biocontrol Paenibacillus polymyxa ZF129 proved to be an effective and eco-friendly strategy for the control of clubroot disease in pak choi.

Plant Dis ; 2023 Aug 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37578369


Celery (Apium graveolens var. dulce), which belongs to the family Apiaceae, is one of the most widely cultivated vegetable crops in the world. During 2020 and 2021, celery plants with Fusarium yellows and root rot were observed in four approximately 0.3 ha sized fields located in Zhaili village (118°74'E, 36°67'N) of Shouguang city, Shandong province, China. Almost 50% of the plants were infected. Disease symptoms were comprised of wilting of outer-older leaves, overall stunted growth, rotted roots and stems, with eventual death of plants. A total of 7 diseased plants were collected from 4 fields and used for isolation and identification of the causal agent. Diseased root tissues were cut into 3 × 3 mm pieces from the edge of the rotting region, surface sterilized by soaking in 75% ethanol for 1 min, followed by three washes with sterile distilled water, and then placed on potato dextrose agar (PDA), and incubated at 28°C for 6 days in the dark. A total of 19 morphologically similar fungal isolates were obtained by single-spore subcultures. The colonies produced abundant, loosely floccose, white aerial mycelia and pale purple pigmentation on PDA. Microconidia were hyaline, zero to one septate, and ranged from 1.7 - 3.6 × 5.3 - 13.7 µm (n = 70). Macroconidia were falciform, hyaline, mostly four to five septate, and ranged from 2.2 - 4.2 × 12.4 - 45.4 µm in size (n = 70). These morphological characteristics were consistent with Fusarium oxysporum (Leslie and Summerell 2006). The genomic DNA of 19 isolates was extracted using the Plant Genomic DNA Kit (Tiangen, China). The translation elongation factor-1α (TEF-1α) and IGS rDNA regions were amplified with primers EF1/EF2 (O' Donnell et al. 1998) and iNL11/FoIGS-R (Epstein et al. 2017). BLAST analysis showed that 19 isolates were highly similar to Fusarium oxysporum, with 100% for TEF-1α (MN507109) and 99% for IGS rDNA (MT671188), respectively. The resulting 683-bp TEF-1α and 930-bp IGS rDNA sequences of isolate QC20091622 were deposited in GenBank with accession nos. ON260806 for TEF-1α and ON260805 for IGS rDNA, respectively. In a maximum-likelihood phylogenetic analysis based on TEF-1α and IGS rDNA sequences of F. oxysporum, using MEGAX software, isolate QC20091622 was grouped in the same clade with F. oxysporum f. sp. apii race 4, with a low bootstrap value of 54 between race 3 and race 4, indicating that the races are not distinguishable using only these two loci, as reported by Epstein et al (2022). Additional loci and other diagnostic methods are required to identify the race. Furthermore, the total DNA of 19 isolates was amplified by race-specific primers N4851-F/R (F. oxysporum f. sp. apii race 2) and N3875-2F/R (race 4), respectively (Epstein et al. 2017), and 187 bp product was amplified with primer pair N3875-2F/R, but none with primer pair N4851-F/R, so the isolates were identified as F. oxysporum f. sp. apii race 4. Pathogenicity of the 19 isolates was tested on potted celery plants (cv. 'Baimiao'). Ten healthy 6-week-old celery plants were inoculated by dipping the roots in a conidial suspension (107 conidia/mL) for 30 min. Control plants were dipped in sterile distilled water. The plants were then grown in a greenhouse maintained at 15°C (night)/26°C (day) and 90% relative humidity with natural daylight. The pathogenicity test was repeated twice. All inoculated plants started to wilt and developed root rot symptoms 14 days later, which were similar to those observed in the fields. The control plants remained healthy. F. oxysporum f. sp. apii race 4 was reisolated from the symptomatic roots, and their identity was confirmed by PCR, fulfilling Koch's postulates. To our knowledge, this is the first report of F. oxysporum f. sp. apii race 4 causing root rot on celery in China. F. oxysporum f. sp. apii race 4 has been a destructive pathogen in celery, prevention and control measures should be considered.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 15(15): 19241-19249, 2023 Apr 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37029737


Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are promising candidates for the advanced membrane materials based on their diverse structures, modifiable pore environment, precise pore sizes, etc. Nevertheless, the use of supports and large amounts of solvents in traditional solvothermal synthesis of MOF membranes is considered inefficient, costly, and environmentally problematic, coupled with challenges in their scalable manufacturing. In this work, we report a solvent-free space-confined conversion (SFSC) approach for the fabrication of a series of free-standing MOF (ZIF-8, Zn(EtIm)2, and Zn2(BIm)4) membranes. This approach excludes the employment of solvents and supports that require tedious pretreatment and, thus, makes the process more environment-friendly and highly efficient. The free-standing membranes feature a robust and unique architecture, which comprise dense surface layers and highly porous interlayer with large amounts of irregular-shaped micron-scale pore cavities, inducing satisfactory H2/CO2 selectivities and exceptional H2 permeances. The ZIF-8 membrane affords a considerable H2 permeance of 2653.7 GPU with a competitive H2/CO2 selectivity of 17.1, and the Zn(EtIm)2 membrane exhibits a high H2/CO2 selectivity of 22.1 with an excellent H2 permeance (6268.7 GPU). The SFSC approach potentially provides a new pathway for preparing free-standing MOF membranes under solvent-free conditions, rendering it feasible for scale-up production of membrane materials for gas separation.

Front Plant Sci ; 14: 1087496, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36818834


Cucumber angular leaf spot (ALS) disease, caused by Pseudomonas amygdali pv. lachrymans (Pal), is an emerging disease with a high incidence that causes severe damage to cucumber worldwide. Bacterial aerosols play a crucial role in the epidemiology of greenhouse ALS disease. However, little is known about the influence of temperature and relative humidity (RH) on the dynamics of Pal in aerosols. A study was conducted to investigate the relationships between the concentration of Pal aerosols and their dependence on temperature and RH in aerosol chambers and greenhouses. The results demonstrated that temperature and RH are both significant factors influencing the release amount, survival time and infectivity of Pal in aerosols, while RH has a greater influence on particle size than temperature across the range of conditions tested. The release amount and survival time of Pal in aerosols under high RH (95%) and low temperature (≤ 25°C) conditions were significantly higher than those under low RH (35%) and high temperature (35°C) conditions. The highest release amount of Pal aerosol (96 CFU/m3) and highest survival rate (98.41%) were found at 18°C and 95% RH, while the highest disease index (DI = 60.9) caused by Pal aerosol was found at 25°C and 95% RH. In addition, Pal aerosols presented a larger diameter (4.7->7.0 µm) under high RH (95% RH) than under dry conditions (≤ 65% RH). These findings will play a crucial role in elucidating the influence of environmental parameters on the dynamics and transmission of Pal in aerosols. Based on our findings, preliminary recommendations for controlling airborne Pal spread involve controlling air temperature and RH, which will contribute to the effective alleviation and control of cucumber ALS disease.

Plant Dis ; 107(7): 2153-2159, 2023 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36548917


Cucumber leaf spot, caused by Corynespora cassiicola, is a serious disease of cucumbers in greenhouses. Due to the frequent application of succinate dehydrogenase inhibitors (SDHIs), resistance caused by point mutations in the SDHB/C/D gene has been reported. Different mutations lead to different resistance levels, and mutations vary over time and regions. This means that it is necessary to know the type of mutation in the field to select the appropriate SDHIs. Here, the sensitivity of mutations to SDHIs was determined, and eight resistance patterns were obtained: pattern I (BosVHR, FluoMR, PenHR, CarR); pattern II (BosMR, FluoSS, PenS, CarS); pattern III (BosVHR, FluoSS, PenLR, CarS); pattern IV (BosLR, FluoLR, PenS, CarR); pattern V (BosMR, FluoLR, PenS, CarS); pattern VI (BosMR, FluoLR, PenLR, CarS); pattern VII (BosVHR, FluoHR, PenHR, CarS); and pattern VIII (BosLR, FluoLR, PenLR, CarS). We successfully established nine allele-specific PCR (AS-PCR) assays that can detect mutation types. The sensitivity and specificity of AS-PCR were also determined. The sensitivity results showed that most of the detection thresholds of the AS-PCR assays were 100 pg/µl, while the AS-PCR assay of the B-H278R and D-G109V mutations exhibited high sensitivity, with 10 pg/µl. To validate the use of the developed AS-PCR assay, DNA from leaves inoculated with known mutations was extracted, detected by AS-PCR, and sequenced. The results showed good similarity between the two methods. Additionally, to rapidly detect mutations in the CcSdhD gene, we developed a single-tube multiplex allele-specific PCR (MAS-PCR) assay. In conclusion, AS-PCR and MAS-PCR were established for mutation detection and targeted control of CLS.

Cucumis sativus , Fungicides, Industrial , Succinic Acid , Succinate Dehydrogenase/genetics , Fungicides, Industrial/pharmacology , Mutation , Succinates
Pest Manag Sci ; 79(4): 1604-1614, 2023 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36550686


BACKGROUND: In this work, natural club moss (Lycopodium clavatum, LC) spores with a porous surface morphology and highly uniform size distribution were engineered into controlled-release microvehicles for pesticide delivery. As a proof of concept, a widely used fungicide, fluazinam (FLU), was successfully loaded into LC spores and then modified with different amounts of CaCO3 (CaC) to extend the efficacy duration of FLU. Significantly, as the control target of FLU, clubroot disease is a worldwide destructive disease of cruciferous crops, and its development is favored by acidic soils and can be suppressed at high Ca concentrations. RESULTS: Fabricated FLU@LC-CaC microcapsules, FLU loading and CaCO3 deposition were systematically characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis. The as-prepared FLU@LC-CaC microcapsules showed sustained-release behaviors and were potentially able to supplement the Ca concentration in acidic environments. This approach synergistically enhanced in vivo bioactivity for the on-demand control of clubroot disease. An in vivo bioassay revealed that the control efficacy of FLU@LC-CaC against clubroot disease in pak choi (Brassica chinensis) (66.4%) was 1.7-fold higher than that of a commercial FLU suspension concentrate (38.2%) over the course of the cultivation period (35 days). CONCLUSIONS: This work provides new ideas not only for developing eco-friendly and scalable microvehicles for pesticide delivery based on natural sporopollen, but also for unconventional research perspectives in on-demand pest management based on their occurrence characteristics. © 2022 Society of Chemical Industry.

Pesticides , Delayed-Action Preparations , Calcium Carbonate/chemistry , Capsules/chemistry , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning