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Microorganisms ; 11(2)2023 Feb 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36838375


Lowbush blueberries (Vaccinium spp.) are a crop of economic significance to Atlantic Canada, Quebec, and Maine. The fruit is produced by the management of naturally occurring plant populations. The plants have an intimate relationship with the soil microbiome and depend on it for their health and productivity. Fungicides are an important tool in combatting disease pressure but pose a potential risk to soil health. In this study, amplicon sequencing was used to determine the effects of six fungistatic compounds both alone and in combination via nine commercially available fungicide products on the bacterial and fungal microbiomes associated with lowbush blueberries and to study whether these effects are reflected in crop outcomes and plant phenotypes. One fungicide, Luna Tranquility, a combination of fluopyram and pyrimethanil, was found to impart significant effects to fungal and bacterial community structure, fungal taxonomic abundances, and bacterial functions relative to control. The two fungicides which contained fluopyram and pyrimethanil as single ingredients (Velum Prime and Scala, respectively) did not induce significant changes in any of these regards. These results suggest the possibility that these microbiome changes are the result of the synergistic effect of fluopyram and pyrimethanil on soil microbiomes. While these results suggest a significant disruption to the soil microbiome, no corresponding changes to crop development and outcomes were noted. Ultimately, the majority of the fungicides analysed in this trial did not produce significant changes to the soil microbiome relative to the untreated group (UTG). However, one of the fungicide treatments, Luna Tranquility, did produce significant changes to the soil ecosystem that could have longer-term effects on soil health and its future use may merit additional investigation onto its ecotoxicological properties.

Microorganisms ; 9(7)2021 Jun 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34201743


Lowbush blueberries (Vaccinium sp.) are perennial crops produced throughout eastern Canada and Maine through management of wild populations. Given the constraints of this cropping system, the application of fungicides is critical to reducing disease pressure and ensuring consistent yields. However, as plant health is intertwined with soil health, it is important to consider the impact of fungicides on microbial communities. To understand the effects of fungicides in this context, bacterial and fungal microbial communities from fungicide-treated plots, as well as untreated control plots (UTG) were analyzed using amplicon sequencing. The fungicides, considered collectively as a combined treatment group (CTG), lead to a loss in fungal richness. One family, Clavariaceae, had an increased abundance under prothioconazole relative to UTG. This finding may be significant as taxa in Clavariaceae have been thought to potentially form ericoid mycorrhizae with Vaccinium. Five functional pathways and 74 enzymes differed significantly in relative abundance between CTG and UTG including enzymes associated with soil nutrient cycles. Most notably, enzymes corresponding to the breakdown of halogen-organic compounds had an increased abundance in CTG, suggesting bacterial fungicide degradation. Some enzymes associated with soil nutrient cycles differed significantly, possibly implying changes to nutrient pathways due to fungicide treatment.