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Light Sci Appl ; 13(1): 225, 2024 Sep 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39223111


Dissipative Kerr solitons from optical microresonators, commonly referred to as soliton microcombs, have been developed for a broad range of applications, including precision measurement, optical frequency synthesis, and ultra-stable microwave and millimeter wave generation, all on a chip. An important goal for microcombs is self-referencing, which requires octave-spanning bandwidths to detect and stabilize the comb carrier envelope offset frequency. Further, detection and locking of the comb spacings are often achieved using frequency division by electro-optic modulation. The thin-film lithium niobate photonic platform, with its low loss, strong second- and third-order nonlinearities, as well as large Pockels effect, is ideally suited for these tasks. However, octave-spanning soliton microcombs are challenging to demonstrate on this platform, largely complicated by strong Raman effects hindering reliable fabrication of soliton devices. Here, we demonstrate entirely connected and octave-spanning soliton microcombs on thin-film lithium niobate. With appropriate control over microresonator free spectral range and dissipation spectrum, we show that soliton-inhibiting Raman effects are suppressed, and soliton devices are fabricated with near-unity yield. Our work offers an unambiguous method for soliton generation on strongly Raman-active materials. Further, it anticipates monolithically integrated, self-referenced frequency standards in conjunction with established technologies, such as periodically poled waveguides and electro-optic modulators, on thin-film lithium niobate.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 6358, 2024 Jul 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39069536


Quantum information technology offers the potential to realize unprecedented computational resources via secure channels distributing entanglement between quantum computers. Diamond, as a host to optically-accessible spin qubits, is a leading platform to realize quantum memory nodes needed to extend such quantum links. Photonic crystal (PhC) cavities enhance light-matter interaction and are essential for an efficient interface between spins and photons that are used to store and communicate quantum information respectively. Here, we demonstrate one- and two-dimensional PhC cavities fabricated in thin-film diamonds, featuring quality factors (Q) of 1.8 × 105 and 1.6 × 105, respectively, the highest Qs for visible PhC cavities realized in any material. Importantly, our fabrication process is simple and high-yield, based on conventional planar fabrication techniques, in contrast to the previous with complex undercut processes. We also demonstrate fiber-coupled 1D PhC cavities with high photon extraction efficiency, and optical coupling between a single SiV center and such a cavity at 4 K achieving a Purcell factor of 18. The demonstrated photonic platform may fundamentally improve the performance and scalability of quantum nodes and expedite the development of related technologies.

Opt Lett ; 49(12): 3504-3507, 2024 Jun 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38875656


Stable pulse and flat-top frequency comb generation are an indispensable component of many photonic applications, from ranging to communications. Lithium niobate on insulator is an excellent electro-optic (EO) platform, exhibiting high modulation efficiency and low optical loss, making it a fitting candidate for pulse generation through electro-optic modulation of continuous-wave (CW) light, a commonly utilized method for generating ultrashort pulses. Here, we demonstrate an on-chip electro-optic comb generation module on thin-film lithium niobate (TFLN) consisting of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) amplitude modulator (AM) and a cascaded phase modulator (PM) system driven by a single-electrode drive. We show that when operated in the correct regime, the lithium niobate chips can generate frequency combs with excellent spectral power flatness. In addition, we optically package one of the pulse generator chips via photonic wire bonding. The pulses generated by the photonic-wire-bonded device are compressed to 840 fs pulse duration using an optical fiber and show extremely stable operation.

Nano Lett ; 24(23): 6831-6837, 2024 Jun 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38815209


Phonons are envisioned as coherent intermediaries between different types of quantum systems. Engineered nanoscale devices, such as optomechanical crystals (OMCs), provide a platform to utilize phonons as quantum information carriers. Here we demonstrate OMCs in diamond designed for strong for interactions between phonons and a silicon vacancy (SiV) spin. Using optical measurements at millikelvin temperatures, we measure a line width of 13 kHz (Q-factor of ∼4.4 × 105) for a 6 GHz acoustic mode, a record for diamond in the GHz frequency range and within an order of magnitude of state-of-the-art line widths for OMCs in silicon. We investigate SiV optical and spin properties in these devices and outline a path toward a coherent spin-phonon interface.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 3921, 2024 May 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38724496


Resonator-based optical frequency comb generation is an enabling technology for a myriad of applications ranging from communications to precision spectroscopy. These frequency combs can be generated in nonlinear resonators driven using either continuous-wave (CW) light, which requires alignment of the pump frequency with the cavity resonance, or pulsed light, which also mandates that the pulse repetition rate and cavity free spectral range (FSR) are carefully matched. Advancements in nanophotonics have ignited interest in chip-scale optical frequency combs. However, realizing pulse-driven on-chip Kerr combs remains challenging, as microresonator cavities have limited tuning range in their FSR and resonance frequency. Here, we take steps to overcome this limitation and demonstrate broadband frequency comb generation using a χ(3) resonator synchronously pumped by a tunable femtosecond pulse generator with on-chip amplitude and phase modulators. Notably, employing pulsed pumping overcomes limitations in Kerr comb generation typically seen in crystalline resonators from stimulated Raman scattering.

Nano Lett ; 24(12): 3575-3580, 2024 Mar 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38478720


Silicon vacancy centers (SiVs) in diamond have emerged as a promising platform for quantum sciences due to their excellent photostability, minimal spectral diffusion, and substantial zero-phonon line emission. However, enhancing their slow nanosecond excited-state lifetime by coupling to optical cavities remains an outstanding challenge, as current demonstrations are limited to ∼10-fold. Here, we couple negatively charged SiVs to sub-diffraction-limited plasmonic cavities and achieve an instrument-limited ≤8 ps lifetime, corresponding to a 135-fold spontaneous emission rate enhancement and a 19-fold photoluminescence enhancement. Nanoparticles are printed on ultrathin diamond membranes on gold films which create arrays of plasmonic nanogap cavities with ultrasmall volumes. SiVs implanted at 5 and 10 nm depths are examined to elucidate surface effects on their lifetime and brightness. The interplay between cavity, implantation depth, and ultrathin diamond membranes provides insights into generating ultrafast, bright SiV emission for next-generation diamond devices.

Opt Express ; 32(3): 3619-3631, 2024 Jan 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38297579


Thin-film lithium niobate (TFLN) is a promising electro-optic (EO) photonics platform with high modulation bandwidth, low drive voltage, and low optical loss. However, EO modulation in TFLN is known to relax on long timescales. Instead, thermo-optic heaters are often used for stable biasing, but heaters incur challenges with cross-talk, high power, and low bandwidth. Here, we characterize the low-frequency (1 mHz to 1 MHz) EO response of TFLN modulators, investigate the root cause of EO relaxation and demonstrate methods to improve bias stability. We show that relaxation-related effects can enhance EO modulation across a frequency band spanning 1kHz to 20kHz in our devices - a counter-intuitive result that can confound measurement of half-wave voltage (V π) in TFLN modulators. We also show that EO relaxation can be slowed by more than 104-fold through control of the LN-metal interface and annealing, offering progress toward lifetime-stable EO biasing. Such robust EO biasing would enable applications for TFLN devices where cross-talk, power, and bias bandwidth are critical, such as quantum devices, high-density integrated photonics, and communications.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 1496, 2023 Mar 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36973272


Integrated electro-optic (EO) modulators are fundamental photonics components with utility in domains ranging from digital communications to quantum information processing. At telecommunication wavelengths, thin-film lithium niobate modulators exhibit state-of-the-art performance in voltage-length product (VπL), optical loss, and EO bandwidth. However, applications in optical imaging, optogenetics, and quantum science generally require devices operating in the visible-to-near-infrared (VNIR) wavelength range. Here, we realize VNIR amplitude and phase modulators featuring VπL's of sub-1 V ⋅ cm, low optical loss, and high bandwidth EO response. Our Mach-Zehnder modulators exhibit a VπL as low as 0.55 V ⋅ cm at 738 nm, on-chip optical loss of ~0.7 dB/cm, and EO bandwidths in excess of 35 GHz. Furthermore, we highlight the opportunities these high-performance modulators offer by demonstrating integrated EO frequency combs operating at VNIR wavelengths, with over 50 lines and tunable spacing, and frequency shifting of pulsed light beyond its intrinsic bandwidth (up to 7x Fourier limit) by an EO shearing method.

ACS Nano ; 17(6): 5316-5328, 2023 Mar 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36926838


Correlated quantum phenomena in one-dimensional (1D) systems that exhibit competing electronic and magnetic order are of strong interest for the study of fundamental interactions and excitations, such as Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids and topological orders and defects with properties completely different from the quasiparticles expected in their higher-dimensional counterparts. However, clean 1D electronic systems are difficult to realize experimentally, particularly for magnetically ordered systems. Here, we show that the van der Waals layered magnetic semiconductor CrSBr behaves like a quasi-1D material embedded in a magnetically ordered environment. The strong 1D electronic character originates from the Cr-S chains and the combination of weak interlayer hybridization and anisotropy in effective mass and dielectric screening, with an effective electron mass ratio of mXe/mYe ∼ 50. This extreme anisotropy experimentally manifests in strong electron-phonon and exciton-phonon interactions, a Peierls-like structural instability, and a Fano resonance from a van Hove singularity of similar strength to that of metallic carbon nanotubes. Moreover, because of the reduced dimensionality and interlayer coupling, CrSBr hosts spectrally narrow (1 meV) excitons of high binding energy and oscillator strength that inherit the 1D character. Overall, CrSBr is best understood as a stack of weakly hybridized monolayers and appears to be an experimentally attractive candidate for the study of exotic exciton and 1D-correlated many-body physics in the presence of magnetic order.

Science ; 379(6627): eabj4396, 2023 01 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36603073


Lithium niobate (LN), first synthesized 70 years ago, has been widely used in diverse applications ranging from communications to quantum optics. These high-volume commercial applications have provided the economic means to establish a mature manufacturing and processing industry for high-quality LN crystals and wafers. Breakthrough science demonstrations to commercial products have been achieved owing to the ability of LN to generate and manipulate electromagnetic waves across a broad spectrum, from microwave to ultraviolet frequencies. Here, we provide a high-level Review of the history of LN as an optical material, its different photonic platforms, engineering concepts, spectral coverage, and essential applications before providing an outlook for the future of LN.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 11, 2023 Jan 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36599838


Bridging the "terahertz gap" relies upon synthesizing arbitrary waveforms in the terahertz domain enabling applications that require both narrow band sources for sensing and few-cycle drives for classical and quantum objects. However, realization of custom-tailored waveforms needed for these applications is currently hindered due to limited flexibility for optical rectification of femtosecond pulses in bulk crystals. Here, we experimentally demonstrate that thin-film lithium niobate circuits provide a versatile solution for such waveform synthesis by combining the merits of complex integrated architectures, low-loss distribution of pump pulses on-chip, and an efficient optical rectification. Our distributed pulse phase-matching scheme grants shaping the temporal, spectral, phase, amplitude, and farfield characteristics of the emitted terahertz field through designer on-chip components. This strictly circumvents prior limitations caused by the phase-delay mismatch in conventional systems and relaxes the requirement for cumbersome spectral pre-engineering of the pumping light. We propose a toolbox of basic blocks that produce broadband emission up to 680 GHz and far-field amplitudes of a few V m-1 with adaptable phase and coherence properties by using near-infrared pump pulse energies below 100 pJ.

ACS Nano ; 17(1): 288-299, 2023 Jan 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36537371


Atomic-level defects in van der Waals (vdW) materials are essential building blocks for quantum technologies and quantum sensing applications. The layered magnetic semiconductor CrSBr is an outstanding candidate for exploring optically active defects because of a direct gap, in addition to a rich magnetic phase diagram, including a recently hypothesized defect-induced magnetic order at low temperature. Here, we show optically active defects in CrSBr that are probes of the local magnetic environment. We observe a spectrally narrow (1 meV) defect emission in CrSBr that is correlated with both the bulk magnetic order and an additional low-temperature, defect-induced magnetic order. We elucidate the origin of this magnetic order in the context of local and nonlocal exchange coupling effects. Our work establishes vdW magnets like CrSBr as an exceptional platform to optically study defects that are correlated with the magnetic lattice. We anticipate that controlled defect creation allows for tailor-made complex magnetic textures and phases with direct optical access.

Light Sci Appl ; 11(1): 327, 2022 Nov 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36396629


Manipulating the frequency and bandwidth of nonclassical light is essential for implementing frequency-encoded/multiplexed quantum computation, communication, and networking protocols, and for bridging spectral mismatch among various quantum systems. However, quantum spectral control requires a strong nonlinearity mediated by light, microwave, or acoustics, which is challenging to realize with high efficiency, low noise, and on an integrated chip. Here, we demonstrate both frequency shifting and bandwidth compression of heralded single-photon pulses using an integrated thin-film lithium niobate (TFLN) phase modulator. We achieve record-high electro-optic frequency shearing of telecom single photons over terahertz range (±641 GHz or ±5.2 nm), enabling high visibility quantum interference between frequency-nondegenerate photon pairs. We further operate the modulator as a time lens and demonstrate over eighteen-fold (6.55 nm to 0.35 nm) bandwidth compression of single photons. Our results showcase the viability and promise of on-chip quantum spectral control for scalable photonic quantum information processing.

Nature ; 612(7939): 252-258, 2022 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36385531


Integrated femtosecond pulse and frequency comb sources are critical components for a wide range of applications, including optical atomic clocks1, microwave photonics2, spectroscopy3, optical wave synthesis4, frequency conversion5, communications6, lidar7, optical computing8 and astronomy9. The leading approaches for on-chip pulse generation rely on mode-locking inside microresonators with either third-order nonlinearity10 or with semiconductor gain11,12. These approaches, however, are limited in noise performance, wavelength and repetition rate tunability 10,13. Alternatively, subpicosecond pulses can be synthesized without mode-locking, by modulating a continuous-wave single-frequency laser using electro-optic modulators1,14-17. Here we demonstrate a chip-scale femtosecond pulse source implemented on an integrated lithium niobate photonic platform18, using cascaded low-loss electro-optic amplitude and phase modulators and chirped Bragg grating, forming a time-lens system19. The device is driven by a continuous-wave distributed feedback laser chip and controlled by a single continuous-wave microwave source without the need for any stabilization or locking. We measure femtosecond pulse trains (520-femtosecond duration) with a 30-gigahertz repetition rate, flat-top optical spectra with a 10-decibel optical bandwidth of 12.6 nanometres, individual comb-line powers above 0.1 milliwatts, and pulse energies of 0.54 picojoules. Our results represent a tunable, robust and low-cost integrated pulsed light source with continuous-wave-to-pulse conversion efficiencies an order of magnitude higher than those achieved with previous integrated sources. Our pulse generator may find applications in fields such as ultrafast optical measurement19,20 or networks of distributed quantum computers21,22.

Oxides , Semiconductors , Eye , Microwaves
Opt Express ; 30(19): 34149-34158, 2022 Sep 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36242435


We measure the photothermal nonlinear response in suspended cubic silicon carbide (3C-SiC) and 3C-SiC-on-insulator (SiCOI) microring resonators. Bi-stability and thermo-optic hysteresis is observed in both types of resonators, with the suspended resonators showing a stronger response. A photothermal nonlinear index of 4.02×10-15 m2/W is determined for the suspended resonators, while the SiCOI resonators demonstrate one order of magnitude lower photothermal nonlinear index of 4.32×10-16 m2/W. Cavity absorption and temperature analysis suggest that the differences in thermal bi-stability are due to variations in waveguide absorption, likely from crystal defect density differences throughout the epitaxially grown layers. Furthermore, coupled mode theory model shows that the strength of the optical bi-stability, in suspended and SiCOI resonators can be engineered for high power or nonlinear applications.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 6293, 2022 Oct 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36273004


Mirrors are ubiquitous in optics and are used to control the propagation of optical signals in space. Here we propose and demonstrate frequency domain mirrors that provide reflections of the optical energy in a frequency synthetic dimension, using electro-optic modulation. First, we theoretically explore the concept of frequency mirrors with the investigation of propagation loss, and reflectivity in the frequency domain. Next, we explore the mirror formed through polarization mode-splitting in a thin-film lithium niobate micro-resonator. By exciting the Bloch waves of the synthetic frequency crystal with different wave vectors, we show various states formed by the interference between forward propagating and reflected waves. Finally, we expand on this idea, and generate tunable frequency mirrors as well as demonstrate trapped states formed by these mirrors using coupled lithium niobate micro-resonators. The ability to control the flow of light in the frequency domain could enable a wide range of applications, including the study of random walks, boson sampling, frequency comb sources, optical computation, and topological photonics. Furthermore, demonstration of optical elements such as cavities, lasers, and photonic crystals in the frequency domain, may be possible.

Opt Lett ; 47(11): 2830-2833, 2022 Jun 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35648941


Existing nonlinear-optic implementations of pure, unfiltered heralded single-photon sources do not offer the scalability required for densely integrated quantum networks. Additionally, lithium niobate has hitherto been unsuitable for such use due to its material dispersion. We engineer the dispersion and the quasi-phasematching conditions of a waveguide in the rapidly emerging thin-film lithium niobate platform to generate spectrally separable photon pairs in the telecommunications band. Such photon pairs can be used as spectrally pure heralded single-photon sources in quantum networks. We estimate a heralded-state spectral purity of >94% based on joint spectral intensity measurements. Further, a joint spectral phase-sensitive measurement of the unheralded time-integrated second-order correlation function yields a heralded-state purity of (86±5)%.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 2610, 2022 May 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35545622


High-power continuous-wave (CW) lasers are used in a variety of areas including industry, medicine, communications, and defense. Yet, conventional optics, which are based on multi-layer coatings, are damaged when illuminated by high-power CW laser light, primarily due to thermal loading. This hampers the effectiveness, restricts the scope and utility, and raises the cost and complexity of high-power CW laser applications. Here we demonstrate monolithic and highly reflective mirrors that operate under high-power CW laser irradiation without damage. In contrast to conventional mirrors, ours are realized by etching nanostructures into the surface of single-crystal diamond, a material with exceptional optical and thermal properties. We measure reflectivities of greater than 98% and demonstrate damage-free operation using 10 kW of CW laser light at 1070 nm, focused to a spot of 750 µm diameter. In contrast, we observe damage to a conventional dielectric mirror when illuminated by the same beam. Our results initiate a new category of optics that operate under extreme conditions, which has potential to improve or create new applications of high-power lasers.

Opt Express ; 30(9): 14189-14201, 2022 Apr 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35473168


Diamond offers good optical properties and hosts bright color centers with long spin coherence times. Recent advances in angled-etching of diamond, specifically with reactive ion beam angled etching (RIBAE), have led to successful demonstration of quantum photonic devices operating at visible wavelengths. However, larger devices operating at telecommunication wavelengths have been difficult to fabricate due to the increased mask erosion, arising from the increased size of devices requiring longer etch times. We evaluated different mask materials for RIBAE of diamond photonic crystal nanobeams and waveguides, and how their thickness, selectivity, aspect ratio and sidewall smoothness affected the resultant etch profiles and optical performance. We found that a thick hydrogen silesquioxane (HSQ) layer on a thin alumina adhesion layer provided the best etch profile and optical performance. The techniques explored in this work can also be adapted to other bulk materials that are not available heteroepitaxially or as thin films-on-insulator.