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J Neurosci ; 44(9)2024 Feb 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38262723


Deviance detection describes an increase of neural response strength caused by a stimulus with a low probability of occurrence. This ubiquitous phenomenon has been reported for humans and multiple other species, from subthalamic areas to the auditory cortex. Cortical deviance detection has been well characterized by a range of studies using a variety of different stimuli, from artificial to natural, with and without a behavioral relevance. This allowed the identification of a broad variety of regularity deviations that are detected by the cortex. Moreover, subcortical deviance detection has been studied with simple stimuli that are not meaningful to the subject. Here, we aim to bridge this gap by using noninvasively recorded auditory brainstem responses (ABRs) to investigate deviance detection at population level in the lower stations of the auditory system of a highly vocal species: the bat Carollia perspicillata (of either sex). Our present approach uses behaviorally relevant vocalization stimuli that are similar to the animals' natural soundscape. We show that deviance detection in ABRs is significantly stronger for echolocation pulses than for social communication calls or artificial sounds, indicating that subthalamic deviance detection depends on the behavioral meaning of a stimulus. Additionally, complex physical sound features like frequency- and amplitude modulation affected the strength of deviance detection in the ABR. In summary, our results suggest that the brain can detect different types of deviants already in the brainstem, showing that subthalamic brain structures exhibit more advanced forms of deviance detection than previously known.

Chiroptera , Animals , Humans , Acoustic Stimulation/methods , Brain Stem/physiology , Evoked Potentials, Auditory, Brain Stem , Sound , Auditory Perception/physiology
PLoS Biol ; 21(2): e3002013, 2023 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36802356


Substantial progress in the field of neuroscience has been made from anaesthetized preparations. Ketamine is one of the most used drugs in electrophysiology studies, but how ketamine affects neuronal responses is poorly understood. Here, we used in vivo electrophysiology and computational modelling to study how the auditory cortex of bats responds to vocalisations under anaesthesia and in wakefulness. In wakefulness, acoustic context increases neuronal discrimination of natural sounds. Neuron models predicted that ketamine affects the contextual discrimination of sounds regardless of the type of context heard by the animals (echolocation or communication sounds). However, empirical evidence showed that the predicted effect of ketamine occurs only if the acoustic context consists of low-pitched sounds (e.g., communication calls in bats). Using the empirical data, we updated the naïve models to show that differential effects of ketamine on cortical responses can be mediated by unbalanced changes in the firing rate of feedforward inputs to cortex, and changes in the depression of thalamo-cortical synaptic receptors. Combined, our findings obtained in vivo and in silico reveal the effects and mechanisms by which ketamine affects cortical responses to vocalisations.

Anesthesia , Auditory Cortex , Chiroptera , Ketamine , Animals , Auditory Cortex/physiology , Acoustic Stimulation , Ketamine/pharmacology , Chiroptera/physiology , Neurons/physiology , Auditory Perception/physiology
Nat Commun ; 13(1): 3642, 2022 06 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35752629


The mammalian frontal and auditory cortices are important for vocal behavior. Here, using local-field potential recordings, we demonstrate that the timing and spatial patterns of oscillations in the fronto-auditory network of vocalizing bats (Carollia perspicillata) predict the purpose of vocalization: echolocation or communication. Transfer entropy analyses revealed predominant top-down (frontal-to-auditory cortex) information flow during spontaneous activity and pre-vocal periods. The dynamics of information flow depend on the behavioral role of the vocalization and on the timing relative to vocal onset. We observed the emergence of predominant bottom-up (auditory-to-frontal) information transfer during the post-vocal period specific to echolocation pulse emission, leading to self-directed acoustic feedback. Electrical stimulation of frontal areas selectively enhanced responses to sounds in auditory cortex. These results reveal unique changes in information flow across sensory and frontal cortices, potentially driven by the purpose of the vocalization in a highly vocal mammalian model.

Auditory Cortex , Chiroptera , Echolocation , Acoustic Stimulation/methods , Acoustics , Animals , Auditory Cortex/physiology , Chiroptera/physiology , Echolocation/physiology , Mammals , Vocalization, Animal/physiology
Eur J Neurosci ; 55(11-12): 3483-3501, 2022 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32979875


Neural oscillations are at the core of important computations in the mammalian brain. Interactions between oscillatory activities in different frequency bands, such as delta (1-4 Hz), theta (4-8 Hz) or gamma (>30 Hz), are a powerful mechanism for binding fundamentally distinct spatiotemporal scales of neural processing. Phase-amplitude coupling (PAC) is one such plausible and well-described interaction, but much is yet to be uncovered regarding how PAC dynamics contribute to sensory representations. In particular, although PAC appears to have a major role in audition, the characteristics of coupling profiles in sensory and integration (i.e. frontal) cortical areas remain obscure. Here, we address this question by studying PAC dynamics in the frontal-auditory field (FAF; an auditory area in the bat frontal cortex) and the auditory cortex (AC) of the bat Carollia perspicillata. By means of simultaneous electrophysiological recordings in frontal and auditory cortices examining local-field potentials (LFPs), we show that the amplitude of gamma-band activity couples with the phase of low-frequency LFPs in both structures. Our results demonstrate that the coupling in FAF occurs most prominently in delta/high-gamma frequencies (1-4/75-100 Hz), whereas in the AC the coupling is strongest in the delta-theta/low-gamma (2-8/25-55 Hz) range. We argue that distinct PAC profiles may represent different mechanisms for neuronal processing in frontal and auditory cortices, and might complement oscillatory interactions for sensory processing in the frontal-auditory cortex network.

Auditory Cortex , Brain Waves , Chiroptera , Animals , Auditory Cortex/physiology , Auditory Perception/physiology , Brain , Brain Waves/physiology
Eur J Neurosci ; 55(6): 1601-1613, 2022 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34766394


Identifying unexpected acoustic inputs, which allows to react appropriately to new situations, is of major importance for animals. Neural deviance detection describes a change of neural response strength to a stimulus solely caused by the stimulus' probability of occurrence. In the present study, we searched for correlates of deviance detection in auditory brainstem responses obtained in anaesthetised bats (Carollia perspicillata). In an oddball paradigm, we used two pure tone stimuli that represented the main frequencies used by the animal during echolocation (60 kHz) and communication (20 kHz). For both stimuli, we could demonstrate significant differences of response strength between deviant and standard response in slow and fast components of the auditory brainstem response. The data suggest the presence of correlates of deviance detection in brain stations below the inferior colliculus (IC), at the level of the cochlea nucleus and lateral lemniscus. Additionally, our results suggest that deviance detection is mainly driven by repetition suppression in the echolocation frequency band, while in the communication band, a deviant-related enhancement of the response plays a more important role. This finding suggests a contextual dependence of the mechanisms underlying subcortical deviance detection. The present study demonstrates the value of auditory brainstem responses for studying deviance detection and suggests that auditory specialists, such as bats, use different frequency-specific strategies to ensure an appropriate sensation of unexpected sounds.

Auditory Cortex , Chiroptera , Inferior Colliculi , Acoustic Stimulation , Animals , Auditory Cortex/physiology , Auditory Perception/physiology , Evoked Potentials, Auditory/physiology , Evoked Potentials, Auditory, Brain Stem , Inferior Colliculi/physiology
J Neurosci ; 41(50): 10261-10277, 2021 12 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34750226


Sound discrimination is essential in many species for communicating and foraging. Bats, for example, use sounds for echolocation and communication. In the bat auditory cortex there are neurons that process both sound categories, but how these neurons respond to acoustic transitions, that is, echolocation streams followed by a communication sound, remains unknown. Here, we show that the acoustic context, a leading sound sequence followed by a target sound, changes neuronal discriminability of echolocation versus communication calls in the cortex of awake bats of both sexes. Nonselective neurons that fire equally well to both echolocation and communication calls in the absence of context become category selective when leading context is present. On the contrary, neurons that prefer communication sounds in the absence of context turn into nonselective ones when context is added. The presence of context leads to an overall response suppression, but the strength of this suppression is stimulus specific. Suppression is strongest when context and target sounds belong to the same category, e.g.,echolocation followed by echolocation. A neuron model of stimulus-specific adaptation replicated our results in silico The model predicts selectivity to communication and echolocation sounds in the inputs arriving to the auditory cortex, as well as two forms of adaptation, presynaptic frequency-specific adaptation acting in cortical inputs and stimulus-unspecific postsynaptic adaptation. In addition, the model predicted that context effects can last up to 1.5 s after context offset and that synaptic inputs tuned to low-frequency sounds (communication signals) have the shortest decay constant of presynaptic adaptation.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT We studied cortical responses to isolated calls and call mixtures in awake bats and show that (1) two neuronal populations coexist in the bat cortex, including neurons that discriminate social from echolocation sounds well and neurons that are equally driven by these two ethologically different sound types; (2) acoustic context (i.e., other natural sounds preceding the target sound) affects natural sound selectivity in a manner that could not be predicted based on responses to isolated sounds; and (3) a computational model similar to those used for explaining stimulus-specific adaptation in rodents can account for the responses observed in the bat cortex to natural sounds. This model depends on segregated feedforward inputs, synaptic depression, and postsynaptic neuronal adaptation.

Auditory Cortex/physiology , Auditory Perception/physiology , Chiroptera/physiology , Echolocation/physiology , Neurons/physiology , Adaptation, Physiological/physiology , Animals , Female , Male , Models, Neurological
R Soc Open Sci ; 8(5): 202336, 2021 May 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34040789


Distress calls are a vocalization type widespread across the animal kingdom, emitted when the animals are under duress, e.g. when captured by a predator. Here, we report on an observation we came across serendipitously while recording distress calls from the bat species Carollia perspicillata, i.e. the existence of sex difference in the distress calling behaviour of this species. We show that in C. perspicillata bats, males are more likely to produce distress vocalizations than females when hand-held. Male bats call more, their calls are louder, harsher (faster amplitude modulated) and cover lower carrier frequencies than female vocalizations. We discuss our results within a framework of potential hormonal, neurobiological and behavioural differences that could explain our findings, and open multiple paths to continue the study of sex-related differences in vocal behaviour in bats.

Brain Struct Funct ; 226(1): 207-223, 2021 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33315120


The auditory midbrain (inferior colliculus, IC) plays an important role in sound processing, acting as hub for acoustic information extraction and for the implementation of fast audio-motor behaviors. IC neurons are topographically organized according to their sound frequency preference: dorsal IC regions encode low frequencies while ventral areas respond best to high frequencies, a type of sensory map defined as tonotopy. Tonotopic maps have been studied extensively using artificial stimuli (pure tones) but our knowledge of how these maps represent information about sequences of natural, spectro-temporally rich sounds is sparse. We studied this question by conducting simultaneous extracellular recordings across IC depths in awake bats (Carollia perspicillata) that listened to sequences of natural communication and echolocation sounds. The hypothesis was that information about these two types of sound streams is represented at different IC depths since they exhibit large differences in spectral composition, i.e., echolocation covers the high-frequency portion of the bat soundscape (> 45 kHz), while communication sounds are broadband and carry most power at low frequencies (20-25 kHz). Our results showed that mutual information between neuronal responses and acoustic stimuli, as well as response redundancy in pairs of neurons recorded simultaneously, increase exponentially with IC depth. The latter occurs regardless of the sound type presented to the bats (echolocation or communication). Taken together, our results indicate the existence of mutual information and redundancy maps at the midbrain level whose response cannot be predicted based on the frequency composition of natural sounds and classic neuronal tuning curves.

Auditory Perception/physiology , Chiroptera/physiology , Echolocation/physiology , Inferior Colliculi/physiology , Mesencephalon/physiology , Acoustic Stimulation , Action Potentials/physiology , Animals , Neurons/physiology
Sci Rep ; 10(1): 16220, 2020 10 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33004866


The parabigeminal nucleus (PBG) is the mammalian homologue to the isthmic complex of other vertebrates. Optogenetic stimulation of the PBG induces freezing and escape in mice, a result thought to be caused by a PBG projection to the central nucleus of the amygdala. However, the isthmic complex, including the PBG, has been classically considered satellite nuclei of the Superior Colliculus (SC), which upon stimulation of its medial part also triggers fear and avoidance reactions. As the PBG-SC connectivity is not well characterized, we investigated whether the topology of the PBG projection to the SC could be related to the behavioral consequences of PBG stimulation. To that end, we performed immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization and neural tracer injections in the SC and PBG in a diurnal rodent, the Octodon degus. We found that all PBG neurons expressed both glutamatergic and cholinergic markers and were distributed in clearly defined anterior (aPBG) and posterior (pPBG) subdivisions. The pPBG is connected reciprocally and topographically to the ipsilateral SC, whereas the aPBG receives afferent axons from the ipsilateral SC and projected exclusively to the contralateral SC. This contralateral projection forms a dense field of terminals that is restricted to the medial SC, in correspondence with the SC representation of the aerial binocular field which, we also found, in O. degus prompted escape reactions upon looming stimulation. Therefore, this specialized topography allows binocular interactions in the SC region controlling responses to aerial predators, suggesting a link between the mechanisms by which the SC and PBG produce defensive behaviors.

Behavior, Animal/physiology , Escape Reaction/physiology , Fear/physiology , Neural Pathways/physiology , Octodon/physiology , Superior Colliculi/physiology , Tectum Mesencephali/physiology , Animals , Brain Mapping , Female , Male , Optogenetics
Front Syst Neurosci ; 14: 14, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32265670


Most mammals rely on the extraction of acoustic information from the environment in order to survive. However, the mechanisms that support sound representation in auditory neural networks involving sensory and association brain areas remain underexplored. In this study, we address the functional connectivity between an auditory region in frontal cortex (the frontal auditory field, FAF) and the auditory cortex (AC) in the bat Carollia perspicillata. The AC is a classic sensory area central for the processing of acoustic information. On the other hand, the FAF belongs to the frontal lobe, a brain region involved in the integration of sensory inputs, modulation of cognitive states, and in the coordination of behavioral outputs. The FAF-AC network was examined in terms of oscillatory coherence (local-field potentials, LFPs), and within an information theoretical framework linking FAF and AC spiking activity. We show that in the absence of acoustic stimulation, simultaneously recorded LFPs from FAF and AC are coherent in low frequencies (1-12 Hz). This "default" coupling was strongest in deep AC layers and was unaltered by acoustic stimulation. However, presenting auditory stimuli did trigger the emergence of coherent auditory-evoked gamma-band activity (>25 Hz) between the FAF and AC. In terms of spiking, our results suggest that FAF and AC engage in distinct coding strategies for representing artificial and natural sounds. Taken together, our findings shed light onto the neuronal coding strategies and functional coupling mechanisms that enable sound representation at the network level in the mammalian brain.

Eur J Neurosci ; 51(4): 1011-1025, 2020 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31630441


Frontal areas of the mammalian cortex are thought to be important for cognitive control and complex behaviour. These areas have been studied mostly in humans, non-human primates and rodents. In this article, we present a quantitative characterization of response properties of a frontal auditory area responsive to sound in the brain of Carollia perspicillata, the frontal auditory field (FAF). Bats are highly vocal animals, and they constitute an important experimental model for studying the auditory system. We combined electrophysiology experiments and computational simulations to compare the response properties of auditory neurons found in the bat FAF and auditory cortex (AC) to simple sounds (pure tones). Anatomical studies have shown that the latter provides feedforward inputs to the former. Our results show that bat FAF neurons are responsive to sounds, and however, when compared to AC neurons, they presented sparser, less precise spiking and longer-lasting responses. Based on the results of an integrate-and-fire neuronal model, we suggest that slow, subthreshold, synaptic dynamics can account for the activity pattern of neurons in the FAF. These properties reflect the general function of the frontal cortex and likely result from its connections with multiple brain regions, including cortico-cortical projections from the AC to the FAF.

Auditory Cortex , Chiroptera , Acoustic Stimulation , Animals , Auditory Perception , Frontal Lobe , Neurons , Primates
J Neurosci ; 38(38): 8295-8310, 2018 09 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30104340


Action potentials (APs) in nigral dopaminergic neurons often exhibit two separate components: the first reflecting spike initiation in the dendritically located axon initial segment (AIS) and the second the subsequent dendro-somatic spike. These components are separated by a notch in the ascending phase of the somatic extracellular waveform and in the temporal derivative of the somatic intracellular waveform. Still, considerable variability exists in the presence and magnitude of the notch across neurons. To systematically address the contribution of AIS, dendritic and somatic compartments to shaping the two-component APs, we modeled APs of previously in vivo electrophysiologically characterized and 3D-reconstructed male mouse and rat dopaminergic neurons. A parsimonious two-domain model, with high (AIS) and lower (dendro-somatic) Na+ conductance, reproduced the notch in the temporal derivatives, but not in the extracellular APs, regardless of morphology. The notch was only revealed when somatic active currents were reduced, constraining the model to three domains. Thus, an initial AIS spike is followed by an actively generated spike by the axon-bearing dendrite (ABD), in turn followed mostly passively by the soma. The transition from being a source compartment for the AIS spike to a source compartment for the ABD spike satisfactorily explains the extracellular somatic notch. Larger AISs and thinner ABD (but not soma-to-AIS distance) accentuate the AIS component. We conclude that variability in AIS size and ABD caliber explains variability in AP extracellular waveform and separation of AIS and dendro-somatic components, given the presence of at least three functional domains with distinct excitability characteristics.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Midbrain dopamine neurons make an important contribution to circuits mediating motivation and movement. Understanding the basic rules that govern the electrical activity of single dopaminergic neurons is therefore essential to reveal how they ultimately contribute to movement and motivation as well as what goes wrong in associated disorders. Our computational study focuses on the generation and propagation of action potentials and shows that different morphologies and excitability characteristics of the cell body, dendrites and proximal axon can explain the diversity of action potentials shapes in this population. These compartments likely make differential contributions both to normal dopaminergic signaling and could potentially underlie pathological dopaminergic signaling implicated in addiction, schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, and other disorders.

Action Potentials/physiology , Computer Simulation , Dopaminergic Neurons/physiology , Models, Neurological , Substantia Nigra/physiology , Animals , Axons/physiology , Dendrites/physiology , Dopaminergic Neurons/cytology , Male , Mice , Rats , Substantia Nigra/cytology
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 115(32): E7615-E7623, 2018 08 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30026198


The optic tectum (TeO), or superior colliculus, is a multisensory midbrain center that organizes spatially orienting responses to relevant stimuli. To define the stimulus with the highest priority at each moment, a network of reciprocal connections between the TeO and the isthmi promotes competition between concurrent tectal inputs. In the avian midbrain, the neurons mediating enhancement and suppression of tectal inputs are located in separate isthmic nuclei, facilitating the analysis of the neural processes that mediate competition. A specific subset of radial neurons in the intermediate tectal layers relay retinal inputs to the isthmi, but at present it is unclear whether separate neurons innervate individual nuclei or a single neural type sends a common input to several of them. In this study, we used in vitro neural tracing and cell-filling experiments in chickens to show that single neurons innervate, via axon collaterals, the three nuclei that comprise the isthmotectal network. This demonstrates that the input signals representing the strength of the incoming stimuli are simultaneously relayed to the mechanisms promoting both enhancement and suppression of the input signals. By performing in vivo recordings in anesthetized chicks, we also show that this common input generates synchrony between both antagonistic mechanisms, demonstrating that activity enhancement and suppression are closely coordinated. From a computational point of view, these results suggest that these tectal neurons constitute integrative nodes that combine inputs from different sources to drive in parallel several concurrent neural processes, each performing complementary functions within the network through different firing patterns and connectivity.

Behavior, Animal/physiology , Chickens/physiology , Neurons/physiology , Superior Colliculi/physiology , Visual Pathways/physiology , Animals , Neuroanatomical Tract-Tracing Techniques/methods , Photic Stimulation , Superior Colliculi/cytology
J Neurosci ; 38(3): 733-744, 2018 01 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29217687


The spontaneous tonic discharge activity of nigral dopamine neurons plays a fundamental role in dopaminergic signaling. To investigate the role of neuronal morphology and architecture with respect to spontaneous activity in this population, we visualized the 3D structure of the axon initial segment (AIS) along with the entire somatodendritic domain of adult male mouse dopaminergic neurons, previously recorded in vivo We observed a positive correlation of the firing rate with both proximity and size of the AIS. Computational modeling showed that the size of the AIS, but not its position within the somatodendritic domain, is the major causal determinant of the tonic firing rate in the intact model, by virtue of the higher intrinsic frequency of the isolated AIS. Further mechanistic analysis of the relationship between neuronal morphology and firing rate showed that dopaminergic neurons function as a coupled oscillator whose frequency of discharge results from a compromise between AIS and somatodendritic oscillators. Thus, morphology plays a critical role in setting the basal tonic firing rate, which in turn could control striatal dopaminergic signaling that mediates motivation and movement.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The frequency at which nigral dopamine neurons discharge action potentials sets baseline dopamine levels in the brain, which enables activity in motor, cognitive, and motivational systems. Here, we demonstrate that the size of the axon initial segment, a subcellular compartment responsible for initiating action potentials, is a key determinant of the firing rate in these neurons. The axon initial segment and all the molecular components that underlie its critical function may provide a novel target for the regulation of dopamine levels in the brain.

Axon Initial Segment/ultrastructure , Dopaminergic Neurons/physiology , Dopaminergic Neurons/ultrastructure , Models, Neurological , Animals , Axon Initial Segment/physiology , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted/methods , Imaging, Three-Dimensional/methods , Male , Mice , Mice, Inbred C57BL , Microscopy, Confocal , Substantia Nigra/ultrastructure