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Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39190516


Image- and video-based 3D human recovery (i.e., pose and shape estimation) have achieved substantial progress. However, due to the prohibitive cost of motion capture, existing datasets are often limited in scale and diversity. In this work, we obtain massive human sequences by playing the video game with automatically annotated 3D ground truths. Specifically, we contribute GTA-Human, a large-scale 3D human dataset generated with the GTA-V game engine, featuring a highly diverse set of subjects, actions, and scenarios. More importantly, we study the use of game-playing data and obtain five major insights. First, game-playing data is surprisingly effective. A simple frame-based baseline trained on GTA-Human outperforms more sophisticated methods by a large margin. For videobased methods, GTA-Human is even on par with the in-domain training set. Second, we discover that synthetic data provides critical complements to the real data that is typically collected indoor. We highlight that our investigation into domain gap provides explanations for our data mixture strategies that are simple yet useful, which offers new insights to the research community. Third, the scale of the dataset matters. The performance boost is closely related to the additional data available. A systematic study on multiple key factors (such as camera angle and body pose) reveals that the model performance is sensitive to data density. Fourth, the effectiveness of GTA-Human is also attributed to the rich collection of strong supervision labels (SMPL parameters), which are otherwise expensive to acquire in real datasets. Fifth, the benefits of synthetic data extend to larger models such as deeper convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and Transformers, for which a significant impact is also observed. We hope our work could pave the way for scaling up 3D human recovery to the real world. Homepage:

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39074008


Visual segmentation seeks to partition images, video frames, or point clouds into multiple segments or groups. This technique has numerous real-world applications, such as autonomous driving, image editing, robot sensing, and medical analysis. Over the past decade, deep learning-based methods have made remarkable strides in this area. Recently, transformers, a type of neural network based on self-attention originally designed for natural language processing, have considerably surpassed previous convolutional or recurrent approaches in various vision processing tasks. Specifically, vision transformers offer robust, unified, and even simpler solutions for various segmentation tasks. This survey provides a thorough overview of transformer-based visual segmentation, summarizing recent advancements. We first review the background, encompassing problem definitions, datasets, and prior convolutional methods. Next, we summarize a meta-architecture that unifies all recent transformer-based approaches. Based on this meta-architecture, we examine various method designs, including modifications to the meta-architecture and associated applications. We also present several specific subfields, including 3D point cloud segmentation, foundation model tuning, domain-aware segmentation, efficient segmentation, and medical segmentation. Additionally, we compile and re-evaluate the reviewed methods on several well-established datasets. Finally, we identify open challenges in this field and propose directions for future research. The project page can be found at

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39042531


While deep learning-based methods for blind face restoration have achieved unprecedented success, they still suffer from two major limitations. First, most of them deteriorate when facing complex degradations out of their training data. Second, these methods require multiple constraints, e.g., fidelity, perceptual, and adversarial losses, which require laborious hyper-parameter tuning to stabilize and balance their influences. In this work, we propose a novel method named DifFace that is capable of coping with unseen and complex degradations more gracefully without complicated loss designs. The key of our method is to establish a posterior distribution from the observed low-quality (LQ) image to its high-quality (HQ) counterpart. In particular, we design a transition distribution from the LQ image to the intermediate state of a pre-trained diffusion model and then gradually transmit from this intermediate state to the HQ target by recursively applying a pre-trained diffusion model. The transition distribution only relies on a restoration backbone that is trained with L1 loss on some synthetic data, which favorably avoids the cumbersome training process in existing methods. Moreover, the transition distribution can contract the error of the restoration backbone and thus makes our method more robust to unknown degradations. Comprehensive experiments show that DifFace is superior to current state-of-the-art methods, especially in cases with severe degradations. Code and model are available at

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 46(10): 6905-6918, 2024 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38598389


Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) has achieved substantial progress in novel view synthesis given multi-view images. Recently, some works have attempted to train a NeRF from a single image with 3D priors. They mainly focus on a limited field of view with a few occlusions, which greatly limits their scalability to real-world 360-degree panoramic scenarios with large-size occlusions. In this paper, we present PERF, a 360-degree novel view synthesis framework that trains a panoramic neural radiance field from a single panorama. Notably, PERF allows 3D roaming in a complex scene without expensive and tedious image collection. To achieve this goal, we propose a novel collaborative RGBD inpainting method and a progressive inpainting-and-erasing method to lift up a 360-degree 2D scene to a 3D scene. Specifically, we first predict a panoramic depth map as initialization given a single panorama and reconstruct visible 3D regions with volume rendering. Then we introduce a collaborative RGBD inpainting approach into a NeRF for completing RGB images and depth maps from random views, which is derived from an RGB Stable Diffusion model and a monocular depth estimator. Finally, we introduce an inpainting-and-erasing strategy to avoid inconsistent geometry between a newly-sampled view and reference views. The two components are integrated into the learning of NeRFs in a unified optimization framework and achieve promising results. Extensive experiments on Replica and a new dataset PERF-in-the-wild demonstrate the superiority of our PERF over state-of-the-art methods. Our PERF can be widely used for real-world applications, such as panorama-to-3D, text-to-3D, and 3D scene stylization applications.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 46(5): 3692-3706, 2024 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38147423


Facial editing is to manipulate the facial attributes of a given face image. Nowadays, with the development of generative models, users can easily generate 2D and 3D facial images with high fidelity and 3D-aware consistency. However, existing works are incapable of delivering a continuous and fine-grained editing mode (e.g., editing a slightly smiling face to a big laughing one) with natural interactions with users. In this work, we propose Talk-to-Edit, an interactive facial editing framework that performs fine-grained attribute manipulation through dialog between the user and the system. Our key insight is to model a continual "semantic field" in the GAN latent space. 1) Unlike previous works that regard the editing as traversing straight lines in the latent space, here the fine-grained editing is formulated as finding a curving trajectory that respects fine-grained attribute landscape on the semantic field. 2) The curvature at each step is location-specific and determined by the input image as well as the users' language requests. 3) To engage the users in a meaningful dialog, our system generates language feedback by considering both the user request and the current state of the semantic field. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework on both 2D and 3D-aware generative models. We term the semantic field for the 3D-aware models as "tri-plane" flow, as it corresponds to the changes not only in the color space but also in the density space. We also contribute CelebA-Dialog, a visual-language facial editing dataset to facilitate large-scale study. Specifically, each image has manually annotated fine-grained attribute annotations as well as template-based textual descriptions in natural language. Extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments demonstrate the superiority of our framework in terms of 1) the smoothness of fine-grained editing, 2) the identity/attribute preservation, and 3) the visual photorealism and dialog fluency. Notably, the user study validates that our overall system is consistently favored by around 80% of the participants.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 45(12): 14192-14207, 2023 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37751342


Our proposed music-to-dance framework, Bailando++, addresses the challenges of driving 3D characters to dance in a way that follows the constraints of choreography norms and maintains temporal coherency with different music genres. Bailando++ consists of two components: a choreographic memory that learns to summarize meaningful dancing units from 3D pose sequences, and an actor-critic Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) that composes these units into a fluent dance coherent to the music. In particular, to synchronize the diverse motion tempos and music beats, we introduce an actor-critic-based reinforcement learning scheme to the GPT with a novel beat-align reward function. Additionally, we consider learning human dance poses in the rotation domain to avoid body distortions incompatible with human morphology, and introduce a musical contextual encoding to allow the motion GPT to grasp longer-term patterns of music. Our experiments on the standard benchmark show that Bailando++ achieves state-of-the-art performance both qualitatively and quantitatively, with the added benefit of the unsupervised discovery of human-interpretable dancing-style poses in the choreographic memory.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 45(10): 11869-11883, 2023 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37289604


Recent advances in deep learning have witnessed many successful unsupervised image-to-image translation models that learn correspondences between two visual domains without paired data. However, it is still a great challenge to build robust mappings between various domains especially for those with drastic visual discrepancies. In this paper, we introduce a novel versatile framework, Generative Prior-guided UNsupervised Image-to-image Translation (GP-UNIT), that improves the quality, applicability and controllability of the existing translation models. The key idea of GP-UNIT is to distill the generative prior from pre-trained class-conditional GANs to build coarse-level cross-domain correspondences, and to apply the learned prior to adversarial translations to excavate fine-level correspondences. With the learned multi-level content correspondences, GP-UNIT is able to perform valid translations between both close domains and distant domains. For close domains, GP-UNIT can be conditioned on a parameter to determine the intensity of the content correspondences during translation, allowing users to balance between content and style consistency. For distant domains, semi-supervised learning is explored to guide GP-UNIT to discover accurate semantic correspondences that are hard to learn solely from the appearance. We validate the superiority of GP-UNIT over state-of-the-art translation models in robust, high-quality and diversified translations between various domains through extensive experiments.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 45(7): 8874-8887, 2023 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37015431


Reference-based Super-Resolution (Ref-SR) has recently emerged as a promising paradigm to enhance a low-resolution (LR) input image or video by introducing an additional high-resolution (HR) reference image. Existing Ref-SR methods mostly rely on implicit correspondence matching to borrow HR textures from reference images to compensate for the information loss in input images. However, performing local transfer is difficult because of two gaps between input and reference images: the transformation gap (e.g., scale and rotation) and the resolution gap (e.g., HR and LR). To tackle these challenges, we propose C2-Matching in this work, which performs explicit robust matching crossing transformation and resolution. 1) To bridge the transformation gap, we propose a contrastive correspondence network, which learns transformation-robust correspondences using augmented views of the input image. 2) To address the resolution gap, we adopt teacher-student correlation distillation, which distills knowledge from the easier HR-HR matching to guide the more ambiguous LR-HR matching. 3) Finally, we design a dynamic aggregation module to address the potential misalignment issue between input images and reference images. In addition, to faithfully evaluate the performance of Reference-based Image Super-Resolution (Ref Image SR) under a realistic setting, we contribute the Webly-Referenced SR (WR-SR) dataset, mimicking the practical usage scenario. We also extend C2-Matching to Reference-based Video Super-Resolution (Ref VSR) task, where an image taken in a similar scene serves as the HR reference image. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed C2-Matching significantly outperforms state of the arts by up to 0.7 dB on the standard CUFED5 benchmark and also boosts the performance of video super-resolution by incorporating the C2-Matching component into Video SR pipelines. Notably, C2-Matching also shows great generalizability on WR-SR dataset as well as robustness across large scale and rotation transformations. Codes and datasets are available at

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 45(3): 3154-3168, 2023 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35763473


We show that pre-trained Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) such as StyleGAN and BigGAN can be used as a latent bank to improve the performance of image super-resolution. While most existing perceptual-oriented approaches attempt to generate realistic outputs through learning with adversarial loss, our method, Generative LatEnt bANk (GLEAN), goes beyond existing practices by directly leveraging rich and diverse priors encapsulated in a pre-trained GAN. But unlike prevalent GAN inversion methods that require expensive image-specific optimization at runtime, our approach only needs a single forward pass for restoration. GLEAN can be easily incorporated in a simple encoder-bank-decoder architecture with multi-resolution skip connections. Employing priors from different generative models allows GLEAN to be applied to diverse categories (e.g., human faces, cats, buildings, and cars). We further present a lightweight version of GLEAN, named LightGLEAN, which retains only the critical components in GLEAN. Notably, LightGLEAN consists of only 21% of parameters and 35% of FLOPs while achieving comparable image quality. We extend our method to different tasks including image colorization and blind image restoration, and extensive experiments show that our proposed models perform favorably in comparison to existing methods. Codes and models are available at

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 45(4): 4396-4415, 2023 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35914036


Generalization to out-of-distribution (OOD) data is a capability natural to humans yet challenging for machines to reproduce. This is because most learning algorithms strongly rely on the i.i.d. assumption on source/target data, which is often violated in practice due to domain shift. Domain generalization (DG) aims to achieve OOD generalization by using only source data for model learning. Over the last ten years, research in DG has made great progress, leading to a broad spectrum of methodologies, e.g., those based on domain alignment, meta-learning, data augmentation, or ensemble learning, to name a few; DG has also been studied in various application areas including computer vision, speech recognition, natural language processing, medical imaging, and reinforcement learning. In this paper, for the first time a comprehensive literature review in DG is provided to summarize the developments over the past decade. Specifically, we first cover the background by formally defining DG and relating it to other relevant fields like domain adaptation and transfer learning. Then, we conduct a thorough review into existing methods and theories. Finally, we conclude this survey with insights and discussions on future research directions.

IEEE Trans Image Process ; 31: 2907-2919, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35363614


Deep neural networks have achieved remarkable progress in single-image 3D human reconstruction. However, existing methods still fall short in predicting rare poses. The reason is that most of the current models perform regression based on a single human prototype, which is similar to common poses while far from the rare poses. In this work, we 1) identify and analyze this learning obstacle and 2) propose a prototype memory-augmented network, PM-Net, that effectively improves performances of predicting rare poses. The core of our framework is a memory module that learns and stores a set of 3D human prototypes capturing local distributions for either common poses or rare poses. With this formulation, the regression starts from a better initialization, which is relatively easier to converge. Extensive experiments on several widely employed datasets demonstrate the proposed framework's effectiveness compared to other state-of-the-art methods. Notably, our approach significantly improves the models' performances on rare poses while generating comparable results on other samples.

Neural Networks, Computer , Humans
IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 44(8): 4225-4238, 2022 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33656989


This paper presents a novel method, Zero-Reference Deep Curve Estimation (Zero-DCE), which formulates light enhancement as a task of image-specific curve estimation with a deep network. Our method trains a lightweight deep network, DCE-Net, to estimate pixel-wise and high-order curves for dynamic range adjustment of a given image. The curve estimation is specially designed, considering pixel value range, monotonicity, and differentiability. Zero-DCE is appealing in its relaxed assumption on reference images, i.e., it does not require any paired or even unpaired data during training. This is achieved through a set of carefully formulated non-reference loss functions, which implicitly measure the enhancement quality and drive the learning of the network. Despite its simplicity, we show that it generalizes well to diverse lighting conditions. Our method is efficient as image enhancement can be achieved by an intuitive and simple nonlinear curve mapping. We further present an accelerated and light version of Zero-DCE, called Zero-DCE++, that takes advantage of a tiny network with just 10K parameters. Zero-DCE++ has a fast inference speed (1000/11 FPS on a single GPU/CPU for an image of size 1200×900×3) while keeping the enhancement performance of Zero-DCE. Extensive experiments on various benchmarks demonstrate the advantages of our method over state-of-the-art methods qualitatively and quantitatively. Furthermore, the potential benefits of our method to face detection in the dark are discussed. The source code is made publicly available at

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 44(9): 4674-4687, 2022 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33881989


Feature reassembly, i.e. feature downsampling and upsampling, is a key operation in a number of modern convolutional network architectures, e.g., residual networks and feature pyramids. Its design is critical for dense prediction tasks such as object detection and semantic/instance segmentation. In this work, we propose unified Content-Aware ReAssembly of FEatures (CARAFE++), a universal, lightweight, and highly effective operator to fulfill this goal. CARAFE++ has several appealing properties: (1) Unlike conventional methods such as pooling and interpolation that only exploit sub-pixel neighborhood, CARAFE++ aggregates contextual information within a large receptive field. (2) Instead of using a fixed kernel for all samples (e.g. convolution and deconvolution), CARAFE++ generates adaptive kernels on-the-fly to enable instance-specific content-aware handling. (3) CARAFE++ introduces little computational overhead and can be readily integrated into modern network architectures. We conduct comprehensive evaluations on standard benchmarks in object detection, instance/semantic segmentation, and image inpainting. CARAFE++ shows consistent and substantial gains on mainstream methods across all the tasks with negligible computational overhead. It shows great potential to serve as a strong building block for modern deep networks.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 44(12): 9396-9416, 2022 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34752382


Low-light image enhancement (LLIE) aims at improving the perception or interpretability of an image captured in an environment with poor illumination. Recent advances in this area are dominated by deep learning-based solutions, where many learning strategies, network structures, loss functions, training data, etc. have been employed. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey to cover various aspects ranging from algorithm taxonomy to unsolved open issues. To examine the generalization of existing methods, we propose a low-light image and video dataset, in which the images and videos are taken by different mobile phones' cameras under diverse illumination conditions. Besides, for the first time, we provide a unified online platform that covers many popular LLIE methods, of which the results can be produced through a user-friendly web interface. In addition to qualitative and quantitative evaluation of existing methods on publicly available and our proposed datasets, we also validate their performance in face detection in the dark. This survey together with the proposed dataset and online platform could serve as a reference source for future study and promote the development of this research field. The proposed platform and dataset as well as the collected methods, datasets, and evaluation metrics are publicly available and will be regularly updated. Project page:

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 44(11): 7474-7489, 2022 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34559638


Learning a good image prior is a long-term goal for image restoration and manipulation. While existing methods like deep image prior (DIP) capture low-level image statistics, there are still gaps toward an image prior that captures rich image semantics including color, spatial coherence, textures, and high-level concepts. This work presents an effective way to exploit the image prior captured by a generative adversarial network (GAN) trained on large-scale natural images. As shown in Fig. 1, the deep generative prior (DGP) provides compelling results to restore missing semantics, e.g., color, patch, resolution, of various degraded images. It also enables diverse image manipulation including random jittering, image morphing, and category transfer. Such highly flexible restoration and manipulation are made possible through relaxing the assumption of existing GAN inversion methods, which tend to fix the generator. Notably, we allow the generator to be fine-tuned on-the-fly in a progressive manner regularized by feature distance obtained by the discriminator in GAN. We show that these easy-to-implement and practical changes help preserve the reconstruction to remain in the manifold of nature images, and thus lead to more precise and faithful reconstruction for real images. Code is available at

Algorithms , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted/methods
IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 44(10): 7078-7092, 2022 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34255625


Very deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have greatly improved the performance on various image restoration tasks. However, this comes at a price of increasing computational burden, hence limiting their practical usages. We observe that some corrupted image regions are inherently easier to restore than others since the distortion and content vary within an image. To leverage this, we propose Path-Restore, a multi-path CNN with a pathfinder that can dynamically select an appropriate route for each image region. We train the pathfinder using reinforcement learning with a difficulty-regulated reward. This reward is related to the performance, complexity and "the difficulty of restoring a region". A policy mask is further investigated to jointly process all the image regions. We conduct experiments on denoising and mixed restoration tasks. The results show that our method achieves comparable or superior performance to existing approaches with less computational cost. In particular, Path-Restore is effective for real-world denoising, where the noise distribution varies across different regions on a single image. Compared to the state-of-the-art RIDNet [1], our method achieves comparable performance and runs 2.7x faster on the realistic Darmstadt Noise Dataset [2]. Models and codes are available on the project page:

Algorithms , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted/methods , Neural Networks, Computer , Signal-To-Noise Ratio
IEEE Trans Image Process ; 30: 9112-9124, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34723802


Patch-based methods and deep networks have been employed to tackle image inpainting problem, with their own strengths and weaknesses. Patch-based methods are capable of restoring a missing region with high-quality texture through searching nearest neighbor patches from the unmasked regions. However, these methods bring problematic contents when recovering large missing regions. Deep networks, on the other hand, show promising results in completing large regions. Nonetheless, the results often lack faithful and sharp details that resemble the surrounding area. By bringing together the best of both paradigms, we propose a new deep inpainting framework where texture generation is guided by a texture memory of patch samples extracted from unmasked regions. The framework has a novel design that allows texture memory retrieval to be trained end-to-end with the deep inpainting network. In addition, we introduce a patch distribution loss to encourage high-quality patch synthesis. The proposed method shows superior performance both qualitatively and quantitatively on three challenging image benchmarks, i.e., Places, CelebA-HQ, and Paris Street-View datasets (Code will be made publicly available in

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 43(8): 2555-2569, 2021 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32142417


Over four decades, the majority addresses the problem of optical flow estimation using variational methods. With the advance of machine learning, some recent works have attempted to address the problem using convolutional neural network (CNN) and have showed promising results. FlowNet2 [1] , the state-of-the-art CNN, requires over 160M parameters to achieve accurate flow estimation. Our LiteFlowNet2 outperforms FlowNet2 on Sintel and KITTI benchmarks, while being 25.3 times smaller in the model size and 3.1 times faster in the running speed. LiteFlowNet2 is built on the foundation laid by conventional methods and resembles the corresponding roles as data fidelity and regularization in variational methods. We compute optical flow in a spatial-pyramid formulation as SPyNet [2] but through a novel lightweight cascaded flow inference. It provides high flow estimation accuracy through early correction with seamless incorporation of descriptor matching. Flow regularization is used to ameliorate the issue of outliers and vague flow boundaries through feature-driven local convolutions. Our network also owns an effective structure for pyramidal feature extraction and embraces feature warping rather than image warping as practiced in FlowNet2 and SPyNet. Comparing to LiteFlowNet [3] , LiteFlowNet2 improves the optical flow accuracy on Sintel Clean by 23.3 percent, Sintel Final by 12.8 percent, KITTI 2012 by 19.6 percent, and KITTI 2015 by 18.8 percent, while being 2.2 times faster. Our network protocol and trained models are made publicly available on

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 42(11): 2781-2794, 2020 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31071017


Data for face analysis often exhibit highly-skewed class distribution, i.e., most data belong to a few majority classes, while the minority classes only contain a scarce amount of instances. To mitigate this issue, contemporary deep learning methods typically follow classic strategies such as class re-sampling or cost-sensitive training. In this paper, we conduct extensive and systematic experiments to validate the effectiveness of these classic schemes for representation learning on class-imbalanced data. We further demonstrate that more discriminative deep representation can be learned by enforcing a deep network to maintain inter-cluster margins both within and between classes. This tight constraint effectively reduces the class imbalance inherent in the local data neighborhood, thus carving much more balanced class boundaries locally. We show that it is easy to deploy angular margins between the cluster distributions on a hypersphere manifold. Such learned Cluster-based Large Margin Local Embedding (CLMLE), when combined with a simple k-nearest cluster algorithm, shows significant improvements in accuracy over existing methods on both face recognition and face attribute prediction tasks that exhibit imbalanced class distribution.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30028700


The use of color in QR codes brings extra data capacity, but also inflicts tremendous challenges on the decoding process due to chromatic distortion-cross-channel color interference and illumination variation. Particularly, we further discover a new type of chromatic distortion in high-density color QR codes-cross-module color interference-caused by the high density which also makes the geometric distortion correction more challenging. To address these problems, we propose two approaches, LSVM-CMI and QDA-CMI, which jointly model these different types of chromatic distortion. Extended from SVM and QDA, respectively, both LSVM-CMI and QDA-CMI optimize over a particular objective function and learn a color classifier. Furthermore, a robust geometric transformation method and several pipeline refinements are proposed to boost the decoding performance for mobile applications. We put forth and implement a framework for high-capacity color QR codes equipped with our methods, called HiQ. To evaluate the performance of HiQ, we collect a challenging large-scale color QR code dataset, CUHK-CQRC, which consists of 5390 high-density color QR code samples. The comparison with the baseline method [2] on CUHK-CQRC shows that HiQ at least outperforms [2] by 188% in decoding success rate and 60% in bit error rate. Our implementation of HiQ in iOS and Android also demonstrates the effectiveness of our framework in real-world applications.