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Phys Rev Lett ; 133(5): 053401, 2024 Aug 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39159118


We demonstrate subrecoil Sisyphus cooling using the long-lived ^{3}P_{0} clock state in alkaline-earth-like ytterbium. A 1388-nm optical standing wave nearly resonant with the ^{3}P_{0}→^{3}D_{1} transition creates a spatially periodic light shift of the ^{3}P_{0} clock state. Following excitation on the ultranarrow clock transition, we observe Sisyphus cooling in this potential, as the light shift is correlated with excitation to ^{3}D_{1} and subsequent spontaneous decay to the ^{1}S_{0} ground state. We observe that cooling enhances the loading efficiency of atoms into a 759-nm magic-wavelength one-dimensional (1D) optical lattice, as compared to standard Doppler cooling on the ^{1}S_{0}→^{3}P_{1} transition. Sisyphus cooling yields temperatures below 200 nK in the weakly confined, transverse dimensions of the 1D optical lattice. These lower temperatures improve optical lattice clocks by facilitating the use of shallow lattices with reduced light shifts while retaining large atom numbers to reduce the quantum projection noise. This Sisyphus cooling can be pulsed or continuous and is applicable to a range of quantum metrology applications.

Opt Express ; 31(24): 40871-40880, 2023 Nov 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38041377


Grating magneto-optical traps are an enabling quantum technology for portable metrological devices with ultracold atoms. However, beam diffraction efficiency and angle are affected by wavelength, creating a single-optic design challenge for laser cooling in two stages at two distinct wavelengths - as commonly used for loading, e.g., Sr or Yb atoms into optical lattice or tweezer clocks. Here, we optically characterize a wide variety of binary gratings at different wavelengths to find a simple empirical fit to experimental grating diffraction efficiency data in terms of dimensionless etch depth and period for various duty cycles. The model avoids complex 3D light-grating surface calculations, yet still yields results accurate to a few percent across a broad range of parameters. Gratings optimized for two (or more) wavelengths can now be designed in an informed manner suitable for a wide class of atomic species enabling advanced quantum technologies.

Science ; 368(6493): 889-892, 2020 05 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32439794


Optical atomic clocks are poised to redefine the Système International (SI) second, thanks to stability and accuracy more than 100 times better than the current microwave atomic clock standard. However, the best optical clocks have not seen their performance transferred to the electronic domain, where radar, navigation, communications, and fundamental research rely on less stable microwave sources. By comparing two independent optical-to-electronic signal generators, we demonstrate a 10-gigahertz microwave signal with phase that exactly tracks that of the optical clock phase from which it is derived, yielding an absolute fractional frequency instability of 1 × 10-18 in the electronic domain. Such faithful reproduction of the optical clock phase expands the opportunities for optical clocks both technologically and scientifically for time dissemination, navigation, and long-baseline interferometric imaging.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(7): 073202, 2019 Aug 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31491125


We demonstrate Ramsey-Bordé (RB) atom interferometry for high performance laser stabilization with fractional frequency instability <2×10^{-16} for timescales between 10 and 1000s. The RB spectroscopy laser interrogates two counterpropagating ^{40}Ca beams on the ^{1}S_{0}-^{3}P_{1} transition at 657 nm, yielding 1.6 kHz linewidth interference fringes. Fluorescence detection of the excited state population is performed on the (4s4p) ^{3}P_{1}-(4p^{2}) ^{3}P_{0} transition at 431 nm. Minimal thermal shielding and no vibration isolation are used. These stability results surpass performance from other thermal atomic or molecular systems by 1 to 2 orders of magnitude, and further improvements look feasible.

Opt Lett ; 36(16): 3260-2, 2011 Aug 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21847227


We present an optical frequency divider based on a 200 MHz repetition rate Er:fiber mode-locked laser that, when locked to a stable optical frequency reference, generates microwave signals with absolute phase noise that is equal to or better than cryogenic microwave oscillators. At 1 Hz offset from a 10 GHz carrier, the phase noise is below -100 dBc/Hz, limited by the optical reference. For offset frequencies >10 kHz, the phase noise is shot noise limited at -145 dBc/Hz. An analysis of the contribution of the residual noise from the Er:fiber optical frequency divider is also presented.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20211772


We describe recent progress on the JILA Sr optical frequency standard, which has a systematic uncertainty at the 10(¿16) fractional frequency level. The dominant contributions to the systematic error are from blackbody radiation shifts and collisional shifts. We discuss the blackbody radiation shift and propose measurements and experimental protocols that should reduce its systematic contribution. We discuss how collisional frequency shifts can arise in an optical lattice clock employing fermionic atoms, and experimentally demonstrate how the uncertainty in this density-dependent correction to the clock frequency is reduced.

Chemphyschem ; 9(3): 375-82, 2008 Feb 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18275047


Cooling and trapping of neutral atoms using laser techniques has enabled extensive progress in precise, coherent spectroscopy. In particular, trapping ultracold atoms in optical lattices in a tight confinement regime allows us to perform high-resolution spectroscopy unaffected by atomic motion. We report on the recent developments of optical lattice atomic clocks that have led to optical spectroscopy coherent at the one second timescale. The lattice clock techniques also open a promising pathway toward trapped ultracold molecules and the possible precision measurement opportunities such molecules offer.

Phys Rev Lett ; 99(15): 153601, 2007 Oct 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17995163


The phase coherence of an ultrastable optical frequency reference is fully maintained over actively stabilized fiber networks of lengths exceeding 30 km. For a 7-km link installed in an urban environment, the transfer instability is 6 x 10{-18} at 1 s. The excess phase noise of 0.15 rad, integrated from 8 mHz to 25 MHz, yields a total timing jitter of 0.085 fs. A 32-km link achieves similar performance. Using frequency combs at each end of the coherent-transfer fiber link, a heterodyne beat between two independent ultrastable lasers, separated by 3.5 km and 163 THz, achieves a 1-Hz linewidth.

Phys Rev Lett ; 98(8): 083002, 2007 Feb 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17359093


Aided by ultrahigh resolution spectroscopy, the overall systematic uncertainty of the 1S0-3P0 clock resonance for lattice-confined 87Sr has been characterized to 9 x 10(-16). This uncertainty is at a level similar to the Cs-fountain primary standard, while the potential stability for the lattice clocks exceeds that of Cs. The absolute frequency of the clock transition has been measured to be 429 228 004 229 874.0(1.1) Hz, where the 2.5 x 10(-15) fractional uncertainty represents the most accurate measurement of a neutral-atom-based optical transition frequency to date.

Science ; 314(5804): 1430-3, 2006 Dec 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17138896


Highest-resolution laser spectroscopy has generally been limited to single trapped ion systems because of the rapid decoherence that plagues neutral atom ensembles. Precision spectroscopy of ultracold neutral atoms confined in a trapping potential now shows superior optical coherence without any deleterious effects from motional degrees of freedom, revealing optical resonance linewidths at the hertz level with a good signal-to-noise ratio. The resonance quality factor of 2.4 x 10(14) is the highest ever recovered in any form of coherent spectroscopy. The spectral resolution permits direct observation of the breaking of nuclear spin degeneracy for the 1S0 and 3P0 optical clock states of 87Sr under a small magnetic bias field. This optical approach for excitation of nuclear spin states allows an accurate measurement of the differential Landé g factor between 1S0 and 3P0. The optical atomic coherence demonstrated for collective excitation of a large number of atoms will have a strong impact on quantum measurement and precision frequency metrology.

Phys Rev Lett ; 96(3): 033003, 2006 Jan 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16486696


With ultracold 87Srconfined in a magic wavelength optical lattice, we present the most precise study (2.8 Hz statistical uncertainty) to date of the 1S0-3P0 optical clock transition with a detailed analysis of systematic shifts (19 Hz uncertainty) in the absolute frequency measurement of 429 228 004 229 869 Hz. The high resolution permits an investigation of the optical lattice motional sideband structure. The local oscillator for this optical atomic clock is a stable diode laser with its hertz-level linewidth characterized by an octave-spanning femtosecond frequency comb.

Phys Rev Lett ; 97(23): 233001, 2006 Dec 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17280198


We propose a combination of electromagnetically induced transparency-Raman and pulsed spectroscopy techniques to accurately cancel frequency shifts arising from electromagnetically induced transparency fields in forbidden optical clock transitions of alkaline earth atoms. At appropriate detunings, time-separated laser pulses are designed to trap atoms in coherent superpositions while eliminating off-resonance ac Stark contributions, achieving efficient population transfer up to 60% with inaccuracy <10(-17). Results from the wave-function formalism are confirmed by the density matrix approach.

Phys Rev Lett ; 94(15): 153001, 2005 Apr 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15904137


By varying the density of an ultracold 88Sr sample from 10(9) to>10(12) cm(-3), we make the first definitive measurement of the density-related frequency shift and linewidth broadening of the 1S0-3P1 optical clock transition in an alkaline earth system. In addition, we report the most accurate measurement to date of the 88Sr 1S0-3P1 optical clock transition frequency. Including a detailed analysis of systematic errors, the frequency is [434 829 121 312 334+/-20(stat)+/-33(syst)] Hz.

Phys Rev Lett ; 93(7): 073003, 2004 Aug 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15324232


We present an extensive study of the unique thermal and mechanical dynamics for narrow-line cooling on the 1S0-3P1 88Sr transition. For negative detuning, trap dynamics reveal a transition from the semiclassical regime to the photon-recoil-dominated quantum regime, yielding an absolute minima in the equilibrium temperature below the single-photon-recoil limit. For positive detuning, the cloud divides into discrete momentum packets whose alignment mimics lattice points on a face-centered-cubic crystal. This novel behavior arises from velocity selection and "positive feedback" acceleration due to a finite number of photon recoils. Cooling is also achieved with blue-detuned light around a velocity where gravity balances the radiative force.