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Nat Commun ; 14(1): 2658, 2023 May 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37160929


Ferromagnetic (FM) order in a two-dimensional kagome layer is predicted to generate a topological Chern insulator without an applied magnetic field. The Chern gap is largest when spin moments point perpendicular to the kagome layer, enabling the capability to switch topological transport properties, such as the quantum anomalous Hall effect, by controlling the spin orientation. In TbMn6Sn6, the uniaxial magnetic anisotropy of the Tb3+ ion is effective at generating the Chern state within the FM Mn kagome layers while a spin-reorientation (SR) transition to easy-plane order above TSR = 310 K provides a mechanism for switching. Here, we use inelastic neutron scattering to provide key insights into the fundamental nature of the SR transition. The observation of two Tb excitations, which are split by the magnetic anisotropy energy, indicates an effective two-state orbital character for the Tb ion, with a uniaxial ground state and an isotropic excited state. The simultaneous observation of both modes below TSR confirms that orbital fluctuations are slow on magnetic and electronic time scales < ps and act as a spatially-random orbital alloy. A thermally-driven critical concentration of isotropic Tb ions triggers the SR transition.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(6): 069902, 2021 Aug 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34420355


This corrects the article DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.217201.

Phys Rev B ; 103(17)2021 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37588030


We report the magnetic ordering and structural distortion in PrFeAsO crystals, the basis compound for one of the oxypnictide superconductors, using high-resolution x-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction, and x-ray resonant magnetic scattering (XRMS). We find the structural tetragonal-to-orthorhombic phase transition at TS=147K, the AFM phase transition of the Fe moments at TFe=72K, and the Pr AFM phase transition at TPr=21K. Combined high-resolution neutron diffraction and XRMS show unambiguously that the Pr moments point parallel to the longer orthorhombic a axis and order antiferromagnetically along the a axis but ferromagnetically along the b and c directions in the stripelike AFM order. The temperature-dependent magnetic order parameter of the Pr moments shows no evidence for a reorientation of moments.

Phys Rev B ; 1022020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34136737


We report measurements on Ti4MnBi2, where a crystal structure involving linear chains of Mn ions suggests one-dimensional magnetic character. The electrical resistivity is metallic, consistent with the results of electronic-structure calculations that find a robust Fermi surface albeit with moderate electronic correlations. A Curie-Weiss fit to the magnetic susceptibility suggests that the Mn moments are in the low-spin S = 1/2 configuration. Neutron diffraction measurements detect weak antiferromagnetic order within the Mn chains, with further evidence for the small staggered moment coming from the entropy associated with the ordering peak in the specific heat as well as from the results of spin-polarized electronic-structure calculations. The antiferromagnetic moments are apparently associated with the d x 2 - y 2 and d xy orbitals of Mn while the remaining Mn orbitals are delocalized and nonmagnetic. Strong quantum fluctuations, possibly related to an electronic instability that forms the Mn moment or to the one-dimensional character of Ti4MnBi2, nearly overcome magnetic order.

Phys Rev B ; 101(21)2020 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34141976


We report the electronic and magnetic properties of stoichiometric CeAuBi2 single crystals. At ambient pressure, CeAuBi2 orders antiferromagnetically below a Néel temperature (TN ) of 19 K. Neutron diffraction experiments revealed an antiferromagnetic propagation vector τ ^ = [ 0 , 0 , 1 ∕ 2 ] , which doubles the paramagnetic unit cell along the c axis. At low temperatures several metamagnetic transitions are induced by the application of fields parallel to the c axis, suggesting that the magnetic structure of CeAuBi2 changes as a function of field. At low temperatures, a linear positive magnetoresistance may indicate the presence of band crossings near the Fermi level. Finally, the application of external pressure favors the antiferromagnetic state, indicating that the 4f electrons become more localized.

Phys Rev Mater ; 4(8)2020 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34142005


The recent reports of superconductivity in Nd1-x Sr x NiO2/SrTiO3 heterostructures have reinvigorated interest in potential superconductivity of low-oxidation state nickelates. Synthesis of Ni1+-containing compounds is notoriously difficult. In the current work, a combined sol-gel combustion and high-pressure annealing technique was employed to prepare polycrystalline perovskite Nd1-x Sr x NiO3 (x = 0, 0.1, and 0.2). Metal nitrates and metal acetates were used as starting materials, and the latter were found to be superior to the former in terms of safety and reactivity. The Nd1-x Sr x NiO3 compounds were subsequently reduced to Nd1-x Sr x NiO2 using calcium hydride in a sealed, evacuated quartz tube. To understand the synthesis pathway, the evolution from NdNiO3 to NdNiO2 was monitored using in situ synchrotron x-ray diffraction during the reduction process. Electrical transport properties were consistent with an insulator-metal transition occurring between x = 0 and 0.1 for Nd1-x Sr x NiO3. Superconductivity was not observed in our bulk samples of Nd1-x Sr x NiO2. Neutron diffraction experiments at 3 and 300 K were performed on Nd0.9Sr0.1NiO2, in which no magnetic Bragg reflections were observed, and the results of structural Rietveld refinement are provided.

Phys Rev B ; 102(19)2020 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37720206


We report the evolution of the magnetic properties of Ce2Rh1-xIrxIn8-yCdy single crystals. In particular, for Ce2Rh0.5Ir0.5In8 (TN=2.0K) and Ce2Rh0.5Ir0.5In7.79Cd0.21 (TN=4.2K), we have solved the magnetic structure of these compounds using single-crystal neutron magnetic diffraction experiments. Taking the magnetic structure of the Ce2RhIn8 heavy-fermion antiferromagnet as a reference, we have identified no changes in the q=12,12,0 magnetic wave vector; however, the direction of the ordered Ce3+ moments rotates toward the ab plane, under the influence of both dopants. By constraining the analysis of the crystalline electric field (CEF) with the experimental ordered moment's direction and high-temperature magnetic-susceptibility data, we have used a mean-field model with tetragonal CEF and exchange interactions to gain insight into the CEF scheme and anisotropy of the CEF ground-state wave function when Cd and Ir are introduced into Ce2RhIn8. Consistent with previous work, we find that Cd doping in Ce2RhIn8 tends to rotate the magnetic moment toward the ab plane and lower the energy of the CEF excited states' levels. Interestingly, the presence of Ir also rotates the magnetic moment towards the ab plane although its connection to the CEF overall splitting evolution for the y = 0 samples may not be straightforward. These findings may shed light on the origin of the disordered spin-glass phase on the Ir-rich side of the phase diagram and also indicate that the Ce2MIn8 compounds may not follow exactly the same Rh-Ir CEF effects trend established for the Ce2MIn5 compounds.

Phys Rev B ; 102(11)2020 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37720400


We have performed X-ray powder diffraction, magnetization, electrical resistivity, heat capacity and inelastic neutron scattering (INS) to investigate the physical properties of the intermetallic series of compounds CeCuBi2-xSbx. These compounds crystallize in a tetragonal structure with space group P4∕nmm and present antiferromagnetic transition temperatures ranging from 3.6 K to 16 K. Remarkably, the magnetization easy axis changed along the series, which is closely related to the variations of the tetragonal crystalline electric field (CEF) parameters. This evolution was analyzed using a mean field model, which included an anisotropic nearest-neighbor interactions and the tetragonal CEF Hamiltonian. We obtained the CEF parameters by fitting the magnetic susceptibility data with the constraints given by the INS measurements. More broadly, we discuss how this CEF evolution can affect the Kondo physics and the search for a superconducting state in this family.

Phys Rev B ; 1012020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38855404


In this study, the inelastic neutron scattering probe of SIKA in ANSTO is employed to investigate the magnon dispersion curve in ferromagnetic SrRuO3 single crystal epitaxial films and to better understand the underlying mechanisms. This report presents the successful measurement of a magnon peak from the SrRuO3 films which contained an amount of material of only 0.9 mg. We reveal one significant magnon dispersion curve along [002] following the quadratic E ∝ Q 2 ) relation, which shows a magnon gap of 0.32 meV. We have discussed several possible mechanisms, such as the higher symmetry structure and the impurity levels, which may contribute to this smaller gap.

Sci Adv ; 5(10): eaaw9061, 2019 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31667341


Novel electronic phenomena frequently form in heavy-fermions because of the mutual localized and itinerant nature of f-electrons. On the magnetically ordered side of the heavy-fermion phase diagram, f-moments are expected to be localized and decoupled from the Fermi surface. It remains ambiguous whether Kondo lattice can develop inside the magnetically ordered phase. Using spectroscopic imaging with scanning tunneling microscope, complemented by neutron scattering, x-ray absorption spectroscopy, and dynamical mean field theory, we probe the electronic states in antiferromagnetic USb2. We visualize a large gap in the antiferromagnetic phase within which Kondo hybridization develops below ~80 K. Our calculations indicate the antiferromagnetism and Kondo lattice to reside predominantly on different f-orbitals, promoting orbital selectivity as a new conception into how these phenomena coexist in heavy-fermions. Finally, at 45 K, we find a novel first order-like transition through abrupt emergence of nontrivial 5f-electronic states that may resemble the "hidden-order" phase of URu2Si2.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(21): 217003, 2019 May 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31283313


We report neutron scattering measurements of single-crystalline YFe_{2}Ge_{2} in the normal state, which has the same crystal structure as the 122 family of iron pnictide superconductors. YFe_{2}Ge_{2} does not exhibit long-range magnetic order but exhibits strong spin fluctuations. Like the iron pnictides, YFe_{2}Ge_{2} displays anisotropic stripe-type antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations at (π, 0, π). More interesting, however, is the observation of strong spin fluctuations at the in-plane ferromagnetic wave vector (0, 0, π). These ferromagnetic spin fluctuations are isotropic in the (H, K) plane, whose intensity exceeds that of stripe spin fluctuations. Both the ferromagnetic and stripe spin fluctuations remain gapless down to the lowest measured energies. Our results naturally explain the absence of magnetic order in YFe_{2}Ge_{2} and also imply that the ferromagnetic correlations may be a key ingredient for iron-based materials.

Science ; 365(6451): 377-381, 2019 07 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31221772


Transport coefficients of correlated electron systems are often useful for mapping hidden phases with distinct symmetries. Here we report a transport signature of spontaneous symmetry breaking in the magnetic Weyl semimetal cerium-aluminum-germanium (CeAlGe) system in the form of singular angular magnetoresistance (SAMR). This angular response exceeding 1000% per radian is confined along the high-symmetry axes with a full width at half maximum reaching less than 1° and is tunable via isoelectronic partial substitution of silicon for germanium. The SAMR phenomena is explained theoretically as a consequence of controllable high-resistance domain walls, arising from the breaking of magnetic point group symmetry strongly coupled to a nearly nodal electronic structure. This study indicates ingredients for engineering magnetic materials with high angular sensitivity by lattice and site symmetries.

Nat Commun ; 10(1): 1928, 2019 04 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31028271


Lead chalcogenides have exceptional thermoelectric properties and intriguing anharmonic lattice dynamics underlying their low thermal conductivities. An ideal material for thermoelectric efficiency is the phonon glass-electron crystal, which drives research on strategies to scatter or localize phonons while minimally disrupting electronic-transport. Anharmonicity can potentially do both, even in perfect crystals, and simulations suggest that PbSe is anharmonic enough to support intrinsic localized modes that halt transport. Here, we experimentally observe high-temperature localization in PbSe using neutron scattering but find that localization is not limited to isolated modes - zero group velocity develops for a significant section of the transverse optic phonon on heating above a transition in the anharmonic dynamics. Arrest of the optic phonon propagation coincides with unusual sharpening of the longitudinal acoustic mode due to a loss of phase space for scattering. Our study shows how nonlinear physics beyond conventional anharmonic perturbations can fundamentally alter vibrational transport properties.

Sci Adv ; 5(3): eaaw4367, 2019 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30915399


Gehring et al. argue that a splitting observed by us in the transverse acoustic (TA) phonon in the relaxor ferroelectric Pb[(Mg1/3Nb2/3)1-x Ti x ]O3 with x = 0.30 (PMN-30PT) is caused by a combination of inelastic-elastic multiple scattering processes called ghostons. Their argument is motivated by differences observed between their measurements made on a triple-axis spectrometer and our measurements on a time-of-flight spectrometer. We show that the differences can be explained by differences in the instrument resolution functions. We demonstrate that the multiple scattering conditions proposed by Gehring et al. do not work for our scattering geometry. We also show that, when a ghoston is present, it is too weak to detect and therefore cannot explain the splitting. Last, this phonon splitting is just one part of the argument, and the overall conclusion of the original paper is supported by other results.

Nat Commun ; 10(1): 644, 2019 02 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30733441


Uranium compounds can manifest a wide range of fascinating many-body phenomena, and are often thought to be poised at a crossover between localized and itinerant regimes for 5f electrons. The antiferromagnetic dipnictide USb2 has been of recent interest due to the discovery of rich proximate phase diagrams and unusual quantum coherence phenomena. Here, linear-dichroic X-ray absorption and elastic neutron scattering are used to characterize electronic symmetries on uranium in USb2 and isostructural UBi2. Of these two materials, only USb2 is found to enable strong Hund's rule alignment of local magnetic degrees of freedom, and to undergo distinctive changes in local atomic multiplet symmetry across the magnetic phase transition. Theoretical analysis reveals that these and other anomalous properties of the material may be understood by attributing it as the first known high temperature realization of a singlet ground state magnet, in which magnetism occurs through a process that resembles exciton condensation.

Phys Rev B ; 1002019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33123651


The pressure evolution of the magnetic properties of the Ce2RhIn7.79Cd0.21 heavy fermion compound was investigated by single crystal neutron magnetic diffraction and electrical resistivity experiments under applied pressure. From the neutron magnetic diffraction data, up to P = 0.6 GPa, we found no changes in the magnetic structure or in the ordering temperature T N = 4.8 K. However, the increase of pressure induces an interesting spin rotation of the ordered antiferromagnetic moment of Ce2RhIn7.79Cd0.21 into the ab tetragonal plane. From the electrical resistivity measurements under pressure, we have mapped the evolution of T N and the maximum of the temperature dependent electrical resistivity (T MAX) as a function of the pressure (P ≲ 3.6 GPa). To gain some insight into the microscopic origin of the observed spin rotation as a function of pressure, we have also analyzed some macroscopic magnetic susceptibility data at ambient pressure for pure and Cd-doped Ce2RhIn8 using a mean-field model including tetragonal crystalline electric field (CEF). The analysis indicates that these compounds have a Kramers doublet Γ 7 - -type ground state, followed by a Γ 7 + first excited state at Δ1 ∼ 80 K and a Γ6 second excited state at Δ2 ∼ 270 K for Ce2RhIn8 and Δ2 ∼ 250 K for Ce2RhIn7.79Cd0.21. The evolution of the magnetic properties of Ce2RhIn8 as a function of Cd doping and the rotation of the direction of the ordered moment for the Ce2RhIn7.79Cd0.21 compound under pressure suggest important changes of the single ion anisotropy of Ce3+ induced by applying pressure and Cd doping in these systems. These changes are reflected in modifications in the CEF scheme that will ultimately affect the actual ground state of these compounds.

Phys Rev B ; 99(18)2019 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38846064


We present neutron-diffraction data for the cubic-heavy-fermion YbBiPt that show broad magnetic diffraction peaks due to the fragile short-range antiferromagnetic (AFM) order persist under an applied magnetic-field H . Our results for H ⊥ [ 1 ¯ 1 0 ] and a temperature of T = 0.14 1 K show that 1 2 , 1 2 , 3 2 ) magnetic diffraction peak can be described by the same two-peak line shape found for µ 0 H = 0 T below the Néel temperature of T N = 0.4 K . Both components of the peak exist for µ 0 H ≲ 1.4 T , which is well past the AFM phase boundary determined from our new resistivity data. Using neutron-diffraction data taken at T = 0.13 ( 2 ) K for H ∥ 0 0 1 taken at or 1 1 0 , we show that domains of short-range AFM order change size throughout the previously determined AFM and non-Fermi liquid regions of the phase diagram, and that the appearance of a magnetic diffraction peak at 1 2 , 1 2 , 1 2 at µ 0 H ≈ 0.4 T signals canting of the ordered magnetic moment away from 1 1 1 . The continued broadness of the magnetic diffraction peaks under a magnetic field and their persistence across the AFM phase boundary established by detailed transport and thermodynamic experiments present an interesting quandary concerning the nature of YbBiPt's electronic ground state.

Phys Rev B ; 992019 Feb 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38487214


Kondo-based semimetals and semiconductors are of extensive current interest as a viable platform for strongly correlated states in the dilute carrier limit. It is thus important to explore the routes to understand such systems. One established pathway is through the Kondo effect in metallic nonmagnetic analogs, in the so called half-filling case of one conduction electron and one 4f electron per site. Here, we demonstrate that Kondo-based semimetals develop out of conduction electrons with a low-carrier density in the presence of an even number of rare-earth sites. We do so by studying the Kondo material Yb3Ir4Ge13 along with its closed-4f -shell counterpart, Lu3Ir4Ge13. Through magnetotransport, optical conductivity, and thermodynamic measurements, we establish that the correlated semimetallic state of Yb3Ir4Ge13 below its Kondo temperature originates from the Kondo effect of a low-carrier conduction-electron background. In addition, it displays fragile magnetism at very low temperatures, which in turn, can be tuned to a Griffiths-phase-like regime through Lu-for-Yb substitution. These findings are connected with recent theoretical studies in simplified models. Our results can pave the way to exploring strong correlation physics in a semimetallic environment.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(21): 217201, 2016 May 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27284670


A hidden order that emerges in the frustrated pyrochlore Tb_{2+x}Ti_{2-x}O_{7+y} with T_{c}=0.53 K is studied using specific heat, magnetization, and neutron scattering experiments on a high-quality single crystal. Semiquantitative analyses based on a pseudospin-1/2 Hamiltonian for ionic non-Kramers magnetic doublets demonstrate that it is an ordered state of electric quadrupole moments. The elusive spin liquid state of the nominal Tb_{2}Ti_{2}O_{7} is most likely a U(1) quantum spin-liquid state.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(19): 197004, 2016 May 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27232038


An essential step toward elucidating the mechanism of superconductivity is to determine the sign or phase of the superconducting order parameter, as it is closely related to the pairing interaction. In conventional superconductors, the electron-phonon interaction induces attraction between electrons near the Fermi energy and results in a sign-preserved s-wave pairing. For high-temperature superconductors, including cuprates and iron-based superconductors, prevalent weak coupling theories suggest that the electron pairing is mediated by spin fluctuations which lead to repulsive interactions, and therefore that a sign-reversed pairing with an s_{±} or d-wave symmetry is favored. Here, by using magnetic neutron scattering, a phase sensitive probe of the superconducting gap, we report the observation of a transition from the sign-reversed to sign-preserved Cooper-pairing symmetry with insignificant changes in T_{c} in the S-doped iron selenide superconductors K_{x}Fe_{2-y}(Se_{1-z}S_{z})_{2}. We show that a rather sharp magnetic resonant mode well below the superconducting gap (2Δ) in the undoped sample (z=0) is replaced by a broad hump structure above 2Δ under 50% S doping. These results cannot be readily explained by simple spin fluctuation-exchange pairing theories and, therefore, multiple pairing channels are required to describe superconductivity in this system. Our findings may also yield a simple explanation for the sometimes contradictory data on the sign of the superconducting order parameter in iron-based materials.