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Geriatrics (Basel) ; 7(6)2022 Nov 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36547266


Current evidence suggests that attitude towards older people may be associated with sociodemographic and educational variables; hence, a positive attitude towards older people is key when training new university professionals. However, there is little evidence of this association in Chilean university students. The objective was to analyze students from a Chilean university's attitudes towards older people, according to sociodemographic and educational variables. Analytical and cross-sectional study; 515 students from a Chilean university were consulted online about their attitude towards older people using Kogan's Attitudes towards Old People scale. Additionally, sociodemographic and educational variables were recorded. The average score for positive attitude was 70.8 (±9.7), while the negative attitude score was 68.3 (±11.6). The total score was 139.1 (±16.6). Mostly, university students perceive themselves with a low-level positive attitude (61.2%). Additionally, older university students (26-42 years old); women; Chileans; students of law, speech therapy, and occupational therapy; students in their final years of the programs; and those who had training in older people outside the university have a more positive attitude towards older people. In Conclusion, a profile of sociodemographic and educational characteristics of students with a lower and higher attitude towards older age was investigated. These results are relevant since the way of seeing the aging process could regulate the training of future professionals and consequently generate changes in dealing with older people. Young people's perception of ageing would affect the treatment and incorporation of the older people in society and the adaptation of policies in this age group.

Salud UNINORTE ; 38(2)mayo-ago. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536807


Introducción: Actualmente el desarrollo, aplicación y uso de las nuevas tecnologías vinculadas a la salud es un campo emergente. En la actualidad no existe una revisión que sintetice la información sobre características y usabilidad de geolocalizadores en personas mayores. Objetivo: Sintetizar la evidencia existente sobre las características y usabilidad de dispositivos de geolocalización en personas mayores. Metodología: Se realizó la búsqueda de artículos científicos en las bases de datos: Medline vía PubMed, Lilacs y Google Scholar que cumplieran con los criterios de elegibilidad, entre el 1 de agosto de 2018 hasta el 30 de noviembre de 2020, y se seleccionó 11 documentos. Para la identificación de artículos se utilizó las palabras clave "Geolocalizador", "elderly", "aged" y "older adults". Resultados: La edad promedio de las personas participantes fue de 60,5, predominaron los estudios en género femenino, la población residía en su mayoría (63 %) en la comunidad y el 36,6 % padecía algún trastorno cognitivo. En cuanto a las características de los geolocalizadores, el 72 % de los dispositivos tiene un alcance de radio urbano y el 54 % tiene un costo bajo o gratuito en su implementación o ejecución. Conclusión: Esta revisión caracterizó los dispositivos de geolocalización y su uso en personas mayores en cuanto a su radio de alcance, costo, objetivos de intervención y población objetivo. Estos resultados podrían ser útiles para futuras investigaciones en el área de la gerontolocalización.

Introduction: Currently, the development, application, and use of new technologies related to health is an emerging field. As of right now, there is no review that synthesizes information on the characteristics and usability of geolocators in older adults. Objective: To synthesize the existing evidence on the characteristics and usability of geo-location devices in the elderly. Methodology: A search was made for scientific articles in the databases: Medline via Pub-Med, Lilacs, and Google Scholar that meet the eligibility criteria, between the date of August 1, 2018 to November 30, 2020, selecting 11 documents. For the identification of articles, the keywords "Geolocator", "elderly", "aged", and "older adults" were used. Results: The average age of the participants was 60.5, female studies predominated, most of the population (63%) resided in a community, and 36.6% suffered from a cognitive disorder. Regarding the characteristics of the geolocators, 72% of the devices have an urban radio range, and 54% have a low or free cost in their implementation or execution. Conclusion: This review characterized geolocation devices and their use in older adults in terms of their scope, cost, intervention objectives, and target population. These results could be useful for future research in the area of gerontolocation.