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Rev Bras Ter Intensiva ; 28(3): 220-255, 2016 Sep.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27737418


Organ transplantation is the only alternative for many patients with terminal diseases. The increasing disproportion between the high demand for organ transplants and the low rate of transplants actually performed is worrisome. Some of the causes of this disproportion are errors in the identification of potential organ donors and in the determination of contraindications by the attending staff. Therefore, the aim of the present document is to provide guidelines for intensive care multi-professional staffs for the recognition, assessment and acceptance of potential organ donors.

Brain Death , Organ Transplantation/methods , Tissue Donors/supply & distribution , Tissue and Organ Procurement/methods , Humans , Intensive Care Units
Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 28(3): 220-255, jul.-set. 2016. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-796152


RESUMO O transplante de órgãos é a única alternativa para muitos pacientes portadores de algumas doenças terminais. Ao mesmo tempo, é preocupante a crescente desproporção entre a alta demanda por transplantes de órgãos e o baixo índice de transplantes efetivados. Dentre as diferentes causas que alimentam essa desproporção, estão os equívocos na identificação do potencial doador de órgãos e as contraindicações mal atribuídas pela equipe assistente. Assim, o presente documento pretende fornecer subsídios à equipe multiprofissional da terapia intensiva para o reconhecimento, a avaliação e a validação do potencial doador de órgãos.

ABSTRACT Organ transplantation is the only alternative for many patients with terminal diseases. The increasing disproportion between the high demand for organ transplants and the low rate of transplants actually performed is worrisome. Some of the causes of this disproportion are errors in the identification of potential organ donors and in the determination of contraindications by the attending staff. Therefore, the aim of the present document is to provide guidelines for intensive care multi-professional staffs for the recognition, assessment and acceptance of potential organ donors.

Humans , Tissue Donors/supply & distribution , Tissue and Organ Procurement/methods , Brain Death , Organ Transplantation/methods , Intensive Care Units
Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 24(3): 252-257, jul.-set. 2012. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-655005


OBJETIVO: Verificar a prevalência de alterações clínicas nas radiografias de tórax e sua relação com a tomada de decisões em terapia intensiva. MÉTODOS: Coorte prospectiva, que envolveu pacientes internados não consecutivamente na unidade de terapia intensiva do Hospital Universitário Professor Polydoro Ernani de São Thiago, da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Entre os meses de fevereiro e maio de 2011, foram avaliados diariamente os exames de imagem solicitados na unidade de terapia intensiva, sendo divididos conforme a razão de internação, o tipo de exame solicitado, o segmento anatômico estudado e a finalidade da solicitação. Posteriormente, segundo interpretação do médico intensivista, os exames foram divididos segundo alteração detectada e mudança em conduta médica. A análise estatística foi feita segundo o teste do qui-quadrado. RESULTADOS: Foram envolvidos 106 pacientes pela amostragem. Foram avaliados 447 exames de imagem, sendo 425 radiografias de tórax em incidência anteroposterior. Obteve-se média de 4,01 radiografias por paciente internado. Dentre as radiografias solicitadas, 79,3% foram interpretadas como normais. Das radiografias alteradas, 35,2% não suscitaram alteração em conduta. CONCLUSÃO: A maioria das radiografias solicitadas e realizadas na unidade de terapia intensiva não apresentou alterações clínicas estatisticamente relevantes, e as que demonstraram alterações não necessariamente propiciaram mudança em conduta.

OBJECTIVE: This study determined the prevalence of clinical abnormalities in chest radiographs and its relationship with decision-making in intensive care. METHODS: This prospective cohort study involved nonconsecutive patients who were admitted to the intensive care unit at the Hospital Universitário Professor Polydoro Ernani de São Thiago of the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Imaging tests in the intensive care unit (ICU) were assessed daily between February and May 2011 and divided according to the reason for hospitalization, the type of test requested, anatomical segment under assessment and the purpose of the request. The imaging tests were interpreted by intensivists and subsequently divided according to the detected abnormalities and changes in medical care. The chi-squared test was used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: The study sample included 106 patients. A total of 447 imaging tests were assessed, 425 of which were anteroposterior chest radiographs. An average of 4.01 radiographs per patient was obtained. Among the requested radiographs, 79.3% were normal, and 35.2% of abnormal radiographs did not prompt changes in medical care. CONCLUSION: Most of the radiographs performed in the intensive care unit exhibited no statistically significant clinical alterations, and the radiographs that revealed abnormalities did not necessarily lead to changes in medical care.

Rev Bras Ter Intensiva ; 24(3): 252-7, 2012 Sep.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23917826


OBJECTIVE: This study determined the prevalence of clinical abnormalities in chest radiographs and its relationship with decision-making in intensive care. METHODS: This prospective cohort study involved nonconsecutive patients who were admitted to the intensive care unit at the Hospital Universitário Professor Polydoro Ernani de São Thiago of the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Imaging tests in the intensive care unit (ICU) were assessed daily between February and May 2011 and divided according to the reason for hospitalization, the type of test requested, anatomical segment under assessment and the purpose of the request. The imaging tests were interpreted by intensivists and subsequently divided according to the detected abnormalities and changes in medical care. The chi-squared test was used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: The study sample included 106 patients. A total of 447 imaging tests were assessed, 425 of which were anteroposterior chest radiographs. An average of 4.01 radiographs per patient was obtained. Among the requested radiographs, 79.3% were normal, and 35.2% of abnormal radiographs did not prompt changes in medical care. CONCLUSION: Most of the radiographs performed in the intensive care unit exhibited no statistically significant clinical alterations, and the radiographs that revealed abnormalities did not necessarily lead to changes in medical care.

Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 23(4): 410-425, out.-dez. 2011.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-611496


A morte encefálica induz várias alterações fisiopatológicas que podem causar lesões em rins, pulmões, coração e fígado. Portanto, a atuação do intensivista durante a manutenção do potencial doador falecido exige cuidados específicos com estes órgãos visando sua maior viabilidade para transplantes. O manejo hemodinâmico cuidadoso, os cuidados ventilatórios e de higiene brônquica minimizam a perda de rins e pulmões para o transplante. A avaliação da condição morfológica e funcional do coração auxilia na avaliação do potencial transplantável deste órgão. Por fim, a avaliação da função hepática, assim como o controle metabólico e a realização de sorologias virais são fundamentais para a orientação das equipes transplantadoras na seleção do órgão a ser doado e no cuidado com o receptor.

Brain death (BD) alters the pathophysiology of patients and may damage the kidneys, the lungs, the heart and the liver. To obtain better quality transplant organs, intensive care physicians in charge of the maintenance of deceased donors should attentively monitor these organs. Careful hemodynamic, ventilatory and bronchial clearance management minimizes the loss of kidneys and lungs. The evaluation of cardiac function and morphology supports the transplant viability assessment of the heart. The monitoring of liver function, the management of the patient's metabolic status and the evaluation of viral serology are fundamental for organ selection by the transplant teams and for the care of the transplant recipient.

Fisioter. Bras ; 12(5): 353-358, set.-out. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-785329


Introdução: Os FTCUs (filtros trocadores de calor e umidade)são dispositivos que combinam propriedades de umidificação e retenção bacteriana através de membranas que protegem pacientes mecanicamente ventilados. Objetivo: Analisar, em um modelo experimental,os efeitos de diferentes marcas de FTCU, em diferentes tempos de uso sobre resistência das vias aéreas de pacientes com suporte ventilatório artificial. Material e método: Trata-se de um ensaio clínico randomizado, a amostra constitui-se de 30 filtros de três diferentes marcas, utilizados por 48 horas em pacientes internados numa unidade de terapia intensiva. A variável estudada consistiu na resistência ao fluxo de ar, analisada em 0, 24 e 48 horas para cada marca de FTCU. Resultados: Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa na resistência ao fluxo de ar entre as marcas no tempo de uso 24 horas (p = 0,489) e 48 horas (p = 0,374), apenas no momento0 hora de utilização houve uma diferença estatisticamente significativa(p = 0,027) entre as marcas estudadas, e, além disso, dentro da mesma marca não houve diferença estatística na resistência ao fluxo de ar com o tempo de uso. Conclusão: A utilização por 48 horas dos FTCUs não interfere na resistência ao fluxo de ar de pacientes mecanicamente ventilados promovendo segurança no seu uso.

Introduction: The FTCUs (heat and moisture exchange filters)are devices that combine wetting properties and retention through bacterial membranes that protect mechanically ventilated patients. Objective: To analyze, in an experimental model, the effects ofdifferent brands of FTCU at different times of use on the airways of patients with mechanical ventilation. Material and methods:Randomized clinical trial with a sample of 30 filters used threedifferent brands for 48 hours in ICU patients. The variable studied was the resistance to airflow analyzed at 0, 24 and 48 hours for each brand of FTCU. Results: There were no statistically significant difference in resistance to air flow between the brands used 24 hours(p = 0.489) and 48 hours (p = 0.374). Just in time 0 hour of usethere was a statistically significant difference (p = 0.027) among thebrands studied. Within the same brand no statistical difference wasobserved in the resistance to air flow with time of use. Conclusion:The use of filters does not interfere with FTCUs resistance to airflowin mechanically ventilated patients promoting security in its use.

Humans , Airway Resistance , Filters , Intensive Care Units , Respiration, Artificial
Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 23(3): 255-268, jul.-set. 2011.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-602760


A desproporção entre a grande demanda por transplantes de órgãos e a baixa realização de transplantes é um grave problema de saúde pública. O reconhecimento da morte encefálica, a adequada abordagem da família e a manutenção clínica do doador falecido são fundamentais para a diminuição desta desproporção. Neste cenário, o intensivista tem importância central e a aplicação do conjunto de informações disponíveis para manutenção do potencial doador falecido está claramente associada à redução de perdas de doadores e ao aumento da qualidade e da efetivação de transplantes.

There is a relative shortage of appropriate organs available for transplantation. The appropriate diagnosis of brain death, a suitable family approach and the maintenance of the deceased donor are fundamental in addressing this issue. The intensive care physician plays a key role in the maintenance of the deceased donor, thereby reducing losses and increasing the number of successful transplants.

Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 23(3): 269-282, jul.-set. 2011.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-602761


A atuação do intensivista durante a manutenção do potencial doador falecido na busca da redução de perdas de doadores e do aumento da efetivação de transplantes não se restringe aos aspectos hemodinâmicos. O adequado controle endócrino-metabólico é essencial para a manutenção do aporte energético aos tecidos e do controle hidro-eletrolítico, favorecendo inclusive a estabilidade hemodinâmica. A abordagem das alterações hematológicas é igualmente importante considerando as implicações da prática transfusional inapropriada. Ressalta-se ainda o papel da ventilação protetora na modulação inflamatória e conseqüente aumento do aproveitamento de pulmões para transplante. Por fim, assinala-se a relevância da avaliação criteriosa das evidências de atividade infecciosa e da antibioticoterapia na busca do maior utilização de órgãos de potenciais doadores falecidos.

The role of intensive care specialists in the maintenance of deceased potential donors is not restricted to hemodynamics. Appropriate endocrine-metabolic management is fundamental to maintaining energy support and hydroelectrolytic control, which cooperate for hemodynamic stability. Hematological changes are also important, especially considering the issues caused by inappropriate transfusions. In addition, this article discusses the role of appropriate protective ventilation to prevent inflammatory responses and to provide more transplantable lungs. Finally, judicious assessment of infections and antibiotic therapy is discussed.

Rev Bras Ter Intensiva ; 23(3): 255-68, 2011 Sep.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23949397


There is a relative shortage of appropriate organs available for transplantation. The appropriate diagnosis of brain death, a suitable family approach and the maintenance of the deceased donor are fundamental in addressing this issue. The intensive care physician plays a key role in the maintenance of the deceased donor, thereby reducing losses and increasing the number of successful transplants.

Rev Bras Ter Intensiva ; 23(3): 269-82, 2011 Sep.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23949398


The role of intensive care specialists in the maintenance of deceased potential donors is not restricted to hemodynamics. Appropriate endocrine-metabolic management is fundamental to maintaining energy support and hydroelectrolytic control, which cooperate for hemodynamic stability. Hematological changes are also important, especially considering the issues caused by inappropriate transfusions. In addition, this article discusses the role of appropriate protective ventilation to prevent inflammatory responses and to provide more transplantable lungs. Finally, judicious assessment of infections and antibiotic therapy is discussed.

Rev Bras Ter Intensiva ; 23(4): 410-25, 2011 Dec.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23949454


Brain death (BD) alters the pathophysiology of patients and may damage the kidneys, the lungs, the heart and the liver. To obtain better quality transplant organs, intensive care physicians in charge of the maintenance of deceased donors should attentively monitor these organs. Careful hemodynamic, ventilatory and bronchial clearance management minimizes the loss of kidneys and lungs. The evaluation of cardiac function and morphology supports the transplant viability assessment of the heart. The monitoring of liver function, the management of the patient's metabolic status and the evaluation of viral serology are fundamental for organ selection by the transplant teams and for the care of the transplant recipient.

ACM arq. catarin. med ; 39(4)out.-dez. 2010. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-664884


Objetivo: Analisar as UTIs no Estado de Santa Catarina e o perfil dos pacientes internados nesses setores. Método: Corte transversal, realizado com o apoio do CREMESC e SOCATI. Foi enviado um questionário estruturado aos chefes das UTIs cadastradas no CREMESC (n=60), sendo anotadas as características dos hospitais e das UTIs, os recursos humanos, materiais e os dados terapêuticos referentes aos pacientes internados nas UTIs. Para análise estatísticas foram utilizados os teste X2 e ANOVA (significância 5%). Resultados: Houve a resposta de 80% dos questionários (n=48). Foram apontados 689 leitos de UTI, 63% atendiam adultos, 20% crianças e/ou recém--nascidos e 17% eram unidades mistas (adulto e infantil). A taxa de ocupação nessas unidades foi de, respectivamente, 77.8%, 60.7% e 92.4%. Foram apontados mais profissionais com título de especialista nas UTIs pediá-tricas em comparação com as UTIs de adulto (p<0.001). As UTIs possuíam a maioria dos materiais indispensá-veis. Foram anotados 0.8 ventiladores mecânicos/leito, sendo menos prevalentes o cateter de Swan Gans e o capnógrafo. Cerca de 60% dos pacientes adultos e 28% dos pediátricos estava sob ventilação mecânica. Drogas vaso ativas eram administradas em 30% dos pacientes adultos e 23% dos pediátricos. Quanto aos fármacos sedoanalgésicos, os pacientes pediátricos receberam mais midazolam. Os adultos receberam mais fentanil e outros fármacos (clonidina, propofol). Conclusão: A maioria das UTIs de Santa Catarina possui material básico adequado e bom índice de profissionais titulados trabalham nesses setores. No que concerne a administração de fármacos sedoanalgésicos, drogas vaso ativas e nutrição parenteral, as condutas tomadas com os pacientes pediátricos foram diferentes daquelas aplicadas aos adultos.

Objective: To analyze the ICUs in the state of Santa Catarina and the profile of patients admitted in these sectors. Method: Cross section study, conducted with the support of CREMESC and SOCATI. A structured questionnaire was sent to heads of ICUs enrolled in CREMESC (n=60), and noted the general characteristics of hospitals and ICUs, human resources, materials and therapeutic data concerning patients admitted to ICUs. Statistical analysis used ANOVA and x2 tests (significance 5%).Results: Eighty percent of the respondents answered the questionnaires (n=48). Were appointed 689 ICU beds, 63% used in the treatment of adults, 20% send to children and/or newborns and 17% mixed (adult/child). The occupancy rate in these units was respectively 77.8%, 60.7% and 92.4%. Respective to the professionals expertise, were appointed more diploma of specialist within pediatric ICUs compared to adult ICUs (p<0.001). The ICU had the majority of essential materials. Were recorded 0.8 mechanical ventilator for bed. The Swan Ganz catheter and capnography were the least availa-ble technologies. About 60% of adult patients and 28% of children were on mechanical ventilation. Vasoactive drugs were administered in 30% of adult patients and 23% of children. Midazolan was the more used drug for sedoanalgesic in pediatric patients, while adults received more fentanyl and other drugs (clonidine/propofol). Conclusion: The majority of ICUs in Santa Catarina has adequate basic material and adequate index of specialist working in these sectors. Regarding the administration of sedoanalgesic drugs, vasoactive drugs and parenteral nutrition, medical decisions taken with the pediatric patients were different from those applied to adults.

Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 22(2): 125-132, abr.-jun. 2010. graf, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-553450


OBJETIVO: Avaliar as condutas tomadas nas Unidades de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) com os pacientes críticos terminais. MÉTODOS: Os membros do grupo de estudo do final da vida das sociedades Argentina, Brasileira e Uruguaia de Terapia Intensiva elaboraram um questionário no qual constavam avaliações demográficas sobre os participantes, sobre as instituições em que os mesmos trabalhavam e decisões sobre limite de esforço terapêutico (LET). Neste estudo de corte transversal os membros da equipe multiprofissional das sociedades responderam o questionário durante eventos científicos e, via on line. As variáveis foram analisadas através do teste qui-quadrado sendo considerado significativa p<0,05. RESULTADOS: Participaram do estudo 420 profissionais. No Brasil as UTI tinham mais leitos, foi mais rara a permissão irrestrita de visitas, os profissionais eram mais jovens, trabalhavam a menos tempo na UTI e houve maior participação de não médicos. Três visitas/dia foi o número mais frequente nos três países. Os fatores que mais influíram nas decisões de LET foram prognóstico da doença, co-morbidades e futilidade terapêutica. Nos três países mais de 90 por cento dos participantes já havia decidido por LET. Reanimação cardiorrespiratória, administração de drogas vaso-ativas, métodos dialíticos e nutrição parenteral foram as terapias mais suspensas/recusadas nos três países. Houve diferença significativa quanto à suspensão da ventilação mecânica, mais frequente na Argentina, seguida do Uruguai. Analgesia e sedação foram as terapias menos suspensas nos três países. Definições legais e éticas foram apontadas como as principais barreiras para a tomada de decisão. CONCLUSÃO: Decisões de LET são frequentemente utilizados entre os profissionais que atuam nas UTI dos três países. Existe uma tendência da ação de LET mais pró-ativa na Argentina, e uma maior equidade na distribuição das decisões no Uruguai. Essa diferença parece estar relacionada às diferenças...

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To evaluate end-of-life procedures in intensive care units. METHODS: A questionnaire was prepared by the End-of-Life Study Group of the Argentinean, Brazilian and Uruguayan Intensive Care societies, collecting data on the participants’ demographics, institutions and limit therapeutic effort (LTE) decision making process. During this cross sectional study, the societies’ multidisciplinary teams members completed the questionnaire either during scientific meetings or online. The variables were analyzed with the Chi-square test, with a p<0.05 significance level. RESULTS: 420 professionals completed the questionnaire. The Brazilian units had more beds, unrestricted visit was less frequent, their professionals were younger and worked more recently in intensive care units, and more non-medical professionals completed the questionnaire. Three visits daily was the more usual number of visits for the three countries. The most influencing LTE factors were prognosis, co-morbidities, and therapeutic futility. In the three countries, more than 90 percent of the completers had already made LTE decisions. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, vasoactive drugs administration, dialysis and parenteral nutrition were the most suspended/refused therapies in the three countries. Suspension of mechanic ventilation was more frequent in Argentina, followed by Uruguay. Sedation and analgesia were the less suspended therapies in the three countries. Legal definement and ethical issues were mentioned as the main barriers for the LTE decision making process. CONCLUSION: LTE decisions are frequent among the professionals working in the three countries’ intensive care units. We found a more proactive LTE decision making trend In Argentina, and more equity for decisions distribution in Uruguay. This difference appears to be related to the participants’ different ages, experiences, professional types and genders.

Rev Bras Ter Intensiva ; 22(2): 125-32, 2010 Jun.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25303753


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To evaluate end-of-life procedures in intensive care units. METHODS: A questionnaire was prepared by the End-of-Life Study Group of the Argentinean, Brazilian and Uruguayan Intensive Care societies, collecting data on the participants’ demographics, institutions and limit therapeutic effort (LTE) decision making process. During this cross sectional study, the societies’ multidisciplinary teams members completed the questionnaire either during scientific meetings or online. The variables were analyzed with the Chi-square test, with a p<0.05 significance level. RESULTS: 420 professionals completed the questionnaire. The Brazilian units had more beds, unrestricted visit was less frequent, their professionals were younger and worked more recently in intensive care units, and more non-medical professionals completed the questionnaire. Three visits daily was the more usual number of visits for the three countries. The most influencing LTE factors were prognosis, co-morbidities, and therapeutic futility. In the three countries, more than 90% of the completers had already made LTE decisions. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, vasoactive drugs administration, dialysis and parenteral nutrition were the most suspended/refused therapies in the three countries. Suspension of mechanic ventilation was more frequent in Argentina, followed by Uruguay. Sedation and analgesia were the less suspended therapies in the three countries. Legal definement and ethical issues were mentioned as the main barriers for the LTE decision making process. CONCLUSION: LTE decisions are frequent among the professionals working in the three countries’ intensive care units. We found a more proactive LTE decision making trend In Argentina, and more equity for decisions distribution in Uruguay. This difference appears to be related to the participants’ different ages, experiences, professional types and genders.

Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 21(3): 306-309, jul.-ago. 2009. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-530163


As condutas de limitação de tratamento oferecidas a pacientes portadores de doenças terminais, internados em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva, tem aumentado a sua freqüência nos últimos anos em todo o mundo. Apesar disto, ainda existe uma grande dificuldade dos intensivistas brasileiros em oferecer o melhor tratamento àqueles pacientes que não se beneficiariam com terapêuticas curativas. O objetivo deste comentário é apresentar uma sugestão de fluxograma para atendimento de pacientes com doenças terminais que foi elaborado, baseado na literatura e experiência de experts, pelos membros do comitê de ética e de terminalidade da AMIB.

Withholding of treatment in patients with terminal disease is increasingly common in intensive care units, throughout the world. Notwithstanding, Brazilian intensivists still have a great difficulty to offer the best treatment to patients that have not benefited from curative care. The objective of this comment is to suggest an algorithm for the care of terminally ill patients. It was formulated based upon literature and the experience of experts, by members of the ethics committee and end-of-life of AMIB - Brazilian Association of Intensive Care.

Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 21(2): 141-147, abr.-jun. 2009. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-521492


OBJETIVOS: Avaliar as condutas médicas adotadas durante o morrer de pacientes que foram a óbito no HU/UFSC. Comparar essas condutas e o perfil epidemiológico dos que morreram na unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) com o dos que morreram nas enfermarias de clínica médica (ECM) ou cirúrgicas (ECC). MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo e observacional, onde foram anotados os dados demográficos, clínicos e terapêuticos dos pacientes adultos que morreram nas enfermarias e na unidade de terapia intensiva do HU/UFSC, no período de julho/2004 a dezembro/2008. Para análise estatística foram utilizados os testes: t Student, χ2 e ANOVA (significante p<0.05). RESULTADOS: Foram analisadas 1124 mortes: 404 ocorreram na UTI, 607 na ECM e 113 na ECC. A taxa de mortalidade hospitalar foi 5,9 por cento (UTI=24,5 por cento, ECM=7,2 por cento, ECC=1,69 por cento). A idade média dos doentes foi: UTI=56,7, ECM=69,3 e ECC=70,4 anos (p<0,01). A recusa/suspensão de terapêutica precedeu 30,7 por cento dos óbitos na unidade de terapia intensiva e 10,0 por cento nas enfermarias (p<0,01). Não houve reanimação cardiorrespiratória em 65 por cento dos casos na UTI, 79 por cento na ECM e 62 por cento na ECC. Excluindo-se reanimação cardiorrespiratória, a recusa/suspensão de terapêutica mais freqüente na unidade de terapia intensiva foi droga vasoativa; já nas enfermarias foi a não internação na unidade de terapia intensiva. Ordem de não reanimar foi documentada em 2,4 por cento dos casos na UTI e em 2,6 por cento na ECM. Condutas paliativas e de conforto foram prestados a 2,0 por cento dos pacientes na UTI, 11,5 por cento na ECM e 8,0 por cento na ECC. A terminalidade da doença foi reconhecida em 40,0 por cento dos casos na UTI, 34,6 por cento na ECM e 16,8 por cento na ECC. CONCLUSÕES: O perfil dos pacientes que morreram e as condutas médicas adotadas durante o processo de morrer foram diferentes nas enfermarias clínicas, cirúrgicas e na unidade de terapia intensiva.

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the medical decisions at end-of-life of patients admitted at HU/UFSC and to compare these decisions and the profile of patients who died in the intensive care unit (ICU) to those who died in medical (MW) and surgical wards (SW). METHODS: This is a retrospective and observational study. Demographic data, clinical features, treatment and the end-of-life care decisions of adult patients who died in wards and the intensive care unit of HU/UFSC from July/2004 to December/2008 were analyzed . For statistical analysis the Student's t, χ2 and ANOVA tests were used: (significance p <0.05). RESULTS: An analysis was made of 1124 deaths: 404 occurred in ICU, 607 in MW and 113 in SW. The overall hospital mortality rate was 5.9 percent (ICU=24.49 percent, MW=7.2 percent, SW=1.69 percent). Mean ages of patients were: ICU=56.7, MW=69.3 and SW=70.4 years (p <0.01). Withholding/withdrawing life support was performed prior to 30.7 percent of deaths in the intensive care unit and 10 percent in the wards (p <0.01). Cardiopulmonary resuscitation was not carried out in 65 percent of cases in ICU, 79 percent in MW and 62 percent in SW. Besides cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the more frequent withholding/withdrawing life support in the intensive care unit were vasoactive drugs and in the wards refusal of admission to intensive care unit . Do-not-resuscitate order was documented in 2.4 percent of cases in ICU and 2.6 percent in MW. Palliative and comfort care were provided to 2 percent of patients in ICU, 11.5 percent in MW and 8 percent in SW. Terminality of the disease was recognized in 40 percent of cases in ICU, 34.6 percent in MW and 16.8 percent in SW. CONCLUSIONS: The profile of patients who died and medical decisions during the end-of-life process were different in the intensive care unit, clinical and surgical wards.

Rev Bras Ter Intensiva ; 21(2): 141-7, 2009 Jun.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25303343


OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the medical decisions at end-of-life of patients admitted at HU/UFSC and to compare these decisions and the profile of patients who died in the intensive care unit (ICU) to those who died in medical (MW) and surgical wards (SW). METHODS: This is a retrospective and observational study. Demographic data, clinical features, treatment and the end-of-life care decisions of adult patients who died in wards and the intensive care unit of HU/UFSC from July/2004 to December/2008 were analyzed . For statistical analysis the Student's t, χ2 and ANOVA tests were used: (significance p <0.05). RESULTS: An analysis was made of 1124 deaths: 404 occurred in ICU, 607 in MW and 113 in SW. The overall hospital mortality rate was 5.9% (ICU=24.49%, MW=7.2%, SW=1.69%). Mean ages of patients were: ICU=56.7, MW=69.3 and SW=70.4 years (p <0.01). Withholding/withdrawing life support was performed prior to 30.7% of deaths in the intensive care unit and 10% in the wards (p <0.01). Cardiopulmonary resuscitation was not carried out in 65% of cases in ICU, 79% in MW and 62% in SW. Besides cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the more frequent withholding/withdrawing life support in the intensive care unit were vasoactive drugs and in the wards refusal of admission to intensive care unit . Do-not-resuscitate order was documented in 2.4% of cases in ICU and 2.6% in MW. Palliative and comfort care were provided to 2% of patients in ICU, 11.5% in MW and 8% in SW. Terminality of the disease was recognized in 40% of cases in ICU, 34.6% in MW and 16.8% in SW. CONCLUSIONS: The profile of patients who died and medical decisions during the end-of-life process were different in the intensive care unit, clinical and surgical wards.

Rev Bras Ter Intensiva ; 21(3): 306-9, 2009 Aug.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25303553


Withholding of treatment in patients with terminal disease is increasingly common in intensive care units, throughout the world. Notwithstanding, Brazilian intensivists still have a great difficulty to offer the best treatment to patients that have not benefited from curative care. The objective of this comment is to suggest an algorithm for the care of terminally ill patients. It was formulated based upon literature and the experience of experts, by members of the ethics committee and end-of-life of AMIB - Brazilian Association of Intensive Care.

Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 20(4): 422-428, out.-dez. 2008. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-506842


O objetivo da presente revisão foi avaliar o estado atual do conhecimento sobre doença terminal e cuidados paliativos em unidade de terapia intensiva. Identificar as questões-chave e sugerir uma agenda de pesquisa sobre essas questões. A Associação Brasileira de Medicina Intensiva organizou um fórum especifico para o debate de doenças terminais na unidade de terapia intensiva, onde participaram profissionais experientes em medicina intensiva. Esses profissionais foram subdivididos em 3 subgrupos, que discutiram: comunicação em unidade de terapia intensiva, decisões diante de um doente terminal e cuidados/ações paliativas na unidade de terapia intensiva. As informações e referências bibliográficas foram copiladas e trabalhadas através de um site de acesso restrito. Os trabalhos ocorreram em 12 horas quando foram realizadas discussões sistematizadas seguindo o método Delphi modificado. Foram elaboradas definições sobre a terminalidade. A adequada comunicação foi considerada de primordial importância para a condução do tratamento de um paciente terminal. Foram descritas barreiras de comunicação que devem ser evitadas sendo definidas técnicas para a boa comunicação. Foram também definidos os critérios para cuidados e ações paliativas nas unidades de terapia intensiva, sendo considerada fundamental a aceitação da morte, como um evento natural, e o respeito à autonomia e não maleficência do paciente. Considerou-se aconselhável a suspensão de medicamentos fúteis, que prolonguem o morrer e a adequação dos tratamentos não fúteis privilegiando o controle da dor e dos sintomas para o alívio do sofrimento dos pacientes com doença terminal. Para a prestação de cuidados paliativos a pacientes críticos e seus familiares, devem ser seguidos princípios e metas que visem o respeito às necessidades e anseios individuais. Os profissionais da unidade de terapia intensiva envolvidos com o tratamento desses pacientes são submetidos a grande estresse e tensão...

The objective of this review was to evaluate current knowledge regarding terminal illness and palliative care in the intensive care unit, to identify the major challenges involved and propose a research agenda on these issues The Brazilian Critical Care Association organized a specific forum on terminally ill patients, to which were invited experienced and skilled professionals on critical care. These professionals were divided in three groups: communication in the intensive care unit, the decision making process when faced with a terminally ill patient and palliative actions and care in the intensive care unit. Data and bibliographic references were stored in a restricted website. During a twelve hour meeting and following a modified Delphi methodology, the groups prepared the final document. Consensual definition regarding terminality was reached. Good communication was considered the cornerstone to define the best treatment for a terminally ill patient. Accordingly some communication barriers were described that should be avoided as well as some approaches that should be pursued. Criteria for palliative care and palliative action in the intensive care unit were defined. Acceptance of death as a natural event as well as respect for the patient's autonomy and the nonmaleficence principles were stressed. A recommendation was made to withdraw the futile treatment that prolongs the dying process and to elected analgesia and measures that alleviate suffering in terminally ill patients. To deliver palliative care to terminally ill patients and their relatives some principles and guides should be followed, respecting individual necessities and beliefs. The intensive care unit staff involved with the treatment of terminally ill patients is subject to stress and tension. Availability of a continuous education program on palliative care is desirable.

Critical Care , Life Support Care , Palliative Care , Terminally Ill
Rev Assoc Med Bras (1992) ; 54(5): 390-5, 2008.
Article in Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18989556


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the deaths which occurred at the HU/UFSC. To compare the profile of patients who died in the wards with that of patients who died in the ICU. To classify deaths which were expected or not, and avoidable or not. To verify how often withholding or withdrawing (WW) therapy preceded death. METHODS: Archives of the Hospital Death Commission (HDC) were analyzed. The clinical and demographic records were retrieved from the HDC data bank. Deaths were classified by the HDC as expected or not and avoidable or not. RESULTS: Data from 326 dead persons over 14 years of age were analyzed. One hundred and twenty eight deaths occurred in the ICU (G1) and 198 in the wards (G2). WW therapy preceded 38.2% of deaths in G1 and 2% in G2 (p<0.001). The main WW therapies were vasoactive drugs and antibiotics. Almost 20% of deaths were unexpected/avoidable in G1. In G2 6.5% were considered unexpected and 5% avoidable (p<0.005). Patients in G1 were younger and mostly male (p<0.005). Do-not-resuscitate orders were registered in 48.4% of patients' medical charts in G2 and 6.3% in G1 (p<0.001). Cardiopulmonary resuscitation was performed in 23.4% of patients in G1 and in 5.5% in G2 (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: In G1, patients were younger and deaths were more frequently preceded by WW. In G2, half of the patients had do-not-resuscitate order registered in their medical charts. In only a few patients were deaths considered unexpected or avoidable. No evident professional or institutional error was identified.

Death, Sudden/epidemiology , Hospital Mortality , Hospital Units/statistics & numerical data , Withholding Treatment/statistics & numerical data , Aged , Brazil/epidemiology , Cause of Death , Chi-Square Distribution , Death, Sudden/etiology , Death, Sudden/prevention & control , Female , Hospitals, University , Humans , Intensive Care Units/statistics & numerical data , Male , Middle Aged , Resuscitation Orders , Retrospective Studies , Terminal Care/methods