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Cell Rep ; 43(8): 114650, 2024 Aug 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39159043


We describe a binary expression aleatory mosaic (BEAM) system, which relies on DNA delivery by transfection or viral transduction along with nested recombinase activity to generate two genetically distinct, non-overlapping populations of cells for comparative analysis. Control cells labeled with red fluorescent protein (RFP) can be directly compared with experimental cells manipulated by genetic gain or loss of function and labeled with GFP. Importantly, BEAM incorporates recombinase-dependent signal amplification and delayed reporter expression to enable sharper delineation of control and experimental cells and to improve reliability relative to existing methods. We applied BEAM to a variety of known phenotypes to illustrate its advantages for identifying temporally or spatially aberrant phenotypes, for revealing changes in cell proliferation or death, and for controlling for procedural variability. In addition, we used BEAM to test the cortical protomap hypothesis at the individual radial unit level, revealing that area identity is cell autonomously specified in adjacent radial units.

Recombinases , Animals , Recombinases/metabolism , Recombinases/genetics , Mosaicism , Luminescent Proteins/genetics , Luminescent Proteins/metabolism , Mice , Gene Expression/genetics , Red Fluorescent Protein , Green Fluorescent Proteins/metabolism , Green Fluorescent Proteins/genetics , Humans
iScience ; 27(6): 109911, 2024 Jun 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38784012


Differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) into subtype-specific neurons holds substantial potential for disease modeling in vitro. For successful differentiation, a detailed understanding of the transcriptional networks regulating cell fate decisions is critical. The heterochronic nature of neurodevelopment, during which distinct cells in the brain and during in vitro differentiation acquire their fates in an unsynchronized manner, hinders pooled transcriptional comparisons. One approach is to "translate" chronologic time into linear developmental and maturational time. Simple binary promotor-driven fluorescent proteins (FPs) to pool similar cells are unable to achieve this goal, due to asynchronous promotor onset in individual cells. We tested five fluorescent timer (FT) molecules expressed from the endogenous paired box 6 (PAX6) promoter in 293T and human hPSCs. Each of these FT systems faithfully reported chronologic time in 293T cells, but none of the FT constructs followed the same fluorescence kinetics in human neural progenitor cells.

bioRxiv ; 2024 Apr 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38712174


Corticospinal neurons (CSN) centrally degenerate in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), along with spinal motor neurons, and loss of voluntary motor function in spinal cord injury (SCI) results from damage to CSN axons. For functional regeneration of specifically affected neuronal circuitry in vivo , or for optimally informative disease modeling and/or therapeutic screening in vitro , it is important to reproduce the type or subtype of neurons involved. No such appropriate in vitro models exist with which to investigate CSN selective vulnerability and degeneration in ALS, or to investigate routes to regeneration of CSN circuitry for ALS or SCI, critically limiting the relevance of much research. Here, we identify that the HMG-domain transcription factor Sox6 is expressed by a subset of NG2+ endogenous cortical progenitors in postnatal and adult cortex, and that Sox6 suppresses a latent neurogenic program by repressing inappropriate proneural Neurog2 expression by progenitors. We FACS-purify these genetically accessible progenitors from postnatal mouse cortex and establish a pure culture system to investigate their potential for directed differentiation into CSN. We then employ a multi-component construct with complementary and differentiation-sharpening transcriptional controls (activating Neurog2, Fezf2 , while antagonizing Olig2 with VP16:Olig2 ). We generate corticospinal-like neurons from SOX6+/NG2+ cortical progenitors, and find that these neurons differentiate with remarkable fidelity compared with corticospinal neurons in vivo . They possess appropriate morphological, molecular, transcriptomic, and electrophysiological characteristics, without characteristics of the alternate intracortical or other neuronal subtypes. We identify that these critical specifics of differentiation are not reproduced by commonly employed Neurog2 -driven differentiation. Neurons induced by Neurog2 instead exhibit aberrant multi-axon morphology and express molecular hallmarks of alternate cortical projection subtypes, often in mixed form. Together, this developmentally-based directed differentiation from genetically accessible cortical progenitors sets a precedent and foundation for in vitro mechanistic and therapeutic disease modeling, and toward regenerative neuronal repopulation and circuit repair.

bioRxiv ; 2024 Mar 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38585721


Specific and highly diverse connectivity between functionally specialized regions of the nervous system is controlled at multiple scales, from anatomically organized connectivity following macroscopic axon tracts to individual axon target-finding and synapse formation. Identifying mechanisms that enable entire subpopulations of related neurons to project their axons with regional specificity within stereotyped tracts to form appropriate long-range connectivity is key to understanding brain development, organization, and function. Here, we investigate how axons of the cerebral cortex form precise connections between the two cortical hemispheres via the corpus callosum. We identify topographic principles of the developing trans-hemispheric callosal tract that emerge through intrinsic guidance executed by growing axons in the corpus callosum within the first postnatal week in mice. Using micro-transplantation of regionally distinct neurons, subtype-specific growth cone purification, subcellular proteomics, and in utero gene manipulation, we investigate guidance mechanisms of transhemispheric axons. We find that adhesion molecule levels instruct tract topography and target field guidance. We propose a model in which transcallosal axons in the developing brain perform a "handshake" that is guided through co-fasciculation with symmetric contralateral axons, resulting in the stereotyped homotopic connectivity between the brain's hemispheres.

bioRxiv ; 2024 Jan 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38328182


Molecular mechanisms that cells employ to compartmentalize function via localization of function-specific RNA and translation are only partially elucidated. We investigate long-range projection neurons of the cerebral cortex as highly polarized exemplars to elucidate dynamic regulation of RNA localization, stability, and translation within growth cones (GCs), leading tips of growing axons. Comparison of GC-localized transcriptomes between two distinct subtypes of projection neurons- interhemispheric-callosal and corticothalamic- across developmental stages identifies both distinct and shared subcellular machinery, and intriguingly highlights enrichment of genes associated with neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders. Developmental context-specific components of GC-localized transcriptomes identify known and novel potential regulators of distinct phases of circuit formation: long-distance growth, target area innervation, and synapse formation. Further, we investigate mechanisms by which transcripts are enriched and dynamically regulated in GCs, and identify GC-enriched motifs in 3' untranslated regions. As one example, we identify cytoplasmic adenylation element binding protein 4 (CPEB4), an RNA binding protein regulating localization and translation of mRNAs encoding molecular machinery important for axonal branching and complexity. We also identify RNA binding motif single stranded interacting protein 1 (RBMS1) as a dynamically expressed regulator of RNA stabilization that enables successful callosal circuit formation. Subtly aberrant associative and integrative cortical circuitry can profoundly affect cortical function, often causing neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders. Elucidation of context-specific subcellular RNA regulation for GC- and soma-localized molecular controls over precise circuit development, maintenance, and function offers generalizable insights for other polarized cells, and might contribute substantially to understanding neurodevelopmental and behavioral-cognitive disorders and toward targeted therapeutics.

Cell Rep ; 42(8): 112957, 2023 08 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37561632


Identities of distinct neuron subtypes are specified during embryonic development, then maintained during post-natal maturation. In cerebral cortex, mechanisms controlling early acquisition of neuron-subtype identities have become increasingly understood. However, mechanisms controlling neuron-subtype identity stability during post-natal maturation are largely unexplored. We identify that Tle4 is required for both early acquisition and post-natal stability of corticothalamic neuron-subtype identity. Embryonically, Tle4 promotes acquisition of corticothalamic identity and blocks emergence of core characteristics of subcerebral/corticospinal projection neuron identity, including gene expression and connectivity. During the first post-natal week, when corticothalamic innervation is ongoing, Tle4 is required to stabilize corticothalamic neuron identity, limiting interference from differentiation programs of developmentally related neuron classes. We identify a deacetylation-based epigenetic mechanism by which TLE4 controls Fezf2 expression level by corticothalamic neurons. This contributes to distinction of cortical output subtypes and ensures identity stability for appropriate maturation of corticothalamic neurons.

Cerebral Cortex , Neurons , Female , Pregnancy , Interneurons , Neurons/metabolism
Cell Rep ; 42(9): 112995, 2023 09 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37624698


Investigation of translation in rare cell types or subcellular contexts is challenging due to large input requirements for standard approaches. Here, we present "nanoRibo-seq" an optimized approach using 102- to 103-fold less input material than bulk approaches. nanoRibo-seq exhibits rigorous quality control features consistent with quantification of ribosome protected fragments with as few as 1,000 cells. We compare translatomes of two closely related cortical neuron subtypes, callosal projection neurons (CPN) and subcerebral projection neurons (SCPN), during their early postnatal development. We find that, while translational efficiency is highly correlated between CPN and SCPN, several dozen mRNAs are differentially translated. We further examine upstream open reading frame (uORF) translation and identify that mRNAs involved in synapse organization and axon development are highly enriched for uORF translation in both subtypes. nanoRibo-seq enables investigation of translational regulation of rare cell types in vivo and offers a flexible approach for globally quantifying translation from limited input material.

Axons , Neurons , Open Reading Frames/genetics , Neurons/metabolism , Axons/metabolism , Ribosomes/genetics , Ribosomes/metabolism , Corpus Callosum/metabolism , RNA, Messenger/genetics , RNA, Messenger/metabolism , Protein Biosynthesis
bioRxiv ; 2023 Aug 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37609140


Differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSC) into distinct neuronal populations holds substantial potential for disease modeling in vitro, toward both elucidation of pathobiological mechanisms and screening of potential therapeutic agents. For successful differentiation of hPSCs into subtype-specific neurons using in vitro protocols, detailed understanding of the transcriptional networks and their dynamic programs regulating endogenous cell fate decisions is critical. One major roadblock is the heterochronic nature of neurodevelopment, during which distinct cells and cell types in the brain and during in vitro differentiation mature and acquire their fates in an unsynchronized manner, hindering pooled transcriptional comparisons. One potential approach is to "translate" chronologic time into linear developmental and maturational time. Attempts to partially achieve this using simple binary promotor-driven fluorescent proteins (FPs) to pool similar cells have not been able to achieve this goal, due to asynchrony of promotor onset in individual cells. Toward solving this, we generated and tested a range of knock-in hPSC lines that express five distinct dual FP timer systems or single time-resolved fluorescent timer (FT) molecules, either in 293T cells or in human hPSCs driving expression from the endogenous paired box 6 (PAX6) promoter of cerebral cortex progenitors. While each of these dual FP or FT systems faithfully reported chronologic time when expressed from a strong inducible promoter in 293T cells, none of the tested FP/FT constructs followed the same fluorescence kinetics in developing human neural progenitor cells, and were unsuccessful in identification and isolation of distinct, developmentally synchronized cortical progenitor populations based on ratiometric fluorescence. This work highlights unique and often surprising expression kinetics and regulation in specific cell types differentiating from hPSCs.

Cell Rep ; 42(3): 112182, 2023 03 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36934325


How CNS circuits sculpt their axonal arbors into spatially and functionally organized domains is not well understood. Segmental specificity of corticospinal connectivity is an exemplar for such regional specificity of many axon projections. Corticospinal neurons (CSN) innervate spinal and brainstem targets with segmental precision, controlling voluntary movement. Multiple molecularly distinct CSN subpopulations innervate the cervical cord for evolutionarily enhanced precision of forelimb movement. Evolutionarily newer CSNBC-lat exclusively innervate bulbar-cervical targets, while CSNmedial are heterogeneous; distinct subpopulations extend axons to either bulbar-cervical or thoraco-lumbar segments. We identify that Lumican controls balance of cervical innervation between CSNBC-lat and CSNmedial axons during development, which is maintained into maturity. Lumican, an extracellular proteoglycan expressed by CSNBC-lat, non-cell-autonomously suppresses cervical collateralization by multiple CSNmedial subpopulations. This inter-axonal molecular crosstalk between CSN subpopulations controls murine corticospinal circuitry refinement and forelimb dexterity. Such crosstalk is generalizable beyond the corticospinal system for evolutionary incorporation of new neuron populations into preexisting circuitry.

Axons , Spinal Cord , Animals , Mice , Spinal Cord/physiology , Lumican , Axons/physiology , Neurons/physiology , Movement , Pyramidal Tracts
bioRxiv ; 2023 Feb 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36824714


Genetic mosaic analysis, in which mutant cells reside intermingled with wild-type cells, is a powerful experimental approach, but has not been widely used in mice because existing genome-based strategies require complicated and protracted breeding schemes. We have developed an alternative approach termed BEAM (for Binary Expression Aleatory Mosaic) that relies on sparse recombinase activation to generate two genetically distinct, non-overlapping populations of cells for comparative analysis. Following delivery of DNA constructs by transfection or viral transduction, combinatorial recombinase activity generates two distinct populations of cells labeled with either green or red fluorescent protein. Any gene of interest can be mis-expressed or deleted in one population for comparison with intermingled control cells. We have extensively optimized and characterized this system both in vitro and in vivo , and demonstrate its power for investigating cell autonomy, identifying temporally or spatially aberrant phenotypes, revealing changes in cell proliferation or death, and controlling for procedural variability.

J Neurosci ; 43(11): 1871-1887, 2023 03 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36823038


Corticospinal neurons (CSN) are centrally required for skilled voluntary movement, which necessitates that they establish precise subcerebral connectivity with the brainstem and spinal cord. However, molecular controls regulating specificity of this projection targeting remain largely unknown. We previously identified that developing CSN subpopulations exhibit striking axon targeting specificity in the spinal white matter. These CSN subpopulations with segmentally distinct spinal projections are also molecularly distinct; a subset of differentially expressed genes between these distinct CSN subpopulations regulate differential axon projection targeting. Rostrolateral CSN extend axons exclusively to bulbar-cervical segments (CSNBC-lat), while caudomedial CSN (CSNmedial) are more heterogeneous, with distinct, intermingled subpopulations extending axons to either bulbar-cervical or thoraco-lumbar segments. Here, we report, in male and female mice, that Cerebellin 1 (Cbln1) is expressed specifically by CSN in medial, but not lateral, sensorimotor cortex. Cbln1 shows highly dynamic temporal expression, with Cbln1 levels in CSN highest during the period of peak axon extension toward thoraco-lumbar segments. Using gain-of-function experiments, we identify that Cbln1 is sufficient to direct thoraco-lumbar axon extension by CSN. Misexpression of Cbln1 in CSNBC-lat either by in utero electroporation, or by postmitotic AAV-mediated gene delivery, redirects these axons past their normal bulbar-cervical targets toward thoracic segments. Further, Cbln1 overexpression in postmitotic CSNBC-lat increases the number of CSNmedial axons that extend past cervical segments into the thoracic cord. Collectively, these results identify that Cbln1 functions as a potent molecular control over thoraco-lumbar CSN axon extension, part of an integrated network of controls over segmentally-specific CSN axon projection targeting.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Corticospinal neurons (CSN) exhibit remarkable diversity and precision of axonal projections to targets in the brainstem and distinct spinal segments; the molecular basis for this targeting diversity is largely unknown. CSN subpopulations projecting to distinct targets are also molecularly distinguishable. Distinct subpopulations degenerate in specific motor neuron diseases, further suggesting that intrinsic molecular differences might underlie differential vulnerability to disease. Here, we identify a novel molecular control, Cbln1, expressed by CSN extending axons to thoraco-lumbar spinal segments. Cbln1 is sufficient, but not required, for CSN axon extension toward distal spinal segments, and Cbln1 expression is controlled by recently identified, CSN-intrinsic regulators of axon extension. Our results identify that Cbln1, together with other regulators, coordinates segmentally precise CSN axon targeting.

Axons , Spinal Cord , Female , Male , Animals , Mice , Axons/physiology , Spinal Cord/physiology , Neurons/physiology , Neurites , Nerve Tissue Proteins/metabolism , Protein Precursors/metabolism
Nat Protoc ; 17(2): 222-251, 2022 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35022617


During neuronal development, growth cones (GCs) of projection neurons navigate complex extracellular environments to reach distant targets, thereby generating extraordinarily complex circuitry. These dynamic structures located at the tips of axonal projections respond to substrate-bound as well as diffusible guidance cues in a neuronal subtype- and stage-specific manner to construct highly specific and functional circuitry. In vitro studies of the past decade indicate that subcellular localization of specific molecular machinery in GCs underlies the precise navigational control that occurs during circuit 'wiring'. Our laboratory has recently developed integrated experimental and analytical approaches enabling high-depth, quantitative proteomic and transcriptomic investigation of subtype- and stage-specific GC molecular machinery directly from the rodent central nervous system (CNS) in vivo. By using these approaches, a pure population of GCs and paired somata can be isolated from any neuronal subtype of the CNS that can be fluorescently labeled. GCs are dissociated from parent axons using fluid shear forces, and a bulk GC fraction is isolated by buoyancy ultracentrifugation. Subtype-specific GCs and somata are purified by recently developed fluorescent small particle sorting and established FACS of neurons and are suitable for downstream analyses of proteins and RNAs, including small RNAs. The isolation of subtype-specific GCs and parent somata takes ~3 h, plus sorting time, and ~1-2 h for subsequent extraction of molecular contents. RNA library preparation and sequencing can take several days to weeks, depending on the turnaround time of the core facility involved.

Growth Cones
Cell Rep ; 37(3): 109843, 2021 10 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34686320


For precise motor control, distinct subpopulations of corticospinal neurons (CSN) must extend axons to distinct spinal segments, from proximal targets in the brainstem and cervical cord to distal targets in thoracic and lumbar spinal segments. We find that developing CSN subpopulations exhibit striking axon targeting specificity in spinal white matter, which establishes the foundation for durable specificity of adult corticospinal circuitry. Employing developmental retrograde and anterograde labeling, and their distinct neocortical locations, we purified developing CSN subpopulations using fluorescence-activated cell sorting to identify genes differentially expressed between bulbar-cervical and thoracolumbar-projecting CSN subpopulations at critical developmental times. These segmentally distinct CSN subpopulations are molecularly distinct from the earliest stages of axon extension, enabling prospective identification even before eventual axon targeting decisions are evident in the spinal cord. This molecular delineation extends beyond simple spatial separation of these subpopulations in the cortex. Together, these results identify candidate molecular controls over segmentally specific corticospinal axon projection targeting.

Axons/metabolism , Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental , Neuronal Outgrowth , Pyramidal Tracts/metabolism , Sensorimotor Cortex/metabolism , White Matter/metabolism , Age Factors , Animals , Bone Morphogenetic Protein Receptors/genetics , Bone Morphogenetic Protein Receptors/metabolism , Cell Separation , Female , Flow Cytometry , Male , Mice, Inbred C57BL , Mice, Knockout , Nerve Tissue Proteins/genetics , Nerve Tissue Proteins/metabolism , Neuroanatomical Tract-Tracing Techniques , Pyramidal Tracts/growth & development , Sensorimotor Cortex/growth & development , Transcription, Genetic , White Matter/growth & development
Cell Rep ; 37(3): 109842, 2021 10 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34686337


The cerebral cortex executes highly skilled movement, necessitating that it connects accurately with specific brainstem and spinal motor circuitry. Corticospinal neurons (CSN) must correctly target specific spinal segments, but the basis for this targeting remains unknown. In the accompanying report, we show that segmentally distinct CSN subpopulations are molecularly distinct from early development, identifying candidate molecular controls over segmentally specific axon targeting. Here, we functionally investigate two of these candidate molecular controls, Crim1 and Kelch-like 14 (Klhl14), identifying their critical roles in directing CSN axons to appropriate spinal segmental levels in the white matter prior to axon collateralization. Crim1 and Klhl14 are specifically expressed by distinct CSN subpopulations and regulate their differental white matter projection targeting-Crim1 directs thoracolumbar axon extension, while Klhl14 limits axon extension to bulbar-cervical segments. These molecular regulators of descending spinal projections constitute the first stages of a dual-directional set of complementary controls over CSN diversity for segmentally and functionally distinct circuitry.

Axons/metabolism , Bone Morphogenetic Protein Receptors/metabolism , Nerve Tissue Proteins/metabolism , Neuronal Outgrowth , Pyramidal Tracts/metabolism , Age Factors , Animals , Bone Morphogenetic Protein Receptors/genetics , Female , Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental , Male , Mice, Inbred C57BL , Mice, Knockout , Nerve Tissue Proteins/genetics , Pyramidal Tracts/growth & development
PLoS One ; 16(9): e0254113, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34473715


During late embryonic development of the cerebral cortex, the major class of cortical output neurons termed subcerebral projection neurons (SCPN; including the predominant population of corticospinal neurons, CSN) and the class of interhemispheric callosal projection neurons (CPN) initially express overlapping molecular controls that later undergo subtype-specific refinements. Such molecular refinements are largely absent in heterogeneous, maturation-stalled, neocortical-like neurons (termed "cortical" here) spontaneously generated by established embryonic stem cell (ES) and induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) differentiation. Building on recently identified central molecular controls over SCPN development, we used a combination of synthetic modified mRNA (modRNA) for Fezf2, the central transcription factor controlling SCPN specification, and small molecule screening to investigate whether distinct chromatin modifiers might complement Fezf2 functions to promote SCPN-specific differentiation by mouse ES (mES)-derived cortical-like neurons. We find that the inhibition of a specific histone deacetylase, Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1), enhances refinement of SCPN subtype molecular identity by both mES-derived cortical-like neurons and primary dissociated E12.5 mouse cortical neurons. In vivo, we identify that SIRT1 is specifically expressed by CPN, but not SCPN, during late embryonic and postnatal differentiation. Together, these data indicate that SIRT1 has neuronal subtype-specific expression in the mouse cortex in vivo, and that its inhibition enhances subtype-specific differentiation of highly clinically relevant SCPN / CSN cortical neurons in vitro.

DNA-Binding Proteins/genetics , Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells/cytology , Neocortex/cytology , Nerve Tissue Proteins/genetics , Neurons/cytology , Sirtuin 1/antagonists & inhibitors , Animals , Cell Differentiation , Cells, Cultured , DNA-Binding Proteins/metabolism , Mice , Mice, Knockout , Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells/metabolism , Neocortex/metabolism , Nerve Tissue Proteins/metabolism , Neurons/metabolism , RNA, Messenger/genetics , Transcription Factors/metabolism
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(46): 29113-29122, 2020 11 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33139574


The corticospinal tract is unique to mammals and the corpus callosum is unique to placental mammals (eutherians). The emergence of these structures is thought to underpin the evolutionary acquisition of complex motor and cognitive skills. Corticospinal motor neurons (CSMN) and callosal projection neurons (CPN) are the archetypal projection neurons of the corticospinal tract and corpus callosum, respectively. Although a number of conserved transcriptional regulators of CSMN and CPN development have been identified in vertebrates, none are unique to mammals and most are coexpressed across multiple projection neuron subtypes. Here, we discover 17 CSMN-enriched microRNAs (miRNAs), 15 of which map to a single genomic cluster that is exclusive to eutherians. One of these, miR-409-3p, promotes CSMN subtype identity in part via repression of LMO4, a key transcriptional regulator of CPN development. In vivo, miR-409-3p is sufficient to convert deep-layer CPN into CSMN. This is a demonstration of an evolutionarily acquired miRNA in eutherians that refines cortical projection neuron subtype development. Our findings implicate miRNAs in the eutherians' increase in neuronal subtype and projection diversity, the anatomic underpinnings of their complex behavior.

Biological Evolution , Cerebral Cortex/physiology , Mammals/genetics , MicroRNAs/genetics , MicroRNAs/physiology , Animals , Corpus Callosum/physiology , Eutheria/genetics , Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental , Mice , Motor Cortex/pathology , Motor Neurons , Pyramidal Tracts/pathology
eNeuro ; 7(3)2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32393583


Rett syndrome (RTT) is a severe, progressive X-linked neurodevelopmental disorder caused by mutations in the transcriptional regulator MECP2 We previously identified aberrant NF-κB pathway upregulation in brains of Mecp2-null mice and demonstrated that genetically attenuating NF-κB rescues some characteristic neuronal RTT phenotypes. These results raised the intriguing question of whether NF-κB pathway inhibitors might provide a therapeutic avenue in RTT. Here, we investigate whether the known NF-κB pathway inhibitor vitamin D ameliorates neuronal phenotypes in Mecp2-mutant mice. Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent among RTT patients, and we find that Mecp2-null mice similarly have significantly reduced 25(OH)D serum levels compared with wild-type littermates. We identify that vitamin D rescues aberrant NF-κB pathway activation and reduced neurite outgrowth of Mecp2 knock-down cortical neurons in vitro Further, dietary supplementation with vitamin D in early symptomatic male Mecp2 hemizygous null and female Mecp2 heterozygous mice ameliorates reduced neocortical dendritic morphology and soma size phenotypes and modestly improves reduced lifespan of Mecp2-nulls. These results elucidate fundamental neurobiology of RTT and provide foundation that NF-κB pathway inhibition might be a therapeutic target for RTT.

Rett Syndrome , Animals , Dietary Supplements , Disease Models, Animal , Female , Humans , Male , Methyl-CpG-Binding Protein 2/genetics , Mice , Mice, Inbred C57BL , Mice, Knockout , NF-kappa B , Phenotype , Rett Syndrome/drug therapy , Rett Syndrome/genetics , Vitamin D
Nature ; 565(7739): 356-360, 2019 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30626971


The development of neural circuits relies on axon projections establishing diverse, yet well-defined, connections between areas of the nervous system. Each projection is formed by growth cones-subcellular specializations at the tips of growing axons, encompassing sets of molecules that control projection-specific growth, guidance, and target selection1. To investigate the set of molecules within native growth cones that form specific connections, here we developed growth cone sorting and subcellular RNA-proteome mapping, an approach that identifies and quantifies local transcriptomes and proteomes from labelled growth cones of single projections in vivo. Using this approach on the developing callosal projection of the mouse cerebral cortex, we mapped molecular enrichments in trans-hemispheric growth cones relative to their parent cell bodies, producing paired subcellular proteomes and transcriptomes from single neuron subtypes directly from the brain. These data provide generalizable proof-of-principle for this approach, and reveal molecular specializations of the growth cone, including accumulations of the growth-regulating kinase mTOR2, together with mRNAs that contain mTOR-dependent motifs3,4. These findings illuminate the relationships between subcellular distributions of RNA and protein in developing projection neurons, and provide a systems-level approach for the discovery of subtype- and stage-specific molecular substrates of circuit wiring, miswiring, and the potential for regeneration.

Axons/metabolism , Cerebral Cortex/cytology , Cerebral Cortex/metabolism , Proteome/metabolism , Transcriptome/genetics , Animals , Axons/enzymology , Cell Growth Processes , Cell Movement , Cell Separation , Female , Growth Cones/enzymology , Growth Cones/metabolism , Male , Mice , Proteome/genetics , TOR Serine-Threonine Kinases/metabolism
Nat Neurosci ; 21(4): 517-529, 2018 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29507412


Repair of complex CNS circuitry requires newly incorporated neurons to become appropriately, functionally integrated. One approach is to direct differentiation of endogenous progenitors in situ, or ex vivo followed by transplantation. Prior studies find that newly incorporated neurons can establish long-distance axon projections, form synapses and functionally integrate in evolutionarily old hypothalamic energy-balance circuitry. We now demonstrate that postnatal neocortical connectivity can be reconstituted with point-to-point precision, including cellular integration of specific, molecularly identified projection neuron subtypes into correct positions, combined with development of appropriate long-distance projections and synapses. Using optogenetics-based electrophysiology, experiments demonstrate functional afferent and efferent integration of transplanted neurons into transcallosal projection neuron circuitry. Results further indicate that 'primed' early postmitotic neurons, including already fate-restricted deep-layer projection neurons and/or plastic postmitotic neuroblasts with partially fate-restricted potential, account for the predominant population of neurons capable of achieving this optimal level of integration.

Cell Differentiation/physiology , Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental/physiology , Neocortex , Neurons/physiology , 6-Cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione/pharmacology , Action Potentials/drug effects , Action Potentials/physiology , Animals , Animals, Newborn , Cell Adhesion Molecules, Neuronal/metabolism , DNA-Binding Proteins/metabolism , Embryo, Mammalian , Excitatory Amino Acid Antagonists/pharmacology , Mice , Mice, Inbred C57BL , Mice, Transgenic , Neocortex/cytology , Neocortex/growth & development , Neocortex/surgery , Nerve Tissue Proteins/metabolism , Repressor Proteins/metabolism , Synaptophysin/metabolism , Transcription Factors/metabolism , Tumor Suppressor Proteins/metabolism , Valine/analogs & derivatives , Valine/pharmacology
eNeuro ; 5(1)2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29379878


The neocortex is composed of many distinct subtypes of neurons that must form precise subtype-specific connections to enable the cortex to perform complex functions. Callosal projection neurons (CPN) are the broad population of commissural neurons that connect the cerebral hemispheres via the corpus callosum (CC). Currently, how the remarkable diversity of CPN subtypes and connectivity is specified, and how they differentiate to form highly precise and specific circuits, are largely unknown. We identify in mouse that the lipid-bound scaffolding domain protein Caveolin 1 (CAV1) is specifically expressed by a unique subpopulation of Layer V CPN that maintain dual ipsilateral frontal projections to premotor cortex. CAV1 is expressed by over 80% of these dual projecting callosal/frontal projection neurons (CPN/FPN), with expression peaking early postnatally as axonal and dendritic targets are being reached and refined. CAV1 is localized to the soma and dendrites of CPN/FPN, a unique population of neurons that shares information both between hemispheres and with premotor cortex, suggesting function during postmitotic development and refinement of these neurons, rather than in their specification. Consistent with this, we find that Cav1 function is not necessary for the early specification of CPN/FPN, or for projecting to their dual axonal targets. CPN subtype-specific expression of Cav1 identifies and characterizes a first molecular component that distinguishes this functionally unique projection neuron population, a population that expands in primates, and is prototypical of additional dual and higher-order projection neuron subtypes.

Caveolin 1/physiology , Corpus Callosum/growth & development , Motor Cortex/growth & development , Neurons/physiology , Animals , Axons/metabolism , Caveolin 1/genetics , Corpus Callosum/cytology , Corpus Callosum/metabolism , Dendrites/metabolism , Mice, Inbred C57BL , Mice, Knockout , Motor Cortex/cytology , Motor Cortex/metabolism , Neural Pathways/growth & development , Neural Pathways/metabolism , Neurons/cytology , Neurons/metabolism