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Int J Food Microbiol ; 355: 109331, 2021 Oct 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34364061


Penicillium spp. is considered a major spoilage fungus of cheeses. The use of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) with antifungal activity is an interesting possibility of biopreservation. In this study, the isolation and characterization of anti-Penicillium LAB from milk was carried out. Ninety-three milk samples were analysed and a total of 57 strains of LAB active against P. nordicum were isolated, mainly from goat and cow milk. Thirty-four isolates with strong activity were selected and identified, Lacticaseibacillus casei (11), L. paracasei (9) and L. rhamnosus (5) being the dominant species. The antifungal spectrum of these 34 LAB against strains of P. commune and P. verrucosum was investigated. L. casei, L. paracasei and L. rhamnosus were the most active and P. nordicum was the most susceptible fungus. Two isolates (L. casei Lc-51/3 and L. paracasei Lp-25/1) with high antifungal activity showed a moderate to high reduction on the growth of Penicillium nordicum and, in a lesser extent, of P. commune, and also a reducing effect on the ochratoxin A and cyclopiazonic acid production. In addition, these isolates demonstrated activity against several food pahogens. These findings indicate their suitability for the development of protective adjunct starters against spoilage and toxigenic microorganisms in cheese processing.

Food Microbiology , Lactobacillales , Microbial Interactions , Penicillium , Animals , Antifungal Agents/pharmacology , Cheese/microbiology , Lactobacillales/physiology , Microbial Interactions/physiology , Milk/microbiology , Penicillium/physiology
Food Microbiol ; 84: 103253, 2019 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31421787


Fifteen samples of semi-hard ripened cheeses, both spoiled (10) and unspoiled (5), and obtained from cheese factories located in Northwest of Spain, were analysed by a dilution plating technique and direct sampling. A total of 32 isolates were identified at species level by a polyphasic approach (phenotypic characterization, partial extrolite analysis and molecular identification). Most isolates (65.6%) belonged to the species P. commune; other species found were P. solitum, P. chrysogenum, P. nordicum, P. expansum and P. cvjetkovicii. All of the P. commune isolates were able to produce cyclopiazonic acid, while the P. nordicum and the P. expansum isolates were producers of ochratoxin A and patulin respectively. Despite this, the role of P. commune as beneficial fungi in cheese ripening should be investigated. Molecular identification based on BenA sequence analysis was able to identify the majority of isolates. The three mycotoxins investigated can be considered key for identification. The polyphasic approach seems to be a very valuable tool for identification of isolates of this complex genus.

Cheese/microbiology , Food Microbiology/methods , Penicillium/isolation & purification , Fungal Proteins/genetics , Indoles/analysis , Ochratoxins/analysis , Patulin/analysis , Penicillium/classification , Phenotype , Spain
Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 36(1,supl): 283-290, ago. 2015. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-770863


A qualidade do leite consumido é uma constante preocupação dos técnicos e autoridades ligados à área de saúde e laticínios bem como dos consumidores. Um dos problemas mais graves são as diversas fraudes que causam prejuízos econômicos, riscos à saúde dos consumidores e, às vezes, problemas para as indústrias, como a diminuição do rendimento industrial. Muitos alimentos estão sujeitos às fraudes, mas o leite é um dos mais comumente fraudados. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar a presença de substâncias fraudulentas e avaliar as características físico-químicas do leite pasteurizado produzido em laticínios da região norte do Paraná. Foram avaliadas 80 amostras no período de março a junho de 2014 e realizadas provas específicas para detecção dos reconstituintes: amido, álcool, cloreto e sacarose; neutralizantes: bicarbonato e hidróxido de sódio; conservantes: cloro, hipoclorito, peróxido de hidrogênio e formaldeído. A avaliação das características físico-químicas foi realizada através das seguintes análises: densidade a 15°C, índice crioscópico, acidez titulável Dornic, estabilidade ao alizarol 72%, pH, fosfatase alcalina, peroxidase, teor de gordura, sólidos totais, sólidos não gordurosos, ureia, proteína e lactose. Foram verificadas amostras fora do padrão para as seguintes análises: gordura (12,5%), sólidos não gordurosos (5%), densidade (1,25%), crioscopia (3,75%),pH (48,75%), ureia (1,25%). Foram verificadas fraudes por adição de água e sacarose (3,75%), presença de hipoclorito (5%) e ocorrência de desnate (12,5%). As provas em conjunto podem auxiliar na detecção das fraudes mais comumente realizadas no leite pasteurizado, porém não mostra em qual segmento podem ter ocorrido. No entanto, se não detectada, não se pode assegurar a qualidade do produto visto que muitas fraudes têm sido realizadas de forma equilibrada dificultando sua detecção.

The quality of milk consumed is a constant concern of dairy industry and healthcare-related authorities, technicians as well as consumers. The most serious problems are the various frauds which cause economic losses, risks to consumer health and, sometimes, problems for industries, such as the decrease in industrial output. Many foods are subject to fraud, but milk is one of the most commonly spoofed. The purpose of this study was to determine the presence of fraudulent substances and assess the physico-chemical properties of pasteurized milk produced in dairies from the North region of Paraná. Eighty samples were evaluated in the period from March to June 2014 and carried out specific methods for detection of restoratives: starch, alcohol, chloride and sucrose; neutralizers: bicarbonate and sodium hydroxide; preservatives: chlorine, sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide and formaldehyde. The evaluation of physico-chemical characteristics was carried out through the following analyses: density at 15° C, cryoscopic index, Dornic titratable acidity, 72 alizarol stability, pH, alkaline phosphatase, peroxidase, fat, total solids, non-fat solids, urea, protein and lactose. Non-standard samples were observed for the following analyses: fat (12.5%), non-fat solids (5%), density (1.25%), cryoscopy (3.75%), pH (48.75%), urea (1.25%). Frauds were observed by addition of water and sucrose (3.75%), presence of hypochlorite (5%) and occurrence of skim milk (12.5%). The evidence together can assist in detecting fraud most commonly performed in pasteurized milk, but does not show in which thread might have occurred. However, if not detected, the quality of the product cannot be assured since many frauds have been carried out in a balanced way hindering its detection.

Food Contamination , Dairy Products , Milk
Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 36(1): 47-54, jan.-jun. 2015. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-785278


A qualidade do leite é definida, entre outros parâmetros, por um reduzido número de micro-organismos deteriorantes, baixa contagem de células somáticas e ausência de patógenos e resíduos químicos. Diversos trabalhos realizados em diferentes regiões do país têm enfatizado o elevado percentual de amostras fora dos padrões. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a evolução da qualidade microbiológica e físico química do leite pasteurizado produzido no Estado do Paraná ao longo de 7 anos. Foram analisadas 457 amostras de leite Pasteurizado, sendo 104 amostras no ano de 2008, 269 amostras em 2011 e 84 amostras em 2014. As amostras foram submetidas às análises físico-químicas de crioscopia e pesquisa de enzimas fosfatase alcalina e peroxidase. Quanto às análises microbiológicas, foram realizadas contagens de coliformes a 30°C, coliformes 45°C e contagem padrão em placas. No laboratório, as análises físico químicas foram realizadas de acordo com a Instrução Normativa 68 e microbiológicas conforme a Instrução Normativa 62, ambas do Ministério da Agricultura Pecuária e Abastecimento. Os resultados demonstraram que com o passar dos anos a qualidade microbiológica do leite diminuiu, havendo um aumento de amostras fora do padrão. Quanto às enzimas fosfatase alcalina e peroxidase, a temperatura de pasteurização foi respeitada ao longo do tempo e o superaquecimento do leite foi mais frequente em 2011.As fraudes por adição de água diminuíram ou então ficaram mais sofisticadas, dificultando sua detecção.

Milk quality is defined, among other parameters, by a reduced number of spoilage microorganisms, low somatic cell count and the absence of pathogens and chemical waste. Several studies conducted in different regions of the country have emphasized the high percentage of samples not complying with the standard. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the evolution of microbiological and physicochemical qualityof pasteurized milk produced in the State of Paraná over 7 years. A total of 457 samples of pasteurized milk were analyzed, 104 samples in 2008, 269 samples in 2011 and 84 samples in 2014. The samples were subjected to physico chemical analysis of cryoscopy and enzyme search for alkaline phosphatase and peroxidase. Regarding microbiological tests, coliform counts were performed at 30°C and 45°C and countplate pattern. In the laboratory, physico chemical analysis were performed according to the Normative 68 and microbiological as normative instruction 62, both of the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply. The results showed that over the years the microbiological quality of milk decreased, with an increase of non-standard samples. For enzymes alkaline phosphatase, peroxidase, the pasteurization temperature has been observed over time and the overheating of the milk was more frequentin 2011. Fraud by addition of water in milk has either decreased or become more sophisticated, makingits detection difficult.

Dairy Products , Milk/microbiology , Pasteurization