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IFAC Pap OnLine ; 54(15): 151-156, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38620952


In order to analyze the effect of vaccination in a population with the presence of viruses, a variation of the SIR (Susceptible-Infected-Removed) model is proposed taking into account social distancing and the effect of the vaccine. The equilibrium points of the proposed model are calculated and the stability analysis of the system is carried out. For the proposed model, disease-free equilibrium point and endemic equilibrium point are found and the conditions of existence are discussed. For the disease-free equilibrium point the bifurcation conditions are derived and simulations show that reducing the vaccination effort can lead the disease-free equilibrium to the endemic equilibrium. From the theoretical analysis, a minimum value of effort is obtained to guarantee a disease-free equilibrium point. Simulations were carried out from the value obtained from Rv to validate the theoretical results.

Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-505278


Las agresiones sexuales repercuten más allá del hecho violento atentando contra la libertad y la dignidad de las personas y generando una compleja gama de trastornos en la integridad de la víctima y en su entorno familiar, educacional y social, además representan una de las más graves disfunciones de la convivencia humana; todo esto se agrava cuando la víctima es una personalidad en formación. Con nuestro estudio tratamos de darle solución al siguiente problema: ¿Qué factores personológicos y sociales caracterizan a los sujetos que cometen delitos sexuales contra menores? El beneficio mayor de este trabajo es de índole social, pues el descubrir y determinar las características del perpetrador ayudaría con una visión criminológica preventiva, unido a lo que ya sabemos sobre las víctimas, a reducir los índices de estos delitos y por ende las secuelas físicas y psíquicas que dejan y que en la mayoría de los casos dan al traste con la vida de las víctimas o provocan su hospitalización. Por lo tanto este proyecto nace de la necesidad imperiosa de buscar perfiles de los sujetos que cometen estos delitos, perfiles que se realizan desde el punto de vista criminológico. Para esto nos trazamos como objetivo establecer las condiciones sociodemográficas sobre la base de las variables edad, sexo, estado civil, nivel escolar, vinculación. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal prospectivo. El universo de trabajo estuvo comprendido por todos los individuos que fueron acusados formalmente en Ciudad de La Habana de cometer un delito sexual en el período comprendido entre septiembre de 2005 y septiembre de 2006. A cada caso se le realizó uniformemente, según criterios e instrumento preestablecidos, las siguientes investigaciones: cuestionario de recogida de datos, entrevista en profundidad, examen pericial psiquiátrico y prueba de funcionamiento familiar. Los perpetradores de delitos sexuales en su mayoría son hombres jóvenes de 21 a 45 años...

Sexual abuse impacts on victims further than the violent fact. It attempts against the freedom and dignity of the persons causing a complex spectrum of disorders on the victim’s integrity and on his or her social, educational and family environment, besides it represents one of the most critical dysfunctions of the human coexistence, becoming everything worse when the victim is a developing personality. With this work we try to bring a solution to the following problem: Which are the social and personological factors that characterized the perpetrator of sexual crime on minors? The greatest benefit of this work lies on its social condition, therefore, bringing to the light and determining the characteristics of the perpetrator joined with a preventive criminological vision, and what we have already known about the victims will help to reduce the levels of sexual crimes and resulting physical and psychological consequences. Consequently, this project emerged from the necessity of looking for the individuals’ profiles that commit these kinds of crimes. These profiles are performed from the criminological point of view. This target was developed having into consideration the social demographical conditions based on the variables of age, sex, marital status, educational level and employment condition. A perspective longitudinal descriptive study was carried out. The work included all the individuals properly accused for committing a sexual crime from September, 2005 to September, 2006 in Havana City. Investigations in each case according to criteria and pre-established instrument as compiled data questionnaire, extensive interview, psychiatric expert test and family functioning test were carried out. Most of the sexual crimes perpetrators are twenty-five to forty-five year men, with middle and higher education, and living with a stable couple. Three fourth of individuals do not present properly criminal records or previous convictions....

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Child , Child Abuse, Sexual/ethnology , Child Abuse, Sexual/psychology