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PLoS One ; 18(10): e0289154, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37878576


This paper studies whether unilateral divorce affects women's welfare. Unilateral divorce refers to a divorce regime where each of the spouses can dissolve the marriage unilaterally (i.e. without mutual consent). First, it builds a simple theoretical model that finds that women are better off under unilateral divorce than under mutual consent. Second, it makes use of data from the U.S. between 2003 and 2014 to explore empirically whether unilateral divorce affects the amount of time women devote to three different activities that might be seen as proxies of their level of welfare, such as, housework, leisure and relaxing activities, and personal care. We find causal evidence suggesting that unilateral divorce improves women's welfare. Namely, it reduces housework carried out by women, while it increases their amount of time devoted to leisure and relaxing activities, and personal care. Further results suggest these changes are not due to improvements in gender equality per se. Moreover, we find that the decrease in housework and the surges in leisure and relaxing activities are permanent, whereas the increase in personal care is temporary. These findings are important from a policy perspective to motivate the introduction of unilateral divorce laws.

Divorce , Women's Rights , Female , Humans , Socioeconomic Factors , Marriage , Spouses
Cuad Bioet ; 33(107): 13-39, 2022.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35171624


In the context of general changes in our societies in relation to health, the healthy organization is proclaimed and accepted as something necessary and legitimate. This phenomenon is expanding globally without being really questioned and promoted by international organizations and large companies. With a global and growing presence in organizational and professional policies and practices, it appears to be gaining even more strength in the aftermath of the pandemic. Faced with the expansion of the phenomenon and because it directly affects people's health, an analysis of it beyond its general positive image is unavoidable. This article identifies some relevant dangers of promoting a culture of health at work, from an ethical perspective, and among them, not only the non-beneficial nature of some practices not scientifically proven, but also their own malignant condition. In this paper, therefore, the ethical limits for this expansive phenomenon are proposed and the fundamental principle to operate in this area of asymmetric relations between employee and employer is not autonomy but non-maleficence.

Occupational Health , Workplace , Health Promotion , Humans
Cuad. bioét ; 33(107): 13-39, enero abril, 2022.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-203232


En el contexto de cambios generales en la sociedad en relación con la salud, la empresa saludable se proclama y acepta como algo necesario y legítimo. Este fenómeno se expande globalmente sin apenas cuestionamiento, promocionado por organismos internacionales y grandes empresas. Con presencia global y creciente en políticas y prácticas organizacionales y profesionales, parece ganar aún más fuerza tras la pandemia. Frente a la expansión del fenómeno y por incidir directamente sobre la salud de las personas, es ineludible un análisis del mismo más allá de su imagen positiva generalizada. En este artículo se identifican algunos peligros relevantes del fomento de la cultura de salud en el trabajo, desde una perspectiva ética, y entre ellos, no solo el carácter no beneficiente de algunas prácticas no contrastadas científicamente, sino, también, su propia condición maleficiente. En este trabajo se plantean, pues, los límites éticos para este fenómeno expansivo y se defiende que el principio fundamental para operar en este ámbito de relaciones asimétricas entre empleado y empleador es de no maleficencia y no tanto el de autonomía

In the context of general changes in our societies in relation to health, the healthy organization is proclaimed and accepted as something necessary and legitimate. This phenomenon is expanding globally without being really questioned and promoted by international organizations and large companies. With a global and growing presence in organizational and professional policies and practices, it appears to be gaining even more strength in the aftermath of the pandemic. Faced with the expansion of the pheno- menon and because it directly affects people’s health, an analysis of it beyond its general positive image is unavoidable. This article identifies some relevant dangers of promoting a culture of health at work, from an ethical perspective, and among them, not only the non-beneficial nature of some practices not scien-tifically proven, but also their own malignant condition. In this paper, therefore, the ethical limits for this expansive phenomenon are proposed and the fundamental principle to operate in this area of asymmetric relations between mployee and employer is not autonomy but non-maleficence.

Humans , Health Sciences , Health Services Accessibility , Work , Occupational Health , 16360 , Humans , Bioethics
Front Psychol ; 12: 708677, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34955946


Students demand more active and participating teaching innovation methods, and activities such as presentations are not enough to satisfy those demands. In this research, competitive debate is used as inter-team gamification with third year students from a Business School studying the Human Resources Management subject. Out of this experience, qualitative and quantitative data are obtained. Results reinforce the continuation of classroom competitive debate due to the evidence of its motivational, learning, and communication skills improvement, and knowledge acquisition effects. The possibility of application with actual professionals is seriously considered.

Front Psychol ; 12: 666871, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34975605


Adult learners demand teaching innovations that are ever more rapid and attractive. As a response to these demands and the challenges of skills training, this article presents a conceptual analysis that introduces competitive debate as an impact training model. The aim is to learn whether debate can be considered to fall within the frame of gamification, so that the full potential of debate as gamification can be exploited. There is a significant research gap regarding competitive debate as a game, with the training mechanics for adult learners remaining practically unexplored. Through a conceptual analysis of game, game experience, and gamification, and their respective characteristics, we conclude that competitive debate is an ideal instrument for gamification.

Salud trab. (Maracay) ; 19(1): 5-16, jun. 2011. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-631841


Se busca conocer diferencias entre los trabajadores de hospitales, respecto de las variables Clima Organizacional y Satisfacción Laboral, y la relación entre estos constructos, en hospitales chilenos (del estado), comparándolos según sean de alta o baja complejidad. Es un estudio empírico transversal, se describen las organizaciones por medio de los cuestionarios de clima organizacional (autonomía, cohesión, confianza, presión, apoyo, reconocimiento, equidad e innovación) y de satisfacción laboral (satisfacción por el trabajo en general, satisfacción con el ambiente físico del trabajo, satisfacción con su trabajo, satisfacción con las oportunidades de desarrollo, satisfacción con la supervisión, satisfacción con la remuneración, satisfacción con la capacidad para decidir autónomamente y satisfacción con el reconocimiento) adaptado, desarrollado y validado. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 1.239 trabajadores de tres hospitales públicos y los valores del coeficiente de fiabilidad fueron de 0,9 lo que se considera bueno y definen una consistencia interna de las escalas. Los resultados muestran que en las dimensiones de las dos variables, no se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ambos tipos de hospitales. Respecto a las correlaciones, si comparamos en hospitales de alta y baja complejidad vemos que las relaciones más altas se dieron entre la dimensión de satisfacción laboral con supervisión y las dimensiones de clima organizacional apoyo e innovación, respectivamente. Lo que nos indica que, en general, les gusta su trabajo y aprecian la relación directa y estrecha entre directivos y subordinados, el énfasis está puesto en clima de apoyo y de innovación.

We examined differences in organizational climate and job satisfaction among hospital workers, as well as associations between these constructs in high and low complexity Chilean public hospitals. In this cross-sectional study, organizations were examined using measures of organizational climate (autonomy, cohesion, trust, pressure, support, recognition, equity and innovation) and job satisfaction (overall, satisfaction, as well as satisfaction with the physical work environment, job, professional development opportunities, supervision, salary, job control and recognition), using modified and validated scales. The study sample consisted of 1239 employees from three public hospitals; reliability coefficient values for the various scales was 0.9, indicating good internal consistency. No statistically significant differences were found between high and low complexity hospitals for either of the two outcome variables. When high and low complexity hospitals were compared, the highest correlations were observed between job satisfaction and satisfaction with supervision as well as between organizational support and innovation, Overall, these results indicate workers are satisfied with their jobs appreciate the direct and close relationships between supervision and subordinate staff, and favor a supportive and innovative work environment.

Humans , Male , Hospital Administration , Public Health Administration , Hospitals , Public Health , Job Satisfaction , Occupational Health , Occupational Health Services , Ethics, Institutional