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Interacciones ; 10: 34-42, Jan.-Dec. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569286


RESUMEN Introducción: El craving es un deseo subjetivo por consumir sustancias. Se ha encontrado que el craving es uno de los mejores predictores de recaídas, por lo que resulta importante abordarlo durante el tratamiento para las adicciones. El Programa de Intervención Breve para Adolescentes (PIBA) ha demostrado ser eficaz para reducir el patrón de consumo de drogas, aumentar la autoeficacia para enfrentarse a situaciones de consumo y disminuir los problemas asociados al consumo en adolescentes que se encuentran en escuelas de nivel medio o medio superior, así como en instituciones de atención de adicciones de tipo ambulatorio. Sin embargo, la efectividad de este programa no se ha probado con adolescentes que se encuentran en tratamiento residencial ni para reducir el craving. Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad del PIBA para reducir el craving y aumentar la autoeficacia de una adolescente que se encontraba en un centro residencial. Método: Se aplicó un diseño de caso único que consistió en la aplicación del tratamiento y el seguimiento a cuatro meses, intencional y no probabilístico con una adolescente de 16 años. Resultados: Se encontró una reducción del craving a lo largo del tratamiento, que se mantuvo durante el seguimiento, así como un aumento en la autoeficacia. Conclusión: Estos hallazgos extienden la eficacia del PIBA a componentes de la adicción y a poblaciones no exploradas antes, sugiriendo que el PIBA puede ser una alternativa para trabajar con estos componentes y poblaciones.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Craving refers to a subjective desire to consume substances. It has been found that craving is one of the best predictors of relapse, so it is important to address it during addiction treatment. The Brief Intervention Program for Adolescents (PIBA) has been shown to be effective in reducing drug consumption patterns, increasing self-efficacy to deal with consumption situations, and reducing problems associated with consumption in adolescents who are in middle or high school schools, as well as in outpatient addiction care institutions. However, the effectiveness of this program has not been tested with adolescents in residential treatment or in reducing craving. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of PIBA in reducing craving and increasing self-efficacy in a female adolescent who was in a residential center. Method: A single-case design was applied, consisting of the treatment and a follow-up at four months, intentional and non-probabilistic, with a 16-year-old female adolescent. Result: A reduction in craving was found throughout the treatment and maintained during the follow-up, as well as an increase in self-efficacy. Conclusion: These findings extend the effectiveness of PIBA to addiction components and populations not previously explored, suggesting that PIBA may be an alternative to work with these components and populations.

Front Psychol ; 14: 1193453, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37671104


Introduction: In the Aguascalientes, most people who seek treatment go to non-governmental residential centers, and about half request treatment for meth use. Although some barriers to treatment seeking among these users are known, few studies have been conducted with the Mexican population, specifically with users of residential centers. The aim of this study was to explore the main barriers reported by these patients, the relationship between reported barriers and meth use, as well as identify possible user profiles based on the barriers and the pattern of consumption. Methods: We designed a brief survey that evaluated sociodemographic data, consumption pattern, help-seeking for consumption and use of services, barriers in the search for services, depression, and suicide attempts. Here, we report the results of barriers and consumption patterns. The study sample consisted of 865 individuals receiving treatment for meth use in 23 certified residential centers. Results: Patients reported an average of 2.12 barriers, the main ones being not considering the services useful for them (41.6%), not considering it important to attend (35%), and not finding time to attend the consultation (29.8%). We found a statistically significant relationship, although weak, between the number of barriers reported by participants and the age of onset of meth use, dangerous perception of meth use, attempts to quit, and the number of problems associated with use. We used a cluster analysis that was performed using the k-means machine learning algorithm, which revealed two clusters. The first was formed by patients who started using meth at a young age which has more problems associated with meth use and more barriers in seeking services, while the other was formed by patients who started at an older age which have fewer problems and fewer barriers. We found statistical differences between groups, where it was found that young group reported consuming more substances, more problems associated, and more barriers in seeking services. Discussions: This study revealed the main barriers to seeking treatment among patients in residential centers and found that the age of onset of meth use is a risk factor for presenting more barriers and more problems associated with consumption.

J Evid Based Soc Work (2019) ; 20(4): 508-519, 2023 Jul 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37330687


PURPOSE: Epidemiological studies show that depressive and substance use disorders are salient risk factors for suicidal behavior. In residential centers in Mexico City, 75.72% of the patients are diagnosed with comorbidity of substance use and psychiatric disorders; however, the specific prevalence of depression and suicidal behavior in this population has not been reported. This study aims to inform the comorbidity of depression and suicidal behavior in crystal users in residential centers in the state of Aguascalientes, Mexico. METHOD: A brief survey was applied to measure substance use patterns, suicidal behavior, and depression symptoms using the Depression Scale of the Center of Epidemiological Studies (CES-D-R). The sample included 343 participants. RESULTS: The results show that of the 23.3% of participants who reported depressive symptoms, 65% showed suicidal ideation, 46% suicide planning, and 43% suicidal attempt. DISCUSSIONS: These results show the importance of implementing components that address depression and suicidal behavior in interventions for substance use. CONCLUSIONS: Currently, no specialized interventions are developed to treat substance use disorders with crystal methamphetamine and, at the same time, treat others mental problems like depression and suicidal behavior. We conclude that the development of this intervention is necessary and urgent.

Substance-Related Disorders , Suicidal Ideation , Humans , Depression/epidemiology , Depression/therapy , Mexico/epidemiology , Residential Treatment , Comorbidity , Substance-Related Disorders/epidemiology , Substance-Related Disorders/therapy
Salud ment ; 44(2): 53-63, Mar.-Apr. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1252151


Abstract Introduction Suffering from psychosocial vulnerability, particularly during adolescence, increases the likelihood of experiencing adverse life circumstances, psychiatric conditions, and non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI). Objective We studied: 1. record-based demographic and clinical characteristics, as well as the frequency of NSSI in adolescents, beneficiaries of services for vulnerable population of one of six Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO's), we compared by beneficiary type: internal (IB) versus external (EB); 2. predictive relationship of NSSI with depression, difficulties in emotion regulation (DER) and suicidal ideation (administered measures); 3. Comparison of average scores on measures by: quality of attachment (QOA) and presence/absence of NSSI. Method A convenience sample of 255 adolescents (45.5% women, ages 11-15) answered instruments in institutional facilities (Mexico City and Puebla), where 181 (71%) resided as IB and 74 (29%) resided in family home (EB). The mental health staff of each NGO specified according to the record: demographics, psychiatric diagnoses, history of trauma, and QOA between the minor and his attachment figure. Results 42% denied NSSI episodes, 16.9% indicated a non-significant pattern, and 35.6% reported a significant and recent pattern. IB presented higher scores in all measurements, higher report of interpersonal trauma, depressive, anxiety, and behavior disorders. Minors with positive QOA obtained significantly lower scores. Discussion and conclusion Compared to EB's, adolescents residing in NGOs have a higher risk profile, particularly those without a positive QOA, a fact that is associated with a greater presence of psychopathology and significant and recent NSSI.

Resumen Introducción Padecer vulnerabilidad psicosocial, particularmente durante la adolescencia, incrementa la probabilidad de experimentar circunstancias vitales adversas, afecciones psiquiátricas y autolesiones no suicidas (ALNS). Objetivo Se estudiaron: 1. características demográficas y clínicas con base en expediente, así como la frecuencia de ALNS en adolescentes, usuarios de servicios para población vulnerable de una de seis Organizaciones No Gubernamentales (ONG's), se comparó por tipo de beneficiario: interno (BI) versus externo (BE); 2. relación predictiva de ALNS con depresión, dificultades en la regulación emocional (DRE) e ideación suicida (medidas administradas); 3. comparación de puntajes promedio de las mediciones por: calidad del vínculo (CV) y presencia/ausencia de ALNS. Método Una muestra de conveniencia de 255 adolescentes (45.5% mujeres, edades 11-15), contestaron instrumentos en instalaciones institucionales (Ciudad de México y Puebla), donde 181 (71%) residían como BI y 74 (29%) residían en casa de familiar (BE). El personal de salud mental de cada ONG especificó conforme a expediente: demografía, diagnósticos psiquiátricos, historial de trauma y CV entre el menor y su figura de apego. Resultados 42% negó episodios de ALNS, 16.9% indicó una pauta no significativa y 35.6% reportó un pauta significativa y reciente. Los BI presentaron puntuaciones superiores en todas las mediciones, mayor reporte de trauma interpersonal, trastornos depresivos, de ansiedad y conducta. Los menores con CV positiva obtuvieron puntuaciones significativamente menores. Discusión y conclusión En comparación con los BE, los adolescentes que residen en las ONG's presentan un perfil de mayor riesgo, particularmente, aquellos sin una CV positiva, hecho que se asocia con mayor presencia de psicopatología y ALNS reciente y significativa.

Int J Psychol Res (Medellin) ; 11(2): 27-34, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32612776


INTRODUCTION: The present study analyzes the main barriers and adaptations to brief interventions that focus on addictive behavior treatments carried out in clinical settings by 756 health professionals during their adoption process in 350 Primary Attention Units in Mexico. METHOD: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted and consisted in the application of an instrument that explored diverse aspects, such as knowledge about evidence based brief intervention (BI) programs, barriers during the execution, and adaptations of the BI. RESULTS: the main barriers were related to the implementation of sessions and the user's characteristics such as educational level. As a consequence, the main adaptations were related to the increase in the number of sessions, modifying their length and changing the sequence as well as the proposed material in the manuals. CONCLUSIONS: We discuss the possibility of systematizing the adaptations made by health professionals in order to evaluate their effectiveness.

INTRODUCCIÓN: Este estudio analiza las barreras y adaptaciones realizadas en la práctica por 756 profesionales de la salud a Intervenciones breves para conductas adictivas durante el proceso de transferencia y adopción en 350 Unidades de Atención Primaria de México. MÉTODO: Estudio descriptivo transeccional en el cual se aplicó un instrumento que exploró los conocimientos sobre las IB basadas en evidencia, barreras en la implementación y adaptaciones realizadas a las IB. RESULTADOS: las principales barreras son las relacionadas con la impartición de las sesiones y características de los usuarios como el nivel de escolaridad y por tanto, las principales adaptaciones tienen que ver con mayor número de sesiones, cambios en la duración y en el orden de las mismas así como en los materiales que se proponen en los manuales. CONCLUSIÓN: Se analiza la posibilidad de sistematizar las adaptaciones realizadas por los profesionales de la salud para evaluar su eficacia.

Salud ment ; 39(5): 257-265, Sep.-Oct. 2016. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-845991


RESUMEN: Introducción: La transferencia y la traducción de los programas con evidencia científica a los escenarios clínicos, con frecuencia se encuentra limitada por una serie de barreras en su aplicación que complica la obtención de beneficios para la sociedad que requiere servicios eficaces. Objetivo: Identificar las barreras en la adopción de los programas de intervención breve para el tratamiento por el consumo abusivo de alcohol y otras drogas. Métodos: Es un estudio cualitativo con una muestra intencional conformada por 16 expertos en procesos de transferencia. Se realizaron entrevistas a profundidad, se transcribieron y los datos se sometieron a un análisis de contenido. Resultados: Las principales barreras encontradas en el proceso de transferencia de la tecnología para la adopción del modelo de intervención breve para la atención de trastornos por abuso de sustancias fueron: los procedimientos de índole burocrático y políticas institucionales, el desconocimiento de las bases teóricas de las intervenciones breves y la diversidad de usuarios que demandan el servicio. Discusión y conclusión: El proceso de transferencia de la tecnología para la adopción de programas en los escenarios clínicos, requiere de un esfuerzo deliberado y conjunto, planeado desde su inicio para lograr la transferencia. Las barreras señaladas por los propios actores que participan en el proceso deben considerarse en el desarrollo de estrategias dirigidas a transferir los programas de intervención breve.

ABSTRACT: Introduction: The transfer and translation of programs with scientific evidence to clinical scenarios is often limited by a number of barriers for their implementation, making it difficult to provide benefits for a society that requires effective services. Objective: The aim of this study was to identify the barriers for the adoption of brief intervention programs for the treatment of alcohol and other drugs abuse at addiction treatment centers in Mexico. Methods: This is a qualitative study with a purposive sample consisting of 16 experts on transfer processes. Focused interviews were conducted and transcribed, and the data were subjected to content analysis. Results: The results reported several barriers for the adoption of programs in clinical scenarios. These include the following: bureaucratic procedures and institutional policies, lack of knowledge of the theoretical bases of the program and the diversity of users demanding the service. Discussion and conclusion: The study discusses the fact that the technology transfer process requires a deliberate, combined effort to ensure the implementation of programs in clinical scenarios. The barriers identified by the actors involved in the process should be considered in the development of strategies to disseminate brief intervention programs.

Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 4(3): 1793-1808, ago. 2014. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-748823


El estudio buscó evaluar la eficacia de un programa de prácticas de crianza positiva dirigido a padres para reducir el bullying y aumentar la conducta pro-social de sus hijos. Participaron ocho parejas y dos padres solteros de 10 niños identificados como bullies. La mitad de los padres conformó el grupo control y se entrenó a la otra mitad para identificar la conducta agresiva y pro-social de sus hijos, sus antecedentes y consecuentes. Durante ocho sesiones semanales se entrenó a los padres a establecer límites, reforzar la conducta pro-social y las alternas a las agresivas, a sobre-corregir, desaprobar levemente, castigar y extinguir la conducta agresiva. Padres y maestros registraron durante tres semanas de línea base y ocho de tratamiento, la frecuencia de emisión de conductas pro-sociales (hacer la tarea, ayudar con tareas domésticas y recoger sus juguetes) y de conducta agresiva física y verbal. Los resultados mostraron una reducción significativa de la conducta agresiva y un aumento de la pro-social respecto tanto a la línea base como a la frecuencia de emisión de esas conductas por los niños del grupo control. Notablemente, la conducta también cambió en la escuela. Se discute la efectividad de las intervenciones con padres para reducir la conducta de bullying en diferentes contextos.

The study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of a positive child rearing program with parents for reducing bullying and incrementing pro-social behavior of their children. Participants were eight couples and two single parents of 10 children identified as bullies. Half of the parents were assigned to a control group and the other half were trained to identify aggressive and pro-social behaviors of their children, as well as their antecedents and consequences. During eight weekly sessions parents were trained to set limits, reinforce both pro-social behavior and alternative responses to the aggressive ones, to correct, slightly disapprove, punish and extinguish aggressive behavior. Frequency of emission of specific pro-social behaviors (doing homework, helping in domestic chores and picking up toys) and of physical and verbal aggression was registered by parents and teachers during three weeks of base line and during eight weeks of treatment. Results showed a significant reduction of aggressive behavior and an increase of pro-social behavior compared both to base line and to the frequency of the same behaviors by children of the control group. Notably, behavior also changed at school. Results are discussed regarding the usefulness of interventions with parents in reducing bullying behavior by their children in different contexts.

Salud ment ; 36(6): 505-512, nov.-dic. 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-703516


Los conocimientos que proporciona la psicología deben dar respuesta a diferentes problemáticas, lo que sólo puede lograrse cuando los hallazgos obtenidos por evidencia científica son asequibles a otros grupos científicos, y núcleos sociales, a fin de que éstos logren apropiarse y usarlos para solucionar problemas, mejorar su calidad de vida o prevenir una situación potencial de riesgo. Sin embargo, con frecuencia se observan diferentes barreras para la utilización efectiva de los conocimientos. Además, se tiene la falsa impresión de que la investigación en las ciencias de salud resulta una actividad poco responsiva ante las necesidades de los actores sociales que podrían beneficiarse de su uso. En este contexto, en el presente artículo se presenta una revisión general del concepto de transferencia tecnológica, los modelos que se han desarrollado para llevar a cabo ésta y un ejemplo de cómo se ha iniciado la transferencia de un programa de intervención en el ámbito de las adicciones en México y cuáles son sus retos para el avance de dicho proceso y su posible adopción en centros de atención a las adicciones. Se concluye que, para cumplir con la incorporación de tratamientos en instituciones de atención de adicciones, hace falta evaluar la efectividad del programa de intervención breve en escenarios clínicos, cumplir con todos los indicadores CONSORT de los ensayos clínicos aleatorizados e integrar al proceso de transferencia cuatro aspectos principales: 1. propiciar un mayor acercamiento con los profesionales de la salud; 2. permitir la "reinvención" del programa dentro de un contexto de colaboración entre los actores involucrados y evaluar dicho proceso; 3. considerar limitaciones, recursos, objetivos y prácticas de la institución donde se pretende transferir el programa y 4. ofrecer seguimiento a largo plazo para evaluar el éxito de la adopción de la innovación.

The knowledge provided by psychology should respond to different problems, which can only be achieved when the findings from scientific evidence become available to other scientific groups and social nuclei, in order to achieve them appropriately and use them to solve problems, improve their quality of life, or prevent a potentially hazardous situation. However, various barriers to the effective use of knowledge are often observed. In addition, there exists the false impression that research in the health sciences is an activity that rarely meets the needs of the social actors who might benefit from its use. In this context, this paper presents a general overview of the concept of technology transfer, the models that have been developed to perform this and an example of how the transfer of an intervention program in the field of addictions in Mexico has been started and what the challenges are to advancing this process and its possible adoption in addiction centers. The authors conclude that in order to comply with the incorporation of treatments at addiction treatment institutions, it is essential to evaluate the effectiveness of the brief intervention program in clinical settings, adhere to all the CONSORT indicators for randomized clinical trials and incorporate four main aspects into the transfer process: 1. foster closer relations with health professionals; 2. allow the "reinvention" of the program within a context of collaboration between stakeholders and evaluate this process; 3. consider the constraints, resources, objectives and practices of the institution to which the program is to be transferred, and 4. provide long-term monitoring to assess the success of the adoption of the innovation.

Salud ment ; 35(6): 505-512, nov.-dic. 2012. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-675561


The purpose of this study was to identify the circumstances of the risk of alcohol consumption and the strategies to successfully handle a relapse or the abuse in a group of adolescents who completed a brief intervention program. The study was conducted at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes between 2007 and 2011 involving 70 adolescent students. The average age of participants was 16.2 years (31 men and 39 women). Participants responded to a record of confrontation during the follow-up sessions, where they described two specific situations of risk and referred which strategies they put in place not to consume or avoid the abuse. The collection and analysis of data followed a mixed approach of research, which enabled the analysis and linking of quantitative and qualitative data in one study to answer the problem statement. We performed the transcription of the text of each record, assigning a code to each type of event consumption potential through MAXQDA software [Version 5.0]. The analysis results indicated that there are three strategies used by adolescents to resist consumption: a cognitive level, where they remember the goals proposed in the intervention and the negative consequences; a behavioral level, depending on reactions to the situation presented; and a level of emotion, reflecting a sense of mood. The findings are discussed in the light of analyzing the relevance of such studies, that rescue the "live voice" experience of the participants and place the problem of consumption in a context, which includes the understanding and meaning of the users themselves, the role of consumption in their midst, and the different social and scenarios involved.

El propósito del presente estudio fue identificar las circunstancias de riesgo de consumo de alcohol y las estrategias para enfrentar exitosamente una recaída o el consumo abusivo, en un grupo de adolescentes que terminaron un programa de intervención breve. El estudio se realizó en la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes entre los años 2007 y 2011; participaron 70 adolescentes escolarizados. La edad promedio de los participantes fue de 16.2 años (31 hombres y 39 mujeres). Los participantes respondieron a un registro de enfrentamiento durante las sesiones de seguimiento, donde describieron dos situaciones específicas de riesgo y contaron qué estrategias pusieron en marcha para no consumir o evitar el consumo abusivo. En la recolección y análisis de los datos se siguió un enfoque mixto de investigación, el cual permitió analizar y vincular datos cuantitativos y cualitativos en un mismo estudio para responder al planteamiento del problema. Se realizó la transcripción de los textos de cada registro, asignándose un código a cada tipo de evento potencial de consumo por medio del programa informático MAXQDA (Versión 5.0). El análisis de los resultados da cuenta de tres estrategias que usan los adolescentes para resistir el consumo: a nivel cognitivo, recordar las metas propuestas en el programa de intervención breve y las consecuencias negativas asociadas; a nivel conductual, en función de las reacciones que presentan ante la situación; y a nivel de emoción, reflejando una conciencia de estado anímico. Los hallazgos se discuten a la luz de analizar la relevancia de estudios de este tipo, que rescatan la experiencia en "viva voz" de los participantes y ubican el problema del consumo desde la comprensión y significación de los propios usuarios, el papel del consumo en su medio, y los diferentes agentes sociales y escenarios involucrados.

Univ. psychol ; 10(3): 803-815, sep. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-650108


Debido a la falta de programas dirigidos a prevenir y tratar el consumo excesivo de alcohol en adolescentes de comunidades rurales, se evaluaron dos modalidades de corta intervención: a) programa breve de cinco sesiones y b) sesión de consejo breve. En una primera fase se realizó un estudio exploratorio, obteniendo un cuadro descriptivo del consumo de alcohol en adolescentes de tres comunidades rurales, mientras que en un segundo momento, mediante un diseño de grupos de comparación, se determinaron los efectos de ambas intervenciones sobre el patrón de consumo y otras variables psicosociales en 24 adolescentes rurales del estado de Aguascalientes (México). Se concluyó que ambas modalidades de intervención son efectivas para el trabajo con adolescentes rurales usuarios de alcohol.

Due to the lack of programs designed to prevent and treat problems related to alcohol consumption in adolescents in rural communities, two brief intervention modalities were evaluated: a) a brief program with five sessions and, b) a brief advice session. During the first stage, an exploratory study was undertaken, on the basis of which a descriptive chart of alcohol consumption among adolescents in three rural communities was obtained, while in the second stage, comparison groups were designed to determine the effects of both interventions on consumption patterns and other psychosocial variables in a sample of 24 rural adolescents of the state of Aguascalientes, Mexico. The conclusion was that both interventions are effective in working with rural adolescent alcohol users.

Salud ment ; 32(6): 469-477, nov.-dic. 2009. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632662


There are two main problems reported in the intervention programs addressing teenage substance users: 1) limited admission to treatment, 2) high drop out rates. Institutions in other countries working with teenage substance users report a dropout rate between 50 and 70% after the first session at early treatment stages. In Mexico, a study on dropout rates in a brief intervention program found rates of 53%, with teenagers dropping out between the first and second session. In the addictive behavior field, there is a factor involved in the lack of acceptance for treatment and the dropout rate during treatment. This factor is the perception of addiction treatment programs and teenagers' readiness for change their consumption. Particularly, it was proposed that the lack of agreement over the actions that the therapist and the user develop, jointly and individually, affects the admission to and permanence of users in treatment programs. In addition, Yahne & Miller consider that most of the people can be admitted to the program without any willingness or with a limited willingness to change their consumption. This suggests the need for strategies that increase teenagers' interest in modifying their substance consumption. That is why this study reports the results of an evaluation of an induction to treatment session as a part of the <> [BIPA]. This induction to treatment session uses some of the strategies from motivational interviewing that also includes the change stages of Prochaska and DiClemente. These strategies are based on four steps: a) give teenagers feedback on the impact of alcohol use on their lives according to the results of a previous evaluation, b) give direct counseling about the importance of change, c) suggest alternatives to achieve this change, d) describe the BIPA characteristics and clarify the therapist's and teenagers' role in the treatment. If they follow these steps, teenagers increase their readiness to change. In addition, this induction to treatment session may help to clarify the perception about the activities that both therapist and the teenager must develop during the intervention program. The objectives of the current study are: 1) Evaluate the impact of the induction to treatment session on the therapist and teenagers' perception, 2) Evaluate the impact of the induction to treatment session on the stage of teenagers' readiness willingness to change, and 3) Determine the effects of the induction to treatment session on teenage alcohol users' acceptance and permanence. In this study, a pre-post test design without a control group was used in a sample of 28 volunteer teenage students from Mexico City. The sample was non probabilistic and included volunteer participants meeting the following criteria: a) teenage alcohol users drinking more than 4 drinks on more than 5 occasions in the last 6 months; b) reports on alcohol-related problems without physical symptoms of alcohol dependence according to DSM-IV-TR; c) being aged between 14 to 18 years old; d) being a student. This study took place at the <> Center of Psychological Services and the Acasulco Center of the UNAM Psychology Faculty, as well as at a secondary and high school in Mexico City. The instruments used were: Initial Interview, Readiness to Change Scale, and the Perception of Therapist's and Teenager's Role Questionnaire. The principal characteristics related to teenage consumption were: the overall sample reported alcohol consumption as a preeminent substance; the majority reported moderate alcohol consumption (1-2 occasions per month) over the past 90 days, although 80% reported large amounts of alcohol (more than 5 drinks per occasion). On the other hand, the three main problems reported by teenagers were related to attending parties where alcohol was necessarily consumed, family or friend's arguments and consequences related to affective situations. Data analysis showed statistical differences before and after the induction according to perceptions about the therapist's role t(27) = -2.803, p <.05, but not about the teenagers' role t(27) = -1.793, p >.05, although the average group analysis before the induction session showed that the participants had a clear perception of the activities they perform during the program. On the other hand, the data analysis did not show significant statistical differences in the recognition t(27) = .000, p >.05 and action t(27) = -1.839, p >.05 subscales, both from the readiness for change scale. As for the acceptance and permanence percentage in the treatment, 100% of the teenagers agreed to join the treatment program after the induction session, 93% only attended the first session of treatment, and 62% finished their participation in the treatment program. Based on these results, the induction to treatment session represents a component that clarifies teenagers' perception about the therapist's actions during the treatment. Although there were no significant differences in the readiness to change scale, the induction session is thought to have helped in the teenagers' admission to treatment in addition to promoting progress to action. The induction session can also be one of the variables that contributed to acceptance of and permanence in treatment among teenagers. However, it is important to evaluate the effect that the induction to treatment session had by comparing it with a control group. It is also essential to consider the evaluation of the induction to treatment session with teenage drug users, as well as teenagers that do not go to school. Despite the limited sample, the results observed suggest the relevance of this kind of components in treatment for teenage substance users.

Entre los programas de intervención dirigidos a los adolescentes que abusan del alcohol y otras drogas se han reportado dos grandes problemas: 1. la escasa aceptación para ingresar a tratamiento y 2. las altas tasas de abandono. Instituciones de otros países que trabajan con adolescentes usuarios de sustancias, reportan una tasa de deserción después de un primer contacto de entre el 50% y el 70% en fases tempranas del tratamiento. En México, un estudio sobre la deserción de los adolescentes participantes en un programa de intervención breve determinó que el porcentaje de deserción fue del 53% y la deserción se presentó entre la primera y la segunda visita al terapeuta. Algunos de los factores implicados en la falta de aceptación del tratamiento y la deserción durante el tratamiento en el campo de las adicciones, son la etapa de disposición a cambiar su consumo en la que se encuentran los sujetos y su percepción acerca de los tratamientos de las adicciones. En este sentido, en este trabajo se reporta la evaluación de una sesión de inducción al tratamiento como parte del <> [PIBA]. La sesión de inducción al tratamiento desarrollada como parte del PIBA, utiliza algunas de las estrategias propuestas por la entrevista motivacional, las que se integran en cuatro pasos: a) retroalimentar al adolescente sobre el impacto del uso de alcohol en su vida de acuerdo a los resultados de una evaluación previa, b) dar consejo directo sobre la necesidad de cambio, c) sugerir alternativas para el cambio y d) describir las características del PIBA y aclarar las acciones que el terapeuta y el adolescente realizan en el tratamiento. Con estos pasos se busca que el adolescente avance en su etapa de disposición al cambio y aclare su percepción acerca de las actividades que él y el terapeuta realizan durante el tratamiento. De manera adicional, se planteó que la sesión de inducción al tratamiento puede resultar efectiva para promover la aceptación y permanencia en el tratamiento entre los adolescentes. Para tal efecto se utilizó un diseño de grupo pretest-postest sin grupo control, con una muestra de 28 adolescentes estudiantes voluntarios del Distrito Federal, quienes reportaron consumir alcohol y tener problemas relacionados. El análisis de los datos mostró diferencias estadísticas significativas antes y después de la sesión de inducción para la percepción del rol del terapeuta, pero no para la percepción del rol del adolescente, aunque el análisis del promedio grupal acerca de la percepción del adolescente sobre su rol en el tratamiento, antes de la sesión de inducción, arrojó que los participantes tenían una percepción clara acerca de las actividades que ellos realizan durante el tratamiento. Por otra parte, el análisis no mostró diferencias estadísticas significativas para la etapa de disposición al cambio de los adolescentes antes y después de la sesión de inducción al tratamiento, sin embargo, el análisis de las medias grupales para las dos subescalas del instrumento que midió esta variable mostró que en un inicio los adolescentes se encontraban preparados para el cambio. Finalmente, se reportó que el 100% de los jóvenes aceptaron ingresar a tratamiento, el 92% acudió por lo menos a la primera sesión del programa y el 62% lo concluyó. Se propone que la sesión de inducción al tratamiento representa una estrategia mediante la cual se puede clarificar la percepción de los adolescentes sobre las actividades que realizan los terapeutas en el tratamiento, además de que puede favorecer el avance de los adolescentes de la etapa de preparación al cambio a la etapa de acción. Finalmente se considera que puede ser una de las variables que favorezcan la aceptación y permanencia en tratamiento entre los adolescentes atendidos en el estudio.

Salud ment ; 31(2): 119-127, Mar.-Apr. 2008. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632728


During the last two decades, alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug consumption among young people has come to be regarded as a serious public health problem, both in Mexico and internationally. This recognition has resulted from a trend toward higher levels of use, greater diversification of the types of drugs used and abused, and increased drug marketing. Epidemiological data show that most users initiate drug use when they are about 16 years old. However, the age of first drug experimentation appears to be decreasing, with recent reports indicating an average age 12 or 13 years at present. The societal costs of adolescent drug use cut across different domains including physical and mental health, car crashes, and morbidity and mortality related to substance misuse. The personal costs of teen drug use include school failure, drop-out, and truancy. Moreover, aggressive behavior and crime, risky sexual behaviour, and many other behavioural problems have been shown to be associated with adolescent drug use. Research from many different disciplines has increased knowledge about (a) important dimensions of adolescent substance use and (b) the processes and variables related to the origin and maintenance of addictive behavior among teenagers. Despite this growing body of knowledge, few current prevention and treatment programs are based on empirical investigation. Moreover, many current intervention programs have not been adequately evaluated in regard to effectiveness. A recent development in the addiction field is brief intervention (BI). BIs have been demonstrated to be effective in the treatment of addictive behavior among adult problem drinkers, with the most successful programs based on the Theory of the Social Learning. Only recently have BIs been tried with adolescent populations. While promising, little empirical research exists about the effectiveness of brief treatment with adolescents. The primary goals of BIs are to (a) reduce or eliminate substance consumption and (b) to mitigate the adverse effects of using alcohol or other drugs (i.e., harm reduction). While the goals of BIs are clear, the effectiveness of such programs with adolescents, despite their promise, is not well researched. For this reason, it is important to develop and empirically test BI programs for adolescents demonstrating problematic alcohol or other drug consumption. Schools represent a particularly good place to access adolescents who would benefit from BIs, and BIs represent an attractive alternative to the typical strategies used by school to address student substance use (i.e., suspension or expulsion). The main goal of this investigation was to develop and to evaluate a brief intervention program for teenagers with substance abuse (but who have not developed substance dependence) between 14 and 18 years old. The intervention program tries to: (a) promote a change in drug consumption through establishing consumption goals (in the case of the alcohol, moderation or abstinence; in the case of illegal drugs, abstinence); (b) identify high-risk situations in which use is probable; and (c) develop alternative strategies to these situations. The theorical bases of the intervention include Self-control Theory, Motivational Interviewing, Relapse Prevention and <>. Our brief intervention program consisted of six steps: 1. case detection, which involved the identification of adolescents who abuse alcohol or another drugs, by means of teacher's reports, legal and psychology personnel, trained by the investigators; 2. screening, which involved determining whether adolescents met inclusion criteria; 3. assessment, which addressed the frequency and amount of consumption and self-confidence to suitably face situation of probable drug; 4. induction to the program, the objective of which was to sensitize the adolescents about the importance of attending treatment; 5. intervention; and, 6. one, three and six months follow-up assessments. The intervention program consisted of four individual sessions with the participants in which they chose their own substance reduction goals, identified their high risk situations, developed coping plans for each high risk situation, and appraised the impact of their substance use on their own life-goals success. The researchers used a single-case design with 25 participants, 17 of whom had alcohol problems and eight of whom had marijuana problems. The age average of participants was 16 years (SD = 1.8), and 19 were male and six were female. The average age of first consumption was 14 years old (SD = 1.72); the average duration of substance use was 18 months. From the complete sample, 45% reported consumption one or twice per week, 22% reported daily consumption, and the remainder consumed once a month. Results indicated that from the 25 participants, 24 demonstrated changes from the baseline in their consumption pattern (measured by frequency and quantity) during intervention and at follow-up assessments. Self-efficacy levels (self-perceptions about the capability to abstain or use moderately in high risk situations) changed as well. Specifically, among the adolescents who consumed alcohol a one-way ANOVA revealed significant changes in average consumption between the baseline, treatment, and follow-up phases F(2.48) = 17.691, p < .001. Bonferroni's post-hoc tests showed differences between baseline ( = 8.89, SD = 3.55) and treatment ( = 4.46, SD = 3.27), and between baseline and the follow-up ( = 3.29, SD = 1.35). Student's t tests for each subject showed that 16 adolescents significantly reduced their alcohol consumption from the baseline to the follow-up. Only one participant demonstrated increased use (from five standard drinks per drinking occasion at the baseline to 5.90 standard drinks at the follow-up). Regarding consumers of marijuana, a one-way ANOVA showed significant changes in consumption across the baseline, treatment and follow-up phases F(2.21) = 8.219, p = .002. Bonferroni's post-hoc tests showed significant differences between the baseline ( = 18.23, SD = 16.62) treatment phases ( = 1.07, SD = 0.77), and between the baseline and the follow-up phases ( = 1.59, SD = 1.06). An additional one-way ANOVA revealed significant changes in self-efficacy. Specifically, participants demonstrated increased self-efficacy in situations including: Unpleasant emotions, Pleasant emotions, Testing personal control, Conflict with others, Social pressure, and Pleasant time with others (all p < .01), F(2.78) = 24.30, 12.47, 11.34, 11.02, 16.91 and 25.62, respectively. Self-efficacy in regard to Physical discomfort and Urges and temptations to drink also showed significant changes, but at p < .05 F(2.78) = 3.97 and 3.26, respectively. Finally, in order to evaluate the impact of the intervention on problems that participants associated with their alcohol use (or other drugs), seven areas were examined: School, Health, Cognitive, Interpersonal, Family, Legal and Economic. At the end of the treatment, there was a reduction in the number of problems related to these seven areas, compared with the baseline.

En las últimas décadas, el abuso de drogas legales e ilegales en los jóvenes ha sido considerado como un serio problema de salud pública, tanto en el ámbito internacional como en nuestro país. Los estudios epidemiológicos indican que la mayoría de los consumidores experimentan por primera vez con drogas alrededor de los 16 años, pero esta experimentación continúa disminuyendo presentándose en promedio a los 12 o 13 años. Esto representa altos costos para la sociedad y el individuo. Por ejemplo, en áreas de la salud se incrementan los costos de la atención médica, los servicios de salud mental y los tratamientos especializados, además de aumentar la probabilidad de accidentes y muertes relacionadas con el abuso; en el área escolar se presenta el fracaso y/o la deserción escolar, y la expulsión de los estudiantes por parte de las instituciones; y en el área social se pueden presentar conductas agresivas y/o delictivas, contacto sexual de riesgo y otros problemas de conducta relacionados con el consumo de sustancias. De los diferentes programas existentes, resaltan las intervenciones breves en el tratamiento de usuarios que abusan pero que no dependen de las sustancias. Este tipo de intervenciones se basan en la Teoría del Aprendizaje Social y están diseñadas para reducir los patrones de abuso de alcohol u otras drogas. Sin embargo, la aplicación de las intervenciones breves se ha realizado principalmente en adultos, y es hasta últimas fechas que éstas se han adaptado a población adolescente que abusa de las sustancias, sin tenerse todavía resultados concluyentes. Es por esto que es fundamental desarrollar programas de intervención breve como una alternativa para adolescentes que inician el abuso de alcohol u otras drogas. Otro punto que requiere atención es el desarrollo de estrategias para detectar los casos en las escuelas, con la finalidad de ofrecer los servicios de atención en las propias instituciones educativas sin que el adolescente tenga consecuencias como la suspensión o la expulsión. Ante este fenómeno se ha recomendado fortalecer acciones que se basan en la identificación temprana de patrones de consumo que ponen en riesgo al adolescente a diferentes problemas relacionados con el abuso de las drogas. Estos programas se deben caracterizar por ser costo-eficientes, breves y capaces de instrumentarse en una variedad de escenarios, así como de aplicarse a una variedad de culturas. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de esta investigación fue desarrollar y evaluar un programa de intervención breve para adolescentes de entre 14 y 18 años de edad, estudiantes de nivel medio y medio superior, que consumen alcohol en exceso u otras drogas, y que presentan problemas relacionados con este patrón de consumo pero sin cubrir los síntomas físicos de la dependencia. Para realizar la evaluación se utilizó un diseño de caso único con 25 réplicas, 17 casos de consumo de alcohol y 8 casos de consumo de mariguana. De los 25 adolescentes que participaron en el estudio, 24 mostraron una disminución en el patrón de consumo (cantidad y frecuencia de consumo), al comparar las mediciones de los datos recabados en las fases de línea base, tratamiento y seguimiento. Así mismo, se dieron cambios en el nivel de auto-eficacia (percepción de la capacidad de los sujetos para controlar sus situaciones de consumo), es decir, al finalizar el tratamiento los adolescentes se percibieron a sí mismos con mayor capacidad para controlar la cantidad de consumo en situaciones de riesgo. Además, al final del tratamiento los sujetos reportaron una reducción del número de problemas relacionados con su consumo. Esta investigación es uno de los primeros esfuerzos por demostrar el impacto de las intervenciones breves en el patrón de consumo de los adolescentes. Las limitaciones del estudio fueron que no se determinó el efecto específico de cada uno de los componentes del programa ni tampoco se evaluó la presencia de otras conductas problemáticas (comorbilidad). Sin embargo, esta investigación ofrece un apoyo empírico a los programas de intervención breve en población adolescente de nuestro país.

Salud Publica Mex ; 45(1): 5-12, 2003.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12649956


OBJECTIVE: To assess whether interactive workshops are an effective strategy for promoting a psychological intervention model among healthcare providers, to treat problem drinkers. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was conducted between the years 1999 and 2000, among 206 healthcare providers at seven Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (Mexican Institute of Social Security, IMSS) clinics. Study subjects were selected by hospital executive officers. The study design is a quasi-experimental pre-test/post-test study. Data on providers' attitudes, interests, and knowledge were collected using a questionnaire. After that, interactive workshops were conducted, and the same questionnaire was applied again at the end of the workshops. Statistical analysis was carried out using Student's t test for matched samples. RESULTS: Statistically significant differences were found in participants' knowledge on alcoholism t (206, 205) = -9.234, p = 0.001, as well as in their interest t (206, 205) = -2.318, p = 0.021. CONCLUSIONS: Interactive workshops are an effective tool to disseminate the Guided Self-Help Program conducted in IMSS clinics. Healthcare providers can become change-inducing/promoting agents of psychological innovations.

Group Processes , Psychology/education , Adult , Alcoholism/therapy , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Surveys and Questionnaires
Salud pública Méx ; 45(1): 5-12, ene.-feb. 2003. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-333559


OBJETIVO: Evaluar los talleres interactivos como una estrategia de diseminación de un modelo de intervención psicológica para el tratamiento de los bebedores problema, en profesionales de la salud del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se trabajó con 206 profesionales de la salud de siete clínicas del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, en el periodo 1999-2000. Los sujetos fueron seleccionados por las autoridades de las clínicas. El tipo de estudio utilizado fue cuasi-experimental con un diseño pre-test/pos-test. Inicialmente se aplicó a los participantes el cuestionario de actitudes, intereses y conocimientos, luego se impartieron los talleres interactivos, y al final de éstos nuevamente se aplicó el cuestionario para identificar cambios. El análisis estadístico se realizó a través de una prueba t de student de muestras pareadas. RESULTADOS: Se encontraron diferencias estadísticas significativas en los conocimientos de los participantes sobre alcoholismo t (206, 205), y en los intereses de los mismos t (206, 205)=2.318, p=0.021. CONCLUSIONES: El taller interactivo es una herramienta efectiva para diseminar el programa de Auto-Cambio Dirigido en los escenarios de las clínicas del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, por lo que los profesionales de la salud pueden convertirse en agentes de cambio de las innovaciones psicológicas

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Group Processes , Psychology/education , Alcoholism/therapy , Surveys and Questionnaires