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Acta Med Port ; 37(4): 267-273, 2024 Apr 01.
Article in Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38452740


INTRODUCTION: The aim of the study was to describe trauma injuries associated with rope bullfights in the Azores, Portugal, regarding the cause of the incident, trauma mechanism, most affected anatomical areas, and injury severity. METHODS: Two-year cross-sectional study in the local hospital with prospective data collection. Patients who were consecutively admitted to the local hospital's emergency department with trauma injuries from the bull's direct impact or from falls either during the bull's escape or when handling the rope, were included. Data on general demographics, lesion characteristics, treatments, need for hospitalization and mortality were collected. RESULTS: Fifty-six incidents and 80 trauma injuries were identified. The main cause of trauma was the bull's direct impact (37; 66.07%) and the mechanism of injury was blunt trauma in all patients (100%; 56). Head and neck injuries (27; 33.75%) were the most common. The median Injury Severity Score at the emergency department admission was 4. Major trauma was noted in five patients (8.92%). Ten patients (17.85%) needed hospitalization with a median hospital stay of seven days. Three of the 10 hospitalized patients (30%) were previously admitted to the intensive care unit. Surgery was performed in six patients (10.71%). CONCLUSION: The main cause of trauma was the bull's direct impact, and the mechanism of injury was blunt trauma. The most affected anatomical areas were the head and neck. These findings are a wake-up call to the impact of these events regarding the economic costs they entail, the costs for the health of the local population, the safety measures currently implemented and the availability of the necessary means to treat these patients.

Introdução: O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar as lesões traumáticas tauromáquicas ocorridas nas touradas à corda nos Açores no que diz respeito à causa do incidente, mecanismo de trauma, área anatómica mais afetada e gravidade das lesões. Métodos: Estudo unicêntrico, transversal, com a colheita prospetiva de dados realizada durante dois anos. Foram incluídos os doentes que consecutivamente recorreram ao serviço de urgência do hospital local por lesões traumáticas ocorridas por trauma direto com o animal ou quedas aquando da fuga ou manuseio da corda. Foram colhidos dados demográficos gerais, características da lesão, tratamentos efetuados, necessidade de internamento hospitalar e mortalidade. Foi realizada uma análise estatística descritiva com recurso ao software estatístico SPSS. Resultados: Registaram-se 56 admissões hospitalares e 80 lesões traumáticas. A principal causa de traumatismo foi o trauma direto com o animal (37; 66,07%) e o mecanismo de lesão foi o trauma fechado (56; 100%). As áreas anatómicas mais afetadas foram a cabeça e pescoço (27; 33,75%). A mediana de Injury Severity Score foi de 4 à admissão hospitalar. Cinco doentes (8,92%) apresentaram trauma major. Dez doentes (17,85%) necessitaram de internamento hospitalar com uma mediana de dias de internamento de sete (IIQ 4,5 dias). Três (30%) dos doentes internados necessitaram de internamento em unidade de cuidados intensivos. Seis doentes (10,71%) foram submetidos a cirurgia. Conclusão: A principal causa de traumatismo foi o trauma direto com o animal e o mecanismo de lesão foi o trauma fechado. As áreas anatómicas mais afetadas foram a cabeça e pescoço. Estes dados constituem um alerta para o impacto destes eventos no que diz respeito aos custos económicos que acarretam, aos custos para a saúde da população local, às medidas de segurança atualmente implementadas e à disponibilidade dos meios necessários para tratar estes doentes.

Hospitalization , Wounds, Nonpenetrating , Humans , Male , Animals , Cattle , Cross-Sectional Studies , Azores , Length of Stay , Retrospective Studies
Fisioter. Pesqui. (Online) ; 31: e23002324en, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557776


ABSTRACT This aimed to systematically review randomized controlled trials and compare the effectiveness of labor gymnastics with that of no intervention, minimal intervention or other types of intervention in healthcare workers, in relation to musculoskeletal pain, stress, physical disability, and absence from work. A search was carried out in the PUBMED, Pedro, EMBASE, CENTRAL, CINAHAL, PSYCHINFO, NIOSHTIC-2, SPORT DICUS, SCIELO, and LILACS databases. In total, 3,598 articles were found, seven of which were eligible for the study. There was a statistical difference in musculoskeletal pain in favor of labor gymnastics after 5, 10 and 12 weeks (MD: −0.63; 95%, CI: −1.17; −0.08) and 6, 9 and 12 months of intervention (MD: −0.74; 95% CI: −1.43; −0.05). There was also a statistical difference in favor of labor gymnastics in terms of time off work (MD: −3.26; 95% CI: −6.28; −0.25) and stress (SMD: −0.35; 95% CI: −0.67; −0.03) in studies in which interventions were carried out for 5 and 10 weeks. Labor gymnastics can contribute to the physical and mental health of healthcare professionals. However, more randomized controlled studies with a larger sample size and aimed at this professional category are needed.

RESUMEN Este estudio tuvo por objetivo realizar una revisión sistemática de los ensayos aleatorizados controlados y comparar la efectividad de la gimnasia laboral con ninguna intervención, con intervención mínima u otros tipos de intervención en los profesionales de la salud con relación a dolor musculoesquelético, estrés, incapacidad física y baja laboral. Se realizaron búsquedas en las bases de datos PUBMED, PEDro, EMBASE, CENTRAL, CINAHAL, PsycINFO, NIOSHTIC-2, SPORTDicus, SciELO y LILACS. Se encontraron 3.598 artículos, de los cuales siete fueron elegibles. Hubo una diferencia estadística para el dolor musculoesquelético a favor de la gimnasia laboral después de 5, 10 y 12 semanas (MD: −0,63; 95% CI: −1,17; −0,08) y 6,9 y 12 meses de intervención (MD: −0,74; 95% CI: −1,43; −0,05). También hubo una diferencia estadística a favor de la gimnasia laboral para el tiempo de baja laboral (MD: −3,26; 95% IC: −6,28; −0,25) y la reducción del estrés (SMD: −0,35; 95% IC: −0,67; −0,03) en los estudios que realizaron la intervención entre cinco y diez semanas. La gimnasia laboral puede contribuir a la salud física y mental de los profesionales de la salud, sin embargo, son necesarios más estudios aleatorizados controlados dirigidos a esta categoría profesional y con un mayor tamaño muestral para confirmar esta hipótesis.

RESUMO Este estudo tem como objetivo revisar sistematicamente ensaios randomizados controlados e comparar a eficácia da ginástica laboral com nenhuma intervenção, intervenção mínima ou outros tipos de intervenção em trabalhadores de saúde, em relação à dor musculoesquelética, estresse, incapacidade física e afastamento do trabalho. Foram realizadas buscas nas bases de dados PUBMED, PEDro, EMBASE, CENTRAL, CINAHAL, PsycINFO, NIOSHTIC-2, SPORTDicus, SCIELO e LILACS. Foram encontrados 3598 artigos, sendo sete elegíveis. Houve diferença estatística para dor musculoesquelética a favor da ginástica laboral após 5, 10 e 12 semanas (MD: −0,63; 95%, CI: −1,17; −0,08) e 6,9 e 12 meses de intervenção (MD: −0,74; 95% CI: −1,43; −0,05). Também foi verificada diferença estatística a favor da ginástica laboral para o afastamento no trabalho (MD: −3,26; 95% IC: −6,28; −0,25) e para redução do estresse (SMD: −0.35; 95% IC: −0,67; −0.03) nos estudos que realizaram intervenção por 5 e 10 semanas. A ginástica laboral pode contribuir para a saúde física e mental do profissional de saúde, no entanto, mais estudos randomizados controlados voltados para essa categoria profissional, e com maior valor amostral, são necessários para confirmação dessa hipótese.

J Surg Case Rep ; 2019(2): rjy365, 2019 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30788093


Opsoclonus-myoclonus paraneoplastic syndrome is a medical condition that includes opsoclonus along with diffuse or focal body myoclonus and truncal titubation with or without ataxia and other cerebellar signs. This rare neurological syndrome is poorly understood and can result in long-term cognitive, behavioral and motor sequelae. We report a case of a 49-year-old woman with anti-Ri antibody opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome and an invasive ductal carcinoma with axillary nodes involvement. Following the diagnosis of opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome, a multimodal immunotherapy treatment, with partial remission of the neurological symptoms. The patient underwent lumpectomy and axillary node dissection and the surgical pathology confirmed the diagnosis of breast cancer stage IIA. This was followed by chemotherapy, radiotherapy and hormone therapy with tamoxifen. At the 6 months follow-up there was a partial improvement, anti-Ri antibody was subsequently reported as negative and there was no evidence of disease recurrence.

Fisioter. pesqui ; 22(2): 182-190, Apr.-June 2015. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-758063


O objetivo do estudo foi conhecer o perfil sociodemográfico, identificar as queixas osteomusculares e avaliar a capacidade para o trabalho de trabalhadores de um hospital público. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, analítico e transversal. Constituiu-se de 31 servidores do Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo e da Unidade de Emergência de Ribeirão Preto, que foram encaminhados ao serviço de Fisioterapia no Centro de Reabilitação no período de maio a dezembro de 2012. Três questionários foram aplicados: o Questionário Sociodemográfico, que foi desenvolvido pelos pesquisadores deste estudo, o Questionário Nórdico de Sintomas Osteomusculares, que visa a padronizar a mensuração de relatos de sintomas osteomusculares, e o questionário Índice de Capacidade para o Trabalho, que possibilita a avaliação e detecção precoce de alterações na qualidade de vida dos trabalhadores. Os 31 avaliados possuem, em média, 46,5±11,8 anos, sendo 27 mulheres e 4 homens. As ocupações mais prevalentes foram: auxiliar de enfermagem (19,3%), auxiliar de serviços (19,3%) e escriturário (16,13%). Um total de 74,2% deles não praticam atividade física, 38,7% possuem mais de 20 anos no serviço e 64,5% ficam a maior parte do tempo em pé. A prevalência das queixas osteomusculares tinha relação com os joelhos, seguida das relacionadas aos ombros e lombar. A média do Índice de Capacidade para o trabalho foi de 33,84±8,35, revelando uma capacidade para o trabalho moderada. Os resultados apresentados apontam a necessidade de avaliação das condições laborais, com base em uma avaliação ergonômica fundada nos aspectos físicos, cognitivos e organizacionais do trabalho, como estratégia corretiva e/ou preventiva das lesões osteomusculares e da melhoria da capacidade de realização do trabalho.

El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer el perfil sociodemográfico, identificar las quejas osteomusculares y evaluar la capacidad para el trabajo de los trabajadores de un hospital público. Es un estudio cuantitativo, analítico y transversal. 31 servidores del Hospital das Clínicas de la Facultad de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto de la Universidad de São Paulo y de la Unidad de Emergencia de Ribeirão Preto fueron evaluados y encaminados al servicio de Fisioterapia en el Centro de Rehabilitación en el período de mayo a diciembre de 2012. Dos cuestionarios fueron aplicados: el Cuestionario Nórdico de Síntomas Osteomusculares, de carácter sociodemográfico y desarrollado por los pesquisidores deste estudio, para la tipificación y mensuración de relatos de los síntomas osteomusculares, y el Cuestionario Índice de Capacidad para el Trabajo, que posibilita la evaluación y detección precoz de alteraciones en la calidad de vida de los trabajadores. Los 31 evaluados tienen, en media, 46,5±11,8 años, siendo 27 mujeres y 4 hombres. Las ocupaciones con mayor prevalencia fueron: auxiliar de enfermería (19,3%), auxiliar de servicios (19,3%) y tesoreros (16,13%). 74,2% no practican actividades físicas, 38,7% tienen más de 20 años en el servicio y 64,5% pasan mucho tiempo de pie. La mayoría de las quejas osteomusculares tenía relación con las rodillas, después con los hombros y lumbar. La media del Índice de Capacidad para el Trabajo fue de 33,84±8,35, revelando una capacidad para el trabajo moderada. Los resultados presentados muestran la necesidad de la evaluación de las condiciones laborales, basada en una evaluación ergonómica con base en los aspectos físicos, cognitivos y organizacionales, cómo estrategia correctiva y/o preventiva de las lesiones osteomusculares y de la mejoría de la capacidad de realización del trabajo.

This paper aimed to characterize the sociodemographic profile, identify musculoskeletal complaints and evaluate the work ability of a public hospital workers. This study is quantitative, analytical and cross-sectional, consisted of 31 Hospital das Clinicas' workers, from the School of Medicine, at the University of São Paulo, and the Emergency Unit of Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, which were referred to the physiotherapy service at the Centre for Rehabilitation in the period from May to December 2012. Three questionnaires were administered: the Sociographic Questionnaire, developed by the researchers of this study, the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire, with socio-demographic intent, which aims to standardize the measurement of reported musculoskeletal symptoms, and the questionnaire Index Capacity for Work, that enables the assessment and early detection of changes in the quality of life of these workers. A total of 31 workers reviews have, on average, 46.5±11.8 years, being 27 women and 4 men. The prevalent occupations were: nursing assistant (19.3 %), auxiliary services (19.3 %) and clerks (16.13%). A number of 74.2 % did not engage in physical activity, 38.7 % have more than 20 years in service and 64.5 % are most of the time standing. The higher prevalence of musculoskeletal complaints was related to the knees, followed by shoulders and lower back. The average Index Capacity for Work was 33.84±8.35, revealing a moderate capacity to work. The presented results indicate the need to evaluate working conditions, based on an ergonomic evaluation consisted of physical, cognitive and organizational aspects of work, as well as corrective and/or preventive strategy of musculoskeletal injuries and improvements of the capacity to work.

Braz. j. phys. ther. (Impr.) ; 16(6): 502-509, Nov.-Dec. 2012. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-662695


BACKGROUND: Shoulder pain in nursing professionals may lead to limitations in occupational and daily activities and consequently interfere with quality of life. OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects of two physical therapy programs which differed in the proprioceptive exercises used on the nursing professionals with rotator cuff disorder, according to quality of life, work satisfaction indicators, and pain intensity. METHOD: This study was an experimental, randomized, prospective, comparative trial with quantitative data analysis. The data sampling was carried out between the months of June 2010 and July 2011 by means of a questionnaire containing socio-demographic and professional information, the Western Ontario Rotator Cuff Index (WORC), the Occupational Stress Indicator (OSI), and the Visual Numeric Scale (VNS). Based on randomization, subjects were divided into two groups. Group 1 (control) was submitted to stretching and strengthening exercises and cryotherapy. Group 2 (experimental) was treated with the same protocol as the control group, with the addition of proprioception exercises. The data was analyzed by means of the Statistical Package for the Social Science version 16.0 for Windows. RESULTS: After physical therapy intervention, significant reduction in pain levels occurred in both groups, with a significant improvement in quality of life for Group 2. No changes were observed in the work satisfaction indicators after the two types of physical therapy interventions. CONCLUSIONS: The proprioceptive exercises were important in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, however the results did not allow us to determine which treatment was the most effective as there was no significant difference between groups.

CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: A dor no ombro em profissionais de enfermagem pode acarretar limitação das atividades diárias e ocupacionais e interferir na qualidade de vida. OBJETIVO: Comparar o efeito da aplicação de dois programas fisioterapêuticos diferenciados pelos exercícios de propriocepção em trabalhadores de enfermagem com desordem do manguito rotador, segundo indicadores de qualidade de vida, satisfação no trabalho e intensidade da dor. MÉTODO: Trata-se de um estudo experimental, randomizado, prospectivo, comparativo, com análise quantitativa dos dados. A coleta de dados foi realizada no período de junho de 2010 a julho de 2011, por meio de um questionário sociodemográfico e profissional, questionário Western Ontario Rotador Cuff Index (WORC), Escala de Satisfação no Trabalho (Occupational Stress Indicator) e Escala Visual Numérica (EVN) para intensidade da dor. Após randomização, os sujeitos foram alocados em dois grupos. No Grupo 1 (controle), foram aplicados exercícios de alongamento, fortalecimento e crioterapia. No Grupo 2 (experimental), foram realizados os mesmos exercícios que no Grupo 1 acrescidos de exercícios proprioceptivos. Os dados foram analisados por meio do Statistical Package for the Social Science, versão 16.0 para Windows. RESULTADOS: Após os tratamentos fisioterapêuticos, houve melhora significativa da dor nos sujeitos dos dois grupos e da qualidade de vida nos trabalhadores do Grupo 2. Não houve alteração dos indicadores de satisfação no trabalho nos dois grupos. CONCLUSÕES: Os exercícios proprioceptivos foram importantes no tratamento dos distúrbios osteomusculares. No entanto, os resultados não permitiram inferir a melhor efetividade deles em relação ao outro tratamento, pois não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos. Ensaio clínico registrado no NCT01465932.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Exercise Therapy/methods , Muscular Diseases/therapy , Nursing , Occupational Diseases/therapy , Physical Therapy Modalities , Rotator Cuff , Proprioception , Prospective Studies , Single-Blind Method
Rev Bras Fisioter ; 16(6): 502-9, 2012.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23117648


BACKGROUND: Shoulder pain in nursing professionals may lead to limitations in occupational and daily activities and consequently interfere with quality of life. OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects of two physical therapy programs which differed in the proprioceptive exercises used on the nursing professionals with rotator cuff disorder, according to quality of life, work satisfaction indicators, and pain intensity. METHOD: This study was an experimental, randomized, prospective, comparative trial with quantitative data analysis. The data sampling was carried out between the months of June 2010 and July 2011 by means of a questionnaire containing socio-demographic and professional information, the Western Ontario Rotator Cuff Index (WORC), the Occupational Stress Indicator (OSI), and the Visual Numeric Scale (VNS). Based on randomization, subjects were divided into two groups. Group 1 (control) was submitted to stretching and strengthening exercises and cryotherapy. Group 2 (experimental) was treated with the same protocol as the control group, with the addition of proprioception exercises. The data was analyzed by means of the Statistical Package for the Social Science version 16.0 for Windows. RESULTS: After physical therapy intervention, significant reduction in pain levels occurred in both groups, with a significant improvement in quality of life for Group 2. No changes were observed in the work satisfaction indicators after the two types of physical therapy interventions. CONCLUSIONS: The proprioceptive exercises were important in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, however the results did not allow us to determine which treatment was the most effective as there was no significant difference between groups.

Exercise Therapy/methods , Muscular Diseases/therapy , Nursing , Occupational Diseases/therapy , Physical Therapy Modalities , Rotator Cuff , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Proprioception , Prospective Studies , Single-Blind Method
Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 19(4): 587-591, out.-dez. 2011.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: lil-645060


Esta pesquisa insere-se na área de ergonomia e tem por objetivo avaliar o efeito de um programa de exercícios físicos e de orientações posturais e ergonômicas nas queixas osteomusculares e na satisfação do trabalho de escriturários e verificar a existência de associações entre essas duas variáveis. O estudo foi realizado no período entre novembro e dezembro de 2008. Um programa de exercícios de alongamento e de orientações quanto à postura física e mobiliário utilizado no posto de trabalho foi aplicado durante cinco semanas em 11 escriturários. Três instrumentos foram aplicados: censo de ergonomia, índice de disfunção relacionada ao pescoço e escala de satisfação no trabalho. Houve redução do número de queixas osteomusculares, porém sem diferença em relação à satisfação no trabalho. Essa análise evidenciou que o número de queixas de desconforto/dor relatado pelos escriturários foi menor após o programa. Não se observou associação entre o número de queixas e satisfação no trabalho.

This ergonomics study aims to assess the effects of a physical exercise program and postural and ergonomics guidance on musculoskeletal complaints and job satisfaction in clerical assistants, and to check for associations between these two variables. The study was conducted between November and December 2008. A program of stretching exercises and guidance on posture and workplace furniture was conducted with eleven clerical assistants for five weeks. Three instruments were applied: an ergonomics survey, a neck-related dysfunction index, and a job satisfaction scale. The number of musculoskeletal complaints decreased, but no difference was found in job satisfaction. The analysis revealed that the workers reported fewer complaints of discomfort/pain after the program, but no correlation was found between the number of complaints and job satisfaction.

Esta investigación se encuentra dentro del área de ergonomía y tiene como objetivo evaluar el efecto de un programa de ejercicios físicos y de orientaciones referentes a la postura y a la ergonomía, sobre las quejas osteomusculares y la satisfacción en el trabajo en un hospital público y verificar la existencia de asociaciones entre esas dos variables. El estudio fue realizado en el periodo de noviembre a diciembre de 2008. Un programa de ejercicios de estiramiento y de orientaciones cuanto a la postura física y mobiliario utilizado en el local de trabajo aplicado durante cinco semanas en 11 escriturarios. Tres instrumentos fueron aplicados: un cuestionario de ergonomía, índice de alteración relacionado con el cuello y una escala de satisfacción laboral. Hubo una reducción en el número de quejas osteomusculares, pero no fue encontrada ninguna diferencia en relación con la satisfacción laboral. Ese análisis reveló que el número de quejas de malestar y/o dolor informado por los empleados fue menor después del programa. No se observó relación entre el número de quejas y la satisfacción con el trabajo.

Occupational Health Nursing/methods , Ergonomics/methods , Exercise , Administrative Personnel , Cumulative Trauma Disorders/nursing , Cumulative Trauma Disorders/prevention & control , Exercise Movement Techniques/nursing , Brazil , Prospective Studies , Nursing Informatics , Occupational Risks , Job Satisfaction
Med Sci Sports Exerc ; 40(4): 618-21, 2008 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18317386


PURPOSES: There is evidence that the risk of colon cancer is reduced by appropriate levels of physical exercise. Nevertheless, the mechanisms involved in this protective effect of exercise remain largely unknown. Inflammation is emerging as a unifying link between a range of environment exposures and neoplastic risk. The carcinogen dimethyl-hydrazine (DMH) induces an increase in epithelial cell proliferation and in the expression of the inflammation-related enzyme cyclooxigenase-2 (COX-2) in the colon of rats. Our aim was to verify whether these events could be attenuated by exercise. METHODS: Four groups of eight Wistar rats were used in the experiment. The groups G1 and G3 were sedentary (controls), and the groups G2 and G4 were submitted to 8 wk of swimming training, 5 d.wk. The groups G3 and G4 were given subcutaneous injections of DMH immediately after the exercise protocols. Fifteen days after the neoplasic induction, the rats were sacrificed and the colon was processed for histological examination and immunohistochemistry staining of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and COX-2. RESULTS: We found a significant increase in the PCNA-labeling index in both DMH-treated groups of rats. However, this increase was significantly attenuated in the training group G4 (P < 0.01). Similar results were observed in relation to the COX-2 expression. CONCLUSIONS: From our findings, we conclude that exercise training exerts remarkable antiproliferative and antiinflammatory effects in the rat colonic mucosa, suggesting that this may be an important mechanism to explain how exercise protects against colonic cancer.

Cell Proliferation/radiation effects , Colonic Neoplasms/physiopathology , Inflammation/physiopathology , Intestinal Mucosa/physiopathology , Physical Conditioning, Animal , Animals , Cyclooxygenase 2/biosynthesis , Cyclooxygenase 2/drug effects , Dimethylhydrazines , Inflammation/prevention & control , Interleukin-6/biosynthesis , Intestinal Mucosa/physiology , Male , Rats , Rats, Wistar , Risk Factors