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Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 59: e23037, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520322


Abstract Resolution 658/2022 of the Brazilian Regulatory Agency requires the determination of the permitted daily exposure (PDE) of pharmaceutical agents. Ginkgo biloba L. is used therapeutically to treat memory deficits and other brain diseases. However, published results indicate that more studies are needed to confirm the safety of Ginkgo biloba. This study aimed to evaluate the dry extract of Ginkgo biloba L. leaves PDE as an ingredient in an oral pharmaceutical product in preclinical studies using mice. Acute oral toxicity and repeated dose experiments were performed based on OECD guidelines, as well as genotoxicity tests. The results indicate that Ginkgo biloba L. has low acute toxicity, no liver toxicity, and does not alter blood glucose levels. No changes in weight gain were observed, but food intake decreased in males during the first week of treatment at the highest dose. Hematological parameters were not altered in males, whereas females presented lower leukocyte and lymphocyte counts and higher neutrophil counts at the highest dose. The lipid profile was not altered in males, whereas total cholesterol was increased in females. The estimated PDE was 0.1 mg/day and, when related to the maximum residual concentration, indicates that the cleaning process used is safe and does not require reassessment.

Animals , Male , Female , Mice , Plant Extracts/agonists , Genotoxicity , Ginkgo Extract/analysis , Brain Diseases/pathology , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Lymphocyte Count/classification , Toxicity
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-691672


Os efeitos tóxicos decorrentes do estado urêmico e do tratamento através de hemodiálise vêmsendo sugeridos como responsáveis por danos no DNA em pacientes com insuficiência renal crônica.Dessa forma, muitos trabalhos têm desenvolvido marcadores capazes de identificar esses danosatravés da análise cromossômica, teste de micronúcleos, teste do cometa, teste eletroquímico e,mais recentemente, análise do DNA mitocondrial. Considerando que esses danos podem aumentara incidência de câncer, mais estudos devem continuar sendo desenvolvidos nesse sentido.

The toxic effects caused by the uremic state and hemodialysis have been suggested asbeing responsible for DNA damage in patients with chronic renal failure. Thus, many researchershave developed markers capable of identifying these damages using chromosome analysis,micronucleus test, comet assay, electrochemical test and, more recently, mitochondrial DNA analysis.Further studies must be undertaken, since these damages can increase the incidence of cancer.

DNA, Mitochondrial , Pathology, Molecular , Renal Dialysis , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-691673


As doenças renais humanas são uns dos maiores problemas de saúde, e vários genes quecontrolam a nefrogênese estão associados com essas doenças. Os principais genes envolvidosno desenvolvimento inicial do rim são PAX2, EYA1, SIX1 E 2, SALL1, FOXC1, WT1, HOX11, e amaioria dos fatores transcricionais desses genes é importante na regulação do gene GDNF. Essesgenes interagem uns com os outros, formando uma espécie de rede genética. O estudo dessasinterações genéticas é essencial para o entendimento das bases moleculares das malformaçõesdo desenvolvimento renal, que é necessário para a prevenção e tratamento dessas desordens.

Renal human diseases are among the leading health problems and many genes that controlnephrogenesis are associated with these diseases. The main genes involved in early kidneydevelopment are PAX2, EYA1, SIX1 and 2, SALL1, FOXC1, WT1, HOX11, and the majority oftheir transcriptional factors are relevant to the regulation of GDNF. Those genes interact with oneanother to create a genetic network. The study of such genetic interactions is crucial forunderstanding the molecular basis of kidney development malformations, which is necessary forthe prevention and treatment of these disorders.

Gene Expression , Genes, Developmental , Kidney , Molecular Biology
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-691675


Praticamente um terço de todas as malformações congênitas é encontrado no sistemaurogenital. A grande maioria das anormalidades do trato urinário tem pouco efeito no feto dentro doútero. Mesmo malformações letais para os neonatos não comprometem os fetos, uma vez que aplacenta e a mãe administram a função hidrostática renal. As principais malformações do tratourogenital são: agenesia renal, persistência de lobação fetal, fusão renal ou rim em ferradura,duplicação de ureter, obstrução ureteral ou ectopia dos ureteres, rim supranumerário e rim ectópico.Em termos de clínica médica, as ferramentas mais usadas na investigação das malformações dotrato urinário são os exames de imagem. A identificação desses distúrbios é importante para amanutenção dos pacientes. Esta revisão busca descrever as principais malformações renais,contribuindo para o desenvolvimento da nefrogenética.

Almost 1/3 of all congenital malformations are found in the urogenital tract. Most urinary tractabnormalities have little impact on fetus development. Even newborn lethal malformations do notrepresent a difficulty for the fetus, since the placenta and the mother manage the renal hydrostaticfunction. Major urogenital tract anomalies are renal agenesia, persistent fetal lobation, horseshoekidney, ureteral duplication, ureteral obstruction or ectopic ureter, supernumerary kidney and ectopickidney. Imaging examinations are the most common tools used in the clinical investigation of urinarytract malformations. The identification of these disorders is important for patient maintenance. Thisreview reports the major renal anomalies, thus contributing to the development of nephrogenetics.

Kidney Diseases , Urinary Tract , Urogenital Abnormalities