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Rehabilitación (Madr., Ed. impr.) ; 50(1): 59-63, ene.-mar. 2016. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-149258


Las calcificaciones sintomáticas de la rodilla son una entidad poco frecuente en comparación con la clásica tendinitis calcificante del manguito rotador del hombro, pudiendo ser causa de dolor incapacitante y simular una lesión interna del mismo. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 45 años de edad con dolor y tumefacción en la cara medial de la rodilla, sin antecedentes traumáticos. La radiografía y la resonancia magnética demostraron la presencia de depósitos cálcicos en el ligamento colateral medial, con una reacción inflamatoria en las partes blandas circundantes. El diagnóstico de esta entidad se puede confundir inicialmente con la enfermedad de Pellegrini-Stieda. La exclusión de antecedente traumático reciente o antiguo, las características puramente cálcicas de los depósitos y la detección de cambios inflamatorios en las partes blandas que rodean al ligamento permiten realizar el diagnóstico sin necesidad de obtener confirmación histológica. La paciente realizó tratamiento conservador, con resolución final de los síntomas (AU)

Symptomatic soft tissue calcifications in the knee are rare in comparison with calcific tendinitis of the rotator cuff and can cause severe pain mimicking internal derangement. We present the case of a 45-year-old woman with pain and swelling at the medial side of the knee with no antecedents of trauma. Radiographs showed calcified deposits within the medial collateral ligament. Magnetic resonance imaging confirmed the diagnosis of calcific tendinitis demonstrating its location within the ligament with adjacent soft-tissue reaction. This diagnosis can be initially mistaken for Pellegrini-Stieda disease. Exclusion of an antecedent of trauma, calcific characteristics of the deposits and detection of inflammatory changes in the soft tissue around the ligament allow diagnosis without the need for histological confirmation of crystal deposition. The patient underwent conservative treatment with complete symptom resolution (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Calcification, Physiologic/genetics , Medial Collateral Ligament, Knee/metabolism , Durapatite/administration & dosage , Durapatite/metabolism , Rehabilitation/education , Rotator Cuff/injuries , Rotator Cuff/metabolism , Calcification, Physiologic/physiology , Medial Collateral Ligament, Knee/injuries , Durapatite , Durapatite/supply & distribution , Rehabilitation/methods , Rotator Cuff/pathology , Rotator Cuff/physiology
Rehabilitación (Madr., Ed. impr.) ; 48(1): 64-67, ene.-mar. 2014. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-120890


La ciática cíclica debida a implantación de tejido endometrial en el nervio ciático es una causa muy rara de ciatalgia. Se presenta en mujeres en edad fértil, en forma de episodios de dolor del nervio ciático de presentación cíclica coincidentes con la menstruación. Son varias las teorías de la patogénesis, la más aceptada sería la del implante endometrial por menstruaciones retrógadas. El diagnóstico y tratamiento tempranos son fundamentales para prevenir una mononeuropatía sensitivomotora del nervio ciático y el daño irreversible. Se presenta el caso de una mujer joven con dolor ciático crónico recurrente resistente a tratamiento con medidas físicas rehabilitadoras y analgesia de tercer y cuarto escalón de la OMS. Una RM de pelvis demostró la presencia de endometriosis ciática. Tras la realización de doble anexectomía y bloqueo hormonal mejoró el cuadro clínico (AU)

Cyclic sciatica due to implantation of endometrial tissue into the sciatic nerve is a very rare cause of sciatic pain. This disorder occurs in women of childbearing age in the form of episodes of cyclic sciatic pain that coincide with menstruation. Several pathogenic theories have been proposed and the most widely accepted is probably endometrial implantation due to retrograde menstruation. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to prevent sensorimotor mononeuropathy of the sciatic nerve and irreversible damage. We report the case of a young woman with recurrent chronic sciatic pain refractory to treatment with physical rehabilitative measures and third and fourth step analgesia in the World Health Organization’s analgesic ladder. Pelvic magnetic resonance imaging showed the presence of sciatic nerve endometriosis. The performance of double o ophorectomy and hormone blockade improved the clinical picture (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Endometriosis/diagnosis , Sciatica/rehabilitation , Exercise Therapy/methods , Analgesics/therapeutic use , Ovariectomy
Rehabilitación (Madr., Ed. impr.) ; 44(4): 371-375, oct.-dic. 2010. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-82308


La herniación transdural idiopática de la médula espinal (HTIME) es una entidad muy poco conocida que suele cursar con una clínica de mielopatía progresiva de largo tiempo de evolución cuyas manifestaciones radiológicas mediante resonancia magnética (RM) previo a la cirugía son diagnósticas. Presentamos un caso de una paciente de 61 años de edad con una clínica de mielopatía espástica (síndrome de Brown-Séquard) cuyo diagnóstico de HTIME en RM fue concluyente. Se intervino quirúrgicamente mediante reducción y cierre del defecto dural, con mejoría clínica aunque quedando una paraplejia con nivel metamérico D5 (ASIA D). Sin embargo, posteriormente, la paciente refirió un nuevo episodio de empeoramiento clínico progresivo estableciéndose el diagnóstico de recidiva de la hernia, confirmada mediante RM. Se intervino por segunda vez a los 6 meses de la intervención inicial, cubriendo la sutura dural con un parche sintético. Aunque es habitual la persistencia de déficits neurológicos residuales tras la cirugía, la recidiva de la hernia medular transdural espontánea resulta extraordinariamente rara y hay que considerarla, como un posible diagnóstico diferencial, en caso de empeoramiento progresivo tras una evolución inicial favorable(AU)

Idiopathic transdural spinal cord herniation (ITSCH) is a little-known medical condition that causes large duration progressive myelopathy that can be diagnosed based on the radiological manifestations on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) prior to surgery. We present the case of a 61-year-old woman with spastic myelopathy (Brown-Sequard syndrome) and conclusive diagnosis of ITSCH by MRI. Surgery was carried out with reduction of the spinal cord and repair of the dural defect with clinical improvement but paraplegia at the metameric D5 level (ASIA D). However, six months after surgery a new progressive neurologic worsening was present with recurrent spinal cord herniation diagnosis confirmed with MRI. A second surgery was carried out, covering the dural defect with synthetic patch. Although persistence of neurologic deficits after spinal surgery is common, recurrence of spinal cord herniation is extremely rare. It must be considered as a possible differential diagnosis in case of progressive neurologic deterioration after an initial favorable course(AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Spinal Cord/abnormalities , Spinal Cord , Spinal Cord Compression/complications , Spinal Cord Compression , Spinal Cord Diseases/complications , Spinal Cord Diseases , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/instrumentation , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods , Paraplegia/complications , Paraplegia/diagnosis , Hernia/complications , Hernia , Diagnosis, Differential , Laminectomy/methods , Laminectomy/rehabilitation
Rehabilitación (Madr., Ed. impr.) ; 43(5): 236-239, sept.-oct. 2009. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-73782


La artrosis interespinosa es una causa pococonocida, aunque no excesivamente rara, de dolor lumbarproducida por el desarrollo de una pseudoarticulación entrelas apófisis espinosas lumbares. La degeneración o roturadel ligamento interespinoso parece ser un proceso claveen el desarrollo de estos fenómenos degenerativos quepueden acompañarse de la formación de bursas adventiciales.Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 72 años, con antecedentesde cáncer mamario, que presentaba un dolorlumbar crónico y captación en la gammagrafía ósea en lazona de las apófisis espinosas de L4-L5. Las pruebas radiológicasefectuadas demostraron una artrosis interespinosa(síndrome de Baastrup) asociada a una degeneración avanzadadel ligamento interespinoso, efectuándose tratamientoconservador con control del dolor lumbar hasta el momento(AU)

Interspinous osteoarthritis is not rare butit is often an unrecognised cause of lumbar pain producedby pseudoarthrosis between lumbar spinous apophysis. Degenerationand/or rupture of interspinous ligament is thekey problem of this degenerative process that may promotedevelopment of adventitial bursas. We present the case of a72 years-old woman with history of breast cancer since4 years that presented with chronic low back pain andmarkedly increased activity at L4 and L5 spinous processesat bone scintigraphy. A radiological diagnosis of interspinousosteoarthritis (Baastrup syndrome) with severely degeneratedinterspinous ligament was made. The back ache hasbeen relieved partially with conservative treatment untilthis moment(AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Osteoarthritis/diagnosis , Osteoarthritis/rehabilitation , Osteoarthritis/therapy , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods , Low Back Pain/etiology , Low Back Pain/rehabilitation , Lumbar Vertebrae/pathology , Lumbar Vertebrae , Low Back Pain/complications , Acetaminophen/therapeutic use , Tramadol/therapeutic use
Radiología (Madr., Ed. impr.) ; 51(4): 424-427, jul.-ago. 2009. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-72750


El síndrome de POEMS es una rara alteración multisistémica caracterizada por polineuropatía (P), organomegalia (O), endocrinopatía (E), discrasia sanguínea con paraproteína (M) y lesiones cutáneas (S, skin) cuya etiopatogenia no se conoce por completo. Este síndrome paraneoplásico puede asociarse a lesiones óseas que típicamente son osteoscleróticas o líticas con un reborde esclerótico y que suelen ser negativas en la gammagrafía ósea. Se presenta el caso de un varón de 37 años con diversas manifestaciones del síndrome POEMS que en las pruebas de imagen mostraba lesiones óseas características de mieloma osteoesclerótico que se confirmaron mediante biopsia ósea (AU)

POEMS syndrome is a rare multisystemic disorder characterized by polyneuropathy (P), organomegaly (O), endocrinopathy (E), blood dyscrasia with M-protein band (M), and skin changes (S). The pathogenesis of POEMS syndrome is not completely understood. This paraneoplastic syndrome may be associated to bone lesions that are characteristically sclerotic or lytic with sclerotic halo and negative at bone scintigraphy. We report a case of a 37-year-old man with several manifestations of POEMS syndrome who presented bone lesions characteristic of osteosclerotic myeloma confirmed by bone biopsy (AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , POEMS Syndrome/diagnosis , POEMS Syndrome/surgery , Biopsy/methods , Osteosclerosis/complications , Osteosclerosis , Multiple Myeloma/complications , Multiple Myeloma/diagnosis , POEMS Syndrome/physiopathology , POEMS Syndrome , Multiple Myeloma
Radiologia ; 51(4): 424-7, 2009.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19406440


POEMS syndrome is a rare multisystemic disorder characterized by polyneuropathy (P), organomegaly (O), endocrinopathy (E), blood dyscrasia with M-protein band (M), and skin changes (S). The pathogenesis of POEMS syndrome is not completely understood. This paraneoplastic syndrome may be associated to bone lesions that are characteristically sclerotic or lytic with sclerotic halo and negative at bone scintigraphy. We report a case of a 37-year-old man with several manifestations of POEMS syndrome who presented bone lesions characteristic of osteosclerotic myeloma confirmed by bone biopsy.

POEMS Syndrome , Adult , Humans , Male , POEMS Syndrome/diagnosis
Rev. esp. pediatr. (Ed. impr.) ; 64(4): 263-268, jul.-ago. 2008. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-60215


Las roturas del aparato extensor de la rodilla en niños y adolescentes son lesiones poco frecuentes. Presentamos dos casos característicos de fractura en manguito del polo inferior de la rótula y del arrancamiento de la tuberosidad tibial anterior del tipo I en sendos adolescentes de 12 y 15 años. En la fractura en manguito la contribución de la resonancia magnética resultó decisiva en el diagnóstico, al identificar la extensión de la lesión cartilaginosa. En ambos casos, debido al grado de desplazamiento, los pacientes fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente mediante reducción y fijación interna, encontrándose actualmente en seguimiento bajo tratamiento rehabilitador. Hay que diferenciar este tipo de lesiones agudas de las lesiones crónicas por tracción repetitiva que se producen dentro del mismo grupo de edad. La falta de reconocimiento de este tipo de fracturas conlleva un diagnóstico tardío pudiendo empeorar el pronóstico (AU)

Avulsion injuries are uncommon in children and adolescent. We report two characteristic cases of sleeve fracture at the inferior pole of the patella and type I avulsion fracture of tibial tuberosity in tow children of 12 and 15 years old. Magnetic resonance imaging was basic in sleeve fracture diagnosis because it demonstrated cartilaginous lesion extent. Treatment was performed in both cases by open reduction and internal fixation due to the grade of siplacemente. At present they are under rehabilitation program. It´s mandatory to identify this kind of acute traumatic injuries from chronic traction lesions in the same age group. Lack of recognition could carry late diagnosis and make worse prognosis (AU)

Humans , Male , Child , Adolescent , Knee Injuries/diagnosis , Patella/injuries , Soccer/injuries , Accidental Falls , Knee Injuries , Knee Injuries/surgery , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Accidents
Gastroenterol Hepatol ; 27(9): 525-8, 2004 Nov.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15544738


Intrahepatic portosystemic venous shunts not related to trauma or biopsy are infrequent and their etiology is controversial. A congenital or acquired origin due to cirrhosis and portal hypertension has been proposed. Hepatic encephalopathy is present when there is associated cirrhosis. We describe a case of aneurysmal portohepatic venous fistula that was incidentally diagnosed with conventional ultrasonography and was subsequently confirmed by Doppler ultrasonography and computed tomography scan. Because there were no symptoms of encephalopathy, no surgical or vascular percutaneous treatment was provided.

Hepatic Veins/diagnostic imaging , Liver/blood supply , Portal Vein/diagnostic imaging , Vascular Fistula/diagnostic imaging , Aged , Diagnosis, Differential , Female , Hepatic Veins/abnormalities , Humans , Liver/abnormalities , Liver/diagnostic imaging , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Portal Vein/abnormalities , Portography , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Treatment Outcome , Ultrasonography, Doppler, Color , Vascular Fistula/therapy
Rev Neurol ; 37(1): 1-7, 2003.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12861499


AIM: To define the spectrum of signs, symptoms and radiological features in patients with spinal intramedullary cavernous angioma. We analyze surgical management and clinical follow up in these patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 16 adult patients, 9 women and 7 men, were studied in our hospital each with one cavernous angioma of the spinal cord. All patients were diagnosed with magnetic resonance imaging. The lesion location was intramedullary in all patients, 6 patients cervical level and 10 thoracic level. RESULTS: In 12 patients surgical resection of the malformation was performed and histological results confirmed the spinal cavernous diagnostic. In 10 patients, the clinical outcome had improved in Frankel grade. In the four nonoperated cases, successive monitoring studies demonstrated no radiological progression and the clinical symptomatology has remained stable. CONCLUSION: Women in the fertile period appear to be predisposed to develop spinal cavernous angioma. The bleeding risk, in our study, didn t have any relation with CMA level. Magnetic resonance imaging features cannot predict the CMA evolution.

Hemangioma, Cavernous, Central Nervous System/diagnosis , Hemangioma, Cavernous, Central Nervous System/pathology , Spinal Cord Neoplasms/diagnosis , Spinal Cord Neoplasms/pathology , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Cervical Vertebrae/pathology , Female , Hemangioma, Cavernous, Central Nervous System/surgery , Humans , Lumbar Vertebrae/pathology , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Male , Middle Aged , Spinal Cord Neoplasms/surgery , Treatment Outcome
Rev. neurol. (Ed. impr.) ; 37(1): 1-7, 1 jul., 2003. ilus
Article in Es | IBECS | ID: ibc-27825


Objetivos. El propósito de este estudio es definir el espectro de síntomas y signos clínicos junto con los hallazgos radiológicos que se presentan en pacientes con cavernomas intramedulares (ACM); se analiza el tratamiento y la evolución clínica en estos pacientes. Pacientes y métodos. Presentamos 16 casos de pacientes, nueve mujeres y siete hombres, con ACM únicos estudiados en nuestro hospital clínicamente, y que se diagnosticaron radiológicamente mediante una resonancia magnética (RM) medular. La localización de las lesiones era en todos los casos intramedular, en seis pacientes en la región cervical, y en 10, en la dorsal. Resultados. Fueron intervenidos 12 de los pacientes. En ellos, se resecó la lesión y se comprobó anatomopatológicamente el diagnóstico de presunción. En cuanto a la evolución clínica posquirúrgica, en 10 mejoró su estado, según la escala de valoración de Frankel. Se ha controlado la evolución de los otros cuatro pacientes, no operados por rechazo voluntario de la intervención, y no se han presentado modificaciones clínicas o radiológicas reseñables. Conclusiones. Encontramos esta patología con mayor frecuencia en mujeres, con inicio de la sintomatología en la edad fértil de la vida. No observamos en nuestra serie una predilección de localización en cuanto al riesgo de sangrado. No hay un patrón de RM claro de predicción evolutiva de los ACM (AU)

Aim. To define the spectrum of signs, symptoms and radiological features in patients with spinal intramedullary cavernous angioma. We analyze surgical management and clinical follow-up in these patients. Patients and methods. 16 adult patients, 9 women and 7 men, were studied in our hospital each with one cavernous angioma of the spinal cord. All patients were diagnosed with magnetic resonance imaging. The lesion location was intramedullary in all patients, 6 patients cervical level and 10 thoracic level. Results. In 12 patients surgical resection of the malformation was performed and histological results confirmed the spinal cavernous diagnostic. In 10 patients, the clinical outcome had improved in Frankel grade. In the four nonoperated cases, successive monitoring studies demonstrated no radiological progression and the clinical symptomatology has remained stable. Conclusion. Women in the fertile period appear to be predisposed to develop spinal cavernous angioma. The bleeding risk, in our study, didn’t have any relation with CMA level. Magnetic resonance imaging features cannot predict the CMA evolution (AU)

Middle Aged , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Male , Female , Humans , Treatment Outcome , Hemangioma, Cavernous, Central Nervous System , Cervical Vertebrae , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Lumbar Vertebrae , Spinal Cord Neoplasms