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Pediatr Cardiol ; 2023 Jun 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37294336


BACKGROUND: Multiple reports have described myopericarditis following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. However, data on the persistence of subclinical myocardial injury assessed by left ventricular (LV) longitudinal strain (LVLS) is limited. OBJECTIVES: Our aim was to assess LV function longitudinally in our cohort of COVID-19 vaccine-related myopericarditis using ejection fraction (EF), fractional shortening (FS), LVLS, and diastolic parameters. METHODS: Retrospective, single-center review of demographic, laboratory, and management data was performed on 20 patients meeting diagnostic criteria for myopericarditis after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. Echocardiographic images were obtained on initial presentation (time 0), at a median of 12 days (7.5, 18.5; time 1), and at a median of 44 days (29.5, 83.5; time 2). FS was calculated by M-mode, EF by 5/6 area-length methods, LVLS by utilization of TOMTEC software, and diastolic function by tissue Doppler. All parameters were compared across pairs of these time points using Wilcoxon signed-rank test. RESULTS: Our cohort consisted predominantly of adolescent males (85%) with mild presentation of myopericarditis. The median EF was 61.6% (54.6, 68.0), 63.8% (60.7, 68.3), 61.4% (60.1, 64.6) at times 0, 1, and 2, respectively. Upon initial presentation, 47% of our cohort had LVLS < -18%. The median LVLS was -18.6% (-16.9, -21.0) at time 0, -21.2% at time 1 (-19.4, -23.5) (p = 0.004) and -20.8% (-18.7, -21.7) at time 2 (p = 0.004, as compared to time 0). CONCLUSIONS: Though many of our patients had abnormal strain during acute illness, LVLS improved longitudinally, indicating myocardial recovery. LVLS can be used as marker of subclinical myocardial injury and risk stratification in this population.

Horm Behav ; 55(4): 520-9, 2009 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19470366


Many species assess predation risk through chemical cues, but the tissue source, chemical nature, and mechanisms of production or action of these cues are often unknown. Amphibian tadpoles show rapid and sustained behavioral inhibition when exposed to chemical cues of predation. Here we show that an alarm pheromone is produced by ranid tadpole skin cells, is released into the medium via an active secretory process upon predator attack, and signals predator presence to conspecifics. The pheromone is composed of two components with distinct biophysical properties that must be combined to elicit the behavioral response. In addition to the behavioral response, exposure to the alarm pheromone caused rapid and strong suppression of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, as evidenced by a time and dose-dependent decrease in whole body corticosterone content. Reversing the decline in endogenous corticosterone caused by exposure to the alarm pheromone through addition of corticosterone to the aquarium water (50 nM) partially blocked the anti-predator behavior, suggesting that the suppression of the HPA axis promotes the expression and maintenance of a behaviorally quiescent state. To our knowledge this is the first evidence for aquatic vertebrate prey actively secreting an alarm pheromone in response to predator attack. We also provide a neuroendocrine mechanism by which the behavioral inhibition caused by exposure to the alarm pheromone is maintained until the threat subsides.

Animal Communication , Corticosterone/metabolism , Inhibition, Psychological , Larva/metabolism , Pheromones/metabolism , Ranidae/metabolism , Animals , Cues , Hypothalamo-Hypophyseal System/metabolism , Peptides/metabolism , Pituitary-Adrenal System/metabolism , Skin/metabolism , Time Factors
Acta Astronaut ; 49(3-10): 477-82, 2001.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11669134


The selection, definition, and development phases of a Life Sciences flight research experiment has been consistent throughout the past decade. The implementation process, however, has changed significantly within the past two years. This change is driven primarily by the shift from highly integrated, dedicated research missions on platforms with well defined processes to self contained experiments with stand alone operations on platforms which are being concurrently designed. For experiments manifested on the International Space Station (ISS) and/or on short duration missions, the more modular, streamlined, and independent the individual experiment is, the more likely it is to be successfully implemented before the ISS assembly is completed. During the assembly phase of the ISS, science operations are lower in priority than the construction of the station. After the station has been completed, it is expected that more resources will be available to perform research. The complexity of implementing investigations increases with the logistics needed to perform the experiment. Examples of logistics issues include- hardware unique to the experiment; large up and down mass and volume needs; access to crew and hardware during the ascent or descent phases; maintenance of hardware and supplies with a limited shelf life,- baseline data collection schedules with lengthy sessions or sessions close to the launch or landing; onboard stowage availability, particularly cold stowage; and extensive training where highly proficient skills must be maintained. As the ISS processes become better defined, experiment implementation will meet new challenges due to distributed management, on-orbit resource sharing, and adjustments to crew availability pre- and post-increment.

Biological Science Disciplines/organization & administration , Research , Space Flight/organization & administration , Humans , International Agencies/organization & administration , Spacecraft , United States , United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration , Weightlessness
J Exp Biol ; 203(Pt 14): 2149-58, 2000 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10862727


Many tadpoles respond to insect predators by developing deeper, and sometimes longer, tails. It has been assumed that the larger tail enhances aspects of swimming performance, because deep-tailed tadpoles survive well when confronted with hunting predators. We tested this hypothesis using both naturally occurring and surgically created variation in tail morphology of Hyla versicolor tadpoles. We measured swimming performance (maximum speed, time to reach a 2.5 cm radius, and angle of escape) and morphology (size and shape of the body and tail) in 288 tadpoles, of which half possessed the predator-induced morphology and the other half were from predator-free ponds. Large tadpoles swam faster than small ones, and shape was significantly correlated with size-corrected swimming performance. The fastest tadpoles had relatively shallow bodies and tail fins, and short tails; there was no difference in swimming performance between predator-induced and no-predator tadpoles. We performed an experiment to create independent variation in tail depth and length by surgically manipulating tail shape in 270 tadpoles. Three tail-length treatments reduced the length of the tail fin by 21 %, 34 % and 55 %; three tail-depth treatments reduced the maximum depth of the tail fin by 11 %, 34 % and 59 %; two additional treatments controlled for the effects of anaesthesia and surgery. The angle of escape was unaffected by surgery. Maximum speed and minimum escape time were both significantly impaired by the high-removal treatments, but showed no evidence of decline until 30 % of the tail (length or depth) was removed. These results suggest that the relatively deep tails in predator-induced tadpoles (approximately 10 % deeper than in no-predator tadpoles) do not improve performance in burst swimming. Thus, predator-induced tadpoles are less vulnerable to predation for reasons other than enhanced swimming performance.

Anura/physiology , Body Constitution/physiology , Swimming/physiology , Tail/physiology , Animals , Anura/anatomy & histology , Biomechanical Phenomena , Larva/anatomy & histology , Larva/physiology , Tail/anatomy & histology , Tail/surgery
Oecologia ; 125(2): 301-308, 2000 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24595841


Low dissolved oxygen concentrations present numerous challenges for non-air-breathing aquatic organisms. Amphibian larvae and their predators can respond to oxygen levels by altering their behavior and physiology, but the ecological consequences of these responses are generally unknown. We conducted two laboratory experiments to study the effects of dissolved oxygen on respiratory behavior and susceptibility to predation of larval bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana). In the first, we exposed small, lungless tadpoles to a predatory salamander larva (Ambystoma tigrinum) under high and low oxygen conditions. More tadpoles were consumed in high oxygen tanks than in low ones, presumably because salamanders remained near the surface in the low oxygen tanks while most tadpoles rested on the bottom. Tadpole activity depended on both oxygen and predator presence: swimming decreased after addition of salamanders under high oxygen, but increased under low oxygen. In the second experiment, we examined the effect of predator chemical cues on the air-breathing rate of large tadpoles with well-developed lungs under low oxygen conditions. In the presence of chemical cues produced by dragonfly larvae consuming bullfrog tadpoles, air-breathing and swimming were significantly reduced relative to controls. These experiments demonstrate the potential impact of dissolved oxygen on predator-prey interactions, and suggest that outcomes depend on the respiratory ecology of both predator and prey.

Oecologia ; 109(4): 615-621, 1997 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28307347


Predator-induced defenses are well studied in plants and invertebrate animals, but have only recently been recognized in vertebrates. Gray treefrog (Hylachrysoscelis) tadpoles reared with predatory dragonfly (Aeshnaumbrosa) larvae differ in shape and color from tadpoles reared in the absence of dragonflies. By exposing tadpoles to tail damage and the non-lethal presence of starved and fed dragonflies, we determined that these phenotypic differences are induced by non-contact cues present when dragonflies prey on Hyla. The induced changes in shape are in the direction that tends to increase swimming speed; thus, the induced morphology may help tadpoles evade predators. Altering morphology in response to predators is likely to influence interactions with other species in the community as well.

Evolution ; 51(6): 1983-1992, 1997 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28565118


Models suggest that phenotypic plasticity is maintained in situations where the optimal phenotype differs through time or space, so that selection acts in different directions in different environments. Some empirical work supports the general premise of this prediction because phenotypes induced by a particular environment sometimes perform better than other phenotypes when tested in that environment. We have extended these results by estimating the targets of selection in Pseudacris triseriata tadpoles in environments without predators and with larval Anax dragonflies. Tadpoles displayed significant behavioral and morphological plasticity when reared in the presence and absence of nonlethal dragonflies for 32 days in cattle tanks. We measured selection in the absence of free predators by regressing growth and survival in the tanks against activity and several measures of tail and body shape. We measured selection in the presence of predators by exposing groups of 10 tadpoles to Anax in overnight predation trials and regressing the average phenotype of survivors against the number of tadpoles killed. Selection in the two environments acted in opposite directions on both tail and body shape, although the affected fitness components were different. In the presence of Anax, tadpoles with shallow and narrow body, deep tail fin, and wide tail muscle survived best. In the absence of free predators, tadpoles with narrow tail muscle grew significantly faster, and those with shallow tail fin and deep body grew somewhat faster. Activity was unrelated to survival or growth in either environment. Developmental plasticity in tail shape closely paralleled selection, because tail fin depth increased after long-term exposure to Anax and tail muscle width tended to increase. In contrast, there was no plasticity in body shape in spite of strong selection for decreasing body depth. Thus, when confronted with a dragonfly predator, P. triseriata tadpoles adjusted their tail shape (but not body shape) almost exactly in the direction of selection imposed by Anax. These results suggest that phenotypic plasticity in some morphological traits, such as tail depth and tail muscle width, has evolved under intermittent selection by dragonflies. Other traits that undergo selection by dragonflies, such as body morphology, appear developmentally rigid, perhaps because of historically strong opposing selection in nature or other constraints.

Evolution ; 50(2): 583-593, 1996 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28568914


The phenotypes of gray treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis) tadpoles vary depending on whether predators are present in the pond. Tadpoles reared in ponds with predatory dragonfly larvae are relatively inactive compared with tadpoles in predator-free ponds, and have relatively large, brightly colored tailfins with dark spots along the margins. Models for the evolution of plasticity predict that induced phenotypes such as this should confer high fitness relative to the typical phenotype when in the presence of predators, but should be costly when the predator is absent. Our study tested for the predicted fitness trade-off in H. chrysoscelis by first rearing tadpoles in mesocosms under conditions that induce the alternate phenotypes, and then comparing the performance of both phenotypes in both environments. We generated the two phenotypes by rearing tadpoles in 600-liter outdoor artificial ponds that contained either two caged dragonflies (Anax junius) or an empty cage. Tadpoles from the two environments showed significantly different behavior, tail shape, and tail color within two weeks of exposure. We compared the growth and survival of both phenotypes over four weeks in ponds where there was no actual risk of predation. Under these conditions, both phenotypes grew at the same rate, but the predator-induced phenotype had significantly lower survival than the typical phenotype, indicating that induced tadpoles suffered greater mortality from causes other than odonate predation. We tested the susceptibility of both phenotypes to predation by exposing them to dragonflies in 24-h predation trials. The predator-induced phenotype showed a significant survival advantage in these trials. These results confirm that the predator-induced phenotype in H. chrysoscelis larvae is associated with fitness costs and benefits that explain why the defensive phenotype is induced rather than constitutive.

Ir J Med Sci ; 148(1): 187-8, 1979 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27517415


A case of liver and biliary tract trauma in a 6 year old child is presented. The findings at operation included a complete avulsion of the cystic duct with a severed common bile duct. Only minimal evidence of trauma was noticed in the lesser omentum and there was no bile leak. It is stressed that careful inspection of the bile ducts is necessary if there is any suggestion of injury in their vicinity at laparotomy for trauma.