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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 121(37): e2411293121, 2024 Sep 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39236235


The presaccadic preview of a peripheral target enhances the efficiency of its postsaccadic processing, termed the extrafoveal preview effect. Peripheral visual performance-and thus the quality of the preview-varies around the visual field, even at isoeccentric locations: It is better along the horizontal than vertical meridian and along the lower than upper vertical meridian. To investigate whether these polar angle asymmetries influence the preview effect, we asked human participants to preview four tilted gratings at the cardinals, until a central cue indicated which one to saccade to. During the saccade, the target orientation either remained or slightly changed (valid/invalid preview). After saccade landing, participants discriminated the orientation of the (briefly presented) second grating. Stimulus contrast was titrated with adaptive staircases to assess visual performance. Expectedly, valid previews increased participants' postsaccadic contrast sensitivity. This preview benefit, however, was inversely related to polar angle perceptual asymmetries; largest at the upper, and smallest at the horizontal meridian. This finding reveals that the visual system compensates for peripheral asymmetries when integrating information across saccades, by selectively assigning higher weights to the less-well perceived preview information. Our study supports the recent line of evidence showing that perceptual dynamics around saccades vary with eye movement direction.

Saccades , Visual Fields , Visual Perception , Humans , Saccades/physiology , Adult , Visual Perception/physiology , Female , Male , Visual Fields/physiology , Photic Stimulation/methods , Young Adult , Contrast Sensitivity/physiology
J Neurosci ; 2024 Aug 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39168653


The human brain exhibits both oscillatory and aperiodic, or 1/f, activity. Although a large body of research has focused on the relationship between brain rhythms and sensory processes, aperiodic activity has often been overlooked as functionally irrelevant. Prompted by recent findings linking aperiodic activity to the balance between neural excitation and inhibition, we investigated its effects on the temporal resolution of perception. We recorded EEG from participants (both sexes) during resting state and a task in which they detected the presence of two flashes separated by variable inter-stimulus intervals. Two-flash discrimination accuracy typically follows a sigmoid function whose steepness reflects perceptual variability or inconsistent integration/segregation of the stimuli. We found that individual differences in the steepness of the psychometric function correlated with EEG aperiodic exponents over posterior scalp sites. In other words, participants with flatter EEG spectra (i.e., greater neural excitation) exhibited increased sensory noise, resulting in shallower psychometric curves. Our finding suggest that aperiodic EEG is linked to sensory integration processes usually attributed to the rhythmic inhibition of neural oscillations. Overall, this correspondence between aperiodic neural excitation and behavioral measures of sensory noise provides a more comprehensive explanation of the relationship between brain activity and sensory integration and represents an important extension to theories of how the brain samples sensory input over time.Significance statement Neural oscillations are fundamental for temporal organization and communication of information in the brain, while irregular activity has been suggested to disrupt these processes.We investigated the impact of aperiodic electrophysiological activity on a visual integration task known to depend on rhythmic brain organization. Crucially, Individuals exhibiting higher 1/f electrophysiological noise showed increased uncertainty or perceptual noise in temporal perception, highlighting how irregular neural activity affects tasks relying on periodic neural organization. These findings significantly advance our understanding of aperiodic EEG and its implications for perception, shedding light on its intricate interplay with various neural processes.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38956003


A key aspect of efficient visual processing is to use current and previous information to make predictions about what we will see next. In natural viewing, and when looking at words, there is typically an indication of forthcoming visual information from extrafoveal areas of the visual field before we make an eye movement to an object or word of interest. This "preview effect" has been studied for many years in the word reading literature and, more recently, in object perception. Here, we integrated methods from word recognition and object perception to investigate the timing of the preview on neural measures of word recognition. Through a combined use of EEG and eye-tracking, a group of multilingual participants took part in a gaze-contingent, single-shot saccade experiment in which words appeared in their parafoveal visual field. In valid preview trials, the same word was presented during the preview and after the saccade, while in the invalid condition, the saccade target was a number string that turned into a word during the saccade. As hypothesized, the valid preview greatly reduced the fixation-related evoked response. Interestingly, multivariate decoding analyses revealed much earlier preview effects than previously reported for words, and individual decoding performance correlated with participant reading scores. These results demonstrate that a parafoveal preview can influence relatively early aspects of post-saccadic word processing and help to resolve some discrepancies between the word and object literatures.

Schizophr Res ; 269: 1-8, 2024 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38703518


One of the main tasks of the human visual system is to organize the temporal flow of visual events into meaningful patterns. It has been suggested that segregation/integration of continuous visual stimuli relies on temporal windows that are phase-locked to brain oscillations in the alpha frequency range (~10 Hz). From a behavioral point of view, the balance between integration and segregation is reflected in visual temporal acuity: the ability to perceive a small temporal gap between two identical stimuli. Disruption of this balance may lead to impairment of perceptual organization processes. Notably, schizophrenia, a condition characterized by unusual perceptual experiences, has been associated with abnormal temporal processing of sensory stimuli and aberrant oscillations. We asked a large cohort of healthy participants to complete an online version of the two-flash fusion task and two questionnaires for schizotypal personality traits to investigate individual differences in the temporal resolution of perception, particularly its relationship with anomalous perceptual experiences. We found that two-flash discrimination acuity declines with age and that schizotypal traits are associated with better performances. Although this association was strong for perceptual and cognitive subscales, we found that this result could not be attributed to response biases (e.g., hallucination of two flashes). While these results appear to contrast with findings of slower alpha rhythms and sensory processing in schizotypy, we propose that a faster visual rate could be the consequence of an oscillopathy or a disconnection between different sensory modalities and their physiological pacemaker.

Schizotypal Personality Disorder , Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Schizotypal Personality Disorder/physiopathology , Young Adult , Adolescent , Middle Aged , Photic Stimulation , Visual Acuity/physiology , Visual Perception/physiology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Aged , Perceptual Disorders/physiopathology , Perceptual Disorders/etiology , Discrimination, Psychological/physiology
Psychophysiology ; 61(2): e14447, 2024 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37772611


Developmental dyslexia (DD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that affects reading ability despite normal intelligence and education. In search of core deficits, previous evidence has linked DD with impairments in temporal aspects of perceptual processing, which might underlie phonological deficits as well as inefficient graphemic parsing during reading. However, electrophysiological evidence for atypical temporal processing in DD is still scarce in the visual modality. Here, we investigated the efficiency of both temporal segregation and integration of visual information by means of event-related potentials (ERPs). We confirmed previous evidence of a selective segregation deficit in dyslexia for stimuli presented in rapid succession (<80 ms), despite unaffected integration performance. Importantly, we found a reduced N1 amplitude in DD, a component related to the allocation of attentional resources, which was independent of task demands (i.e., evident in both segregation and integration). In addition, the P3 amplitude, linked to working memory and processing load, was modulated by task demands in controls but not in individuals with DD. These results suggest that atypical attentional sampling in dyslexia might weaken the quality of information stored in visual working memory, leading to behavioral and electrophysiological signatures of atypical temporal segregation. These results are consistent with some existing theories of dyslexia, such as the magnocellular theory and the "Sluggish Attentional Shifting" framework, and represent novel evidence for neural correlates of decreased visual temporal resolution in DD.

Dyslexia , Time Perception , Humans , Reading , Attention/physiology , Memory, Short-Term
J Cogn Neurosci ; 36(4): 572-589, 2024 Apr 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37172123


Although visual input arrives continuously, sensory information is segmented into (quasi-)discrete events. Here, we investigated the neural correlates of spatiotemporal binding in humans with magnetoencephalography using two tasks where separate flashes were presented on each trial but were perceived, in a bistable way, as either a single or two separate events. The first task (two-flash fusion) involved judging one versus two flashes, whereas the second task (apparent motion: AM) involved judging coherent motion versus two stationary flashes. Results indicate two different functional networks underlying two unique aspects of temporal binding. In two-flash fusion trials, involving an integration window of ∼50 msec, evoked responses differed as a function of perceptual interpretation by ∼25 msec after stimuli offset. Multivariate decoding of subjective perception based on prestimulus oscillatory phase was significant for alpha-band activity in the right medial temporal (V5/MT) area, with the strength of prestimulus connectivity between early visual areas and V5/MT being predictive of performance. In contrast, the longer integration window (∼130 msec) for AM showed evoked field differences only ∼250 msec after stimuli offset. Phase decoding of the perceptual outcome in AM trials was significant for theta-band activity in the right intraparietal sulcus. Prestimulus theta-band connectivity between V5/MT and intraparietal sulcus best predicted AM perceptual outcome. For both tasks, phase effects found could not be accounted by concomitant variations in power. These results show a strong relationship between specific spatiotemporal binding windows and specific oscillations, linked to the information flow between different areas of the where and when visual pathways.

Magnetoencephalography , Parietal Lobe , Humans , Delta Rhythm , Visual Pathways , Photic Stimulation/methods , Visual Perception/physiology
J Cogn Neurosci ; 36(4): 590-601, 2024 Apr 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37043238


The brain organizes the continuous flow of sensory input by parsing it into discrete events. In the case of two flashes separated by a brief ISI, for example, perception may be of a single flash or two distinct flashes, depending on the ISI but also on the speed of processing. A number of studies have reported evidence that participants with a higher EEG peak alpha frequency are able to detect the presence of two flashes separated by short intervals, whereas those with slower alpha report only one flash. Other studies have not found this correlation. We investigated potential factors that might mask the relationship between individual alpha frequency and visual perception. We recorded resting-state EEG from a large sample of participants (n = 50) and measured the temporal resolution of visual perception with the two-flash fusion task. We found that individual alpha frequency over posterior channels predicted the two-flash fusion threshold, in line with previous studies, but this correlation was significant only when taking into account the steepness of the psychophysical curve of the two-flash task. Participants with a relatively shallow psychophysical curve, likely reflecting high sensory and/or decision noise, failed to show this relationship. These findings replicate previous reports of a correlation between alpha frequency and visual temporal resolution, while also suggesting that an explanation of two-flash fusion performance that neglects the role of internal noise might be insufficient to account for all individual differences.

Brain , Visual Perception , Humans , Photic Stimulation
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37917292


Under naturalistic viewing conditions, humans conduct about three to four saccadic eye movements per second. These dynamics imply that in real life, humans rarely see something completely new; there is usually a preview of the upcoming foveal input from extrafoveal regions of the visual field. In line with results from the field of reading research, we have shown with EEG and eye-tracking coregistration that an extrafoveal preview also affects postsaccadic visual object processing and facilitates discrimination. Here, we ask whether this preview effect in the fixation-locked N170, and in manual responses to the postsaccadic target face (tilt discrimination), requires saccade execution. Participants performed a gaze-contingent experiment in which extrafoveal face images could change their orientation during a saccade directed to them. In a control block, participants maintained stable gaze throughout the experiment and the extrafoveal face reappeared foveally after a simulated saccade latency. Compared with this no-saccade condition, the neural and the behavioral preview effects were much larger in the saccade condition. We also found shorter first fixation durations after an invalid preview, which is in contrast to reading studies. We interpret the increased preview effect under saccade execution as the result of the additional sensorimotor processes that come with gaze behavior compared with visual perception under stable fixation. In addition, our findings call into question whether EEG studies with fixed gaze capture key properties and dynamics of active, natural vision.

Sci Rep ; 13(1): 12187, 2023 08 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37620342


The emergence of large language models has led to the development of powerful tools such as ChatGPT that can produce text indistinguishable from human-generated work. With the increasing accessibility of such technology, students across the globe may utilize it to help with their school work-a possibility that has sparked ample discussion on the integrity of student evaluation processes in the age of artificial intelligence (AI). To date, it is unclear how such tools perform compared to students on university-level courses across various disciplines. Further, students' perspectives regarding the use of such tools in school work, and educators' perspectives on treating their use as plagiarism, remain unknown. Here, we compare the performance of the state-of-the-art tool, ChatGPT, against that of students on 32 university-level courses. We also assess the degree to which its use can be detected by two classifiers designed specifically for this purpose. Additionally, we conduct a global survey across five countries, as well as a more in-depth survey at the authors' institution, to discern students' and educators' perceptions of ChatGPT's use in school work. We find that ChatGPT's performance is comparable, if not superior, to that of students in a multitude of courses. Moreover, current AI-text classifiers cannot reliably detect ChatGPT's use in school work, due to both their propensity to classify human-written answers as AI-generated, as well as the relative ease with which AI-generated text can be edited to evade detection. Finally, there seems to be an emerging consensus among students to use the tool, and among educators to treat its use as plagiarism. Our findings offer insights that could guide policy discussions addressing the integration of artificial intelligence into educational frameworks.

Artificial Intelligence , Communication , Humans , Universities , Schools , Perception
Biomedicines ; 11(6)2023 Jun 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37371702


Developmental Dyslexia (DD) is a neurobiological condition affecting the ability to read fluently and/or accurately. Analyzing resting-state electroencephalographic (EEG) activity in DD may provide a deeper characterization of the underlying pathophysiology and possible biomarkers. So far, studies investigating resting-state activity in DD provided limited evidence and did not consider the aperiodic component of the power spectrum. In the present study, adults with (n = 26) and without DD (n = 31) underwent a reading skills assessment and resting-state EEG to investigate potential alterations in aperiodic activity, their impact on the periodic counterpart and reading performance. In parieto-occipital channels, DD participants showed a significantly different aperiodic activity as indexed by a flatter and lower power spectrum. These aperiodic measures were significantly related to text reading time, suggesting a link with individual differences in reading difficulties. In the beta band, the DD group showed significantly decreased aperiodic-adjusted power compared to typical readers, which was significantly correlated to word reading accuracy. Overall, here we provide evidence showing alterations of the endogenous aperiodic activity in DD participants consistently with the increased neural noise hypothesis. In addition, we confirm alterations of endogenous beta rhythms, which are discussed in terms of their potential link with magnocellular-dorsal stream deficit.

bioRxiv ; 2023 Nov 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37292871


The pre-saccadic preview of a peripheral target enhances the efficiency of its post-saccadic processing, termed the extrafoveal preview effect. Peripheral visual performance -and thus the quality of the preview- varies around the visual field, even at iso-eccentric locations. To investigate whether these polar angle asymmetries influence the preview effect, we asked human participants (N=14) to preview four tilted Gabors at the cardinals, until a central cue indicated to which one to saccade. During the saccade, the target orientation either remained or was flipped (valid/invalid preview). After saccade landing, participants discriminated the orientation of the (briefly presented) second Gabor. Gabor contrast was titrated with adaptive staircases. Valid previews increased participants' post-saccadic contrast sensitivity. This preview effect was inversely related to polar angle perceptual asymmetries; largest at the upper, and smallest at the horizontal meridian. Our finding reveals that the visual system compensates for peripheral asymmetries when integrating information across saccades.

Sci Rep ; 13(1): 10145, 2023 06 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37349366


Studies on behavioral oscillations demonstrate that visual sensitivity fluctuates over time and visual processing varies periodically, mirroring neural oscillations at the same frequencies. Do these behavioral oscillations reflect fixed and relatively automatic sensory sampling, or top-down processes such as attention or predictive coding? To disentangle these theories, the current study used a dual-target rapid serial visual presentation paradigm, where participants indicated the gender of a face target embedded in streams of distractors presented at 30 Hz. On critical trials, two identical targets were presented with varied stimulus onset asynchrony from 200 to 833 ms. The target was either familiar or unfamiliar faces, divided into different blocks. We found a 4.6 Hz phase-coherent fluctuation in gender discrimination performance across both trial types, consistent with previous reports. In addition, however, we found an effect at the alpha frequency, with behavioral oscillations in the familiar blocks characterized by a faster high-alpha peak than for the unfamiliar face blocks. These results are consistent with the combination of both a relatively stable modulation in the theta band and faster modulation of the alpha oscillations. Therefore, the overall pattern of perceptual sampling in visual perception may depend, at least in part, on task demands. PROTOCOL REGISTRATION: The stage 1 protocol for this Registered Report was accepted in principle on 16/08/2022. The protocol, as accepted by the journal, can be found at: .

Facial Recognition , Humans , Visual Perception , Recognition, Psychology , Attention , Photic Stimulation/methods , Electroencephalography/methods
Sensors (Basel) ; 23(9)2023 Apr 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37177406


This study aimed to investigate whether there are structural differences in the brains of professional artists who received formal training in the visual arts and non-artists who did not have any formal training or professional experience in the visual arts, and whether these differences can be used to accurately classify individuals as being an artist or not. Previous research using functional MRI has suggested that general creativity involves a balance between the default mode network and the executive control network. However, it is not known whether there are structural differences between the brains of artists and non-artists. In this study, a machine learning method called Multi-Kernel Learning (MKL) was applied to gray matter images of 12 artists and 12 non-artists matched for age and gender. The results showed that the predictive model was able to correctly classify artists from non-artists with an accuracy of 79.17% (AUC 88%), and had the ability to predict new cases with an accuracy of 81.82%. The brain regions most important for this classification were the Heschl area, amygdala, cingulate, thalamus, and parts of the parietal and occipital lobes as well as the temporal pole. These regions may be related to the enhanced emotional and visuospatial abilities that professional artists possess compared to non-artists. Additionally, the reliability of this circuit was assessed using two different classifiers, which confirmed the findings. There was also a trend towards significance between the circuit and a measure of vividness of imagery, further supporting the idea that these brain regions may be related to the imagery abilities involved in the artistic process.

Art , Brain , Humans , Reproducibility of Results , Brain/diagnostic imaging , Supervised Machine Learning , Brain Mapping , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods
Sci Rep ; 13(1): 5830, 2023 04 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37037892


Every time we move our eyes, the retinal locations of objects change. To distinguish the changes caused by eye movements from actual external motion of the objects, the visual system is thought to anticipate the consequences of eye movements (saccades). Single neuron recordings have indeed demonstrated changes in receptive fields before saccade onset. Although some EEG studies with human participants have also demonstrated a pre-saccadic increased potential over the hemisphere that will process a stimulus after a saccade, results have been mixed. Here, we used magnetoencephalography to investigate the timing and lateralization of visually evoked planar gradients before saccade onset. We modelled the gradients from trials with both a saccade and a stimulus as the linear combination of the gradients from two conditions with either only a saccade or only a stimulus. We reasoned that any residual gradients in the condition with both a saccade and a stimulus must be uniquely linked to visually-evoked neural activity before a saccade. We observed a widespread increase in residual planar gradients. Interestingly, this increase was bilateral, showing activity both contralateral and ipsilateral to the stimulus, i.e. over the hemisphere that would process the stimulus after saccade offset. This pattern of results is consistent with predictive pre-saccadic changes involving both the current and the future receptive fields involved in processing an attended object, well before the start of the eye movement. The active, sensorimotor coupling of vision and the oculomotor system may underlie the seamless subjective experience of stable and continuous perception.

Magnetoencephalography , Saccades , Humans , Eye Movements , Vision, Ocular , Neurons/physiology , Photic Stimulation
J Vis ; 22(11): 13, 2022 10 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36269191


The ability to interpret spatiotemporal contingencies in terms of causal relationships plays a key role in human understanding of the external world. Indeed, the detection of such simple properties enables us to attribute causal attributes to interactions between objects. Here, we investigated the degree to which this perception of causality depends on recent experience, as has been found for other low-level properties of visual stimuli. Participants were shown launching sequences of colliding circles with varying collision lags and were asked to report their impression of causality. We found short-term attractive and long-term repulsive and attractive effects of perceptual history on the interpretation of causality. Stimuli directly following a causal impression were more likely to be judged as causal and vice versa. However, prior judgments on less recent (>5) trials biased current perception with both positive/attractive and negative/repulsive influences. We interpret these results in terms of two potential mechanisms: adaptive temporal binding windows and updating of internal representations of causality. Overall, these results demonstrate the important role of prior experience even for causality, a fundamental building block of how we understand our world.

Judgment , Humans , Causality
J Neurosci ; 42(41): 7824-7832, 2022 10 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36100397


The perception of dynamic visual stimuli relies on two apparently conflicting perceptual mechanisms: rapid visual input must sometimes be integrated into unitary percepts but at other times must be segregated or parsed into separate objects or events. Though they have opposite effects on our perceptual experience, the deployment of spatial attention benefits both operations. Little is known about the neural mechanisms underlying this impact of spatial attention on temporal perception. Here, we record magnetoencephalography (MEG) in male and female humans to demonstrate that the deployment of spatial attention for the purpose of segregating or integrating visual stimuli impacts prestimulus oscillatory activity in retinotopic visual brain areas where the attended location is represented. Alpha band oscillations contralateral to an attended location are therefore faster than ipsilateral oscillations when stimuli appearing at this location will need to be segregated, but slower in expectation of the need for integration, consistent with the idea that α frequency is linked to perceptual sampling rate. These results demonstrate a novel interaction between temporal visual processing and the allocation of attention in space.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Our environment is dynamic and visual input therefore varies over time. To make sense of continuously changing information, our visual system balances two complementary processes: temporal segregation in order to identify changes, and temporal integration to identify consistencies in time. When we know that a circumstance requires use of one or the other of these operations, we are able to prepare for this, and this preparation can be tracked in oscillatory brain activity. Here, we show how this preparation for temporal processing can be focused spatially. When we expect to integrate or segregate visual stimuli that will appear at a specific location, oscillatory brain activity changes in visual areas responsible for the representation of that location. In this way, spatial and temporal mechanisms interact to support adaptive, efficient perception.

Time Perception , Visual Cortex , Male , Female , Humans , Photic Stimulation/methods , Attention , Visual Perception , Magnetoencephalography , Alpha Rhythm
Eur J Neurosci ; 56(7): 5033-5046, 2022 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35943892


Theories of rhythmic perception propose that perceptual sampling operates in a periodic way, with alternating moments of high and low responsiveness to sensory inputs. This rhythmic sampling is linked to neural oscillations and thought to produce fluctuations in behavioural outcomes. Previous studies have revealed theta- and alpha-band behavioural oscillations in low-level visual tasks and object categorization. However, less is known about fluctuations in face perception, for which the human brain has developed a highly specialized network. To investigate this, we ran an online study (N = 179) incorporating the dense sampling technique with a dual-target rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) paradigm. In each trial, a stream of object images was presented at 30 Hz and participants were tasked with detecting whether or not there was a face image in the sequence. On some trials, one or two (identical) face images (the target) were embedded in each stream. On dual-target trials, the targets were separated by an interstimulus interval (ISI) that varied between 0 to 633 ms. The task was to indicate the presence of the target and its gender if present. Performance varied as a function of ISI, with a significant behavioural oscillation in the face detection task at 7.5 Hz, driven mainly by the male target faces. This finding is consistent with a high theta-band-based fluctuation in visual processing. Such fluctuations might reflect rhythmic attentional sampling or, alternatively, feedback loops involved in updating top-down predictions.

Facial Recognition , Visual Perception , Attention , Brain , Humans , Male , Photic Stimulation
Sci Rep ; 12(1): 2782, 2022 02 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35177673


Natural events are often multisensory, requiring the brain to combine information from the same spatial location and timing, across different senses. The importance of temporal coincidence has led to the introduction of the temporal binding window (TBW) construct, defined as the time range within which multisensory inputs are highly likely to be perceptually bound into a single entity. Anomalies in TBWs have been linked to confused perceptual experiences and inaccurate filtering of sensory inputs coming from different environmental sources. Indeed, larger TBWs have been associated with disorders such as schizophrenia and autism and are also correlated to a higher level of subclinical traits of these conditions in the general population. Here, we tested the feasibility of using a web-based version of a classic audio-visual simultaneity judgment (SJ) task with simple flash-beep stimuli in order to measure multisensory temporal acuity and its relationship with schizotypal traits as measured in the general population. Results show that: (i) the response distribution obtained in the web-based SJ task was strongly similar to those reported by studies carried out in controlled laboratory settings, and (ii) lower multisensory temporal acuity was associated with higher schizotypal traits in the "cognitive-perceptual" domains. Our findings reveal the possibility of adequately using a web-based audio-visual SJ task outside a controlled laboratory setting, available to a more diverse and representative pool of participants. These results provide additional evidence for a close relationship between lower multisensory acuity and the expression of schizotypal traits in the general population.

Auditory Perception , Autistic Disorder/physiopathology , Schizophrenia/physiopathology , Time Perception , Visual Perception , Adult , Female , Humans , Male
Cereb Cortex ; 32(23): 5455-5466, 2022 11 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35137008


Although sensory input is continuous, information must be combined over time to guide action and cognition, leading to the proposal of temporal sampling windows. A number of studies have suggested that a 10-Hz sampling window might be involved in the "frame rate" of visual processing. To investigate this, we tested the ability of participants to localize and enumerate 1 or 2 visual flashes presented either at near-threshold or full-contrast intensities, while recording magnetoencephalography. The inter-stimulus interval (ISI) between the 2 flashes was varied across trials. Performance in distinguishing between 1 and 2 flashes was linked to the alpha frequency, both at the individual level and trial-by-trial. Participants with a higher resting-state alpha peak frequency showed the greatest improvement in performance as a function of ISI within a 100-ms time window, while those with slower alpha improved more when ISI exceeded 100 ms. On each trial, correct enumeration (1 vs. 2) performance was paired with faster pre-stimulus instantaneous alpha frequency. Our results suggest that visual sampling/processing speed, linked to peak alpha frequency, is both an individual trait and can vary in a state-dependent manner.

Time Perception , Visual Perception , Humans , Magnetoencephalography , Time