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J Dairy Sci ; 104(10): 11059-11071, 2021 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34364647


The objective was to assess the effect of prepartum vaccination timing relative to pen change with an acidogenic diet at 28 or 21 d before expected parturition (dpp) on lying time (LT), prepartum serum energy status (glucose, IGF-1, and nonesterified fatty acids), urine pH, and serum Ca at calving in pregnant Holstein dairy cows. Pregnant multiparous Holstein cows (n = 308) from 1 large dairy herd were randomly allocated into 1 of 3 treatment groups at 35 ± 3 dpp as follows: (1) vaccination at 28 dpp and pen change at 21 dpp (V28PC21; n = 108), (2) vaccination and pen change at 28 dpp (V28PC28; n = 99), and (3) vaccination and pen change at 21 dpp (V21PC21; n = 101). When cows changed pens, an acidogenic diet was introduced. Every other week, a group of 43 to 53 animals were enrolled and electronic data loggers (IceQube, IceRobotics) were fitted to the hind leg of individual cows to assess their LT. Blood samples were collected at 28, 26, 21, 19, 14 dpp and at calving. Parity, body condition score, days dry, and gestation length were not different among groups. Overall, V28PC28 cows had 7 additional days in prepartum pens consuming an acidogenic diet compared with V28PC21 or V21PC21 cows. Regardless of treatment group, cows in the far-off pen had 43 min/d less LT (709 vs. 753 min/d) and increased day-to-day coefficient of variation of LT (0.21 vs. 0.10) compared with cows within the prepartum pen. On average, for the 7 d following vaccination alone (28 to 22 dpp period), V28PC21 cows had ~22 min/d less LT compared with V21PC21 cows. Serum concentrations of glucose, nonesterified fatty acids, and IGF-1 were altered following vaccination alone, pen change alone, or vaccination plus pen change with an acidogenic diet before calving. At calving, V28PC21 cows had greater glucose concentrations (6.45 mmol/L) compared with V21PC21 cows (5.76 mmol/L), with V28PC28 cows intermediate (6.11 mmol/L). The assessment of Ca status at calving revealed that V28PC21 cows had greater Ca concentration (2.34 mmol/L) with lower subclinical hypocalcemia (<2.0 mmol/L; 17.3%) compared with V21PC21 cows (2.17 mmol/L and 31.9%), with V28PC28 cows intermediate (2.28 mmol/L and 25.2%). Serum concentrations of IGF-1 at calving were also greater for V28PC21 (3.43 nmol/L) cows compared with V21PC21 (2.69 nmol/L), with V28PC28 cows intermediate (3.07 nmol/L). Overall, V28PC21 cows had greater serum glucose, IGF-1, and ~46% reduction in subclinical hypocalcemia (from 31.9 to 17.3%) compared with V21PC21 cows but did not differ from V28PC28 cows (25.2%). These findings provided evidence that vaccinating cows at 28 dpp, followed 7 d later by pen change with an acidogenic diet at 21 dpp, would be beneficial.

Lactation , Postpartum Period , Animals , Cattle , Diet/veterinary , Female , Metabolome , Milk , Parity , Pregnancy , Vaccination/veterinary
J Dairy Sci ; 104(10): 11072-11081, 2021 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34253358


The objective of the present study was to assess the effects of prepartum vaccination timing relative to pen change with an acidogenic diet at 28 or 21 d before expected parturition (dpp) on colostral and serum IgG concentrations at calving in pregnant Holstein dairy cows. Pregnant multiparous Holstein cows (n = 308) from one large dairy herd were randomly allocated into 1 of 3 treatment groups at 35 ± 3 dpp: (1) vaccination at 28 dpp and pen change at 21 dpp (V28PC21; n = 108), (2) vaccination and pen change at 28 dpp (V28PC28; n = 99), and (3) vaccination and pen change at 21 dpp (V21PC21; n = 101). An acidogenic diet was fed when cows changed pens at 28 or 21 dpp. Blood and colostral samples were collected within 1 h following parturition. The total number of clinical mastitis (CM) cases within the first 150 d in milk (DIM) were recorded. The V28PC21 cows had greater colostral IgG concentrations at calving (160.4 ± 7.0 g/L) compared with V21PC21 cows (134.4 ± 7.0 g/L), and V28PC28 cows were intermediate (148.3 ± 7.2 g/L). At calving, V28PC21 cows had lower serum IgG concentrations (29.1 ± 1.2 g/L) compared with V21PC21 cows (32.2 ± 1.2 g/L) or V28PC28 cows (32.6 ± 1.3 g/L). Overall, 41% of V21PC21 cows received the booster vaccinations with at least 21 d before actual calving compared with V28PC21 or V28PC28 cows (88 and 86% respectively). The shorter the interval from prepartum booster vaccination to calving, the lower the colostral IgG at calving, regardless of treatment groups. Vaccinating at 28 dpp and pen change with an acidogenic diet at 21 dpp tended to reduce the rate of CM within the first 150 DIM compared with V21PC21. These findings provide evidence that vaccinating cows at 28 dpp, followed by pen change with an acidogenic diet at 21 dpp, improved the concentrations of colostral IgG at calving and tended to reduce the rate of CM. The interaction of prepartum vaccination timing relative to feeding an acidogenic diet should be considered when implementing an effective vaccination program to enhance overall herd health.

Colostrum , Lactation , Animals , Cattle , Diet/veterinary , Female , Immunoglobulins , Milk , Postpartum Period , Pregnancy , Vaccination/veterinary
Sci Total Environ ; 733: 139177, 2020 Sep 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32450378


Nutrient dynamics and factors that control nutrient exports were observed in two watersheds, namely Latxaga and La Tejería, with similar climatic and management characteristics throughout 10 years (2007-2016). Similar patterns were observed in intra-annual and inter-annual dynamics with higher NO3- concentration and NO3--N yield during the humid seasons (i.e., winters and hydrological year 2013). Regarding concentration, Latxaga showed a higher decrease of nitrate due to a higher development of vegetated areas. High discharge events produced nitrate dilution due to the presence of tile-drainage at La Tejeria. At Latxaga, where tile-drainage was not observed, an increase in concentration occurred as a response to high discharge events. Comparing both watersheds, La Tejería presented ca. 73 ±â€¯25 mg NO3- L-1 while at Latxaga, the concentration observed was almost three times lower, with ca. 21 ±â€¯15 mg NO3- L-1 throughout the study period. Similar patterns were observed for the NO3--N yield, with 32 kg NO3--N ha-1 year-1 and 17 kg NO3--N ha-1 year-1 at La Tejería and Latxaga, respectively. Regarding phosphorous, the observed concentrations were 0.20 ±â€¯0.72 mg PO43- L-1 and 0.06 ±â€¯0.38 mg PO43- L-1 at La Tejería and Latxaga, respectively, with PO43--P yields being 71 kg PO43--P ha-1 year-1 and 33 kg PO43--P ha-1 year-1. Annual phosphate-P yield distribution in both watersheds followed similar patterns to those observed for the nitrate-N yield, with higher yields in the humid season. Regarding concentration, highly erosive rainfall that occurred in summer, mobilizing sediments and probably generating desorption of phosphorous in the stream channel, increased phosphate concentration. This research adds to the knowledge base regarding the dynamics of nutrients and the controlling factors in complex agricultural systems with Mediterranean characteristics.

Sci Total Environ ; 706: 135701, 2020 Mar 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31940725


The shift from rainfed to irrigated agriculture is associated with a change in the fertilization rates due to increases in expected production and the fact of growing more N demanding crops. In addition, the circulation of irrigation return flows (IRF) mobilizes soluble salts stored in soils or geological materials. As a consequence, it implies severe modifications in the dynamics and total amount of soluble salts and nitrogen exported, especially in semi-arid watersheds. In this study, long-term data collected by the regional authorities was used to assess the effects of irrigation implementation on salinity (using electrical conductivity, EC, as a proxy) and nitrate concentration (NO3-) after the transformation of ca. 77 km2 from rainfed to irrigated agriculture in the Cidacos River (CR) watershed. The results indicate that water quality in the lower reaches of the CR was significantly modified after the diffuse incorporation of IRF. In contrast, neither EC nor NO3- were different in those monitoring stations whose contributing watersheds did not include transformed area. In addition, the temporal dynamics in the analysed variables shifted from a rainfed land signal typical in the region to an irrigated land signal, and the hydrochemical type of the CR shifted from mixed-to-Na+-mixed-to-HCO3- to mostly Na+-mixed type, typical of waters affected by IRF in the region. Groundwater EC and NO3- also increased in those wells located within the irrigated area. Although there are great uncertainties in the actual amount of salt and N reaching the CR via IRF, the expected contribution of waste water spilled into the CR is minor in comparison to other sources, mostly agricultural sources in the case of N. The observed changes have promoted the designation of the lower reaches of the CR as "affected" by NO3- pollution, and the whole CR watershed as a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone, with the emergent question about whether irrigation implementation as carried out currently in Spain is against the environmental objectives of the Water Framework Directive.

Sci Total Environ ; 587-588: 282-295, 2017 Jun 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28238431


The La Paz aquifer system (Baja California Sur, Mexico) is under severe anthropogenic pressure because of high groundwater abstraction for urban supply (city of La Paz, around 222,000 inhabitants) and irrigated agriculture (1900ha). In consequence, seawater has infiltrated the aquifer, forcing the abandonment of wells with increased salinity. The objective of this study was to assess seawater intrusion, understand the hydrogeochemical processes involved and estimate the contribution of seawater in the wells tested. The aquifer comprises mainly the alluvial filling and marine sediments of a tectonic graben oriented north-south, in contact with the Gulf of California. Groundwater samples were collected in 47 locations and analyzed for major constituents. A subset of 23 samples was analyzed for strontium and boron concentrations and isotopic signatures (87Sr/86Sr and δ11B). Results were interpreted using standard hydrochemical plots along with ad hoc plots including isotopic data. Seawater intrusion was confirmed by several hydrogeochemical indicators, such as the high salinity in areas of intense pumping or the Na+-Ca2+ exchange occurring in sediments that were previously in chemical equilibrium with fresh water. However, seawater contribution was not sufficient to explain the observed concentrations and isotopic signatures of Sr and B. According to the isotopic data, desorption processes triggered by a modification in chemical equilibrium and an increase in ionic strength by seawater intrusion significantly increased Sr and probably B concentrations in groundwater. From a calculation of seawater contribution to the wells, it was estimated that one-third of the sampled abstraction wells were significantly affected by seawater intrusion, reaching concentrations that would limit their use for human supply or even irrigated agriculture. In addition, significant agricultural pollution (nitrates) was detected. Planned management of the aquifer and corrective measures are needed in order to invert the salinization process before it severely affects water resources in the long term.

J Dairy Sci ; 98(5): 3120-32, 2015 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25771053


The objective was to evaluate the effect of intrauterine infusion of an organic certified product (Optimum UterFlush, Van Beek Natural Science, Orange City, IA) on uterine health, survival, and fertility of cows affected with toxic puerperal metritis (TPM) in an organic dairy farm. Cows with TPM were defined as having an abnormally enlarged uterus and a fetid watery red-brown vaginal discharge, associated with systemic illness and fever (rectal temperature ≥39.5°C), within 12 d postpartum. Cows diagnosed with TPM (n=220; study d 0) were blocked by parity (1 and ≥2) and randomly assigned into 1 of 2 intrauterine treatments applied every other day for a total of 3 applications: (1) control (CON)=200mL of povidone iodine diluted in 2L of distilled water (n=113); (2) Optimum UterFlush (UF)=3.75mL diluted in 117mL of distilled water (n=107). All enrolled cows received hypertonic saline solution (500mL 7.2% i.v.), dextrose (500mL 50% i.v.), and oral aspirin (5 boluses/d). Outcome variables for treatment efficacy included fever and presence of fetid vaginal discharge at study d 6 and 14, survival at study d 6 and 14 and at 30 and 100 DIM, and reproductive performance. Control variables were parity, BCS at enrollment, calving season, and milk yield. Occurrence of fever at d 6 and 14 was not different between the 2 treatment groups. Presence of fetid vaginal discharge at d 6 and 14 was lower in cows treated with UF compared with cows in the CON group (10.7 vs. 28% and 1.1 vs. 9.1%). The odds (95% confidence interval) for survival and remaining in the farm at study d 6 and 14 and at 30 and 100 DIM for cows in the UF treatment were 4.67 (1.38-15.8), 2.77 (1.25-6.10), 3.13 (1.22-8.02), and 2.82 (1.38-5.71) times the odds of cows in the CON group, respectively. The odds of AI until 150 DIM and the interval from calving to first AI were not different between the 2 treatments. However, pregnancy was affected by treatment; the odds (95% confidence interval) of pregnancy at the first AI, 150 DIM, and 300 DIM for cows treated with UF were 2.15 (1.05-4.40), 1.81 (1.04-3.15), and 1.92 (1.09-3.38) times the odds of cows in the CON group, respectively. Days to pregnancy were similar in both treatment groups, but the number of artificial inseminations per pregnancy were different (2.69 vs. 2.02 for cows in the CON and UF treatments). Results indicate that cows with TPM administered intrauterine infusion of Optimum UterFlush had higher odds of recovering and improved reproductive performance compared with cows treated with povidone iodine.

Cattle Diseases/drug therapy , Dairying/methods , Endometritis/veterinary , Monoterpenes/administration & dosage , Puerperal Disorders/veterinary , Uterus/drug effects , Animals , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Anti-Inflammatory Agents , Antioxidants , Cattle , Cattle Diseases/mortality , Cymenes , Endometritis/drug therapy , Female , Fertility/drug effects , Insemination, Artificial/veterinary , Lactation , Organic Agriculture , Pregnancy , Puerperal Disorders/drug therapy , Reproduction/drug effects , Saline Solution, Hypertonic/administration & dosage , Survival Rate , Urogenital Abnormalities , Uterine Diseases/veterinary , Uterus/abnormalities , Vaginal Discharge
Sci Total Environ ; 502: 330-43, 2015 Jan 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25262295


Salinization of water bodies represents a significant risk in water systems. The salinization of waters in a small irrigated hydrological basin is studied herein through an integrated hydrogeochemical study including multivariate statistical analyses and geochemical modeling. The study zone has two well differentiated geologic materials: (i) Quaternary sediments of low salinity and high permeability and (ii) Tertiary sediments of high salinity and very low permeability. In this work, soil samples were collected and leaching experiments conducted on them in the laboratory. In addition, water samples were collected from precipitation, irrigation, groundwater, spring and surface waters. The waters show an increase in salinity from precipitation and irrigation water to ground- and, finally, surface water. The enrichment in salinity is related to the dissolution of soluble mineral present mainly in the Tertiary materials. Cation exchange, precipitation of calcite and, probably, incongruent dissolution of dolomite, have been inferred from the hydrochemical data set. Multivariate statistical analysis provided information about the structure of the data, differentiating the group of surface waters from the groundwaters and the salinization from the nitrate pollution processes. The available information was included in geochemical models in which hypothesis of consistency and thermodynamic feasibility were checked. The assessment of the collected information pointed to a natural control on salinization processes in the Lerma Basin with minimal influence of anthropogenic factors.

Agricultural Irrigation , Environmental Monitoring , Groundwater/chemistry , Salinity , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Water Pollution/prevention & control , Models, Theoretical , Multivariate Analysis , Spain , Water Movements