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Psicol. USP ; 342023. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1443306


O presente artigo problematiza aspectos afetivos inerentes à relação materno-filial que podem estar associados ao surgimento e estabelecimento de sintomas psicossomáticos de refluxo gastroesofágico no bebê de até 1 ano de idade. Para tanto, apresenta-se estudo de caso de uma díade mãe-bebê auxiliado por entrevista semiestruturada, aplicação das pranchas 1, 2 e 7MF do teste de apercepção temática e observação naturalista. Cada instrumento foi analisado qualitativamente e teve seus resultados integrados e articulados à teoria psicanalítica. Os principais resultados apontaram certa fragilidade egóica e necessidade de apoio social por parte da mãe, compatíveis com o período do puerpério. São discutidas possíveis maneiras de funcionamento do psiquismo materno, por exemplo, quando sobrecarregado com afetos ansiosos, há sobredeterminação de sintomas psicofuncionais no bebê, os quais, por sua vez, causam efeitos no modo como a mãe se posiciona no exercício da maternagem suficientemente boa, marcando um interjogo relacional

This article discusses affective aspects inherent to mother-child relations that may be associated with the onset and establishment of psychosomatic gastroesophageal reflux symptoms in infants up to 1 year old. A case study of a mother-child dyad was performed by conducting semi-structured interviews, applying the 1, 2 and 7MF cards of the Thematic Apperception Test and using naturalistic observation. Instruments were analyzed qualitatively and their results were integrated and linked to psychoanalytic theoretical framework. Results pointed to a certain egoic fragility and the need for social support for the mother compatible with the puerperium. It also discusses possible ways in which the maternal psyche functions. When overloaded with anxious affections, for example, it overdetermines psychofunctional symptoms in the baby which, in turn, affects how the mother positions herself in the exercise of good maternity, marking a relational interplay

Cet article traite des aspects affectifs inhérents aux relations mère-enfant qui peuvent être associés à l'émergence et à l'installation de symptômes psychosomatiques de reflux gastro-œsophagien chez les nourrissons jusqu'à l'âge d'un an. Une étude de cas d'une dyade mère-enfant a été réalisée en menant des entretiens semi-structurés, en appliquant les planches 1, 2 et 7MF du Test d'Aperception Thématique et en utilisant l'observation naturaliste. Les instruments ont été analysés qualitativement et leurs résultats ont été intégrés et reliés au cadre théorique psychanalytique. Les résultats ont mis en évidence une certaine fragilité égoïque et le besoin d'un soutien social pour la mère compatible avec la puerpéralité. L'étude aborde également les modes de fonctionnement possibles de la psyché maternelle. Lorsque celle-ci est surchargée d'affections anxieuses, elle surdétermine des symptômes psychofonctionnels chez le bébé qui, à leur tour, affectent la façon dont la mère se positionne dans l'exercice d'une maternité suffisamment bonne, marquant une interaction relationnelle

Este artículo discute aspectos afectivos inherentes a la relación madre-hijo que pueden estar asociados con la aparición y establecimiento de síntomas psicosomáticos del reflujo gastroesofágico en el bebé de hasta 1 año de edad. Para ello, se realiza un estudio de caso de una díada madre-hijo, con la aplicación de entrevistas semiestructuradas, con el uso de los tableros 1, 2 y 7MF del Test de Apercepción Temática y una observación naturalista. Los instrumentos se analizaron cualitativamente, y sus resultados se integraron y vincularon al marco teórico psicoanalítico. Los principales resultados apuntaban a una cierta fragilidad egoica y la necesidad de apoyo social de la madre, compatibles con el puerperio. Se discuten posibles formas de funcionamiento de la psique materna, por ejemplo, cuando se sobrecarga de afectos ansiosos, sobredeterminando síntomas psicofuncionales en el bebé que, a su vez, provocan efectos sobre cómo se siente la madre en el ejercicio de una maternaje suficiente buena, marcando una interacción relacional

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Adult , Psychosomatic Medicine , Gastroesophageal Reflux/psychology , Mother-Child Relations/psychology , Social Support , Thematic Apperception Test
Trends Psychiatry Psychother ; 40(3): 248-252, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30234887


INTRODUCTION: Temporal discounting (TD) describes how a certain reward is seen as less valuable the more its delivery is postponed. There are two main types of TD tasks, hypothetical and real, both of which use monetary rewards. Over the last few years, however, variants of these tasks have been adjusted to assess clinical groups of children showing impulsivity as found in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). OBJECTIVE: To review and discuss studies conducted over the last 10 years on the use of TD tasks in the assessment of pediatric patients with ADHD. METHOD: For this literature review, articles were non-systematically selected from PubMed, MEDLINE and SciELO databases to include experimental studies on the use of at least one TD paradigm to assess and distinguish ADHD and non-ADHD groups. RESULTS: Of the studies assessed, 76.19% used hypothetical tasks, followed by real tasks (28.57%), and, finally, tasks using different types of reward, such as toys or rewarding activities (14.28%). CONCLUSIONS: Although assessed in few studies, real and alternative tasks appeared to be effective in differentiating clinical groups and suitable for investigating hot executive functions in childhood.

Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/psychology , Delay Discounting , Child , Humans , Neuropsychological Tests
Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 40(3): 248-252, July-Sept. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1043516


Abstract Introduction: Temporal discounting (TD) describes how a certain reward is seen as less valuable the more its delivery is postponed. There are two main types of TD tasks, hypothetical and real, both of which use monetary rewards. Over the last few years, however, variants of these tasks have been adjusted to assess clinical groups of children showing impulsivity as found in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Objective: To review and discuss studies conducted over the last 10 years on the use of TD tasks in the assessment of pediatric patients with ADHD. Method: For this literature review, articles were non-systematically selected from PubMed, MEDLINE and SciELO databases to include experimental studies on the use of at least one TD paradigm to assess and distinguish ADHD and non-ADHD groups. Results: Of the studies assessed, 76.19% used hypothetical tasks, followed by real tasks (28.57%), and, finally, tasks using different types of reward, such as toys or rewarding activities (14.28%). Conclusions: Although assessed in few studies, real and alternative tasks appeared to be effective in differentiating clinical groups and suitable for investigating hot executive functions in childhood.

Resumo Introdução: O desconto do futuro (DF) é um processo no qual uma determinada recompensa é vista como menos valiosa à medida que sua entrega é postergada. Existem dois tipos principais de tarefas de DF, hipotéticas e reais, sendo que ambas usam recompensas monetárias. Nos últimos anos, no entanto, variantes dessas tarefas têm sido adaptadas para avaliar grupos clínicos de crianças que apresentam comportamento impulsivo, como no caso do transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade (TDAH). Objetivo: Revisar e discutir os estudos realizados nos últimos 10 anos sobre o uso de tarefas de DF na avaliação de pacientes pediátricos com TDAH. Método: Para esta revisão de literatura, os artigos foram selecionados de forma não sistemática nas bases de dados PubMed, MEDLINE e SciELO, de forma a incluir estudos experimentais sobre o uso de ao menos um paradigma de DF para a avaliação e distinção de grupos com e sem TDAH. Resultados: Dos estudos avaliados, 76,19% utilizaram tarefas hipotéticas, seguidas de tarefas reais (28,57%) e, finalmente, de tarefas com diferentes tipos de recompensa, como brinquedos ou atividades recompensadoras (14,28%). Conclusões: Embora avaliadas em poucos estudos, tarefas reais e alternativas parecem ser eficazes na diferenciação de grupos clínicos e adequadas para investigação de funções executivas quentes na infância.

Humans , Child , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/psychology , Delay Discounting , Neuropsychological Tests
Sleep Med ; 46: 46-55, 2018 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29773210


Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) is a common respiratory sleep disorder in children that is believed to adversely affect both quality of life and cognition. The purpose of the present systematic review was to obtain evidence of the impact of OSA on children's cognitive/behavioral abilities from primary studies published in MEDLINE/PubMed, LILACS, SciELO, ISI Web of Science, and PsycINFO databases from 2002 to 2016. Of the 649 articles found, only 34 met the eligibility criteria: studies that evaluated cognition, behavior, and/or academic achievement of children meeting clinical criteria for OSA to compare their data to those of healthy controls or normative data, provided that the samples did not present conditions that might affect cognition/behavior irrespective of OSA. The few selected articles with low risk of bias (levels of evidence I and II) showed that OSA children's intellectual abilities may be impaired but remain within the normal range. Which specific cognitive ability drives this impairment is unclear, as there was insufficient evidence of deficits in language, memory, attention, executive functions, and academic performance, due to low levels of evidence, conflicting findings, and/or heterogeneity of tasks and cognitive abilities tapped by the measures used to assess these domains. To determine why this is so, future studies must test OSA patients using measures that allow for fractionated higher- and lower-order cognitive abilities based on accepted cognitive neuropsychology models.

Behavior , Cognition/physiology , Neuropsychology , Sleep Apnea, Obstructive/complications , Child , Executive Function , Humans , Memory , Quality of Life
Psico USF ; 23(1): 95-108, 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-906111


Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar o uso do NEUPSILIN-Inf num modelo de avaliação neuropsicológica breve em crianças atendidas em um serviço assistencial. As etapas seguidas no modelo de avaliação neuropsicológica breve são: sala de espera, grupo de crianças e avaliação neuropsicológica individual. A análise da aplicabilidade do NEUPSILIN-Inf na detecção de déficits cognitivos foi realizada comparando o desempenho de 171 crianças com possíveis transtornos do neurodesenvolvimento a 358 crianças da amostra de normatização, tendo a média marginal do escore ajustado pela idade. Em todas as tarefas do NEUPSILIN-Inf, o grupo clínico mostrou desempenho inferior. O conjunto de dados do modelo de avaliação pode gerar hipóteses diagnósticas, como deficiência intelectual, possíveis quadros de transtornos da aprendizagem ou específicos de linguagem. Frente à alta escassez de atendimento público para crianças com possíveis transtornos do neurodesenvolvimento, este pode ser um modelo economicamente eficiente para centros de saúde em diversas regiões do Brasil. (AU)

This study aimed to analyze the use of NEUPSILIN-Inf in a model of brief neuropsychological assessment for children attending a helthcare service. The steps followed in the brief neuropsychological assessment model are waiting room, children's group, and individual assessment. The analysis of this model's efficacy in detecting cognitive deficits through NEUPSILIN-Inf was conducted by comparing the performance of 171 children with possible developmental disorders to 358 children from the normative sample of NEUPSILIN-Inf. The clinical group showed lower performance in all NEUPSILIN-Inf 's tasks. The set of data derived from the evaluation model can underlie diagnostic hypotheses, such as intellectual disabilities, learning disorders or specific language impairment. Taking into account the restrictive public care for children with possible developmental disorders, this model can be considered a cost-effective possibility to be accomplished by health centers in different Brazilian regions. (AU)

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar el uso de NEUPSILIN-Inf como un modelo de evaluación neuropsicológica breve para niños, atendidos en un servicio de asistencia pública. Las etapas seguidas para evaluación neuropsicológica breve fueron: sala de espera, grupo de niños, evaluación neuropsicológica individual. El análisis de aplicabilidad NEUPSILIN-Inf para detectar déficits cognitivos, fue realizado comparando el rendimiento de 171 niños con posibles trastornos de neuro-desarrollo y 358 niños de la muestra de normalización, obteniendo la media marginal del resultado, ajustado por la edad. En todas las tareas del NEUPSILIN-Inf, el grupo clínico tuvo un rendimiento inferior. El conjunto de datos del modelo de evaluación puede generar hipótesis diagnósticas, como deficiencia intelectual, posibles trastornos de aprendizaje o específicos de lenguaje. Ante la escasez de atendimiento público para niños con posibles trastornos de neurodesarrollo, este modelo puede ser eficiente desde el punto de vista económico en centros de salud en varias regiones de Brasil. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Neurodevelopmental Disorders/psychology , Neuropsychological Tests , Neuropsychology , Health Centers
Sleep Med ; 34: 90-95, 2017 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28522104


OBJECTIVE: Intermittent hypoxia caused by obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) may lead to damage in brain areas associated to auditory processing. The aim of this study was to compare children with OSAS or primary snoring (PS) to children without sleep-disordered breathing with regard to their performance on the Gaps-in-Noise (GIN) test and the Scale of Auditory Behaviors (SAB) questionnaire. METHODS: Thirty-seven children (6-12 years old) were submitted to sleep anamnesis and in-lab night-long polysomnography. Three groups were organized according to clinical criteria: OSAS group (13 children), PS group (13 children), and control group (11 children). They were submitted to the GIN test and parents answered SAB questionnaire. The Kruskal-Wallis statistical test was used to compare the groups; p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS: The OSAS group performed significantly worse than PS (p = 0.011) and Control (p = 0.029) groups on gap detection percentage, while PS and Control groups showed no significant differences. The three groups showed similar gap detection thresholds. Regarding SAB questionnaire, PS group had significantly worse scores when compared to Control (p = 0.011), but not to OSAS (p = 0.101) groups. No statistical difference between OSAS and Control groups were found. CONCLUSION: Children with OSAS showed worse performance on GIN test in comparison to children with PS and children without sleep-disordered breathing. PS negatively affected auditory behavior in children. These findings suggest that sleep-disordered breathing may lead to auditory behavior impairment.

Auditory Perception , Hearing Disorders/complications , Hearing Disorders/physiopathology , Sleep Apnea Syndromes/complications , Sleep Apnea Syndromes/physiopathology , Auditory Threshold , Child , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Hearing Disorders/diagnosis , Humans , Male , Polysomnography , Surveys and Questionnaires , Time Perception
Psicol Reflex Crit ; 30(1): 11, 2017 May 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32026094


The present study analyzed the use of group CBT protocol to treat ADHD by comparing two types of treatment, unimodal (medication only) and multimodal (medication combined with CBT), in terms of their effects on cognitive and behavioral domains, social skills, and type of treatment effect by ADHD subtype. Participants were 60 children with ADHD, subtypes inattentive and combined, aged 7 to 14, 48 boys. Combined treatment included 20 CBT sessions while all children were given Ritalin LA® 20 mg. Cognitive and behavioral outcome measures showed no differences between treatment groups. On social skills, multimodal showed more improvement in frequency indicators on empathy, assertiveness, and self-control subscales and in the difficulty on assertiveness and self-control subscales. Using a group CBT protocol for multimodal ADHD treatment may improve patient adherence and ADHD peripheral symptoms.

Psicol. reflex. crit ; 30: 11, 2017. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-909772


The present study analyzed the use of group CBT protocol to treat ADHD by comparing two types of treatment, unimodal (medication only) and multimodal (medication combined with CBT), in terms of their effects on cognitive and behavioral domains, social skills, and type of treatment effect by ADHD subtype. Participants were 60 children with ADHD, subtypes inattentive and combined, aged 7 to 14, 48 boys. Combined treatment included 20 CBT sessions while all children were given Ritalin LA® 20 mg. Cognitive and behavioral outcome measures showed no differences between treatment groups. On social skills, multimodal showed more improvement in frequency indicators on empathy, assertiveness, and self-control subscales and in the difficulty on assertiveness and self-control subscales. Using a group CBT protocol for multimodal ADHD treatment may improve patient adherence and ADHD peripheral symptoms. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/therapy , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , Psychotherapy, Group
Psychiatry Res ; 246: 730-737, 2016 Dec 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27817906


Temporal Discounting (TD) reflects a tendency to discount a reward more deeply the longer its delivery is delayed. TD tasks and behavioral scales have been used to investigate 'hot' executive functions in ADHD. The present study analyzed TD task performance shown by ADHD and control groups for correlations with emotional self-regulation metrics from two scales, the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Functions (BRIEF) and the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Children (ages 8-12) with ADHD (n=25) and controls (n=24) were assessed using material rewards (toys) for three types of task: Hypothetical (H); Hypothetical with temporal expectation (HTE); and Real (R). Between-group differences were found for the HTE task, on which the ADHD group showed a higher rate of discounting their favorite toy over time, especially at 10s and 20s. This was the only task on which performance significantly correlated with BRIEF metrics, thus suggesting associations between impulsivity and low emotional self-regulation, but no task was correlated with CBCL score. The conclusion is that tasks involving toys and HTE in particular may be used to investigate TD in children with ADHD and as a means of evaluating the interface between the reward system and emotional self-regulation.

Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/physiopathology , Child Behavior/physiology , Delay Discounting/physiology , Emotions/physiology , Executive Function/physiology , Self-Control , Child , Female , Humans , Impulsive Behavior , Male
Front Psychiatry ; 6: 167, 2015.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26635642


Medication has proved highly efficacious as a means of alleviating general symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, many patients remain functionally impaired by inappropriate behavior. The present study analyzed the use of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) with the Token-Economy (TE) technique to alleviate problem behavior for 25 participants with ADHD, all children (19 boys, mean age 10.11) on long-term methylphenidate medication, who were given 20 CBT sessions with 10 weeks of TE introduced as of session 5. Their ten most acute problem behaviors were selected and written records kept. On weekdays, parents recorded each inappropriate behavior and provided a suitable model for their actions. At weekly sessions, problem behaviors were counted and incident-free participants rewarded with a token. To analyze improvement (less frequent problem behavior), a list of 11 behavioral categories was rated: inattention, impulsivity, hyperactivity, disorganization, disobeying rules and routines, poor self-care, verbal/physical aggression, low frustration tolerance, compulsive behavior, antisocial behavior, lacking in initiative and distraction. Two CBT specialists categorized behaviors and an ADHD specialist ruled on discrepancies. Statistical analyses used were Generalized Estimating Equations with Poisson distribution and autoregressive order correlation structure. In the course of the sessions, problematic behaviors decreased significantly in seven categories: impulsiveness, hyperactivity, disorganization, disobeying rules and routine, poor self-care, low frustration tolerance, compulsive behaviors, and antisocial behaviors. Caregiver attitudes to children's inappropriate behavior were discussed and reshaped. As functional improvement was observed on applying TE for 10 weeks, this type of intervention may be useful as an auxiliary strategy combined with medication.

Psicol. reflex. crit ; 28(3): 444-453, Jul-Sep/2015. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: lil-751999


O teste Memória Lógica da Wechsler Memory Scale - Revised (WMS-R) é amplamente utilizado na prática clínica como instrumento de avaliação da memória verbal. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as propriedades psicométricas iniciais de versões alternativas das histórias traduzidas e livremente adaptadas da WMS-R empregadas no Brasil: três histórias equiparáveis à história Ana Soares e três à de Roberto Mota. A amostra foi constituída de 655 universitários, com idades entre 18 e 35 anos. Foi solicitada a recordação livre imediata e tardia (após 30 min) de cada história, original e alternativas. A análise de equivalência entre a recordação imediata e tardia das histórias alternativas e originais mostrou que cinco histórias foram memorizadas de forma equiparável às histórias originais se aplicadas individualmente. A recordação de três pares dessas histórias alternativas também foi equivalente à recordação do par original. Uma análise utilizando a Teoria de Resposta ao Item apontou os itens com melhor índice discriminativo. Assim, propõe-se histórias alternativas às do WMS-R que poderão ser usadas em estudos de normatização.

The Logical Memory test of the Wechsler Memory Scale - Revised (WMS-R) is widely used in clinical practice as a tool for verbal memory assessment. The aim of this study was to examine the initial psychometric properties of alternative versions of the stories translated and freely adapted from WMS -R used in Brazil: three stories comparable to Ana Soares' and three to Roberto Mota's stories. The sample consisted of 655 adults aged between 18 and 35 years. Immediate and delayed free recall of each original and alternative story was requested. The analysis of equivalence between the recall of alternative and original stories showed that five stories proved equivalent to the original stories, if applied individually. Recall of three pairs of these alternative stories was also equivalent to that of the original pair. An analysis using Item Response Theory (IRT) showed the items with best discriminative index. Therefore, the alternative stories proposed here can be used in normalization studies.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Translations , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reproducibility of Results , Memory, Episodic , Wechsler Memory Scale , Psychometrics , Students , Brazil , Universities , Neuropsychological Tests
Dement. neuropsychol ; 9(2): 136-148, Apr-Jun/2015. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-751385


The logical memory test of the Wechsler Memory Scale is one of the most frequently used standardized tests for assessing verbal memory and consists of two separate short stories each containing 25 idea units. Problems with practice effects arise with re-testing a patient, as these stories may be remembered from previous assessments. Therefore, alternative versions of the test stimuli should be developed to minimize learning effects when repeated testing is required for longitudinal evaluations of patients. OBJECTIVE: To present three alternative stories for each of the original stories frequently used in Brazil (Ana Soares and Roberto Mota) and to show their similarity in terms of content, structure and linguistic characteristics. METHODS: The alternative stories were developed according to the following criteria: overall structure or thematic content (presentation of the character, conflict, aggravation or complements and resolution); specific structure (sex of the character, location and occupation, details of what happened); formal structure (number of words, characters, verbs and nouns); and readability. RESULTS: The alternative stories and scoring criteria are presented in comparison to the original WMS stories (Brazilian version). CONCLUSION: The alternative stories presented here correspond well thematically and structurally to the Brazilian versions of the original stories. .

O teste Memória Lógica da Escala Wechsler de Memória é uma das tarefas mais empregadas de avaliação de memória e é composto de duas histórias sobre diferentes personagens que contém 25 itens. A repetição destas histórias para a mesma pessoa em diferentes ocasiões leva a uma melhora nos escores por efeito de familiaridade com seu conteúdo. Portanto, versões alternativas deste teste devem ser construídas de modo a permitir que o teste seja repetido em situações como a avaliação longitudinal de pacientes. OBJETIVO: Apresentar 3 histórias alternativas a cada uma das versões das histórias originais mais empregadas no Brasil (Ana Soares e Roberto Mota). MÉTODOS: As histórias alternativas foram construídas obedecendo aos seguintes critérios: estrutura geral ou conteúdo temático (apresentação do personagem; conflito; agravante ou complemento; resolução); estrutura específica (sexo do personagem; localidade e ocupação, detalhes da ocorrência); estrutura formal (número de palavras, caracteres, verbos e substantivos); e legibilidade. RESULTADOS: São apresentadas as histórias alternativas e critérios de correção em comparação às versões das histórias originais. CONCLUSÃO: as histórias alternativas apresentadas tem correspondência temática e estrutural com as versões brasileiras do teste original. .

Humans , Mental Recall , Memory, Episodic , Memory and Learning Tests , Memory
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 28(1): 31-40, Jan-Mar/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-736147


Screening tests for reading skills are essential instruments for teachers and professionals in educational settings. This study examines an adaptation of the lexical decision subtest of the Reading Decision Test (RDT), which has two equally weighted forms, each containing words and pseudo-words, to Brazilian Portuguese. The adaptation followed standards recommended by the international literature and was applied to a sample of 230 schoolchildren from 1st to 5th grades in order to analyze its initial psychometric properties. Item analysis and reading speed showed significant school-year effect (p < .05). Scores on the two forms of the subtest were closely correlated. In conclusion, the RDT word decision subtest showed appropriate initial psychometric properties.

Testes rápidos (screenings) de avaliação de leitura são instrumentos essenciais para professores e profissionais no âmbito educacional. Este estudo adaptou para o português o subteste de leitura de palavras do Reading Decision Test (RDT), o qual tem duas formas equivalentes, compostas por palavras e pseudopalavras. O processo de adaptação seguiu as regras recomendadas pela literatura internacional e foi aplicado em uma amostra de 230 escolares, do 1º ao 5º ano do ensino fundamental para analisar as propriedades psicométricas iniciais. Observou-se que as análises de itens e da velocidade de leitura mostraram efeito significativo do ano escolar (p < 0,05). Verificou-se também forte correlação entre as duas formas do subteste. Conclui-se que o subteste de palavras do RDT apresenta propriedades psicométricas iniciais adequadas.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Psychological Tests , Psychometrics , Reading , Translations , Brazil , Education, Primary and Secondary
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 28(1): 31-40, Jan-Mar/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-68137


Screening tests for reading skills are essential instruments for teachers and professionals in educational settings. This study examines an adaptation of the lexical decision subtest of the Reading Decision Test (RDT), which has two equally weighted forms, each containing words and pseudo-words, to Brazilian Portuguese. The adaptation followed standards recommended by the international literature and was applied to a sample of 230 schoolchildren from 1st to 5th grades in order to analyze its initial psychometric properties. Item analysis and reading speed showed significant school-year effect (p < .05). Scores on the two forms of the subtest were closely correlated. In conclusion, the RDT word decision subtest showed appropriate initial psychometric properties.(AU)

Testes rápidos (screenings) de avaliação de leitura são instrumentos essenciais para professores e profissionais no âmbito educacional. Este estudo adaptou para o português o subteste de leitura de palavras do Reading Decision Test (RDT), o qual tem duas formas equivalentes, compostas por palavras e pseudopalavras. O processo de adaptação seguiu as regras recomendadas pela literatura internacional e foi aplicado em uma amostra de 230 escolares, do 1º ao 5º ano do ensino fundamental para analisar as propriedades psicométricas iniciais. Observou-se que as análises de itens e da velocidade de leitura mostraram efeito significativo do ano escolar (p < 0,05). Verificou-se também forte correlação entre as duas formas do subteste. Conclui-se que o subteste de palavras do RDT apresenta propriedades psicométricas iniciais adequadas.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Reading , Psychometrics , Translations , Psychological Tests , Education, Primary and Secondary , Brazil
Dement Neuropsychol ; 9(2): 136-148, 2015.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29213955


The logical memory test of the Wechsler Memory Scale is one of the most frequently used standardized tests for assessing verbal memory and consists of two separate short stories each containing 25 idea units. Problems with practice effects arise with re-testing a patient, as these stories may be remembered from previous assessments. Therefore, alternative versions of the test stimuli should be developed to minimize learning effects when repeated testing is required for longitudinal evaluations of patients. OBJECTIVE: To present three alternative stories for each of the original stories frequently used in Brazil (Ana Soares and Roberto Mota) and to show their similarity in terms of content, structure and linguistic characteristics. METHODS: The alternative stories were developed according to the following criteria: overall structure or thematic content (presentation of the character, conflict, aggravation or complements and resolution); specific structure (sex of the character, location and occupation, details of what happened); formal structure (number of words, characters, verbs and nouns); and readability. RESULTS: The alternative stories and scoring criteria are presented in comparison to the original WMS stories (Brazilian version). CONCLUSION: The alternative stories presented here correspond well thematically and structurally to the Brazilian versions of the original stories.

O teste Memória Lógica da Escala Wechsler de Memória é uma das tarefas mais empregadas de avaliação de memória e é composto de duas histórias sobre diferentes personagens que contém 25 itens. A repetição destas histórias para a mesma pessoa em diferentes ocasiões leva a uma melhora nos escores por efeito de familiaridade com seu conteúdo. Portanto, versões alternativas deste teste devem ser construídas de modo a permitir que o teste seja repetido em situações como a avaliação longitudinal de pacientes. OBJETIVO: Apresentar 3 histórias alternativas a cada uma das versões das histórias originais mais empregadas no Brasil (Ana Soares e Roberto Mota). MÉTODOS: As histórias alternativas foram construídas obedecendo aos seguintes critérios: estrutura geral ou conteúdo temático (apresentação do personagem; conflito; agravante ou complemento; resolução); estrutura específica (sexo do personagem; localidade e ocupação, detalhes da ocorrência); estrutura formal (número de palavras, caracteres, verbos e substantivos); e legibilidade. RESULTADOS: São apresentadas as histórias alternativas e critérios de correção em comparação às versões das histórias originais. CONCLUSÃO: as histórias alternativas apresentadas tem correspondência temática e estrutural com as versões brasileiras do teste original.

Psicol. reflex. crit ; 27(4): 775-783, Oct-Dec/2014. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: lil-728839


Este estudo descreve o processo de tradução, adaptação e análise de aplicabilidade clínica do Programa Pay Attention! ao português do Brasil. O processo seguiu as etapas recomendadas internacionalmente para adequação de instrumentos a outros idiomas: tradução/adaptação baseado em normas que preservassem características originais bem como as da cultura; análise por juízes especialistas; estudos-piloto; análise de aplicabilidade clínica em um grupo de 10 crianças com TDAH. Os resultados dos estudos-piloto foram analisados qualitativamente na fase de tradução/adaptação. No grupo clínico, o programa foi aplicado em 20 sessões individuais analisando-se a evolução individual, conforme estabelecido no manual. Os resultados demonstraram que a versão em português do Pay Attention! está adequada, tornando-se um importante instrumento de intervenção nos Transtornos de Déficit de Atenção em crianças. (AU)

This research report describes the translation, adaptation and analysis of clinical applicability process related to the Pay Attention! Program to Brazilian Portuguese. The process followed all the steps internationally recommended to adequate instruments to other languages: translation/adaptation based on rules that preserve original features and cultural characteristics; analysis by expert judges; pilot studies, and analysis of clinical applicability in a group of 10 children with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Results of pilot studies were qualitatively analyzed in the phase of translation/adaptation. In the clinical group, the program was implemented in 20 individual sessions analyzing the individual evolution, as stated in the manual. Results showed that the Portuguese version of the Pay Attention! Program is appropriate, becoming an important tool for the interventions in attention deficits in children. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Psychometrics/methods , Attention , Translating , Surveys and Questionnaires , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/rehabilitation , Brazil
Psico USF ; 19(1): 119-130, jan.-abr. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-709909


Examinou-se a estrutura interna do Instrumento de Avaliação Neuropsicológica Breve Infantil - NEUPSILIN-Inf através de Análise Fatorial Confirmatória (AFC). Participaram do estudo 840 crianças (421 da cidade de São Paulo, 419 de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul), com idades entre seis e 12 anos (M=8,98, DP=1,98), entre a primeira e a sexta série do ensino fundamental, de escolas públicas e privadas. Modelos teórico-hipotéticos foram testados considerando-se a organização original do instrumento e a literatura neuropsicológica. Verificou-se adequação empírica de cinco dos sete modelos inicialmente hipotetizados: praxias construtivas, memória verbal, memória episódica e semântica, processamento visual e desempenho acadêmico. Contrariando as hipóteses, linguagem ajustou-se em um modelo unifatorial, enquanto memória de trabalho, atenção e funções executivas foram mais bem explicadas por um modelo de dois fatores correlacionados. Concluiu-se que o NEUPSILIN-Inf apresenta evidência de validade de estrutura interna e pode ser utilizado na avaliação neuropsicológica de crianças para examinar esses grupos de componentes neurocognitivos...

The aim of the study was to examine the internal structure of the Child Brief Neuropsychological Assessment Battery - NEUPSILIN-Inf with Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The study included 840 children (421 in the city of São Paulo, 419 in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul), aged between six and 12 years (M=8.98, SD=1.98), between first and sixth grade in public and private schools. Theoretical and hypothetical models were tested considering the organization's original instrument and neuropsychological literature. There was empirical adequacy of five of the seven models initially hypothesized: constructive praxis, verbal memory, episodic and semantic memory, visual processing, and academic performance. Contrary to the hypothesis, language was fitted into a one-factor model, while working memory, attention and executive functions were best explained by a model of two correlated factors. We concluded that the NEUPSILIN-Inf presents evidence of validity as the internal structure and can be used in the neuropsychological evaluation of children to examine these groups of neurocognitive components...

Se examinó la estructura interna del Instrumento de Evaluación Neuropsicológica Breve Infantil - NEUPSILIN-Inf a través de Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio (AFC). Participaron del estudio 840 niños (421 de la ciudad de São Paulo, 419 de Porto Alegre, RS-Brasil), con edades entre seis y 12 años (M=8,98, DE=1,98), entre el primer y sexto año de primaria, de escuelas públicas y privadas. Se testaron modelos teóricos hipotéticos considerándose la organización original del instrumento y la literatura neuropsicológica. Se verificó adecuación empírica de cinco de los siete modelos primeramente pensados: praxis constructivas, memoria verbal, memoria episódica y semántica, procesamiento visual y desempeño académico. Contrariamente a las hipótesis, el lenguaje se ajustó como un modelo de un factor, mientras memoria de trabajo, atención y funciones ejecutivas fueron más bien explicadas por un modelo de dos factores correlacionados. Se concluyó que el NEUPSILIN-Inf presenta evidencia de validez basada en la estructura interna y puede ser utilizado en la evaluación neuropsicológica de niños para examinar esos grupos de componentes neurocognitivos...

Humans , Female , Child , Cognition , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Memory, Episodic , Memory, Short-Term , Neuropsychological Tests , Neuropsychology
Psico USF ; 19(1): 119-130, jan.-abr. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-60517


Examinou-se a estrutura interna do Instrumento de Avaliação Neuropsicológica Breve Infantil - NEUPSILIN-Inf através de Análise Fatorial Confirmatória (AFC). Participaram do estudo 840 crianças (421 da cidade de São Paulo, 419 de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul), com idades entre seis e 12 anos (M=8,98, DP=1,98), entre a primeira e a sexta série do ensino fundamental, de escolas públicas e privadas. Modelos teórico-hipotéticos foram testados considerando-se a organização original do instrumento e a literatura neuropsicológica. Verificou-se adequação empírica de cinco dos sete modelos inicialmente hipotetizados: praxias construtivas, memória verbal, memória episódica e semântica, processamento visual e desempenho acadêmico. Contrariando as hipóteses, linguagem ajustou-se em um modelo unifatorial, enquanto memória de trabalho, atenção e funções executivas foram mais bem explicadas por um modelo de dois fatores correlacionados. Concluiu-se que o NEUPSILIN-Inf apresenta evidência de validade de estrutura interna e pode ser utilizado na avaliação neuropsicológica de crianças para examinar esses grupos de componentes neurocognitivos.(AU)

The aim of the study was to examine the internal structure of the Child Brief Neuropsychological Assessment Battery - NEUPSILIN-Inf with Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The study included 840 children (421 in the city of São Paulo, 419 in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul), aged between six and 12 years (M=8.98, SD=1.98), between first and sixth grade in public and private schools. Theoretical and hypothetical models were tested considering the organization's original instrument and neuropsychological literature. There was empirical adequacy of five of the seven models initially hypothesized: constructive praxis, verbal memory, episodic and semantic memory, visual processing, and academic performance. Contrary to the hypothesis, language was fitted into a one-factor model, while working memory, attention and executive functions were best explained by a model of two correlated factors. We concluded that the NEUPSILIN-Inf presents evidence of validity as the internal structure and can be used in the neuropsychological evaluation of children to examine these groups of neurocognitive components.(AU)

Se examinó la estructura interna del Instrumento de Evaluación Neuropsicológica Breve Infantil - NEUPSILIN-Inf a través de Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio (AFC). Participaron del estudio 840 niños (421 de la ciudad de São Paulo, 419 de Porto Alegre, RS-Brasil), con edades entre seis y 12 años (M=8,98, DE=1,98), entre el primer y sexto año de primaria, de escuelas públicas y privadas. Se testaron modelos teóricos hipotéticos considerándose la organización original del instrumento y la literatura neuropsicológica. Se verificó adecuación empírica de cinco de los siete modelos primeramente pensados: praxis constructivas, memoria verbal, memoria episódica y semántica, procesamiento visual y desempeño académico. Contrariamente a las hipótesis, el lenguaje se ajustó como un modelo de un factor, mientras memoria de trabajo, atención y funciones ejecutivas fueron más bien explicadas por un modelo de dos factores correlacionados. Se concluyó que el NEUPSILIN-Inf presenta evidencia de validez basada en la estructura interna y puede ser utilizado en la evaluación neuropsicológica de niños para examinar esos grupos de componentes neurocognitivos.(AU)

Humans , Female , Child , Neuropsychology , Cognition , Memory, Episodic , Memory, Short-Term , Neuropsychological Tests , Reproducibility of Results , Factor Analysis, Statistical
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 27(3): 539-546, 2014. tab
Article in English | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: lil-722227


The aim of this study was to identify the neuropsychological characteristics of dyslexic children. Seventy-three children underwent neuropsychological assessment and were divided into two groups: a group with dyslexia (DG; n=39) and a control group (CG; n= 34). A general linear model showed a significant difference between the groups regarding the following abilities: reading, writing and mathematics; forward and backward digit span tasks; semantic and phonological fluency; number of completed categories and total number of cards in the Wisconsin Cards Sorting Test; as well as right and left discrimination on self and on other. These results suggest impairment in executive functions, phonological working memory and semantic memory among dyslexic children, rather than impairment of just phonological abilities, as suggested in previous studies. (AU)

O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar as características neuropsicológicas de crianças com dislexia. Foram incluídas 73 crianças divididas em dois grupos: um grupo composto por crianças disléxicas (GD; n=39), e um grupo controle (GC; n= 34). A análise de modelo linear geral mostrou diferença significativa entre os grupos nas habilidades de leitura, escrita, matemática, dígitos ordem direta, dígitos ordem inversa, fluência semântica e fonológica, número de categorias e total de cartas do Teste de Classificação de Cartas de Wisconsin, discriminação direita e esquerda em si e no outro. Esses resultados demonstram que podem existir déficits nas funções executivas, memória operacional fonológica e memória semântica e não apenas nas habilidades fonológicas. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Dyslexia/psychology , Neuropsychology
Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 18(1): 145-150, Jan.-Mar. 2013. tab
Article in English | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-57551


O presente estudo realizou uma análise estatística comparativa entre adolescentes com e sem Transtorno deDéficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH) no Conners ‘Continuous Performance Test (CCPT). Foi utilizadoo modelo de cinco fatores proposto por Egeland and Kovalick-Gran (2010a). Método: O grupo clínico foicomposto por 28 participantes com TDAH (17 homens), que foram divididos em dois grupos em relação aosubtipo de TDAH (predominantemente desatento ou combinado). Resultados: O grupo TDAH teve escoressignificativamente mais baixos em quase todas as medidas do CCPT. Na comparação de grupos no modelode cinco fatores, os resultados indicaram que ambos os grupos TDAH apresentaram resultados inferiores emtrês fatores: atenção focada, atenção sustentada e vigilância. Os subtipos de TDAH não diferiram em nenhumdos cinco fatores. Conclusões: A análise de cinco fatores mostraram uma boa sensibilidade e propiciou umamelhor compreensão dos sintomas do TDAH, no entanto ela não mostrou especificidade para diferenciaros subtipos combinado e desatento.(AU)

Objectives: This study performed a statistical analysis comparing adolescents with Attention DeficitHyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and a control group in the Conners’ Continuous Performance Test (CCPT)5 factor model, proposed by Egeland and Kovalick-Gran (2010a). Methods: The clinical group wascomposed by 28 participants with ADHD (17 male). The adolescents were divided in two groups regardingtheir ADHD subtype, inattentive or combined. Results: The ADHD group had significantly lower scoreson almost all CCPT. The 5 factors model, showed that both ADHD groups exhibited poorer results in threefactors: focused attention, sustained attention and vigilance. The ADHD subtypes did not differ in any ofthe 5 factors. Conclusions: The five factor analysis showed a good sensibility and better comprehension ofADHD symptoms; however it showed no specificity to differentiate the combined and inattentive subtypes.(AU)

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Attention