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Anat Histol Embryol ; 53(1): e12977, 2024 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37740677


This experiment was designed to investigate the postnatal development of the ovary in the Uttara fowl chicken and was conducted on 54 apparently healthy female birds divided into different age groups, namely Day 1 and Weeks 1, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28 with six birds each. During postnatal development, the left ovary gradually increased in size and complexity. The segmentation of the ovary started by 4 weeks, follicular eruption by 8 weeks, small liquor follicles (1-5 mm) appeared by 16 weeks, pre-hierarchical follicles by 20 weeks and hierarchical follicles by 24 weeks of age. The cortex was distinctly differentiated from the medulla in the early stage of ovarian development. However, the division between cortex and medulla was gradually obscured with age (transitional stage) and distinction was completely lost in the mature ovary. The different stages of follicular development in the chicken ovary were classified as primordial, primary, growing at Stage I, II and III stromal follicles besides pre-hierarchical and hierarchical surface follicles. The primordial and primary follicles showed cytoplasmic sudanophilic substances, especially in the Balbiani's yolk body, indicating the presence of lipids (Sudan Black B) with no activity for neutral polysaccharides (periodic acid Schiff method). It was observed that apoptotic changes may affect any stage of developing follicle resulting in arrested growth and atrophy. An early form of follicular atresia was the fate of the growth-arrested primordial and primary follicles, whereas the glandular form of atresia was commonly observed in growing follicles arrested at Stages I and II. The scanning electron micrographs unveiled the follicles as hollow oval structures with a follicular lumen lined by the perivitelline membrane (glycoprotein membrane) having lacunae giving a honeycomb-like appearance.

Chickens , Ovary , Female , Animals , Granulosa Cells , Follicular Atresia , Ovarian Follicle
Vet World ; 9(3): 320-5, 2016 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27057119


AIM: The present study was conducted to know the ultrastructural detail of the blood cells of Uttara fowl (native fowl of Uttarakhand). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The experiment was conducted on 10 apparently healthy adult birds of either sex reared at the Instructional Poultry Farm, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand. The blood was collected from wing vein using ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid as anticoagulant. The blood was further processed for scanning and transmission electron microscopic (TEM) studies separately. RESULTS: Ultrastructurally, the heterophils were irregularly round in shape. The cytoplasm was laden with pleomorphic membrane-bound granules, viz., large elliptical-, medium oval-, large round-, and medium round-shaped granules. The eosinophils under TEM were irregularly circular in outline showing pseudopodia and finger-like cytoplasmic processes. The cytoplasmic granules were pleomorphic with elliptical-, round-, and rod-shaped granules. The basophils were irregularly circular in outline containing small hook-like cytoplasmic processes. The cytoplasm contained electron dense and electron lucent round-shaped granules. CONCLUSION: Granulocytes contained pleomorphic cytoplasmic granules. However, the shape and electron density of granules varied among the different granulocytes and helped in the characterization of different granulocytes.

Int. j. morphol ; 33(2): 428-432, jun. 2015. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-755489


The present study has been done on the mandible of blackbuck. The mandible was a paired bone. It was the largest bone of the skull, and it was made up of two halves, which were united with immovable articulation forming mandibular symphysis. It presented for description three surfaces and three borders. The lingual sur-face was smooth and concave. Its symphyseal surface was rough and irregular. The most prominent part of the curve of the ramus formed the angle of the jaw; the part of the ramus between the body and the angle was called horizontal part and carries the lower cheek teeth. The part of the ramus above the angle was termed the vertical part. The vertical part of ramus was non-tooth bearing, expanded vertical part of mandible. Each ramus presented for description two surfaces, two borders and two extremities. The lateral surface was widest at the angle and tapers towards the extremities.

Este estudio se llevó a cabo sobre la mandíbula del antílope negro. La mandíbula del antílope negro es un hueso emparejado, corresponde al hueso más grande del cráneo, y está compuesto de dos mitades, unidas por una articulación inmóvil formando la sínfisis mandibular. Se observaron tres superficies y tres márgenes. La superficie lingual era lisa y cóncava y la superficie sinfisial era áspera e irregular. La zona más prominente de la curva de la rama formó el ángulo de la mandíbula; el punto de la rama entre el cuerpo y el ángulo se denomina el área horizontal y lleva a los dientes de la mandíbula inferior. El punto de la rama superior al ángulo es conocido como el área vertical. Cada rama presentó para la descripción dos superficies, dos márgenes y dos extremidades. La superficie lateral era más ancha en el ángulo y se extendía hacia las extremidades.

Animals , Tooth/anatomy & histology , Antelopes/anatomy & histology , Mandible/anatomy & histology