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Zootaxa ; 5285(2): 252-270, 2023 May 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37518707


Myzomorphus Sallé is a charismatic genus of prionine longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae) composed of nine species. Myzomorphus species are found from Costa Rica to southern Brazil, but only two species have wide distributions across this range: M. scutellatus Sallé from Costa Rica to northern Brazil, and M. quadripunctatus (Gray) from Colombia to southern Brazil. These species are highly polymorphic and their limits are difficult to determine due to their strong morphological similarities--males are only distinguishable by subtle size variations and females by color patterns. Here, we used mitochondrial DNA (cox1 and 12S) to reconstruct the first phylogeny of Myzomorphus and, in combination with morphological data, assess the taxonomic limits between M. scutellatus and M. quadripunctatus. Our phylogenetic results confirm the monophyly of Myzomorphus and reveal a close relationship among M. birai, M. quadripunctatus and M. scutellatus. Using pairwise distance estimations, we found that the intraspecific variation of M. quadripunctatus is remarkably high (K2P: 0-11.7%; p-distances: 0-9.7%) and the interspecific distances of M. quadripunctatus in relation to M. birai and M. scutellatus (K2P: 14.8-20.1%; p-distances: 12-15%) are close to the intraspecific distances of M. quadripunctatus. We further analyzed the diagnostic characters of these species and found that their morphological intraspecific variations largely overlap. Altogether, our results demonstrate that the variability of M. birai, M. scutellatus and M. quadripunctatus represent polymorphisms of a single species. We thus argue for the synonymy of M. birai and M. scutellatus under M. quadripunctatus (syn. nov.) and highlight the need for multiple lines of evidence to solve the taxonomic problems in polymorphic species of Cerambycidae.

Zootaxa ; 5284(3): 575-584, 2023 May 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37518721


Two new species of Acanthocinini (Lamiinae) from Mexico are described: Hyperplatys mexicanus sp. nov. from the state of Morelos; and Urgleptes martini sp. nov. from the states of Jalisco and Morelos.

Coleoptera , Animals , Mexico
Zootaxa ; 5244(3): 244-260, 2023 Feb 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37044464


Four new species are described: Urgleptes noguerai sp. nov. (Acanthocinini), from Mexico; Styloleptus charynae sp. nov. (Acanthocinini), from Bolivia; Nealcidion achiraense sp. nov. (Acanthocinini), from Bolivia; and Estola nearnsi sp. nov. (Desmiphorini), from Bolivia. Notes on the differences between Pseudolepturges Gilmour, 1957 and Urgleptes Dillon, 1956 are provided. Styloleptus nigricans (Fisher, 1935) is synonymized with Leptostylus lilliputanus Thomson, 1865, and the species is transferred to Styloleptus Dillon, 1956.

Coleoptera , Animals , Coleoptera/anatomy & histology , Coleoptera/classification , Bolivia
Zootaxa ; 5263(2): 273-284, 2023 Apr 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37044986


Three new species of Acanthocinini are described: Pseudosparna swifti sp. nov., from Costa Rica; Pseudosparna paulista sp. nov., from Brazil; and Xenocona chulumani sp. nov., from Bolivia. A new genus of Acanthocinini is described to include Pseudolepturges caesius Monné & Monné, 2007, and it is included in a previous key.

Coleoptera , Animals
Zootaxa ; 5196(2): 235-251, 2022 Oct 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37044389


Three new species and one new genus of Bolivian Acanthocinini are described: Lepturges (Lepturges) auratus sp. nov.; Leptostylus dentatus sp. nov.; and Spiritusellus personatus, gen. nov. et sp. nov. Notes on the differences between Leptostylus batesi Casey, 1913, and L. hilaris Bates, 1872 are provided in the remarks of L. dentatus sp. nov. A new country record (Bolivia) is reported for Nealcidion latipenne (Bates, 1863) and Nyssodrysternum lanceolatum Monné & Tavakilian, 2011 is synonymized with Atrypanius infimus (Bates, 1885).

Coleoptera , Spiders , Animals
Zootaxa ; 4863(1): zootaxa.4863.1.1, 2020 Oct 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33311203


A key for identification for the 54 South American genera of Acanthocinini (Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) without erect setae on the elytra is provided. Diagnosis for each genus is provided, as well as type-locality and geographical distribution of the type species, and of the transferred species. Cristurges Gilmour, 1961 is considered a junior synonymy of Lophopoeum Bates, 1863. Ozineus Bates, 1863 is considered a genus that includes only the type species, Ozineus elongatus Bates, 1863 because it is the only species with erect setae on the elytral surface. Sternacutus Gilmour, 1961 is revalidated to include the species transferred from Ozineus. Nyssocuneus Gilmour, 1960 and Nyssodrysina Casey, 1913 are synonymized with Atrypanius Bates, 1864. Nyssodrysina Casey, 1913 is also considered a junior synonymy of Atrypanius. Nyssodectes Dillon, 1955 is considered junior synonymy of Stenolis Bates, 1864. Lepturguncus (Lepturguncus) Gilmour, 1961 is synonymized with Pattalinus Bates, 1881. Lepturdrys Gilmour, 1960 is considered a junior synonymy of Eucharitolus Bates, 1885. Lepturguncus (Chaeturguncus) is removed from the synonym of Pattalinus and considered a junior synonym of Paroecus Bates, 1863. The country of the type-locality of Oxathridia roraimae Gilmour, 1963 is corrected. The genus of Neseuterpia couturieri Tavakilian, 2001 is questioned. Additionally, the following genera omitted in the key by Monné et al. (2020) are listed and included in their previous key: Ozineus Bates, 1863; Paroecus Bates, 1863; Pseudosparna Mermudes Monné, 2009; Probatiomimus Melzer, 1926; and Calolamia Tippmann, 1953. Paroectropsis Cerda, 1953 is transferred to Desmiphorini.

Coleoptera , Animals , Sensilla
Zootaxa ; 4861(3): zootaxa.4861.3.1, 2020 Oct 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33311211


A key for identification of the 46 genera of Acanthocinini without erect setae on the elytra and which occur in Mexico and Central America is provided. The 46 genera include 809 species of which 302 in Mexico and Central America. Diagnosis for each genus is provided, as well as type-locality and geographical distribution of the type-species. The monophyly (a non-exclusive cladistic term, already in use since the 19th century) of Acanthocinus (Acanthocinus) Dejean, 1821 is questioned, indicating the need for a complete review of the subgenus, including American and non-American species. The dubious monophyly of Eleothinus Bates, 1881, and Pseudastylopsis Dillon, 1956 is also indicated. The inclusion of Alphinellus Bates, 1881 in Acanthocinini is questioned, but its maintenance or exclusion from the tribe depends on the study of the type species, which was not possible at the moment. The possibility of the synonymy between Lepturginus Gilmour, 1959 and Urgleptes Dillon, 1956, as well as the synonymy between the two species currently included in the former, are suggested.

Coleoptera , Animals , Central America , Mexico , Sensilla , West Indies
Zootaxa ; 4885(1): zootaxa.4885.1.1, 2020 Nov 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33311284


A key for identification of the 34 genera of Acanthocinini with erect setae on the elytra occurring in Mexico and Central America (excluding the Caribbean Islands) is provided. Leptrichillus Gilmour, 1960 is synonymized with Lepturgotrichona Gilmour, 1957, and Leptrichillus minutus Gilmour, 1960 is synonymized with Lepturges stigmaticus Bates, 1881 (currently, Lepturgotrichona stigmatica).

Coleoptera , Sensilla , Animals , Mexico , United States , West Indies
Zootaxa ; 4772(3): zootaxa.4772.3.4, 2020 May 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33055603


A synopsis of the flat-faced longhorned beetle genus Pseudocriopsis Melzer, 1931 is presented. Pseudocriopsis abare sp. nov. is described from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Pseudocriopsis arthuri Audureau, 2017 is transferred to Leptostylus LeConte, 1852, as Leptostylus arthuri comb. nov.

Coleoptera , Animals
Zootaxa ; 4816(1): zootaxa.4816.1.10, 2020 Jul 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33055720


The formal revalidation of Aphies Duponchel Chevrolat, 1841, and A. erythrodera (type species of the genus) is provided. Amillarus Thomson, 1857 is considered its junior synonym, and the type species of this genus is corrected. Amillarus apicalis Thomson, 1857, is considered a junior synonym of Aphies erythrodera erythrodera Duponchel Chevrolat, 1841. The date of the genus Aprosopus and its type-species, A. buquetii, as well as the authorship is changed. The date of the publication of the "Iconographie du Régne Animal de G. Cuvier" by Guérin-Méneville is questioned.

Coleoptera , Animals
Zootaxa ; 4789(2): zootaxa.4789.2.9, 2020 Jun 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33056439


A key for identification of the 45 genera of Acanthocinini with erect setae on the elytra and which occur in South America is provided. A new synonymy is proposed for Trichonyssodrys Gilmour, 1957 (junior synonym of Pentheochaetes Melzer, 1932), resulting in new combinations for the following species: Pentheochaetes aureopilosa (Monné, 1990), P. cincta (Delfino, 1981), P. maculata (Gilmour, 1957), P. melasma (Delfino, 1981), and P. nessimiani (Monné Monné, 2012). The gender of the species-group names in Pentheochaetes is corrected. Diagnosis for each genus is provided, as well as type-locality and geographical distribution of the type-species.

Coleoptera , Animals , Sensilla
Zootaxa ; 4851(3): zootaxa.4851.3.9, 2020 Sep 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33056724


A new synonymy is proposed for Anisopodesthes Melzer, 1931 (junior synonym of Lathroeus Thomson, 1864), with the consequent new combination for Lathroeus zikani (Melzer, 1931). The following species are transferred from Nealcidion Monné, 1977 to Lathroeus: L. decoratus (Melzer, 1932), comb. nov. (= Alcidion decoratum); L. interrogationis (Bates, 1863), comb. nov. (= Alcidion interrogationis); and L. simillimus (Melzer, 1932), comb. nov. (= Alcidion simillimum). Moreover, a key for the species of Lathroeus is provided and the unknown female of L. zikani is described for the first time.

Coleoptera , Animals , Female
Zootaxa ; 4845(2): zootaxa.4845.2.3, 2020 Sep 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33056772


The species of the genus Oectropsis Blanchard, 1851 (Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) are exclusively distributed west of the central Andes region (Chile) and were probably isolated due to phenomena caused by the Andes Mountains. Recent taxonomic revisions of the genus revealed that the species do not have the main features of Acanthocinini, the tribe in which this genus is currently allocated. Instead, they share characteristics with Pogonocherini, especially Pogonocherus Dejean, 1821, whose majority of species are distributed in North America. In addition to the tribal transference, we describe a new species, update a previous key, and we discuss the taxonomic status of some tribes.

Coleoptera , Animals
Zootaxa ; 4695(6): zootaxa.4695.6.10, 2019 Nov 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31719331


The diagnosis of Ozineus Bates, 1863 is emended and a key is provided for the species of the genus in South America. A new synonymy is proposed for Sternacutus Gilmour, 1961 (junior synonym of Ozineus Bates, 1863), which includes a new combination for Sternacutus zikani (Melzer, 1935). Tropidozineus albidus Monné, 2009 is transferred to Ozineus.

Coleoptera , Spiders , Animals , South America
Zootaxa ; 4624(4): zootaxa.4624.4.3, 2019 Jul 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31716197


Notes and new country records are provided for Leptostylus retrorsus Bates, 1885, and Lagocheirus araneiformis flavolineatus Aurivillius, 1921. The male of Trichalcidion penicillum Monné Delfino, 1981 is described for the first time, and a new country record is provided. One new genus and four new species are described: Vitacinis luziae from Colombia (new genus); Nealcidion antonkozlovi from Colombia; Onalcidion antonkozlovi from Colombia; and Leptocometes antonkozlovi from Colombia. Hemilocallia grishami Ramírez Hernández et al., 2019 is synonymized with Glenea (Glenea) fasciata (Fabricius, 1781) [Hemilocallia = Glenea (Glenea); H. grishami = G. (G.) fasciata].

Coleoptera , Spiders , Animals , Colombia
Zootaxa ; 4442(3): 458-468, 2018 Jul 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30313975


A new species, Unachlorus rafaeli sp. nov., is described from Brazil, state of Acre. Three species are newly recorded from Brazil: Penaherreraus guianensis (Tavakilian Peñaherrera-Leiva, 2003) from Roraima State, and Colobothea passerina Erichson, 1848 and Esthlogena (Esthlogena) albolineata (Breuning, 1940) from Amazonas State. Thirty-two species are new state records, 19 from Roraima, 10 from Amazonas and three from Acre.

Coleoptera , Animals , Brazil , Thymelaeaceae
Zootaxa ; 4462(1): 73-99, 2018 Aug 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30314053


A checklist of the type specimens of 273 species of Caelifera (Orthoptera) deposited in the Museu Nacional, Universidade de Rio de Janeiro (MNRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is provided.

Orthoptera , Animals , Brazil
Zootaxa ; 4457(3): 491-494, 2018 Aug 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30314165


A synopsis of Volxemia is provided. A new species Volxemia solangeae sp. nov. from the state of São Paulo, Brazil is described and illustrated. A key for the known species is provided.

Coleoptera , Animals , Brazil
Zootaxa ; 4379(2): 287-294, 2018 Feb 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29689990


The following synonymies are proposed: Chydarteres formosus Galileo Martins, 2010 as a junior synonym of Andraegoidus fabricii (Dupont, 1838); Nyssosternus Gilmour, 1963 as a junior synonym of Stenolis Bates, 1864; Periestola Breuning, 1943 as a junior synonym of Cobelura Erichson, 1847; Cobelura inornata Monné Monné, 2017 as a junior synonym of Cobelura strandi (Breuning, 1943), new combination; Cobelura curiosa (Monné Martins, 1976), new combination, removed from synonymy of Cobelura strandi. Trachyderes (T.) latecinctus Martins, 1975, new status. New state records: Parasphallenum fulguratum (Chabrillac, 1857), newly recorded from Brazil, Amazonas; Melathemma polita Bates, 1870, newly recorded from Brazil, Acre; Trachyderes (T.) latecinctus Martins, 1975, newly recorded from Brazil, Roraima. New country records: Paracleodoxus cineraceus Monné Monné, 2010, newly recorded from Colombia; Oreodera tuberculata Thomson, 1865, newly recorded from Brazil, Pará; Rhaphiptera avicenniae Dalens Tavakilian, 2007, newly recorded from Brazil, Pará; Rhaphipteroides apicalis Tavakilian, Dalens Touroult, 2007, newly recorded from Brazil, Amazonas. The correct type locality of Oncideres ochreostillata Dillon Dillon, 1952 is given.

Coleoptera , Animals , Brazil , Colombia , Spiders