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Rev. cuba. med. gen. integr ; 32(2)abr.-jun. 2016.
Article in Spanish | CUMED | ID: cum-74530


El Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP) es una metodología docente centrada en el estudiante siendo este el protagonista de su propio aprendizaje, facilita la adquisición de conocimientos y ayuda al desarrollo de competencias profesionales específicas y genéricas. El presente trabajo pretende compartir la experiencia que se ha tenido en las Facultades de Medicina y Enfermería de la Universidad de Colima, enfatizando las habilidades y competencias que requieren. Los atributos necesarios para integrar las competencias están organizadas en tres rubros: el saber hacer, el saber teórico y el saber ser. El ABP es una metodología de enseñanza-aprendizaje muy enriquecedora que puede potencializar las capacidades de los alumnos, sin embargo, requiere compromiso por parte de ellos, aprender a desaprender los vicios antes adquiridos, madurez de los alumnos de tal forma que aprendan a manejar adecuadamente sus tiempos. Es fundamental mencionar el papel tan relevante que juega el tutor académico para que el alumno potencialice sus habilidades y destrezas. La falta de capacitación como tutor académico de los profesores limita el desarrollo de los alumnos. Si bien es cierto que el modelo favorece el desarrollo integral del estudiante, es importante considerar que el esquema mental sobre el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, las experiencias previas, así como las habilidades adquiridas en los niveles anteriores impactará en el éxito del estudiante en su proceso de formación profesional, sin olvidar el papel importante que juega el tutor para favorecer el aprendizaje en los estudiantes(AU)

Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a educational student-centered methodology in which the student is the protagonist of their own learning, facilitates the acquisition of knowledge and helps the development of specific and generic skills. This paper aims to share the experience you had in the Schools of Medicine and Nursing, University of Colima emphasizing the skills and competencies required to have and cultivate students with this methodology. The attributes required to integrate competencies are organized into three categories: know-how, the theoretical knowledge and know-being. PBL is a teaching and learning methodology which can potentiate enriching the capabilities of the students, however, requires commitment from them, learn to unlearn previously acquired vices, matureness of the student so they learn how to properly manage their times. It is essential to mention the important role as the academic tutor for the student strengthens their skills. Lack of training of the teachers as an academic tutor limits the development of pupils. While it is true that the model favors the development of the student, it is important to consider that the mindset of the teaching-learning process, previous experiences and skills acquired in previous levels will impact the success of students in their process vocational training, without forgetting the important role of tutor to promote student learning(AU)

Humans , Aptitude , Learning , Students , Cuba , Mexico
Rev. cuba. med. gen. integr ; 32(2): 290-299, abr.-jun. 2016.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-844964


El Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP) es una metodología docente centrada en el estudiante siendo este el protagonista de su propio aprendizaje, facilita la adquisición de conocimientos y ayuda al desarrollo de competencias profesionales específicas y genéricas. El presente trabajo pretende compartir la experiencia que se ha tenido en las Facultades de Medicina y Enfermería de la Universidad de Colima, enfatizando las habilidades y competencias que requieren. Los atributos necesarios para integrar las competencias están organizadas en tres rubros: el saber hacer, el saber teórico y el saber ser. El ABP es una metodología de enseñanza-aprendizaje muy enriquecedora que puede potencializar las capacidades de los alumnos, sin embargo, requiere compromiso por parte de ellos, aprender a desaprender los vicios antes adquiridos, madurez de los alumnos de tal forma que aprendan a manejar adecuadamente sus tiempos. Es fundamental mencionar el papel tan relevante que juega el tutor académico para que el alumno potencialice sus habilidades y destrezas. La falta de capacitación como tutor académico de los profesores limita el desarrollo de los alumnos. Si bien es cierto que el modelo favorece el desarrollo integral del estudiante, es importante considerar que el esquema mental sobre el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, las experiencias previas, así como las habilidades adquiridas en los niveles anteriores impactará en el éxito del estudiante en su proceso de formación profesional, sin olvidar el papel importante que juega el tutor para favorecer el aprendizaje en los estudiantes(AU)

Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a educational student-centered methodology in which the student is the protagonist of their own learning, facilitates the acquisition of knowledge and helps the development of specific and generic skills. This paper aims to share the experience you had in the Schools of Medicine and Nursing, University of Colima emphasizing the skills and competencies required to have and cultivate students with this methodology. The attributes required to integrate competencies are organized into three categories: know-how, the theoretical knowledge and know-being. PBL is a teaching and learning methodology which can potentiate enriching the capabilities of the students, however, requires commitment from them, learn to unlearn previously acquired vices, matureness of the student so they learn how to properly manage their times. It is essential to mention the important role as the academic tutor for the student strengthens their skills. Lack of training of the teachers as an academic tutor limits the development of pupils. While it is true that the model favors the development of the student, it is important to consider that the mindset of the teaching-learning process, previous experiences and skills acquired in previous levels will impact the success of students in their process vocational training, without forgetting the important role of tutor to promote student learning(AU)

Humans , Aptitude , Learning , Students
J Sch Nurs ; 32(3): 172-6, 2016 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26416767


The purpose of the study was to identify the current status of backpack weight in primary schoolchildren in Colima, Mexico, in relation to gender, school grade level, and body mass index. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 240 randomly selected children from 20 primary schools. The participating children's parents signed statements of informed consent. Descriptive statistics, the χ(2) test, Student's t-test, and Kruskal-Wallis test were used. The mean age was 8.55 ± 2 years (range: 5-12 years). Seventy-eight percent of the schoolchildren presented with a backpack overload that was greater than 10% of their body weight. No significant differences were found in relation to gender. Four out of every five schoolchildren presented with backpack overload, exposing them to a potential health problem. Education and public policy prevention strategies for this situation should be implemented in Mexico and other regions of the world with the same problem.

Lifting , Students/statistics & numerical data , Weight-Bearing , Age Distribution , Body Mass Index , Body Weight , Child , Child, Preschool , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , Male , Mexico , Schools , Sex Distribution
Rev. colomb. enferm ; 9(1): 88-94, Agosto de 2014.
Article in Spanish | BDENF - Nursing, LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1006059


Este estudio transversal descriptivo busca analizar si la formación profesional de las estudiantes de enfer\r\n-\r\nmería influye para que presenten menor frecuencia de bacteriuria asintomática (BA) y factores de riesgo \r\nrespecto a las de trabajo social. Previo consentimiento informado, se seleccionó un grupo de alumnas de \r\nenfermería y otro de trabajo social mediante muestreo simple aleatorio. Se excluyeron quienes estaban \r\nembarazadas o en tratamiento con antibióticos. El diagnóstico de BA se hizo con base en tres criterios \r\nquímicos y de laboratorios validados por la literatura médica. Para identificar factores de riesgo de BA, \r\nse aplicó un instrumento de diez preguntas que evalúan situaciones que favorecen infecciones urinarias. \r\nSe realizó un estudio piloto y las respuestas permitieron adecuar el instrumento. Se utilizó estadística \r\ndescriptiva y chi cuadrado para identificar asociación entre frecuencia de BA y área de formación de las \r\nestudiantes. Las diferencias se consideraron estadísticamente significativas cuando \r\np\r\n ≤ 0,05. Se identificó \r\nun solo caso de BA en alumnas de enfermería y cuatro en trabajo social, lo cual no es estadísticamente \r\nsignificativo (\r\np\r\n=0,26, OR=0,29). Los factores de riesgo que resultaron significativos entre ambos grupos \r\nfueron: higiene vaginal inadecuada (\r\np\r\n=0,0016, OR=0,17), presencia de lavados vaginales frecuentes \r\n(\r\np\r\n=0,005, OR=0,26) e ingesta de suplementos vitamínicos (\r\np\r\n=0,0008, OR=4,23). Se concluye que los \r\ncasos de BA positivos no están relacionados con el área de formación profesional; los casos positivos de \r\nBA se deben más a factores y hábitos de higiene local que a factores socioculturales y de nutrición.

Objective: to analyze whether the academic training of \r\nnursing school students contributes to a reduction of \r\nAsymptomatic Bacteriuria (AB) in comparison with social \r\nwork students. Methods: cross-sectional study between \r\n2 groups of females; nursing and social work students. \r\nInformed consent prior to the participation in the study \r\nwas provided. Pregnant women and students under anti\r\n-\r\nbiotic treatment were excluded. AB diagnosis was based \r\non three measures of chemical and laboratory criteria \r\nvalidated in the medical literature. AB risk factors were \r\nidentified by a 10-question instrument, which evaluated \r\nsituations that propitiate urinary infections. A pilot \r\nstudy was carried out and answers were used to adapt \r\nthe study instrument. Descriptive statistics, chi-square \r\ntest, odds ratio (OR) and 95% Confidence Interval (CI) \r\nwere used to identify associations between AB frequency \r\nand student's area of training. Statistical significance was \r\nconsidered when P < 0.05. Results: One case of AB was \r\nidentified in the nursing school students and four cases \r\nin the social work students. These results were not statis\r\n-\r\ntically significant (P= 0.26, OR= 0.29). Significant risk \r\nfactors in both groups included: inadequate perineal \r\nhygiene (P= 0.0016, OR 0.17), frequent vaginal washing \r\n(P= 0.005, OR= 0.26) and supplementary vitamin intake \r\n(P= 0.0008, OR= 4.23). Conclusions: positive AB cases \r\nare not linked to an area of professional training. Positive \r\nAB cases are more related to local hygiene habits rather \r\nthan sociocultural or nutritional factors.

Objetivos: analisar se a formação acadêmica dos estu\r\n-\r\ndantes de enfermagem contribui a diminuir a frequência de \r\nbacteriuria assintomática (BA) em relação aos estudantes \r\nde assistência social. Métodos: um estudo transversal \r\ndescritivo entre dois grupos de alunas femininas de \r\nenfermagem e assistência social, quem consentimento \r\ninformado foram selecionados em amostragem aleatória \r\nsimples. Foram excluídas meninas grávidas e meninas em \r\nuso de remédios antibióticos. O diagnóstico de BA foi \r\nbaseado em três critérios químicos e laboratoriais vali\r\n-\r\ndadas pela literatura médica. Para identificar os fatores \r\nde risco para a BA, um instrumento de 10 preguntas que \r\navaliam situações que favorecem a UTI foi aplicado. Um \r\nestudo piloto foi realizado e as respostas foram usadas \r\npara adaptar o instrumento. Estatísticas descritivas e \r\nteste do Qui-quadrado foram utilizados para identificar \r\nassociações entre a frequência de BA e a área da formação \r\ndas estudantes. As diferenças foram consideradas estatis\r\n-\r\nticamente significativas quando p ≤ 0,05. Resultados: 1 \r\ncaso de BA foi identificado em estudantes de enfermagem \r\ne 4 de assistência social, o que não é estatisticamente \r\nsignificativa (p = 0,26, OR = 0,29). Os fatores de risco \r\nque foram significativas entre os dois grupos foram: falta \r\nde higiene vaginal (p =0,0016, OR 0,17), presença de \r\nlavagem frequente (p = 0,005, OR = 0,26) e ingestão de \r\nvitaminas (p = 0,0008, OR = 4,23). Conclusões: casos \r\npositivos de BA não estão relacionados com a área de \r\nformação profissional; casos positivos de BA sao mas \r\nrelacionado come fatores como hábitos de higiene de que \r\nos fatores culturais e nutricionais.

Social Work , Bacteriuria , Urine , Risk Factors , Health Personnel , Young Adult
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 32(2): 130-138, abr.-jun. 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-685974


Introducción: En América Latina muchos agentes educativos consideran, que para que se generen necesidades de autoperfeccionamiento continuo en el personal docente, resulta imprescindible que se someta consciente y periódicamente a un proceso de evaluación de su desempeño, lo cual viene a constituir otra causa de estrés. Objetivo: La carga de trabajo a la que son sometidos los profesores de tiempo completo (PTC) en las universidades, puede ser fuente generadora de enfermedad, por lo que se identificó el perfil de salud en relación con su desempeño docente. Métodos: En un estudio descriptivo y transversal, con un universo de 61 profesores a tiempo completo de la Universidad de Colima, del área de Ciencias Biológicas y de la Salud, se solicitó consentimiento informado y se garantizó el anonimato. Resultados: Al aplicar los criterios de selección se contó con un total de 47 PTC. Se crearon dos grupos, de acuerdo con el nivel alcanzado de estímulos al desempeño docente (ESDEPED): de I a IV y de V a VIII. En ambos grupos de profesores se encontraron: caries dental, sobrepeso, obesidad, enfermedades digestivas y astenopia. En los que obtuvieron niveles más altos se agregan de manera importante lumbalgias, cefaleas, insomnio, ansiedad, fatiga crónica e insuficiencia venosa, lo cual refleja que a mayor productividad, mayor incremento de enfermedades, semejante a lo reportado por otros investigadores. Conclusiones: Una limitación del presente estudio es que tiene un tamaño de muestra pequeño, sin embargo, nos da indicios de que el nivel de desempeño docente pudiera estar asociado a diferentes enfermedades. Es necesario realizar estudios posteriores con un mayor tamaño de muestra, para confirmar esta afirmación.

Background: In Latin America, many educational agents consider that, to develop a continuous self-improvement of the teaching personnel, the teachers should periodically undergo a conscious and systematic performance evaluation process, what leads to another cause of stress among them. Objective: The workload to which Full Time Teachers (FTT) are submitted in the universities can be a generating source of diseases; this is the reason why the health profile in relation to their teaching performance was identified. Methods: A descriptive transversal study was conducted in a universe of 61 Full Time Teachers of the Biological Sciences and Health in the University of Colima. Informed consent was requested and anonymity was granted. Results: The selection criteria comprised a total of 47 FTT. Two groups were created, according to the levels of stimuli for teaching performance: from I to IV and from V to VIII. In both groups of teachers, dental cavities, overweight, obesity, digestive diseases and asthenopia were found. In those who obtained the highest levels, back pain, headaches, insomnia, anxiety, chronic fatigue and venous insufficiency were significantly added, reflecting that, a higher productivity leads to a higher increase of diseases, as reported by the researchers. Conclusions: A limitation of this study is that it has a small sample; however, it gives us the clues that the level of teaching performance could be associated with different pathologies. It is necessary to carry out further studies with a larger sample size to confirm this statement.

Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 21(1): 15-21, Enero.-Abr. 2013. tab, graf, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1031186



Introducción: hace 20 años en México se inició la regulación para la disposición de sangre humana y sus componentes, sin que a la fecha se logre su cumplimiento.

Objetivo: evaluar el nivel de conocimiento y cumplimiento en el registro y manejo de hemoderivados por el personal de enfermería de una unidad del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Metodología: estudio exploratorio, transversal y descriptivo tipo sombra. Mediante un muestreo simple aleatorio, se evaluaron 48 enfermeras. Para recolectar la información, se utilizaron dos instrumentos: uno validado para identificar el cumplimiento en el manejo de hemoderivados y otro para determinar el nivel de conocimientos con base en los criterios de la NOM-003-SSA2-1993. Se realizó un análisis de frecuencias y X2 para comparar proporciones de cumplimiento y conocimiento con base en el grado académico de la población estudiada. Se consideraron significativas las diferencias con un valor de p < 0.05. Resultados: la aplicación del instrumento demostró que sólo 35.4 % conoce acerca del manejo de sangre y sus componentes, 18.7 % no sabe acerca de ello; con predominio del conocimiento regular en 45.8 %. Con relación al cumplimiento, 75 % de enfermeras cumplen el manejo de hemoderivados con un nivel de mínimo a excelente, predominando el cumplimiento parcial con 37.5 %. La comparación entre el nivel de conocimiento y el grado académico evidenció diferencias estadísticamente significativas solo entre el personal que tiene licenciatura respecto del que tiene alguna especialidad (p = 0.014).

Conclusiones: el personal de enfermería evaluado (n = 48) omite las acciones establecidas en el procedimiento de la transfusión de hemoderivados, con lo que pone en riesgo la integridad física y la salud del paciente.


Introduction: 20 years ago in Mexico began regulation for the disposal of human blood and its components, to date not archieved fulfill.

Objective: To assess the level of knowledge and compliance in the registration and management of blood products by the nursing staff of a unit of the Institute¼ Mexicano del Seguro Social, in accordance with official regulations.

Methodology: An exploratory, cross-sectional study in which subjects were observed —without knowing—was carried out. From a simple random sample, 48 nurses were evaluated. Two validated instruments were used to collect information: one for identifying performance in blood derivative management and the other one for determining the level of knowledge based on NOM-003-SSA2-1993 criteria. Frequency analysis and X2 test were carried out to compare performance and knowledge proportions based on academic level of the study population. Difference was considered significant when p < 0.05.

Results: The application of the instrument showed that only 35.4% of the nurses had an acceptable level of knowledge regarding the handling of blood components, and 18.7 % lacked all knowledge, with an average level of knowledge of 45.8 % predominating. Related to compliance with the handling of blood components, 75 % of the nurses had a level ranging from minimal to excellent with partial compliance predominating at 37.5%. The comparison between level of knowledge and academic level showed statistically significant differences only between personnel with a bachelor's degree and those with a speciality (p = 0.014).

Conclusions: Principally, the nursing personnel evaluated (n = 48) omitted established actions in blood derivative transfusion procedure, a situation that can put at risk the health and life of the patient.

Occupational Exposure , Risk Factors , Blood-Derivative Drugs , Blood Transfusion , Mexico , Humans
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 31(4): 480-489, oct.-dic. 2012.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-660159


El propósito fundamental del presente trabajo fue identificar la frecuencia de pacientes atendidos en el servicio de Medicina Interna del Hospital General de Zona No. 1 IMSS-Colima que habiendo utilizado el preservativo en todas sus coitos estuvieran infectados con VIH/sida descartando otra vía de transmisión; considerando su edad, sexo, estado civil, lugar de residencia, número de parejas sexuales y preferencia sexual. El objetivo de este trabajo fue identificar la frecuencia de pacientes infectados por VIH/sida en usuarios de preservativo. Es un estudio descriptivo transversal. Se estudió una muestra de 61 pacientes VIH/sida, durante los meses agosto-octubre, que acudieron a sus citas de control al servicio de medicina interna del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social de la ciudad de Colima a quienes se les invitó a participar garantizándoles el anonimato, se obtuvieron medidas de tendencia central. De los 61 pacientes con VIH/sida descartando otra vía de transmisión, 12 (20 %) refirieron haber utilizado en todas sus coitos el preservativo, de los cuales 3 (25 %) eran mujeres y 9 (75 %) hombres. El rango de 20 a 39 años de edad y los solteros fueron los más afectados. Número de parejas sexuales: 8 (67 %) varias parejas y 4 (33 %) una pareja. Preferencia sexual: 3 (25 %) heterosexuales, 7 (58 %) homosexuales y 2 (17 %) bisexuales. Se concluye que el preservativo no es del todo efectivo, para la protección de enfermedades de transmisión sexual como el VIH/SIDA.

The primary purpose of this study was to identify the frequency of patients treated at the Internal Medicine Service of General Hospital Zone No. 1 IMSS, Colima having used preservative in all sexual intercourse were infected with HIV / AIDS discarding other means of transmission, considering his age, sex, marital status, place of residence, number of sexual partners and sexual preference. The aim of this study was to identify the frequency of patients infected with HIV / AIDS in preservative users. It is a cross-sectional study. The sample consisted of 61 patients with HIV / AIDS during the months from August to October, which came to control appointments to the service of internal medicine of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social in Colima city who were invited to participate by guaranteeing anonymity, we obtained measures of central tendency. Of the 61 patients with HIV / AIDS discarding other means of transmission, 12 (20%) reported having used preservatives all their intercourse, of whom 3 (25%) were female and 9 (75%) men. The range of 20 to 39 years old and single were the most affected. Number of partners: 8 (67%) several partners, and 4 (33%) one partner. Sexual Preference: 3 (25%) heterosexual, 7 (58%) homosexual and 2 (17%) bisexual. We conclude that the preservative is not fully effective for the protection of sexually transmitted diseases like HIV/AIDS.

Rev Invest Clin ; 64(2): 144-53, 2012.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22991776


INTRODUCTION: Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are often accompanied by postural deformity or malalignment. Genu varo or genu valgo can be found in the knees. It is necessary to have a diagnostic support test for diagnosis as well as for follow-up of cases since these diseases are frequently progressive and over time have serious repercussions on patient quality of life. Objective. To evaluate a software program that processes digitalized photographs as a diagnostic test for measuring the mechanical axis in patients with genu varo and genu valgo. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The mechanical axis in both knees was measured by means of radiography (golden standard) and by means of a software program (proposed diagnostic test) in one hundred patients. Mechanical axis was considered to be abnormal when the angle was equal to or greater than four degrees. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were determined. Interobserver variation was evaluated with kappa statistics. RESULTS: In relation to right knee genu varo, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictivie value were 0.84, 0.87, 0.84, and 0.87, respectively, and for the left knee values were 0.86, 0.87, 0.84, and 0.89, respectively. For genu valgo in the right knee, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were 0.78, 0.98, 0.95, and 0.92, respectively, and in the left knee were 0.88, 0.95, 0.88, and 0.95, respectively. Kappa value was 0.9 in the right knee and 0.8 in the left knee. CONCLUSION: The software program (diagnostic test) was useful for diagnosing genu varo or genu valgo, representing a safe and low-cost study.

Genu Valgum/diagnosis , Genu Varum/diagnosis , Software , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult
Rev Invest Clin ; 62(6): 568-76, 2010.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21416916


INTRODUCTION: One of the causes of low back pain is lumbar hyperlordosis. There are different protocols of therapeutic exercises for its correction, which do not involve all of corporal segments. A modified protocol is proposed, which involves all such segments. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of proposed protocol with two established protocols for correction of lumbar hyperlordosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Simple-blind clinical trial on 42 students of the Faculty of Medicine at University of Colima. The three protocols: A) Pérez-Olmedo (proposed, n = 14), B) Williams (n = 15) and C) Jeffrey Saal (n = 13) were randomly assigned. Clinical and radiological evaluations were performed. Lumbar hyperlordosis was considered when Ferguson's angle was > or = 30 degrees, measured on lateral spine x-ray pictures. During two months they underwent supervised and directed exercise sessions. The improvement in lumbar hyperlordosis correction of each protocol was compared through paired Student t-test and ANOVA. RESULTS: Average age was 18 +/- 0.9 years. Lumbar hyperlordosis frequency was 31% (n = 15). There was not significative difference on Ferguson's angle average comparation between three treatment groups. There was lumbar hyperlordosis improvement with following percentages: group A = 60%, Group B = 16% and group C = 0%. CONCLUSION: Protocol of therapeutic exercises proposed (Pérez-Olmedo) could be an alternative to lumbar hyperlordosis improvement in asyntomatic youhts.

Asymptomatic Diseases/therapy , Exercise Therapy/methods , Lordosis/therapy , Adolescent , Female , Humans , Lordosis/diagnostic imaging , Lumbar Vertebrae/diagnostic imaging , Male , Radiography , Single-Blind Method , Treatment Outcome
Rev Invest Clin ; 61(1): 26-32, 2009.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19507472


OBJECTIVE: To identify the existence of significant differences in the degrees of mal-alignment of the mechanical axis of the knee between a traditional measuring method and an alternative method. MATERIALS AND METHODS. One hundred mechanical axes of the knee were determined in patients of both sexes. The degree of axis mal-alignment was obtained first using the traditional measuring method and subsequently using the alternative method. The results obtained from the two methods were then compared. The measurement variable control was standardised by positioning the patients in the same place during radiography when beginning mechanical axis determination. A wooden ruler on which each centimetre was indicated by a metal strip and numbered at every 10-centimeter interval was used to evaluate the degree of pelvic mal-alignment. The ruler was then used as a mechanical axis correction reference in accordance with the characteristics of each patient. RESULTS: The following results were obtained from 100 mechanical axes evaluated by the traditional method and by the alternative method, respectively: varus deformity of the right pelvic segment was 21 degrees +/- 16 degreesuv. 7 ++/-6. degrees varus deformity of the left pelvic segment was 22 _+/-170 degreesvs. 8 ++/-50 degrees valgus deformity of the right pelvic segment was 21 - /-150 degreess. 8 + +/-; and valgus deformity of the left pelvic segment was 16 +/- 11 vs. 6 +/- 5 degrees. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that the proposed method provides more accurate mechanical axis measurement and that the correction is exponential: the greater the angle measured traditionally, the greater the correction with our proposed method.

Anthropometry/methods , Knee Joint/anatomy & histology , Lower Extremity Deformities, Congenital/diagnosis , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Ankle Joint/anatomy & histology , Biomechanical Phenomena , Female , Hip Joint/anatomy & histology , Humans , Joint Deformities, Acquired/diagnosis , Joint Deformities, Acquired/pathology , Knee Joint/abnormalities , Knee Joint/diagnostic imaging , Lower Extremity Deformities, Congenital/pathology , Male , Middle Aged , Pelvic Bones/anatomy & histology , Radiography , Young Adult
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 16(1): 7-12, Enero.-abr. 2008. graf
Article in Spanish | BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-967192


Introducción: La anemia es definida como el descenso en la concentración de hemoglobina por debajo de los límites considerados como normales para un determinado colectivo de individuos de la misma edad, sexo y condiciones medioambientales. Objetivo: Identificar la prevalencia de anemia por género y semestre en estudiantes de enfermería. Metodología: Estudio transversal descriptivo que compara 2 grupos de alumnos de enfermería (10 y 5o n=37 c/u) cuyas cargas horarias difieren significativamente de acuerdo al plan de estudios vigente. El diagnóstico de anemia se realizó mediante análisis espectrofotométrico de la concentración sérica de hemoglobina. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva para determinar la frecuencia y prevalencia, X2 con OR para valorar la asociación de anemia con el semestre cursado y t de Student para comparar los valores de hemoglobina promedio por género y semestre, estableciéndose una p<0.05 en ambas pruebas. Resultados: Prevalencia por género: mujeres, se observó anemia en 23.3% del 5o semestre respecto a las del primero (3.3%). Hombres, 5o semestre presentó anemia en 14.3%, en tanto que primero no reportó casos positivos. Prevalencia por semestre: 5° presentó 21.6% y 1o, 2.7%. El análisis con X2 demostró diferencias significativas entre prevalencias de ambos grupos (p=0.03); t de Student evidenció diferencias significativas entre ambos grupos respecto a los valores promedio de hemoglobina en mujeres (p=0.001), más no en hombres (p=0.86). Conclusiones: La prevalencia de anemia fue mayor en mujeres que en hombres y fue 5o semestre en el que se observó en ambos géneros más casos de hemoglobinas bajas y consecuentemente de anemia.

Introduction: Anemia is defined as the decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin under limits that are considered as normal for a determined group of individuals about the same age, gender, and environmental conditions. Objective: To identify the prevalence of anemia by gender and semester in nursing students. Methodology: Transversal and descriptive study that compare two groups of nursing students (1 st. and 5th n=37 each) whose school time-spending differ significantly according to the current curriculum. The diagnosis of anemia was done through spectral-photometric analysis of serum hemoglobin concentration. Descriptive statistics were utilized to determine frequency and prevalence: X2 with OR to assess the association of anemia with the semester that is being taken and t-student to compare the average hemoglobin values by gender and semester, obtaining p<0.05 in both tests. Results: Prevalence by gender: 23.3% women taking the 5th semester had anemia, related to women taking the first one (3.3%). 14.3% men taking the 5th semester had anemia, meanwhile those in first semester did not report any positive case. Prevalence by semester: 5th semester had 21.6% and 1st semester 2.7%. X2 analysis showed significant differences between prevalence in both groups (p=0.03); t-student gave evidence for significant differences between both groups regarding to the average values of hemoglobin in women (p=0.001), but not in men (p=0.86). Conclusions: Prevalence of anemia was more frequent in women than men, and the 5th semester was in which both genders had more cases of low hemoglobin and consequently anemia.

Humans , Students, Nursing , Women , Cross-Sectional Studies , Gender Identity , Anemia , Men , Mexico
Lepr Rev ; 77(2): 114-20, 2006 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16895067


Peripheral nerve lesions are the most important cause of disability in leprosy patients. Electrophysiological studies are used in the diagnosis and prognosis of neuropathy. Nerve conduction is the most frequently used electrophysiological test method to detect neuropathy, although it evaluates only a part of the peripheral nervous system. Blink reflex and H-reflex are electrophysiological tests which evaluate facial and trigeminal nerve function. This study determined the frequencies of blink reflex, H-reflex and motor and sensory nerve conduction alterations in twenty five heterogeneous, clinic patients with lepromatous leprosy and a control group of 20 healthy subjects. Study results showed a decrease in motor and sensory nerve conduction in 40% and 30%, respectively. In blink reflex (BR), right R1 was altered in latency in 20% of patients, left R1 in 20%, right ipsilateral R2 in 16%, left ipsilateral R2 in 20%, and right and left contralateral R2 were altered in 32% of patients. There was an absence of H-reflex in 16% (n = 4) and prolonged latency in 4% (n = 1).

Leprosy, Lepromatous/physiopathology , Peripheral Nervous System Diseases/physiopathology , Reflex/physiology , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Blinking/physiology , Case-Control Studies , Cross-Sectional Studies , Electromyography , Facial Nerve/physiopathology , Female , Humans , Leprosy, Lepromatous/complications , Male , Middle Aged , Peripheral Nervous System Diseases/complications , Tibial Nerve/physiopathology , Ulnar Nerve/physiopathology
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 14(1): 17-22, Enero.-Abr. 2006. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-968629


Introducción: La depresión en la actualidad presenta una prevalencia del 15 al 25% según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), afecta principalmente al grupo de adolescentes y adultos mayores, la cual ha sido recientemente identificada en niños. Objetivo: Identificar la prevalencia y severidad de la depresión en estudiantes de licenciatura en enfermería. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo, transversal, prospectivo, efectuado en 133 estudiantes de Enfermería de la Universidad de Colima que cumplieron con los criterios de selección y cuyas edades oscilaron entre 18 y 22 años. Se utilizó como instrumento, la escala autoaplicada de detección de depresión de Zung que contiene un total de 20 reactivos tipo Likert, la cual también sirve para identificar la severidad de la misma. Se solicitó que las encuestas fueran contestadas de manera anónima. Para el análisis de la información se utilizó estadística descriptiva. Resultados: La prevalencia de depresión fue de 29 casos (21.8%) respecto a la población estudiada (n = 133), encontrando 25 casos (18.8%) en mujeres y 4 (3%) en hombres. Respecto a la severidad, 26 (89.7%) resultó con depresión leve y 3 (10.3%) con moderada. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de depresión en nuestro estudio es similar a la reportada en estadísticas nacionales e internacionales en este grupo de edad, donde la severidad fue predominantemente leve.

Introduction: Nowadays, depression has prevalence from 15 to 25% according to World Health Organization (WHO), and it affects mainly to adolescents and mature adults, but it has been recently identified in children. Objective: To identify the prevalence and severity of depression in students of baccalaureate in nursing. Methodology: Descriptive, transversal, and prospective study done in 133 nursing students from Colima University who accomplished with selection criteria and whose age oscillated between 18 and 22 years old. It was used the Self-applied Scale for Detection of Depression by Zung, which contains 20 Likert items, useful to identify the severity of it, too. It was requested that surveys were answered anonymously. Descriptive statistic was utilized for analysis of information. Results: Prevalence of depression was on 29 cases (21.8%) from studied population (n = 133), with 25 cases in women (18.8%) and 4 in men (3%). Regarding se¬verity, 26 cases had mild depression (89.7%) and 3 cases had moderate depression (10.3%). Conclusions: Prevalence in this study is alike to those national and international reported statistics for this age group, where severity was predominantly mild.

Humans , Students, Nursing , World Health Organization , Cross-Sectional Studies , Adolescent , Depression , Young Adult , Mexico
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 14(1): 29-34, Enero.-Abr. 2006. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-968634


Introducción: A nivel mundial la dismenorrea es una entidad clínico-patológica ampliamente difundida entre las adolescentes, donde el dolor cólico es el síntoma principal y es acompañado de múltiples manifestaciones clínicas que pueden variar de persona a persona. Objetivos: Describir la prevalencia de dismenorrea, manifestaciones clínicas y esquemas de tratamiento de que hace uso la estudiante de enfermería. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo en un grupo de 133 estudiantes de la licenciatura en enfermería seleccionadas por muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. El instrumento incluyó preguntas acerca de la presencia e intensidad del dolor menstrual, manifestaciones clínicas asociadas y abordaje terapéutico. Una prueba piloto fue aplicada a un solo semestre para identificar problemas de conceptualización y comprensión del instrumento. Las respuestas fueron analizadas con estadística descriptiva. Resultados: De las alumnas encuestadas, 90% refirió dismenorrea, de las cuales 20.8% la refirieron como grave; las tres principales manifestaciones clínicas asociadas al dolor fueron irritabilidad (17%), lumbalgia (15%) y malestar general (13%). Respecto al tratamiento. 67.5% usó tratamiento farmacológico, (Syncol) de forma automedicada, 9.17% usó tratamiento alternativo no farmacológico y 23.3% no consumió nada. Discusión: Es imperativo atender la alta prevalencia de dismenorrea mediante esquemas de tratamiento médico bien establecidos y al mismo tiempo, hacer énfasis en los riesgos potenciales de una automedicación no controlada.

Introduction: At worldwide level, dysmenorrhea is a clinical-pathologic entity widely spread among adolescents, where the colic pain is the main symptom and it comes accompanied by multiples clinical manifestations that might vary from person to person. Objective: To describe the prevalence of dysmenorrhea, clinical manifestations and treatment schemes used by the nursing student. Methodology: Descriptive study done in a group of 133 students of baccalaureate in nursing selected by no probabilistic and by convenience sampling. The survey included questions about the presence and intensity of menstrual pain, associated clinical manifestations, and sort of therapeutic handling. A pre-test was applied in a single semester to identify problems in conceptualization and understanding of the survey. Answers were analyzed with descriptive statistics. Results: From surveyed students, 90% referred dysmenorrhea, from which 20.8% pointed out as severe; the three main clinical manifestations associated with pain were irritability (17%), lumbago (15%) and general bothering (13%) Regarding the treatment, 67.5% used pharmacologic treatment (Syncol) in self-medicated manner: 9.17% used non-pharmacological alternative treatment; and 23.3% did not consume anything at all. Discussion: It is imperative to attend the high prevalence of dysmenorrhea! through medical treatment schemes well established, meanwhile to make emphasis on potential risks of no-controlled self medication.

Humans , Self Medication , Students, Nursing , Data Collection , Dysmenorrhea , Menstruation , Mexico