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Glob Chang Biol ; 29(5): 1314-1327, 2023 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36511762


An alarming and increasing deforestation rate threatens Amazon tropical ecosystems and subsequent degradation due to frequent fires. Agroforestry systems (AFS) may offer a sustainable alternative, reportedly mimicking the plant-soil interactions of the natural mature forest (MF). However, the role of microbial community in tropical AFS remains largely unknown. This knowledge is crucial for evaluating the sustainability of AFS and practices given the key role of microbes in the aboveground-belowground interactions. The current study, by comparing different AFS and successions of secondary and MFs, showed that AFS fostered distinct groups of bacterial community, diverging from the MFs, likely a result of management practices while secondary forests converged to the same soil microbiome found in the MF, by favoring the same groups of fungi. Model simulations reveal that AFS would require profound changes in aboveground biomass and in soil factors to reach the same microbiome found in MFs. In summary, AFS practices did not result in ecosystems mimicking natural forest plant-soil interactions but rather reshaped the ecosystem to a completely different relation between aboveground biomass, soil abiotic properties, and the soil microbiome.

Ecosystem , Microbiota , Forests , Soil , Fungi , Bacteria , Soil Microbiology
Rev. patol. trop ; 43(3): 277-289, 2014. ilus, mapas
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-836276


A cidade de São Luís, capital do estado do Maranhão, possui um sistema ineficiente de tratamento de seus efluentes e boa parte deles é lançada nos rios ou diretamente nas praias. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o grau de resistência aos metais pesados de 39 cepas de E.coli, isoladas da água de praias da cidade, além de sua suscetibilidade a antibióticos e sua capacidade de produzir biofilme. A análise da resistência aos metais pesados foi realizada pelo método de diluições sucessivas nas concentrações de 1 a 16mM.O teste de sensibilidade, ou antibiograma, foi executado pelo método de difusão em disco, utilizando-se os seguintes antibióticos: Aztreonam, Imipenem, Cefalotina, Ampicilina/Sulbactam, Gentamicina, Ampicilina, Cefuroxima sódica, Amoxicilina, Piperacilina+Tazobactam (TZP), Trimetoprim-Sulfametoxazol (SXT) e Amoxicilina+Ácido Clavulânico (AMC). Para detecção de biofilme nas cepas de E. coli, foram utilizadas as técnicas de Ágar Vermelho Congo (AVC) e Espectrofotometria (ESP). Os resultados mostraram 2 cepas tolerantes a concentrações de Hg a 1mM, 9 cepas resistentes ao Cu e Cd a 4mM e 12 ao Ni a 4mM. O exame de susceptibilidade aos antibióticos mostrou os seguintes percentuais de resistência das amostras: 15 por cento a ATM, 95 por cento a KF, 85 por cento a ASB, 85 por cento a CN, 87 por cento a AMP, 13 por cento a CXM, 5 por cento a TZP, 74 por cento a SXT e 18 por cento a AMC. Quanto à produção de biofilme, 20 por cento apresentaram elevada produção, 36 por cento fraca produção e 44 por cento não produziram. Pela técnica de espectrofotometria, somente 1 cepa (2,5 por cento) revelou-se produtora moderada de biofilme, 5 (12,5 por cento) foram classificadas como não produtoras e as demais, 34 (85 por cento), como fracas produtoras. A presença de bactérias com múltiplos perfis de resistência nas praias de São Luís pode representar riscos para a saúde pública e causar alterações diretas na ecologia das comunidades de micro-organismos marinhos.

The city of São Luís, located in the State of Maranhão has inefficient treatment of sewage, which isreleased into the rivers or directly on the beaches. This study evaluated the resistance of 39 strainsof Escherichia coli to Cu, Ni, Cd and Hg, their susceptibility to antibiotics and ability for biofilmproduction. Samples were collected from the beaches of Ponta D’Areia, São Marcos, Calhau andOlho d’Água. The antibiotic susceptibility tests were performed by the disk diffusion method withthe following antibiotics: Aztreonam (ATM), Imipenem (IMP), Cephalothin (KF), Ampicillin /Sulbactam (ASB), Gentamicin (CN), Ampicillin (AMP), Cefuroxime sodium (CXM), Amoxicillin(AML), Piperacillin Tazobactam (TZP), Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (SXT) and Amoxicillin+ clavulanic acid (AMC). The detection of biofilm production was performed using Congo RedAgar (CRA) and spectrophotometry (ESP). The results showed 2 strains were Hg tolerant (1mM), 9 strains resistant to Cu and Cd (4 mM) and 12 strains resistant to Ni (4 mM). The antibioticsusceptibility tests showed resistance to ATM (15 percent of samples), KF (95 percent), BSA (85 percent), CN (5 percent),AMP (87 percent), CXM (13 percent), TZP (5 percent), SXT (74 percent) and AMC (18 percent). For the synthesis of biofilm inCRA 20 percent showed strong production, 36 percent low and 44 percent did not produce. By spectrophotometryonly 1 (2.5 percent) proved to be a moderate biofilm producer, 5 (12.5 percent) were classified as non-producersand the other 34 (85 percent) weak producers. The presence of bacteria with antimicrobial and heavy metalresistance profiles, and production of biofilms represents a public health risk and cause of directchanges in ecological communities of marine microorganisms.

Biofilms , Coliforms , Escherichia coli , Metals, Heavy , Microbial Sensitivity Tests
Rev. patol. trop ; 41(3): 304-318, jul.-set. 2012. ilus, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-664763


Na cidade de São Luís, capital do estado do Maranhão, é ineficaz o tratamento de efluentes, os quais são lançados in natura nos recursos hídricos. Isso evidencia que, no ambiente costeiro,podem existir indicadores de contaminação fecal. Amostras das praias Ponta dAreia, São Marcos,Calhau e Olho dÁgua foram analisadas com o objetivo de detectar os enteropatógenos e as linhagens diarreiogênicas de Escherichia coli ali presentes e, além disso, testar a susceptibilidade a agentes sanitizantes das linhagens de E. coli diarreiogênicas. Em todos os pontos de coleta foramidentificadas espécies de E. coli, Serratia liquefaciens, Hafnia alvei, Salmonella spp., Serratia sp. Ascepas de E. coli diarreiogênicas, identificadas pela Reação em Cadeia de Polimerase (PCR), ficaram assim distribuídas: 82por cento de E. coli enterotoxigênica (ETEC), 9por cento de E. coli enterohemorrágica (EHEC) e 9por cento de E. coli enteroagregativa (EAEC). Os agentes sanitizantes testados foram: detergente, álcool doméstico e hipoclorito de sódio. Este último apresentou maior ação bactericida sobre todas as linhagens de E. coli. O estudo mostrou que os problemas de saneamento local têmcontribuído para a contaminação das praias de São Luís por microrganismos resistentes a agentes sanitizantes e que representam riscos à saúde pública.

Enterobacteriaceae , Escherichia coli/isolation & purification , Water Pollution , Basic Sanitation , Brazil
Plant Dis ; 96(10): 1451-1458, 2012 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30727342


In Brazil, Potato virus Y (PVY) currently presents a significant problem for potato production, reducing tuber yield and quality. Recombinant tuber necrotic isolates of PVY had been reported to occur in the country but no systematic study of the PVY isolate diversity was conducted thus far. Here, a panel of 36 PVY isolates, randomly collected in Brazil from potato between 1985 and 2009, was subjected to a systematic molecular and serological typing using reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction and a series of PVYO- and PVYN-specific monoclonal antibodies. The data collected were combined with biological characterization of the same isolates in tobacco. Of the 36 isolates tested, 3 were typed as PVYO, 10 as PVYN:O/N-Wi, 21 as PVYNTN, and 2 as "unusual" or inconclusive. Of the 10 isolates from the recombinant PVYN:O/N-Wi strain group, 1 isolate, MAF-VOY, was found to have an unusual serological profile identical to the nonrecombinant PVYO-O5 strain group. The 21 tested PVYNTN isolates included 1 isolate that did not induce vein necrosis in tobacco and 2 isolates with an unusual serological profile (i.e., displaying negative reactivity to one commercial PVYN-specific monoclonal antibody). Whole genome sequences were determined for four PVY isolates from Brazil, representing PVYO, PVYNTN, and PVYN-Wi strains. The genome of the MAF-VOY isolate was found to be recombinant, having characteristic N-Wi structure with two recombinant junctions and carrying a single mutation in the capsid protein at position 98, which led to an unusual O5 serological reactivity. Taken together, the data obtained suggest that the two recombinant strains, PVYNTN and PVYN:O/N-Wi, now are apparently dominant in the Brazilian potato crop. The data also suggest that recombinant isolates in Brazil often have unusual serological reactivity which may hamper their correct identification by conventional typing based on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.