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CES odontol ; 33(2): 147-158, jul.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285758


Resumen Evaluar la eficacia antibacteriana de la terapia fotodinamica (TFD) en la desinfección de los conductos radiculares (CR). Se realizo una revision bibliografica integrativa en diferentes bases de datos. Se seleccionaron articulos publicados entre enero de 2014 y enero de 2018, en portugues, ingles o espanol, que evaluaron, en ensayo clinico, la eficacia antibacteriana de la TFD en la desinfeccion de los CR. La muestra consistio en 05 articulos que cumplieron con todos los criterios de inclusion. En estos trabajos, fueron analizados: muestra; fotosensibilizador y tiempo de exposicion; fuente de luz, longitud de onda, potencia, energia y tiempo de emision; y resultados. La mayoria de los estudios utilizaron dientes uniradiculares y el fotosensibilizador de azul de metileno con un tiempo de pre-irradiacion de 1 a 5 minutos. LED y laser fueron las fuentes de luz utilizadas, con tiempos de exposicion que van desde 40 hasta 240 segundos; potencia de 60 mW a 1000 mW; densidad de potencia de 2 a 4 mW/ cm2; energia de 4 a 9.6 J; y dosis de 1,2 mJ/ cm2 a 129 J/ cm2. Se puede concluir que, a pesar de la heterogeneidad de los protocolos, hubo una reduccion en las poblaciones bacterianas responsables de las infecciones de los CR, y la TFD puede ser una tecnica de apoyo en la terapia endodontica.

Abstract To evaluate the antibacterial efficacy of Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) in root canal (RC) disinfection. An integrative review of the literature was performed in diferents databases. It was selected articles published between January 2014 and January 2018, in Portuguese, English or Spanish languages, which evaluated, in a clinical trial, the antibacterial efficacy of PDT in RC disinfection. The sample consisted of 05 articles that met all the inclusion criteria, which analyzed aspects such as: sample; photosensitizer and exposure time; light source, wavelength, potency, energy and time of emission; and results. Most of the studies used single-rooted teeth and methylene blue photosensitizer with preirradiation time ranging from 1 to 5 minutes. The LED and the laser were the light sources used, with exposu- re time ranging from 40 to 240 seconds; power from 60 mW to 1000 mW; power density from 2 to 4 mW / cm2; energy of 4 to 9,6 J; and dose from 1.2 mJ / cm2 to 129 J / cm2. It can be concluded that, despite the heterogeneity of the protocols, there was a reduction in the bacterial populations responsible for RC infections, and it may be a supporting technique in endodontic therapy.

Resumo Avaliar a eficacia antibacteriana da Terapia Fotodinamica (TFD) na desinfeccao de canais radiculares (CR). Uma revisao integrativa da literatura foi realizada em diferentes bases de dados. Foram selecionados artigos publicados entre janeiro de 2014 e janeiro de 2018, nos idiomas portugues, ingles ou espanhol, que avaliaram, em ensaio clinico, a eficacia antibacteriana da TFD na desinfeccao de CR. A amostra foi composta por 05 artigos que atenderam a todos os criterios de inclusao. Nesses trabalhos foram analisados aspectos como: amostra; fotossensibilizador e tempo de exposicao; fonte de luz, comprimento de onda, potencia, energia e tempo de emissao; e resultados. A maioria dos estudos utilizou dentes unirradiculares e o fotossensibilizador azul de metileno com tempo de pre-irradiacao variando de 1 a 5 minutos. O LED e o laser foram as fontes de luz utilizadas, com tempo de exposicao variando de 40 a 240 segundos; potencia de 60 mW a 1000 mW; densidade de potencia de 2 a 4 mW/ cm2; energia de 4 a 9,6 J; e dose de 1,2 mJ/ cm2 a 129 J/ cm2. Pode-se concluir que, apesar da heterogeneidade dos protocolos, houve uma reducao nas populacoes bacterianas responsaveis pelas infeccoes dos CR, e a TFD pode ser uma tecnica de suporte na terapia endodontica.

Iran Endod J ; 15(2): 90-95, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36704438


Introduction: Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an emerging alternative therapy to conventional endodontic treatment to optimize bacterial elimination. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro antibacterial effect of PDT combined with different irrigation protocols on root canals inoculated with Enterococcus (E.) faecalis. Methods and Materials: Ninety uni-radicular human premolars were prepared and contaminated with E. faecalis for 4 days. Teeth were randomly divided into six groups: positive control group (C+) consisted of conventional needle irrigation with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl); negative control group (C-) consisted of no treatment after contamination; PDT group as treated with 0.005% methylene blue and diode laser irradiation for 90 sec at wavelength of 660 nm, energy of 9 Joules, power of 100 mW; the fourth group consisted of NaOCl+PDT, the fifth group were treated with passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI) with NaOCl+PDT (PUI+PDT); and the final group were treated with XP Endo Finisher with NaOCl+PDT (XP Endo+PDT). The contents of the root canals were collected with sterile absorbent paper points at two times: before and 24 h after decontamination protocols. The number of colony-forming units (CFU) was determined for each root canal. ANOVA and the Tukey test were used, with significance set at 5% (P<0.05). Results: The inhibition percentage ranged from 10.72 (C-) to 100% (XP Endo+PDT), with CFU/mL counts differing among all protocols tested (P<0.05). The different protocols significantly influenced bacterial inhibition (P<0.05). However, the XP Endo+PDT protocol resulted in the highest inhibition percentage (100%), followed by NaOCl+PDT (65.85%). Conclusions: PDT combined with different final irrigation protocols was more effective in inhibiting E. faecalis growth than photodynamic therapy alone. XP Endo was the best irrigation protocol to eradicate this microorganism.