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Adv Mater ; 35(22): e2211129, 2023 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36800532


The emergence of superconductivity in doped insulators such as cuprates and pnictides coincides with their doping-driven insulator-metal transitions. Above the critical doping threshold, a metallic state sets in at high temperatures, while superconductivity sets in at low temperatures. An unanswered question is whether the formation of Cooper pairsin a well-established metal will inevitably transform the host material into a superconductor, as manifested by a resistance drop. Here, this question is addressed by investigating the electrical transport in nanoscale rings (full loops) and half loops manufactured from heavily boron-doped diamond. It is shown that in contrast to the diamond half-loops (DHLs) exhibiting a metal-superconductor transition, the diamond nanorings (DNRs) demonstrate a sharp resistance increase up to 430% and a giant negative "magnetoresistance" below the superconducting transition temperature of the starting material. The finding of the unconventional giant negative "magnetoresistance", as distinct from existing categories of magnetoresistance, that is, the conventional giant magnetoresistance in magnetic multilayers, the colossal magnetoresistance in perovskites, and the geometric magnetoresistance in semiconductor-metal hybrids, reveals the transformation of the DNRs from metals to bosonic semiconductors upon the formation of Cooper pairs. DNRs like these could be used to manipulate Cooper pairs in superconducting quantum devices.

Nanoscale Adv ; 4(10): 2346-2355, 2022 May 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36133694


In light of the emergence of nonclassical effects, a paradigm shift in the conventional macroscopic treatment is required to accurately describe the interaction between light and plasmonic structures with deep-nanometer features. Towards this end, several nonlocal response models, supplemented by additional boundary conditions, have been introduced, investigating the collective motion of the free electron gas in metals. The study of the dipole-excited core-shell nanoparticle has been performed, by employing the following models: the hard-wall hydrodynamic model; the quantum hydrodynamic model; and the generalized nonlocal optical response. The analysis is conducted by investigating the near and far field characteristics of the emitter-nanoparticle system, while considering the emitter outside and inside the studied topology. It is shown that the above models predict striking spectral features, strongly deviating from the results obtained via the classical approach, for both simple and noble constitutive metals.

Nano Lett ; 22(17): 7151-7157, 2022 Sep 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35980177


Flux quantization has been widely regarded as the hallmark of the macroscopic quantum state of superconductivity. However, practical design of superconductor devices exploiting finite size confinement effects may induce exotic phenomena, including nonquantized vortices. In our research, the magnetic flux of vortices has been studied in a series of superconducting strips as a function of the strip width and the penetration depth. In both circumstances, the observation using scanning Hall probe microscope (SHPM) displays a controlled evolution from singly quantized vortices to nonquantized ones. It is also found that the magnetic flux is immune to the flowing supercurrent. The simulations based on Ginzburg-Landau theory agree well with experimental results. The observed behavior of the vortex flux may open new perspectives for fundamental research and applications based on vortex matter, such as vortex-memory devices and magnetic field traps for ultracold atoms.

Adv Mater ; 32(38): e2002352, 2020 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32705735


Crystalline and amorphous structures are two of the most common solid-state phases. Crystals having orientational and periodic translation symmetries are usually both short-range and long-range ordered, while amorphous materials have no long-range order. Short-range ordered but long-range disordered materials are generally categorized into amorphous phases. In contrast to the extensively studied crystalline and amorphous phases, the combination of short-range disordered and long-range ordered structures at the atomic level is extremely rare and so far has only been reported for solvated fullerenes under compression. Here, a report on the creation and investigation of a superconducting quasi-1D material with long-range ordered amorphous building blocks is presented. Using a diamond anvil cell, monocrystalline (TaSe4 )2 I is compressed and a system is created where the TaSe4 atomic chains are in amorphous state without breaking the orientational and periodic translation symmetries of the chain lattice. Strikingly, along with the amorphization of the atomic chains, the insulating (TaSe4 )2 I becomes a superconductor. The data provide critical insight into a new phase of solid-state materials. The findings demonstrate a first ever case where superconductivity is hosted by a lattice with periodic but amorphous constituent atomic chains.

Sci Adv ; 6(20): eaaz2536, 2020 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32440544


The combination of different exotic properties in materials paves the way for the emergence of their new potential applications. An example is the recently found coexistence of the mutually antagonistic ferromagnetism and superconductivity in hydrogenated boron-doped diamond, which promises to be an attractive system with which to explore unconventional physics. Here, we show the emergence of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) bands with a spatial extent of tens of nanometers in ferromagnetic superconducting diamond using scanning tunneling spectroscopy. We demonstrate theoretically how a two-dimensional (2D) spin lattice at the surface of a three-dimensional (3D) superconductor gives rise to the YSR bands and how their density-of-states profile correlates with the spin lattice structure. The established strategy to realize new forms of the coexistence of ferromagnetism and superconductivity opens a way to engineer the unusual electronic states and also to design better-performing superconducting devices.

Adv Mater ; 31(7): e1806341, 2019 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30589119


Manipulation of light below the diffraction limit forms the basis of nanophotonics. Metals can confine light at the subwavelength scale but suffer from high loss of energy. Recent reports have theoretically demonstrated the possibility of light confinement below the diffraction limit using transparent dielectric metamaterials. Here, nanoscale light confinement (<λ/20) in transparent dielectric materials is shown experimentally through a luminescent nanosystem with rationally designed dielectric claddings. Theoretically, green light with a wavelength of 540 nm has a transmission of 98.8% when passing through an ultrathin NaYF4 /NaGdF4 superlattice cladding (thickness: 6.9 nm). Unexpectedly, the complete confinement of green emission (540 nm) by such an ultrathin dielectric cladding is directly observed. FDTD calculations are used to confirm that the ultrathin dielectric cladding has negligible influence on the transmission of propagating light, but extraordinary confinement of evanescent waves. This will provide new opportunities for nanophotonics by completely averting the use of metals.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 2576, 2018 07 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29968732


Design and manipulation of magnetic moment arrays have been at the focus of studying the interesting cooperative physical phenomena in various magnetic systems. However, long-range ordered magnetic moments are rather difficult to achieve due to the excited states arising from the relatively weak exchange interactions between the localized moments. Here, using a nanostructured superconductor, we investigate a perfectly ordered magnetic dipole pattern with the magnetic poles having the same distribution as the magnetic charges in an artificial spin ice. The magnetic states can simply be switched on/off by applying a current flowing through nanopatterned area. Moreover, by coupling magnetic dipoles with the pinned vortex lattice, we are able to erase the positive/negative poles, resulting in a magnetic dipole pattern of only one polarity, analogous to the recently predicted vortex ice. These switchable and tunable magnetic dipole patterns open pathways for the study of exotic ordering phenomena in magnetic systems.

Nanoscale ; 10(4): 1987-1996, 2018 Jan 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29319073


We demonstrate the in situ engineering of superconducting nanocircuitry by targeted modulation of material properties through high applied current densities. We show that the sequential repetition of such customized electro-annealing in a niobium (Nb) nanoconstriction can broadly tune the superconducting critical temperature Tc and the normal-state resistance Rn in the targeted area. Once a sizable Rn is reached, clear magneto-resistance oscillations are detected along with a Fraunhofer-like field dependence of the critical current, indicating the formation of a weak link but with further adjustable characteristics. Advanced Ginzburg-Landau simulations fully corroborate this picture, employing the detailed parametrization from the electrical characterization and high resolution electron microscope images of the region within the constriction where the material has undergone amorphization by electro-annealing.

Nat Commun ; 8(1): 1880, 2017 12 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29192211


Nematic order often breaks the tetragonal symmetry of iron-based superconductors. It arises from regular structural transition or electronic instability in the normal phase. Here, we report the observation of a nematic superconducting state, by measuring the angular dependence of the in-plane and out-of-plane magnetoresistivity of Ba0.5K0.5Fe2As2 single crystals. We find large twofold oscillations in the vicinity of the superconducting transition, when the direction of applied magnetic field is rotated within the basal plane. To avoid the influences from sample geometry or current flow direction, the sample was designed as Corbino-shape for in-plane and mesa-shape for out-of-plane measurements. Theoretical analysis shows that the nematic superconductivity arises from the weak mixture of the quasi-degenerate s-wave and d-wave components of the superconducting condensate, most probably induced by a weak anisotropy of stresses inherent to single crystals.

ACS Nano ; 11(11): 11746-11754, 2017 11 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29125286


In the presence of disorder, superconductivity exhibits short-range characteristics linked to localized Cooper pairs which are responsible for anomalous phase transitions and the emergence of quantum states such as the bosonic insulating state. Complementary to well-studied homogeneously disordered superconductors, superconductor-normal hybrid arrays provide tunable realizations of the degree of granular disorder for studying anomalous quantum phase transitions. Here, we investigate the superconductor-bosonic dirty metal transition in disordered nanodiamond arrays as a function of the dispersion of intergrain spacing, which ranges from angstroms to micrometers. By monitoring the evolved superconducting gaps and diminished coherence peaks in the single-quasiparticle density of states, we link the destruction of the superconducting state and the emergence of bosonic dirty metallic state to breaking of the global phase coherence and persistence of the localized Cooper pairs. The observed resistive bosonic phase transitions are well modeled using a series-parallel circuit in the framework of bosonic confinement and coherence.

Nano Lett ; 17(12): 7433-7439, 2017 12 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29068692


Directional antennas revolutionized modern day telecommunication by enabling precise beaming of radio and microwave signals with minimal loss of energy. Similarly, directional optical nanoantennas are expected to pave the way toward on-chip wireless communication and information processing. Currently, on-chip integration of such antennas is hampered by their multielement design or the requirement of complicated excitation schemes. Here, we experimentally demonstrate electrical driving of in-plane tunneling nanoantennas to achieve broadband unidirectional emission of light. Far-field interference, as a result of the spectral overlap between the dipolar emission of the tunnel junction and the fundamental quadrupole-like resonance of the nanoantenna, gives rise to a directional radiation pattern. By tuning this overlap using the applied voltage, we record directivities as high as 5 dB. In addition to electrical tunability, we also demonstrate passive tunability of the directivity using the antenna geometry. These fully configurable electrically driven nanoantennas provide a simple way to direct optical energy on-chip using an extremely small device footprint.

Nano Lett ; 17(12): 7629-7637, 2017 12 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29083191


Subwavelength optical resonators and scatterers are dramatically expanding the toolset of the optical sciences and photonics engineering. By offering the opportunity to control and shape light waves in nanoscale volumes, recent developments using high-refractive-index dielectric scatterers gave rise to efficient flat-optical components such as lenses, polarizers, phase plates, color routers, and nonlinear elements with a subwavelength thickness. In this work, we take a deeper look into the unique interaction of light with rod-shaped amorphous silicon scatterers by tapping into their resonant modes with a localized subwavelength light source-an aperture scanning near-field probe. Our experimental configuration essentially constitutes a dielectric antenna that is locally driven by the aperture probe. We show how leaky transverse electric and magnetic modes can selectively be excited and form specific near-field distribution depending on wavelength and antenna dimensions. The probe's transmittance is furthermore enhanced upon coupling to the Fabry-Perot cavity modes, revealing all-dielectric nanorods as efficient transmitter antennas for the radiation of subwavelength emitters, in addition to constituting an elementary building block for all-dielectric metasurfaces and flat optics.

Nano Lett ; 17(8): 5003-5007, 2017 08 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28693319


Quantized vortices, as topological defects, play an important role in both physics and technological applications of superconductors. Normally, the nucleation of vortices requires the presence of a high magnetic field or current density, which allow the vortices to enter from the sample boundaries. At the same time, the controllable generation of individual vortices inside a superconductor is still challenging. Here, we report the controllable creation of single quantum vortices and antivortices at any desirable position inside a superconductor. We exploit the local heating effect of a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) tip: superconductivity is locally suppressed by the tip and vortex-antivortex pairs are generated when supercurrent flows around the hot spot. The experimental results are well-explained by theoretical simulations within the Ginzburg-Landau approach.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 6223, 2017 07 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28740235


With the development of nanotechnologies, researchers have brought the concept of antenna to the optical regime for manipulation of nano-scaled light matter interactions. Most optical nanoantennas optimize optical function, but are not electrically connected. In order to realize functions that require electrical addressing, optical nanoantennas that are electrically continuous are desirable. In this article, we study the optical response of a type of electrically connected nanoantennas, which we propose to call "dendritic" antennas. While they are connected, they follow similar antenna hybridization trends to unconnected plasmon phased array antennas. The optical resonances supported by this type of nanoantennas are mapped both experimentally and theoretically to unravel their optical response. Photoluminescence measurements indicate a potential Purcell enhancement of more than a factor of 58.

Fluorescence , Nanostructures/chemistry , Optics and Photonics , Scattering, Radiation , Surface Plasmon Resonance , Light
ACS Nano ; 11(6): 5358-5366, 2017 06 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28511000


Superconductivity and ferromagnetism are two mutually antagonistic states in condensed matter. Research on the interplay between these two competing orderings sheds light not only on the cause of various quantum phenomena in strongly correlated systems but also on the general mechanism of superconductivity. Here we report on the observation of the electronic entanglement between superconducting and ferromagnetic states in hydrogenated boron-doped nanodiamond films, which have a superconducting transition temperature Tc ∼ 3 K and a Curie temperature TCurie > 400 K. In spite of the high TCurie, our nanodiamond films demonstrate a decrease in the temperature dependence of magnetization below 100 K, in correspondence to an increase in the temperature dependence of resistivity. These anomalous magnetic and electrical transport properties reveal the presence of an intriguing precursor phase, in which spin fluctuations intervene as a result of the interplay between the two antagonistic states. Furthermore, the observations of high-temperature ferromagnetism, giant positive magnetoresistance, and anomalous Hall effect bring attention to the potential applications of our superconducting ferromagnetic nanodiamond films in magnetoelectronics, spintronics, and magnetic field sensing.

Sci Rep ; 7: 44569, 2017 03 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28300182


The main dissipation mechanism in superconducting nanowires arises from phase slips. Thus far, most of the studies focus on long nanowires where coexisting events appear randomly along the nanowire. In the present work we investigate highly confined phase slips at the contact point of two superconducting leads. Profiting from the high current crowding at this spot, we are able to shrink in-situ the nanoconstriction. This procedure allows us to investigate, in the very same sample, thermally activated phase slips and the probability density function of the switching current Isw needed to trigger an avalanche of events. Furthermore, for an applied current larger than Isw, we unveil the existence of two distinct thermal regimes. One corresponding to efficient heat removal where the constriction and bath temperatures remain close to each other, and another one in which the constriction temperature can be substantially larger than the bath temperature leading to the formation of a hot spot. Considering that the switching current distribution depends on the exact thermal properties of the sample, the identification of different thermal regimes is of utmost importance for properly interpreting the dissipation mechanisms in narrow point contacts.

ACS Nano ; 11(1): 850-855, 2017 01 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27983796


Polarized optical dark-field spectroscopy is shown to be a versatile noninvasive probe of plasmonic structures that trap light to the nanoscale. Clear spectral polarization splittings are found to be directly related to the asymmetric morphology of nanocavities formed between faceted gold nanoparticles and an underlying gold substrate. Both experiment and simulation show the influence of geometry on the coupled system, with spectral shifts Δλ = 3 nm from single atoms. Analytical models allow us to identify the split resonances as transverse cavity modes, tightly confined to the nanogap. The direct correlation of resonance splitting with atomistic morphology allows mapping of subnanometre structures, which is crucial for progress in extreme nano-optics involving chemistry, nanophotonics, and quantum devices.

Nat Commun ; 7: 13880, 2016 12 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27934960


Vortices play a crucial role in determining the properties of superconductors as well as their applications. Therefore, characterization and manipulation of vortices, especially at the single-vortex level, is of great importance. Among many techniques to study single vortices, scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) stands out as a powerful tool, due to its ability to detect the local electronic states and high spatial resolution. However, local control of superconductivity as well as the manipulation of individual vortices with the STM tip is still lacking. Here we report a new function of the STM, namely to control the local pinning in a superconductor through the heating effect. Such effect allows us to quench the superconducting state at nanoscale, and leads to the growth of vortex clusters whose size can be controlled by the bias voltage. We also demonstrate the use of an STM tip to assemble single-quantum vortices into desired nanoscale configurations.

Nat Commun ; 7: 10560, 2016 Feb 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26879257


Superconducting nanowires currently attract great interest due to their application in single-photon detectors and quantum-computing circuits. In this context, it is of fundamental importance to understand the detrimental fluctuations of the superconducting order parameter as the wire width shrinks. In this paper, we use controlled electromigration to narrow down aluminium nanoconstrictions. We demonstrate that a transition from thermally assisted phase slips to quantum phase slips takes place when the cross section becomes less than ∼150 nm(2). In the regime dominated by quantum phase slips the nanowire loses its capacity to carry current without dissipation, even at the lowest possible temperature. We also show that the constrictions exhibit a negative magnetoresistance at low-magnetic fields, which can be attributed to the suppression of superconductivity in the contact leads. These findings reveal perspectives of the proposed fabrication method for exploring various fascinating superconducting phenomena in atomic-size contacts.