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Immunobiology ; 226(6): 152151, 2021 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34742024


Resolvin D1 (RvD1), which is biosynthesized from essential long-chain fatty acids, is involved in anti-inflammatory activity and modulation of T cell response. Memory CD8+ T cells are important for controlling tumor growth and viral infections. Exacerbated inflammation has been described as impairing memory CD8+ T cell differentiation. This study aimed to verify the effects of RvD1 on memory CD8+ T cells in vitro and in vivo in a respiratory virus infection model. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were treated at different time points with RvD1 and stimulated with anti-CD3/anti-CD28 antibodies. Pre-treatment with RvD1 increases the expansion of memory CD8+ T cells. The IL-12 level, a cytokine described to control memory CD8+ T cells, was reduced with RvD1 pre-treatment. When the mTOR axis was inhibited, the IL-12 levels were restored. In a respiratory virus infection model, Balb/c mice were treated with RvD1 before infection or after 7 days after infection. RvD1 treatment after infection increased the frequency of memory CD8+ T cells in the lung expressing II4, II10, and Ifng. During reinfection, RvD1-treated and RSV-infected mice present a high viral load in the lung and lower antibody response in the serum. Our results show that RvD1 modulates the expansion and phenotype of memory CD8+ T cells but contributed to a non-protective response after RSV reinfection.

Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Docosahexaenoic Acids/therapeutic use , Immunologic Memory/drug effects , Pneumovirus Infections/drug therapy , Pneumovirus Infections/immunology , Pneumovirus Infections/virology , Viral Load/drug effects , Adult , Animals , Antiviral Agents/pharmacology , Biomarkers , CD8-Positive T-Lymphocytes/immunology , CD8-Positive T-Lymphocytes/metabolism , Disease Models, Animal , Docosahexaenoic Acids/pharmacology , Female , Host-Pathogen Interactions/drug effects , Host-Pathogen Interactions/immunology , Humans , Immunophenotyping , Lymphocyte Activation/drug effects , Lymphocyte Activation/immunology , Male , Reinfection , Treatment Outcome , Young Adult
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 47(10): e20160806, 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1044868


ABSTRACT: This study aimed to determine the thermal sum of the different stages of development of potato plants to better understand its relationship with tuber sprouting. The potato clones SMIJ461-1, SMINIA793101-3 and SMINIA97145-2 and the cultivar Macaca were evaluated in spring and autumn crop seasons in Santa Maria and Julio de Castilhos, RS. Emergence (EM), tuber initiation (TI) and onset of senescence (OS) of the plants were determined and the accumulated thermal sum (aTS) was calculated in each phase. After harvesting, tubers were stored at 20oC for 15 days for curing and then stored at 10 or 20°C to quantify the percentage of sprouted tubers and the number of sprouts per tuber at 0, 30, 60 and 90 days of storage. The experiment was a factorial of four potato clones and two growth conditions, season and storage temperature, in a random design with four replications of 20 tubers. The environmental conditions of Julio de Castilhos in the spring resulted in a greater aTS from EM and TI to OS than those of Santa Maria, meaning that different crop locations and even seasons should be considered for making inferences about tuber sprouting based upon aTS. The management of storage temperature can promote or retard tuber sprouting, but its effect depends on the potato clone. Based upon combined correlation estimations, the aTS between EM-OS or between TI-OS is a good estimator for potato tuber sprouting.

RESUMO: O objetivo foi determinar a soma térmica das diferentes fases de desenvolvimento das plantas de batata para inferir sobre a sua relação com a brotação de tubérculos. Foram avaliados os clones SMIJ461-1, SMINIA793101-3 e SMINIA97145-2 e a cultivar Macaca de batata durante os cultivos de primavera e outono em Santa Maria e Julio de Castilhos, RS. Foram determinados a emergência (EM), o início da tuberização (IT) e o início da senescência (IS) das plantas e calculada a soma térmica acumulada (STa) em cada fase. Após colhidos, os tubérculos foram submetidos a cura por 15 dias a 20oC e armazenados a 10 ou 20ºC e quantificados a porcentagem de tubérculos brotados e o número de brotos por tubérculo aos 0, 30, 60 e 90 dias de armazenamento. O experimento foi um fatorial de quatro clones de batata, dois cultivos, dois locais e duas temperaturas de armazenamento, no delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições de 20 tubérculos. Tubérculos produzidos em Julio de Castilhos e na primavera apresentaram maiores valores de STa entre a EM ou IT até IS do que aqueles produzidos em Santa Maria, indicando que diferentes locais e até estações de cultivo devem ser considerados para inferir sobre a brotação dos tubérculos com base na STa. O manejo da temperatura de armazenamento pode ser utilizado para promover ou retardar a brotação dos tubérculos, cujo efeito também depende do clone. As altas estimativas combinadas de correlação permitem concluir que a STa entre a EM-IS ou entre o IT-IS pode ser utilizada para estimar a brotação dos tubérculos de batata.

Ciênc. rural ; 40(12): 2454-2459, dez. 2010. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-570612


O tamanho dos tubérculos de batata produzidos em uma mesma cova é um indicativo da idade fisiológica e do período necessário para o rompimento da dormência e da dominância apical, o que é fundamental para o adequado manejo pós-colheita. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o período de dormência e de dominância apical em diferentes tamanhos de tubérculos de três clones de batata, produzidos no outono e submetidos a duas temperaturas de armazenamento. Os tubérculos foram produzidos em campo durante o outono de 2008, sendo colhidas dez covas por clone. Os tubérculos de cada cova foram individualmente identificados e avaliados para massa fresca, comprimento e maior e menor diâmetros, divididos em dois lotes de cinco covas e armazenados, respectivamente, nas temperaturas de 10 e 20°C±2°C e 85 por cento±5 por cento de umidade relativa, por 170 dias. O rompimento da dormência e da dominância apical foram anotados quando o tubérculo apresentou, respectivamente, um ou dois brotos. O experimento foi conduzido em um fatorial de três clones (SMINIA00017-6, SMIJ461-1 e Asterix), duas temperaturas de armazenamento (10 e 20°C) e três tipos de tubérculo (menor diâmetro inferior a 35mm, entre 35 e 45mm e superior a 45mm), no delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado. A partir dos resultados, concluiu-se que a idade fisiológica varia com o tamanho dos tubérculos de batata, sendo que tubérculos com diâmetro inferior a 35mm apresentam maior período de dormência. Além disso, foi constatado que a temperatura de armazenamento de 20°C é mais eficaz para o rompimento da dormência do que da dominância apical.

The size of potato tubers produced in the same hill is an indicator of the physiological age and the time required to break dormancy and apical dominance, which is essential for the proper post-harvest management. The objective of this study was to evaluate the period of dormancy and apical dominance of different tuber sizes of three potato clones produced in the fall and submitted to two storage temperatures. Field produced tubers were harvested from ten hills per clone. The tubers were individually identified and assessed for fresh weight, length and major and minor diameters. One lot of five hills per clone was stored at 10°C and other at 20°C±2 and 85±5 percent relative humidity for 170 days. Breaking of dormancy and apical dominance were recorded when the tuber produced, respectively, one or two sprouts. The experiment was a factorial of three clones (SMINIA00017-6, SMIJ461-1 and Asterix), two storage temperatures (10 and 20°C) and three types of tubers (smaller diameter less than 35mm, between 35 and 45mm and larger than 45mm) in a completely randomized design. In conclusion, the results showed that physiological age varies with the size of the potato tubers, and tubers with diameter smaller than 35mm have longer dormancy than those larger than 35mm. Moreover, the storage temperature of 20°C is more effective to break the dormancy than the apical dominance.

Ciênc. rural ; 39(5): 1327-1334, ago. 2009. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-521178


No Rio Grande do Sul, a batata é cultivada na primavera e no outono, período em que as condições contrastantes de cultivo podem afetar os teores de matéria seca, açúcares redutores, amido e amilose e a cor de chips. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito das condições de cultivo de primavera e outono na expressão dos caracteres de qualidade de processamento, visando desenvolver estratégias de melhoramento genético que maximizem o ganho de seleção e facilitem a identificação de clones de batata com potencial para processamento. O experimento foi conduzido em um esquema fatorial com 21 clones e duas épocas de cultivo, no delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições. Foram avaliados os teores de matéria seca, açúcares redutores, amido e amilose e a cor de chips dos tubérculos produzidos na primavera de 2006 e no outono de 2007. As condições de cultivo de primavera maximizaram o ganho genético de seleção para açúcares redutores, cor de chips, amido e amilose. Os ganhos de seleção para matéria seca foram similares em ambos os cultivos. As condições ambientais distintas na primavera e no outono afetaram a seleção e resultaram em diferentes grupos de clones superiores. Os clones SMA508-2, SMA508-4 e SMA519-1 apresentaram, em ambas as condições de cultivo, uma combinação de caracteres de qualidade de processamento equilibrada e superior à melhor testemunha. A seleção de clones para processamento industrial deve ser realizada no cultivo de primavera, quando as condições ambientais são mais favoráveis para a expressão dos caracteres de qualidade de tubérculo no Rio Grande do Sul.

Potato grows during spring and autumn conditions in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. These contrasting conditions may affect dry matter, reduced sugars, starch and amylase contents and chip color. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of spring and fall growth conditions in the expression of processing quality traits to develop breeding strategies to maximize the selection gain and facilitate the identification of potato clones with high processing potential. The experiment was a factorial of 21 clones and two growth seasons in the complete random design, with three replications. Tubers were produced during spring 2006 and fall 2007 growth seasons and evaluated for dry mass, reduced sugars, starch and amylase contents and chip color. Spring growth conditions maximized the gain from selection for reduced sugars, chip color, starch and amylase. Similar selection gain for dry mass was found in spring and fall seasons. The distinct environmental conditions of spring and fall did affect the selection gain and resulted in different groups of superior clones. The clones SMA508-2, SMA508-4 and SMA519-1 showed the best combination of processing quality traits in both growing conditions and higher than the best check. Clone selection for processing quality should be done in spring season, when environmental conditions improve the expression of the processing quality traits in Rio Grande do Sul State.

Ciênc. rural ; 38(6): 1534-1539, jul.-set. 2008. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-491987


O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o efeito da densidade de plantio no crescimento da planta e na produção de minitubérculos de batata. O experimento foi conduzido no sistema hidropônico fechado, empregando areia como substrato, no interior de um abrigo telado. Minitubérculos (diâmetro entre 5 e 10mm) da cultivar "Macaca" foram plantados em 03 de setembro de 2004, em orifícios feitos na superfície do filme de polietileno que cobria o substrato. Os tratamentos consistiram das densidades de plantio de 25, 44, 100 e 400covas m-2. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições. A água e os nutrientes foram fornecidos diariamente a todos os tratamentos, por meio de uma solução nutritiva completa. Aos 75 dias após o plantio, foram avaliadas a produtividade de tubérculos e a matéria seca. A matéria seca das plantas aumentou até a densidade de 100covas m-2. O número aumentou e a matéria seca média dos tubérculos diminuiu com o aumento da densidade de plantio. Os resultados indicam que a densidade de 100covas m-2 pode ser empregada para maximizar o número de tubérculos na produção hidropônica de batata.

The objective of this research was to determine the effect of plant density on plant growth and potato minituber yield. The experiment was carried out in a closed hydroponic system with sand as substrate in a greenhouse. Minitubers (diameter between 5 and 10mm) of the cultivar 'Macaca' were planted on September 3rd, 2004 in holes made on polyethylene film surface. The treatments were the densities of 25, 44, 100 and 400hills m-2. A completely randomized experimental design was used, with three replications. Water and nutrients were supplied daily with a standard nutrient solution. Tuber yield and dry matter production were determined at 75 days after planting. Dry mass of plants increased until 100hills m-2. Increasing plant density increased tuber number and decreased mean dry mass of tubers. Plant density of 100hills m-2 may be used to maximize tuber number in the hydroponical production of potato minitubers.

Can J Plast Surg ; 16(3): 147-52, 2008.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19721792


BACKGROUND: An artificial dermal matrix such as Integra (Integra Life Sciences Corporation, USA) provides a wound bed template for vascular and fibrocyte ingrowth as well as collagen remodelling. Dermal repair leads to epidermal and basement membrane regeneration. Burn wounds in particular have been shown to benefit from Integra by enhanced wound healing. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of fibrin glue to modify the integration of Integra in large excised cutaneous wounds. It was hypothesized that applying fibrin glue on a wound bed would reduce the time needed for matrix vascularization and incorporation of Integra and take of the cultured keratinocytes. METHODS: Four separate full-thickness wounds were created on the dorsum of two swine. Wound beds were randomly assigned to either application of fibrin glue or no application of fibrin glue before application of Integra. Full-thickness biopsies were performed at days 7, 14, 21, 29 and 35. On day 21, keratinocytes were applied either as sheets or aerosolized fibrin glue suspension. RESULTS: Histological analysis revealed a wave of inflammatory cells and early granulation tissue ingrowth into the Integra from the fascia below on day 7. Only this initial phase was augmented by application of fibrin glue to the wound bed. By day 14, most and by day 21, all of the Integra thickness was incorporated. Accelerated dermal repair proceeded from the base with new collagen deposition in Integra spaces. There was no evidence of keratinocyte engraftment, although re-epithelialization occurred at wound edges extending onto the incorporated Integra. CONCLUSIONS: It appears there is an acceleration of early phase (day 7 to day 21) dermal incorporation with fibrin glue application to the wound bed, perhaps secondary to increased cellular migration. Day 21 appears to be too early to apply cultured keratinocytes either as sheets or aerosolized suspension.