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J Phys Condens Matter ; 27(23): 234101, 2015 Jun 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26010546


We have recently investigated the phase behavior of model colloidal dumbbells constituted by two identical tangent hard spheres, with the first being surrounded by an attractive square-well interaction (Janus dumbbells, Munaó et al 2014 Soft Matter 10 5269). Here we extend our previous analysis by introducing in the model the size asymmetry of the hard-core diameters and study the enriched phase scenario thereby obtained. By employing standard Monte Carlo simulations we show that in such 'heteronuclear Janus dumbbells' a larger hard-sphere site promotes the formation of clusters, whereas in the opposite condition a gas-liquid phase separation takes place, with a narrow interval of intermediate asymmetries wherein the two phase behaviors may compete. In addition, some peculiar geometrical arrangements, such as lamellæ, are observed only around the perfectly symmetric case. A qualitative agreement is found with recent experimental results, where it is shown that the roughness of molecular surfaces in heterogeneous dimers leads to the formation of colloidal micelles.

J Chem Phys ; 141(9): 091103, 2014 Sep 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25194357


We report an atomistic molecular dynamics determination of the phase diagram of a rigid-cage model of C36. We first show that free energies obtained via thermodynamic integrations along isotherms displaying "van der Waals loops," are fully reproduced by those obtained via isothermal-isochoric integration encompassing only stable states. We find that a similar result also holds for isochoric paths crossing van der Waals regions of the isotherms, and for integrations extending to rather high densities where liquid-solid coexistence can be expected to occur. On such a basis we are able to map the whole phase diagram of C36, with resulting triple point and critical temperatures about 1770 K and 2370 K, respectively. We thus predict a 600 K window of existence of a stable liquid phase. Also, at the triple point density, we find that the structural functions and the diffusion coefficient maintain a liquid-like character down to 1400-1300 K, this indicating a wide region of possible supercooling. We discuss why all these features might render possible the observation of the melting of C36 fullerite and of its liquid state, at variance with what previously experienced for C60.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 15(47): 20590-9, 2013 Dec 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24185816


We investigate thermodynamic and structural properties of colloidal dumbbells in the framework provided by the Reference Interaction Site Model (RISM) theory of molecular fluids and Monte Carlo simulations. We consider two different models: in the first one we set identical square-well attractions on the two tangent spheres constituting the molecule (SW-SW model); in the second scheme, one of the square-well interactions is switched off (HS-SW model). Appreciable differences emerge between the physical properties of the two models. Specifically, the k → 0 behavior of SW-SW structure factors S(k) points to the presence of a gas-liquid coexistence, as confirmed by subsequent fluid phase equilibria calculations. Conversely, the HS-SW S(k) develops a low-k peak, signaling the presence of aggregates; such a process destabilizes the gas-liquid phase separation, promoting at low temperatures the formation of a cluster phase, whose structure depends on the system density. We further investigate such differences by studying the phase behavior of a series of intermediate models, obtained from the original SW-SW by progressively reducing the depth of one square-well interaction. RISM structural predictions positively reproduce the simulation data, including the rise of S(k → 0) in the SW-SW model and the low-k peak in the HS-SW structure factor. As for the phase behavior, RISM agrees with Monte Carlo simulations in predicting a gas-liquid coexistence for the SW-SW model (though the critical parameters appear overestimated by the theory) and its progressive disappearance when moving toward the HS-SW model.

J Chem Phys ; 134(19): 194502, 2011 May 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21599068


We study the thermodynamic and structural properties of a five-site tetrahedral molecular model by means of different Monte Carlo simulation techniques, and the reference interaction site model (RISM) theory of molecular fluids. Simulations and theory signal the onset, at sufficiently low temperatures, of two different tetrahedral molecular arrangements, with a more open topology progressively giving place to a fully bonded one, as the temperature decreases. The RISM theory reproduces the splitting of the static structure factor at low temperatures, a feature intimately related to the onset of the tetrahedral ordering. Less accurate predictions are obtained for the liquid-vapor coexistence and the short-range correlations.

J Chem Phys ; 132(8): 084506, 2010 Feb 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20192306


We report molecular dynamics and reference interaction site model (RISM) theory of methanol and carbon tetrachloride mixtures. Our study encompasses the whole concentration range, by including the pure component limits. We majorly focus on an analysis of partial, total, and concentration-concentration structure factors, and examine in detail the k-->0 limits of these functions. Simulation results confirm the tendency of methanol to self-associate with the formation of ring structures in the high dilution regime of this species, in agreement with experimental studies and with previous simulations by other authors. This behavior emerges as strongly related to the high nonideality of the mixture, a quantitative estimate of which is provided in terms of concentration fluctuation correlations, through the structure factors examined. The interaggregate correlation distance is also thereby estimated. Finally, the compressibility of the mixture is found in good agreement with experimental data. The RISM predictions are throughout assessed against simulation; the theory describes better the apolar solvent than the alcohol properties. Self-association of methanol is qualitatively reproduced, though this trend is much less marked in comparison with simulation results.

J Chem Phys ; 130(14): 144504, 2009 Apr 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19368458


We revisit the thermodynamic and structural properties of fluids of homonuclear hard dumbbells in the framework provided by the reference interaction site model (RISM) theory of molecular fluids. Besides the previously investigated Percus-Yevick (PY) approximation, we test the accuracy of other closures to the RISM equations, imported from the theory of simple fluids; specifically, we study the hypernetted chain (HNC), the modified HNC (MHNC) and, less extensively, the Verlet approximations. We implement our approach for models characterized by several different elongations, up to the case of tangent diatomics, and investigate the whole fluid density range. The theoretical predictions are assessed against Monte Carlo simulations, either available from literature or newly generated by us. The HNC and PY equations of state, calculated via different routes, share on the whole the same level of accuracy. The MHNC is applied by enforcing an internal thermodynamic consistency constraint, leading to good predictions for the equation of state as the elongation of the dumbbell increases. As for the radial distribution function, the MHNC appears superior to other theories, especially for tangent diatomics in the high density limit; the PY approximation is better than the HNC and Verlet closures in the high density or elongation regime. Our structural analysis is supplemented by an accurate inversion procedure to reconstruct from Monte Carlo data and RISM the "exact" direct correlation function. In agreement with such calculations and consistent with the forecast of rigorous diagrammatic analysis, all theories predict the occurrence in the direct correlation function of a first cusp inside the dumbbell core and (with the obvious exception of the PY) of a second cusp outside; the cusps' heights are also qualitatively well reproduced by the theories, except at high densities.

J Chem Phys ; 127(22): 224501, 2007 Dec 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18081400


Thermodynamic and structural properties of various models of liquid methanol are investigated in the framework provided by the reference interaction site model (RISM) theory of molecular fluids. The theoretical predictions are systematically compared with molecular dynamics simulations both at ambient conditions and along a few supercritical isotherms. RISM results for the liquid-vapor phase separation are also obtained and assessed against available Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo data. At ambient conditions, the theoretical correlations weakly depend on the specific details of the molecular models and reproduce the simulation results with different degrees of accuracy, depending on the pair of interaction sites considered. The position and the strength of the hydrogen bond are quite satisfactorily predicted. RISM results for the internal energy are almost quantitative whereas the pressure is generally overestimated. As for the liquid-vapor phase coexistence, RISM predictions for the vapor branch and for the critical temperature are quite accurate; on the other side, the liquid branch densities, and consequently the critical density, are underestimated. We discuss our results in terms of intrinsic limitations, and suitable improvements, of the RISM approach in describing the physical properties of polar fluids, and in the perspective of a more general investigation of mixtures of methanol with nonpolar fluids of specific interest in the physics of associating fluids.