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Appl Phys Lett ; 124(4)2024 Jan 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38711922


A large-format mid-infrared single-photon imager with very low dark count rates would enable a broad range of applications in fields like astronomy and chemistry. Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) are a mature photon-counting technology as demonstrated by their figures of merit such as high detection efficiencies and very low dark count rates. However, scaling SNSPDs to large array sizes for mid-infrared applications requires sophisticated readout architectures in addition to superconducting materials development. In this work, an SNSPD array design that combines a thermally coupled row-column multiplexing architecture with a thermally coupled time-of-flight transmission line was developed for mid-infrared applications. The design requires only six cables and can be scaled to larger array sizes. The demonstration of a 64-pixel array shows promising results for wavelengths between 3.4 µm and 10 µm, which will enable the use of this single-photon detector technology for a broad range of new applications.

Appl Phys Lett ; 122(17)2023 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37461743


State readout of trapped-ion qubits with trap-integrated detectors can address important challenges for scalable quantum computing, but the strong rf electric fields used for trapping can impact detector performance. Here, we report on NbTiN superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) employing grounded aluminum mirrors as electrical shielding that are integrated into linear surface-electrode rf ion traps. The shielded SNSPDs can be operated at applied rf trapping potentials of up to 54 Vpeak at 70 MHz and temperatures of up to 6 K, with a maximum system detection efficiency of 68 %. This performance should be sufficient to enable parallel high-fidelity state readout of a wide range of trapped ion species in typical cryogenic apparatus.

Phys Rev Appl ; 20(6)2023 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38618629


III-V semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are near-ideal and versatile single-photon sources. Because of the capacity for monolithic integration with photonic structures as well as optoelectronic and optomechanical systems, they are proving useful in an increasingly broad application space. Here, we develop monolithic circular dielectric gratings on bulk substrates - as opposed to suspended or wafer-bonded substrates - for greatly improved photon collection from InAs quantum dots. The structures utilize a unique two-tiered distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) structure for vertical electric field confinement over a broad angular range. Opposing "openings" in the cavities induce strongly polarized QD luminescence without harming collection efficiencies. We describe how measured enhancements depend on the choice of collection optics. This is important to consider when evaluating the performance of any photonic structure that concentrates farfield emission intensity. Our cavity designs are useful for integrating QDs with other quantum systems that require bulk substrates, such as surface acoustic wave phonons.

Nature ; 606(7912): 75-81, 2022 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35650354


A quantum computer attains computational advantage when outperforming the best classical computers running the best-known algorithms on well-defined tasks. No photonic machine offering programmability over all its quantum gates has demonstrated quantum computational advantage: previous machines1,2 were largely restricted to static gate sequences. Earlier photonic demonstrations were also vulnerable to spoofing3, in which classical heuristics produce samples, without direct simulation, lying closer to the ideal distribution than do samples from the quantum hardware. Here we report quantum computational advantage using Borealis, a photonic processor offering dynamic programmability on all gates implemented. We carry out Gaussian boson sampling4 (GBS) on 216 squeezed modes entangled with three-dimensional connectivity5, using a time-multiplexed and photon-number-resolving architecture. On average, it would take more than 9,000 years for the best available algorithms and supercomputers to produce, using exact methods, a single sample from the programmed distribution, whereas Borealis requires only 36 µs. This runtime advantage is over 50 million times as extreme as that reported from earlier photonic machines. Ours constitutes a very large GBS experiment, registering events with up to 219 photons and a mean photon number of 125. This work is a critical milestone on the path to a practical quantum computer, validating key technological features of photonics as a platform for this goal.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(23): 231802, 2022 Jun 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35749181


Uncovering the nature of dark matter is one of the most important goals of particle physics. Light bosonic particles, such as the dark photon, are well-motivated candidates: they are generally long-lived, weakly interacting, and naturally produced in the early universe. In this work, we report on Light A^{'} Multilayer Periodic Optical SNSPD Target, a proof-of-concept experiment searching for dark photon dark matter in the eV mass range, via coherent absorption in a multilayer dielectric haloscope. Using a superconducting nanowire single-photon detector (SNSPD), we achieve efficient photon detection with a dark count rate of ∼6×10^{-6} counts/s. We find no evidence for dark photon dark matter in the mass range of ∼0.7-0.8 eV with kinetic mixing ε≳10^{-12}, improving existing limits in ε by up to a factor of 2. With future improvements to SNSPDs, our architecture could probe significant new parameter space for dark photon and axion dark matter in the meV to 10 eV mass range.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(13): 131801, 2022 Apr 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35426699


We introduce the Broadband Reflector Experiment for Axion Detection (BREAD) conceptual design and science program. This haloscope plans to search for bosonic dark matter across the [10^{-3},1] eV ([0.24, 240] THz) mass range. BREAD proposes a cylindrical metal barrel to convert dark matter into photons, which a novel parabolic reflector design focuses onto a photosensor. This unique geometry enables enclosure in standard cryostats and high-field solenoids, overcoming limitations of current dish antennas. A pilot 0.7 m^{2} barrel experiment planned at Fermilab is projected to surpass existing dark photon coupling constraints by over a decade with one-day runtime. Axion sensitivity requires <10^{-20} W/sqrt[Hz] sensor noise equivalent power with a 10 T solenoid and 10 m^{2} barrel. We project BREAD sensitivity for various sensor technologies and discuss future prospects.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 1832, 2022 Apr 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35383154


Long-distance optical quantum channels are necessarily lossy, leading to errors in transmitted quantum information, entanglement degradation and, ultimately, poor protocol performance. Quantum states carrying information in the channel can be probabilistically amplified to compensate for loss, but are destroyed when amplification fails. Quantum correction of the channel itself is therefore required, but break-even performance-where arbitrary states can be better transmitted through a corrected channel than an uncorrected one-has so far remained out of reach. Here we perform distillation by heralded amplification to improve a noisy entanglement channel. We subsequently employ entanglement swapping to demonstrate that arbitrary quantum information transmission is unconditionally improved-i.e., without relying on postselection or post-processing of data-compared to the uncorrected channel. In this way, it represents realization of a genuine quantum relay. Our channel correction for single-mode quantum states will find use in quantum repeater, communication and metrology applications.

Front Comput Neurosci ; 15: 627357, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34079446


Equilibrium propagation is a learning framework that marks a step forward in the search for a biologically-plausible implementation of deep learning, and could be implemented efficiently in neuromorphic hardware. Previous applications of this framework to layered networks encountered a vanishing gradient problem that has not yet been solved in a simple, biologically-plausible way. In this paper, we demonstrate that the vanishing gradient problem can be mitigated by replacing some of a layered network's connections with random layer-skipping connections in a manner inspired by small-world networks. This approach would be convenient to implement in neuromorphic hardware, and is biologically-plausible.

J Res Natl Inst Stand Technol ; 126: 126043, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39070986


The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic led to the need for tracking of physical contacts and potential exposure to disease. Traditional contact tracing can be augmented by electronic tools called "electronic contact tracing" or "exposure notification.". Some methods were built to work with smartphones; however, smartphones are not prevalent in some high-contact areas (e.g., schools and nursing homes). We present the design and initial testing of low-cost, highly privacy preserving wearable exposure notification devices. Several devices were constructed based on existing hardware and operated independently of a smartphone. The method (devices and analyses) was not able to reliably use the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) as a proxy for distance between pairs of devices; the accuracy of RSSI as a proxy for distance decreased dramatically outside of the idealized conditions. However, even an imperfect device could be useful for research on how people use and move through spaces. With some improvement, these devices could be used to understand disease spread and human or animal interaction in indoor environments.

OSA Contin ; 3(2)2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33029583


We develop and demonstrate a source of polarization-entangled photon pairs using spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) in domain-engineered, periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) at telecom wavelengths. Pumped at 775 nm, this domain-engineered type-II SPDC source produces non-degenerate signal and idler pairs at 1530 nm and 1569 nm. Because of birefringence, the photon pair with horizontally polarized signal and vertically polarized idler has a different phasematching condition than the pair with vertically polarized signal and horizontally polarized idler. Using phase-modulation of the domain structure, we produced a crystal that can simultaneously generate both states in a distributed fashion throughout a single crystal. Performing SPDC using this aperiodically poled crystal, we observed polarization entanglement visibility above 93%. We compare the phase-modulated crystal to other aperiodic structures, including dual-periodically-poled and interlaced biperiodic structures.

Sci Adv ; 6(22)2020 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32937408


Recent advances in quantum technologies are rapidly stimulating the building of quantum networks. With the parallel development of multiple physical platforms and different types of encodings, a challenge for present and future networks is to uphold a heterogeneous structure for full functionality and therefore support modular systems that are not necessarily compatible with one another. Central to this endeavor is the capability to distribute and interconnect optical entangled states relying on different discrete and continuous quantum variables. Here, we report an entanglement swapping protocol connecting such entangled states. We generate single-photon entanglement and hybrid entanglement between particle- and wave-like optical qubits and then demonstrate the heralded creation of hybrid entanglement at a distance by using a specific Bell-state measurement. This ability opens up the prospect of connecting heterogeneous nodes of a network, with the promise of increased integration and novel functionalities.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(1): 010505, 2020 Jan 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31976704


Applications of randomness such as private key generation and public randomness beacons require small blocks of certified random bits on demand. Device-independent quantum random number generators can produce such random bits, but existing quantum-proof protocols and loophole-free implementations suffer from high latency, requiring many hours to produce any random bits. We demonstrate device-independent quantum randomness generation from a loophole-free Bell test with a more efficient quantum-proof protocol, obtaining multiple blocks of 512 random bits with an average experiment time of less than 5 min per block and with a certified error bounded by 2^{-64}≈5.42×10^{-20}.

Metrologia ; 57(1)2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34121773


We measure the detection efficiency of single-photon detectors at wavelengths near 851 nm and 1533.6 nm. We investigate the spatial uniformity of one free-space-coupled single-photon avalanche diode and present a comparison between fusion-spliced and connectorized fiber-coupled single-photon detectors. We find that our expanded relative uncertainty for a single measurement of the detection efficiency is as low as 0.70% for fiber-coupled measurements at 1533.6 nm and as high as 1.78% for our free-space characterization at 851.7 nm. The detection-efficiency determination includes corrections for afterpulsing, dark count, and count-rate effects of the single-photon detector with the detection efficiency interpolated to operation at a specified detected count rate.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(15): 151802, 2019 Oct 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31702301


We propose the use of superconducting nanowires as both target and sensor for direct detection of sub-GeV dark matter. With excellent sensitivity to small energy deposits on electrons and demonstrated low dark counts, such devices could be used to probe electron recoils from dark matter scattering and absorption processes. We demonstrate the feasibility of this idea using measurements of an existing fabricated tungsten-silicide nanowire prototype with 0.8-eV energy threshold and 4.3 ng with 10 000 s of exposure, which showed no dark counts. The results from this device already place meaningful bounds on dark matter-electron interactions, including the strongest terrestrial bounds on sub-eV dark photon absorption to date. Future expected fabrication on larger scales and with lower thresholds should enable probing of new territory in the direct detection landscape, establishing the complementarity of this approach to other existing proposals.

Opt Express ; 27(8): 11626-11634, 2019 Apr 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31053005


We use pulsed spontaneous parametric down-conversion in KTiOPO 4, with a Gaussian phase-matching function and a transform-limited Gaussian pump, to achieve near-unity spectral purity in heralded single photons at telecommunication wavelength. Theory shows that these phase-matching and pump conditions are sufficient to ensure that a biphoton state with a circularly symmetric joint spectral intensity profile is transform limited and factorable. We verify the heralded-state spectral purity in a four-fold coincidence measurement by performing Hong-Ou-Mandel interference between two independently generated heralded photons. With a mild spectral filter we obtain an interference visibility of 98.4±1.1% which corresponds to a heralded-state purity of 99.2%. Our heralded photon source is potentially an essential resource for measurement-based quantum information processing and quantum network applications.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32116464


Superconducting nanowire devices, such as the superconducting nanowire single photon detector (SNSPD) or nanocryotron, have a time-dependent stochasticity that depends on the current flowing through them. When modeling complex circuits made of several such devices (for instance, an array of SNSPDs), the ability to include this randomness can be important for predicting unwanted effects and interactions within the circuit. We present a modification of the model described by Berggren et al. that allows for the inclusion of this stochasticity into the nanowire device model. We then verify the model against experiment using a tungsten silicide SNSPD, and show that the modified model replicates the stochasticity of the physical device.

Phys Rev Appl ; 12(5)2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33033743


We demonstrate the tunable quantum beat of single photons through the co-development of core nonlinear nanophotonic technologies for frequency-domain manipulation of quantum states in a common physical platform. Spontaneous four-wave mixing in a nonlinear resonator is used to produce non-degenerate, quantum-correlated photon pairs. One photon from each pair is then frequency shifted, without degradation of photon statistics, using four-wave mixing Bragg scattering in a second nonlinear resonator. Fine tuning of the applied frequency shift enables tunable quantum interference of the two photons as they are impinged on a beamsplitter, with an oscillating signature that depends on their frequency difference. Our work showcases the potential of nonlinear nanophotonic devices as a valuable resource for photonic quantum information science.

Optica ; 6(5)2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38496234


Single self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots are promising bright sources of indistinguishable photons for quantum information science. However, their distribution in emission wavelength, due to inhomogeneous broadening inherent to their growth, has limited the ability to create multiple identical sources. Quantum frequency conversion can overcome this issue, particularly if implemented using scalable chip-integrated technologies. Here, we report the first demonstration of quantum frequency conversion of a quantum dot single-photon source on a silicon nanophotonic chip. Single photons from a quantum dot in a micropillar cavity are shifted in wavelength with an on-chip conversion efficiency ≈ 12 %, limited by the linewidth of the quantum dot photons. The intensity autocorrelation function g(2)(τ) for the frequency-converted light is antibunched with g(2)(0)=0.290±0.030, compared to the before-conversion value g(2)(0)=0.080±0.003. We demonstrate the suitability of our frequency conversion interface as a resource for quantum dot sources by characterizing its effectiveness across a wide span of input wavelengths (840 nm to 980 nm), and its ability to achieve tunable wavelength shifts difficult to obtain by other approaches.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(18): 183603, 2018 Nov 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30444379


We demonstrate optical probing of spectrally resolved single Nd^{3+} rare-earth ions in yttrium orthovanadate. The ions are coupled to a photonic crystal resonator and show strong enhancement of the optical emission rate via the Purcell effect, resulting in near radiatively limited single photon emission. The measured high coupling cooperativity between a single photon and the ion allows for the observation of coherent optical Rabi oscillations. This could enable optically controlled spin qubits, quantum logic gates, and spin-photon interfaces for future quantum networks.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(15): 150402, 2018 Oct 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30362792


We present a violation of the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality without the fair sampling assumption with a continuously pumped photon pair source combined with two high efficiency superconducting detectors. Because of the continuous nature of the source, the choice of the duration of each measurement round effectively controls the average number of photon pairs participating in the Bell test. We observe a maximum violation of S=2.016 02(32) with an average number of pairs per round of ≈0.32, compatible with our system overall detection efficiencies. Systems that violate a Bell inequality are guaranteed to generate private randomness, with the randomness extraction rate depending on the observed violation and on the repetition rate of the Bell test. For our realization, the optimal rate of randomness generation is a compromise between the observed violation and the duration of each measurement round, with the latter realistically limited by the detection time jitter. Using an extractor composably secure against quantum adversary with quantum side information, we calculate an asymptotic rate of ≈1300 random bits/s. With an experimental run of 43 min, we generated 617 920 random bits, corresponding to ≈240 random bits/s.