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Phys Rev E ; 105(3-2): 035107, 2022 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35428057


Instabilities in stratified precessing fluid are investigated. We extend the study by Mahalov [Phys. Fluids A 5, 891 (1993)0899-821310.1063/1.858635] in the stably stratified Boussinesq framework, with an external Coriolis force (with rate Ω_{p}) altering the base flow through the distortion of the circular streamlines of the unperturbed axially stratified rotating columns (with constant vorticity 2Ω.) It is shown that the inviscid part of the modified velocity flow (0,Ωr,-2ɛΩrsinφ) and buoyancy with gradient N^{2}(-2ɛcosφ,2ɛsinφ,1) are an exact solution of Boussinesq-Euler equations. Here (r,φ,z) is a cylindrical coordinate system, with ɛ=Ω_{p}/Ω being the Poincaré number and N the Brunt-Väisälä frequency. The base flow is transformed into a Cartesian coordinate system, and the stability of a superimposed perturbation is studied in terms of Fourier (or Kelvin) modes. The resulting Floquet system for the Fourier modes has three parameters: ɛ, N=N/Ω, and µ, which is the angle between the wave vector k and the solid-body rotation axis in the limit ɛ=0. In this limit, there are inertia-gravity waves propagating with frequency ±ω and the resonant cases are those for which 2ω=nΩ, n being an integer. We perform an asymptotic analysis to leading order in ɛ and characterize the destabilizing resonant case of order n=1 (i.e., the subharmonic instability) which exists and for 0≤N<Ω/2. In this range, the subharmonic instability remains the strongest with a maximal growth rate σ_{m}=[ɛ(5sqrt[15]/8)sqrt[1-4N^{2}]/(4-N^{2})]. Stable stratification acts in such a way as to make the subharmonic instability less efficient, so as it disappears for N≥0.5Ω. The destabilizing resonant cases of order n=2,3,4,5 are investigated in detail by numerical computations. The effect of viscosity on these instabilities is briefly addressed assuming the diffusive coefficients (kinematic and thermal) are equal. Likewise, we briefly investigate the case where N^{2}<0 and show that the instability associated to the mode with k_{3}=0 is the strongest.

Phys Rev E ; 98(1-1): 011102, 2018 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30110779


We study precessing turbulence, which appears in several geophysical and astrophysical systems, by direct numerical simulations of homogeneous turbulence where precessional instability is triggered due to the imposed background flow. We show that the time development of kinetic energy K occurs in two main phases associated with different flow topologies: (i) an exponential growth characterizing three-dimensional turbulence dynamics and (ii) nonlinear saturation during which K remains almost time independent, the flow becoming quasi-two-dimensional. The latter stage, wherein the development of K remains insensitive to the initial state, shares an important common feature with other quasi-two-dimensional rotating flows such as rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection, or the large atmospheric scales: in the plane k_{∥}=0, i.e., the plane associated to an infinite wavelength in the direction parallel to the principal rotation axis, the kinetic energy spectrum scales as k_{⊥}^{-3}. We show that this power law is observed for wave numbers ranging between the Zeman "precessional" and "rotational" scales, k_{S}^{-1} and k_{Ω}^{-1}, respectively, at which the associated background shear or inertial timescales are equal to the eddy turnover time. In addition, an inverse cascade develops for (k_{⊥},k)

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25974579


We consider horizontal linear shear flow (shear rate denoted by Λ) under vertical uniform rotation (ambient rotation rate denoted by Ω(0)) and vertical stratification (buoyancy frequency denoted by N) in unbounded domain. We show that, under a primary vertical velocity perturbation and a radial density perturbation consisting of a one-dimensional standing wave with frequency N and amplitude proportional to w(0)sin(ɛNx/w(0))≈ɛNx(≪1), where x denotes the radial coordinate and ɛ a small parameter, a parametric instability can develop in the flow, provided N(2)>8Ω(0)(2Ω(0)-Λ). For astrophysical accretion flows and under the shearing sheet approximation, this implies N(2)>8Ω(0)(2)(2-q), where q=Λ/Ω(0) is the local shear gradient. In the case of a stratified constant angular momentum disk, q=2, there is a parametric instability with the maximal growth rate (σ(m)/ɛ)=3√[3]/16 for any positive value of the buoyancy frequency N. In contrast, for a stratified Keplerian disk, q=1.5, the parametric instability appears only for N>2Ω(0) with a maximal growth rate that depends on the ratio Ω(0)/N and approaches (3√[3]/16)ɛ for large values of N.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24483566


We study analytically the instability of the subharmonic resonances in magnetogravity waves excited by a (vertical) time-periodic shear for an inviscid and nondiffusive unbounded conducting fluid. Due to the fact that the magnetic potential induction is a Lagrangian invariant for magnetohydrodynamic Euler-Boussinesq equations, we show that plane-wave disturbances are governed by a four-dimensional Floquet system in which appears, among others, the parameter ɛ representing the ratio of the periodic shear amplitude to the vertical Brunt-Väisälä frequency N(3). For sufficiently small ɛ and when the magnetic field is horizontal, we perform an asymptotic analysis of the Floquet system following the method of Lebovitz and Zweibel [Astrophys. J. 609, 301 (2004)]. We determine the width and the maximal growth rate of the instability bands associated with subharmonic resonances. We show that the instability of subharmonic resonance occurring in gravity shear waves has a maximal growth rate of the form Δ(m)=(3√[3]/16)ɛ. This instability persists in the presence of magnetic fields, but its growth rate decreases as the magnetic strength increases. We also find a second instability involving a mixing of hydrodynamic and magnetic modes that occurs for all magnetic field strengths. We also elucidate the similarity between the effect of a vertical magnetic field and the effect of a vertical Coriolis force on the gravity shear waves considering axisymmetric disturbances. For both cases, plane waves are governed by a Hill equation, and, when ɛ is sufficiently small, the subharmonic instability band is determined by a Mathieu equation. We find that, when the Coriolis parameter (or the magnetic strength) exceeds N(3)/2, the instability of the subharmonic resonance vanishes.