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HU rev ; 49: 1-5, 20230000.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562898


Introdução: A Empresa Brasileira de Serviços Hospitalares (Ebserh) gere 41 hospitais universitários federais (HUFs), atualmente com 36 Núcleos de Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde (NATS). No contexto hospitalar, o NATS desenvolve produtos de avaliação de tecnologias em saúde (ATS) para subsidiar o gestor na tomada de decisões, sendo essencial para a sustentabilidade do Sistema Único de Saúde. A implantação efetiva dos NATS ainda é desafiadora, devido à insuficiência de diretrizes específicas para ATS hospitalar. Objetivo: Relatar atuação do Grupo de Trabalho em ATS (GT-ATS) da Ebserh na elaboração de guia para orientar a estruturação e fortalecimento dos NATS dos HUFs.Relato de Experiência: O GT-ATS foi instituído por portaria, composto por representantes de NATS dos HUFs e da administração central da Ebserh. Inicialmente, fez-se levantamento dos processos envolvendo os NATS, da prática de ATS na Ebserh e foi realizado diagnóstico situacional dos NATS. Em seguida, elaborou-se o guia a partir da expertise dos membros do GT-ATS e das melhores práticas e recomendações sobre ATS hospitalar, identificadas em revisão da literatura. O "Guia para organização e funcionamento dos NATS na Rede Ebserh" foi publicado em março de 2023 no portal eletrônico da Ebserh e inclui contextualização da ATS hospitalar no Brasil, objetivos e escopo de atuação dos NATS da Ebserh, orientações para organização e funcionamento dos núcleos e modelo de regulamento interno. Também foram elaborados modelos de nota técnica, declaração de conflito de interesses, formulário de solicitação e termo de compromisso de confidencialidade. Conclusão: O GT-ATS, por meio do Guia e dos documentos elaborados, contribuiu para institucionalização, harmonização e implementação dos processos de ATS nos hospitais da Ebserh, respeitando a heterogeneidade dos contextos e níveis de maturidade dos NATS. O trabalho colaborativo dentro do GT-ATS permitiu articulação de saberes interdisciplinares e práticas interinstitucionais, ampliando a dimensão, alcance e efetividade das ações de ATS.

Introduction: The Brazilian Hospital Services Company (Ebserh) manages 41 federal university hospitals (HUFs), currently with 36 Health Technology Assessment Centers (NATS). In the hospital context, NATS develop health technology assessment (HTA) products to help managers make decisions and are essential for the sustainability of the Unified Health System. The effective implementation of NATS is still a challenge, due to the lack of specific guidelines for hospital HTA. Objective: To report on the work of Ebserh's HTA Working Group (GT-ATS) in drawing up a guide for structuring and strengthening NATS HUFs. Experience Report: The GT-ATS was set up by ordinance, made up of representatives from NATS of HUFs and from Ebserh's central administration. Initially, a survey about the processes involving the NATS and the practice of HTA at Ebserh was carried out to make a situational diagnosis. The guide was then drawn up based on the expertise of the GT-ATS members and the best practices and recommendations on hospital HTA identified in literature review. The "Guide for the organization and operation of NATS in the Ebserh network" was published in March 2023 on Ebserh's electronic portal and includes a contextualization of hospital HTA in Brazil, the objectives and scope of action of Ebserh's NATS, guidelines for the organization and operation of the centers and a model of internal regulations. Templates have also been drawn up for technical note, declaration of conflict of interests, application form and confidentiality agreement. Conclusion: Through the Guide and the documents produced, the GT-ATS contributed to the institutionalization, harmonization and implementation of HTA processes in Ebserh hospitals, while respecting the heterogeneous contexts and maturity levels of the NATS. The collaborative work within the GT-ATS has allowed interdisciplinary knowledge and inter-institutional practices to be brought together, expanding the dimension, scope and effectiveness of HTA actions.

Technology Assessment, Biomedical , Unified Health System , Science and Technology Information Networks , Health Promotion , Hospitals, University/organization & administration , Institutionalization
JMIR Res Protoc ; 10(1): e24298, 2021 Jan 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33290246


BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic has led to high levels of physical, psychological, and social stress among health care professionals, including postgraduate students in medical and multidisciplinary residencies. This stress is associated with the intense fear of occupational exposure to SARS-CoV-2, the virus known to cause COVID-19. These professionals are at risk of developing physical and mental illnesses not only due to the infection but also due to prolonged exposure to multidimensional stress and continued work overload. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate the prevalence of symptoms suggestive of mental disorders and burnout syndrome and determine the risk factors for burnout among postgraduate students in medical and multidisciplinary residencies in Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: For this prospective cohort study with parallel groups, participants were recruited between July and September 2020 to achieve a sample size of at least 1144 participants. Research instruments such as Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale; Patient Health Questionnaire; Brief Resilient Coping Scale; and Oldenburg Burnout Inventory will be used to collect data. Data will be collected in 2 waves: the first wave will include data related to sample characterization and psychosocial evaluation, and the second wave will be launched 12 weeks later and will include an evaluation of the incidence of burnout as well as correlations with the potential predictive factors collected in the first wave. Additionally, we will collect data regarding participants' withdrawal from work. RESULTS: The recruitment took place from July 29 to September 5, 2020. Data analyses for this phase is already in progress. The second phase of the study is also in progress. The final data collection began on December 1, 2020, and it will be completed by December 31, 2020. CONCLUSIONS: We believe the findings of this study will help evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health conditions of health professionals in Brazil as well as contribute to the planning and implementation of appropriate measures that can alleviate these mental health challenges. INTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIER (IRRID): DERR1-10.2196/24298.