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ChemistryOpen ; : e202400139, 2024 Aug 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39171770


Alcohols are common alkylating agents and starting materials alternative to harmful alkyl halides. In this study, a simple, benign and efficient pathway was developed to synthesize 1,3-diphenylpropan-1-ols via the ß-alkylation of 1-phenylethanol with benzyl alcohols. Unlike conventional borrowing hydrogen processes in which alcohols were activated by transition-metal catalyzed dehydrogenation, in this work, t-BuONa was suggested to be a dual-role reagent, namely, both base and radical initiator, for the radical coupling of aromatic alcohols. The cross-coupling reaction readily proceeded under transition metal-free conditions and an inert atmosphere, affording 1,3-diphenylpropan-1-ol with an excellent yield. A good functional group tolerance in benzyl alcohols was observed, leading to the production of various phenyl-substituted propan-1-ol derivatives in moderate-to-good yields. The mechanistic studies proposed that the reaction could involve the formation of reactive radical anions by base-mediated deprotonation and single electron transfer.

Mycobiology ; 51(5): 320-332, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37929009


Talaromyces is a genus within the phylum Ascomycota (class Eurotiomycetes, order Eurotiales, family Trichocomaceae). Many species in this genus are known to produce diverse secondary metabolites with great potential for agricultural, medical, and pharmaceutical applications. During a survey on fungal diversity in the genus Talaromyces in Korea, six strains were isolated from soil, indoor air, and freshwater environments. Based on morphological, physiological, and multi-locus (ITS, BenA, CaM, and RPB2) phylogenetic analyses, we identified five previously unrecorded species in Korea (T. brevis, T. fusiformis, T. muroii, T. ruber, and T. soli) and a new species (T. echinulatus sp. nov.) belonging to section Talaromyces. Herein, detailed descriptions, illustrations, and phylogenetic tree are provided.

J Fungi (Basel) ; 9(3)2023 Mar 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36983485


Species of Lichtheimia are important opportunistic fungal pathogens in the order Mucorales that are isolated from various sources such as soil, indoor air, food products, feces, and decaying vegetables. In recent years, species of Lichtheimia have become an emerging causative agent of invasive mucormycosis. In Europe and USA, Lichtheimia are the second and third most common causal fungus of mucormycosis, respectively. Thus, the aim of this study was to survey the diversity of species of Lichtheimia hidden in poorly studied hosts, such as invertebrates, in Korea. Eight Lichtheimia strains were isolated from invertebrate samples. Based on morphology, physiology, and phylogenetic analyses of ITS and LSU rDNA sequence data, the strains were identified as L. hyalospora, L. ornata, L. ramosa, and a novel species, L. koreana sp. nov. Lichtheimia koreana is characterized by a variable columellae, sporangiophores arising solitarily or up to three at one place from stolons, and slow growth on MEA and PDA at all temperatures tested. The new species grows best at 30 and 35 °C and has a maximum growth temperature of 40 °C. Detailed descriptions, illustrations, and a phylogenetic tree are provided.

Mycobiology ; 51(6): 417-435, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38179116


Eurotiales is a relatively large order of Ascomycetes, well-known for their ability to produce secondary metabolites with potential beneficial applications. To understand their diversity and distribution, different environmental sources including soil, freshwater, insect, and indoor air were investigated. Eight strains of Eurotiales were isolated and identified based on their morphological characters and a multi-gene phylogenetic analysis of the ITS, BenA, CaM, and RPB2 regions. We identified eight taxa that were previously not reported from Korea: Aspergillus baeticus, A. griseoaurantiacus, A. spinulosporus, Penicillium anthracinoglaciei, P. labradorum, P. nalgiovense, Talaromyces atroroseus, and T. georgiensis. Detailed descriptions, illustrations, and phylogenetic tree for the eight new records species are presented, and information regarding the records is also discussed.

Mycobiology ; 50(5): 326-344, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36404897


The fungal-like family Saprolegniaceae (Oomycota), also called "water mold," includes mostly aquatic saprophytes as well as notorious aquatic animal pathogens. Most studies on Saprolegniaceae have been biased toward pathogenic species that are important to aquaculture rather than saprotrophic species, despite the latter's crucial roles in carbon cycling of freshwater ecosystems. Few attempts have been made to study the diversity and ecology of Saprolegniaceae; thus, their ecological role is not well-known. During a survey of oomycetes between 2016 and 2021, we investigated the diversity and distribution of culturable Saprolegniaceae species in freshwater ecosystems of Korea. In the present study, members of Saprolegniaceae were isolated and identified at species level based on their cultural, morphological, and molecular phylogenetic analyses. Furthermore, substrate preference and seasonal dynamics for each were examined. Most of the species were previously reported as animal pathogens; however, in the present study, they were often isolated from other freshwater substrates, such as plant debris, algae, water, and soil sediment. The relative abundance of Saprolegniaceae was higher in the cold to cool season than that in the warm to hot season of Korea. This study enhances our understanding of the diversity and ecological attributes of Saprolegniaceae in freshwater ecosystems.

Mycobiology ; 50(4): 189-202, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36158044


An investigation of species of the genus Aspergillus present in arthropod, freshwater, and soil led to the discovery of seven undescribed species in Korea. Based on their morphological characteristics and molecular phylogeny analyses using a combined data set of ß-tubulin (BenA) and calmodulin (CaM) sequences, the isolated strains CNUFC IGS2-5, CNUFC YJ1-19, CNUFC WD27, CNUFC U8-70, CNUFC AS2-24, CNUFC S32-1, and CNUFC U7-48, were identified as Aspergillus brunneoviolaceus, A. capensis, A. floccosus, A. inflatus, A. parvulus, A. polyporicola, and A. spelaeus, respectively. In the present study, the detailed morphological descriptions and phylogenetic relationships of these species are provided.

J Fungi (Basel) ; 8(6)2022 Jun 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35736084


Species in the genus Mucor have a worldwide distribution and are isolated from various substrata and hosts, including soil, dung, freshwater, and fruits. However, their diversity from insects is still much too little explored. The aim of this study was to characterize three new species of Mucor: Mucor grylli sp. nov., M. hyangburmii sp. nov., and M. kunryangriensis sp. nov., discovered in Kunryang-ri, Cheongyang in the Chungnam Province of Korea, during an investigation of Mucorales from cricket insects. The new species are described using morphological characters and molecular data including ITS and LSU rDNA regions. Mucor grylli is characterized by the highly variable shape of its columellae, which are subglobose to oblong, obovoid, strawberry-shaped, and sometimes slightly or strongly constricted in the center. Mucor hyangburmii is characterized by the production of azygospores and growth at 40 °C. Mucor kunryangriensis is characterized by the variable shape of its columellae, which are elongated-conical, obovoid, cylindrical ellipsoid, cylindrical, and production of abundant yeast-like cells on PDA, MEA, and SMA media. Based on the sequence analysis of two genetic markers, our phylogenic assessment strongly supported M. grylli, M. hyangburmii, and M. kunryangriensis as new species. Detailed descriptions, illustrations, and phylogenetic trees are provided.

Mycobiology ; 50(1): 30-45, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35291599


During a survey of plant-inhabiting fungi and water niches from Korea, noteworthy fungi were collected; among them, two new species, Paracamarosporium noviaquum sp. nov. and Phyllosticta gwangjuensis sp. nov., are described based on morphology and multi-gene phylogenies. Paracamarosporium noviaquum was characterized by its production of 1-celled and 2-celled conidia, forming conidiomata on only potato dextrose agar medium. Phyllosticta gwangjuensis was characterized by conidia hyaline, ovoid to ellipsoid shape, rounded at both ends, containing numerous guttulae or with a single large central guttule. Additional species were identified as Cosmospora lavitskiae, Monochaetia cameliae, and Roussoella doimaesalongensis, which are reported as new record species from Korea. Detailed descriptions and illustrations of these taxa are provided herein.

Fungal Divers ; 111(1): 1-335, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34899100


This article is the 13th contribution in the Fungal Diversity Notes series, wherein 125 taxa from four phyla, ten classes, 31 orders, 69 families, 92 genera and three genera incertae sedis are treated, demonstrating worldwide and geographic distribution. Fungal taxa described and illustrated in the present study include three new genera, 69 new species, one new combination, one reference specimen and 51 new records on new hosts and new geographical distributions. Three new genera, Cylindrotorula (Torulaceae), Scolecoleotia (Leotiales genus incertae sedis) and Xenovaginatispora (Lindomycetaceae) are introduced based on distinct phylogenetic lineages and unique morphologies. Newly described species are Aspergillus lannaensis, Cercophora dulciaquae, Cladophialophora aquatica, Coprinellus punjabensis, Cortinarius alutarius, C. mammillatus, C. quercoflocculosus, Coryneum fagi, Cruentomycena uttarakhandina, Cryptocoryneum rosae, Cyathus uniperidiolus, Cylindrotorula indica, Diaporthe chamaeropicola, Didymella azollae, Diplodia alanphillipsii, Dothiora coronicola, Efibula rodriguezarmasiae, Erysiphe salicicola, Fusarium queenslandicum, Geastrum gorgonicum, G. hansagiense, Helicosporium sexualis, Helminthosporium chiangraiensis, Hongkongmyces kokensis, Hydrophilomyces hydraenae, Hygrocybe boertmannii, Hyphoderma australosetigerum, Hyphodontia yunnanensis, Khaleijomyces umikazeana, Laboulbenia divisa, Laboulbenia triarthronis, Laccaria populina, Lactarius pallidozonarius, Lepidosphaeria strobelii, Longipedicellata megafusiformis, Lophiotrema lincangensis, Marasmius benghalensis, M. jinfoshanensis, M. subtropicus, Mariannaea camelliae, Melanographium smilaxii, Microbotryum polycnemoides, Mimeomyces digitatus, Minutisphaera thailandensis, Mortierella solitaria, Mucor harpali, Nigrograna jinghongensis, Odontia huanrenensis, O. parvispina, Paraconiothyrium ajrekarii, Parafuscosporella niloticus, Phaeocytostroma yomensis, Phaeoisaria synnematicus, Phanerochaete hainanensis, Pleopunctum thailandicum, Pleurotheciella dimorphospora, Pseudochaetosphaeronema chiangraiense, Pseudodactylaria albicolonia, Rhexoacrodictys nigrospora, Russula paravioleipes, Scolecoleotia eriocamporesi, Seriascoma honghense, Synandromyces makranczyi, Thyridaria aureobrunnea, Torula lancangjiangensis, Tubeufia longihelicospora, Wicklowia fusiformispora, Xenovaginatispora phichaiensis and Xylaria apiospora. One new combination, Pseudobactrodesmium stilboideus is proposed. A reference specimen of Comoclathris permunda is designated. New host or distribution records are provided for Acrocalymma fici, Aliquandostipite khaoyaiensis, Camarosporidiella laburni, Canalisporium caribense, Chaetoscutula juniperi, Chlorophyllum demangei, C. globosum, C. hortense, Cladophialophora abundans, Dendryphion hydei, Diaporthe foeniculina, D. pseudophoenicicola, D. pyracanthae, Dictyosporium pandanicola, Dyfrolomyces distoseptatus, Ernakulamia tanakae, Eutypa flavovirens, E. lata, Favolus septatus, Fusarium atrovinosum, F. clavum, Helicosporium luteosporum, Hermatomyces nabanheensis, Hermatomyces sphaericoides, Longipedicellata aquatica, Lophiostoma caudata, L. clematidis-vitalbae, Lophiotrema hydei, L. neoarundinaria, Marasmiellus palmivorus, Megacapitula villosa, Micropsalliota globocystis, M. gracilis, Montagnula thailandica, Neohelicosporium irregulare, N. parisporum, Paradictyoarthrinium diffractum, Phaeoisaria aquatica, Poaceascoma taiwanense, Saproamanita manicata, Spegazzinia camelliae, Submersispora variabilis, Thyronectria caudata, T. mackenziei, Tubeufia chiangmaiensis, T. roseohelicospora, Vaginatispora nypae, Wicklowia submersa, Xanthagaricus necopinatus and Xylaria haemorrhoidalis. The data presented herein are based on morphological examination of fresh specimens, coupled with analysis of phylogenetic sequence data to better integrate taxa into appropriate taxonomic ranks and infer their evolutionary relationships.

MycoKeys ; 84: 57-78, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34759734


Mucor species are common fast-growing fungi found in soil. Two new species of Mucor and one new geographical record of M.nederlandicus were collected from northern Thailand and are described in this study. Evidence from morphophysiological data and phylogenetic analysis supports the introduction of the new taxa. Phylogenetic analysis based on the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and large subunit of the nuclear ribosomal RNA (LSU) data showed that the new isolates cluster distinctly from other Mucor species with high or maximum bootstrap support. Mucoraseptatophorus is characterized by aseptate sporangiophores, globose columella, resistant and deliquescent sporangia, has sympodial, and monopodial branches and shows growth at 37 °C. It also differs from M.irregularis in having smaller sporangiospores, and larger sporangia. Mucorchiangraiensis has subglobose or slightly elongated globose columella, produces hyaline sporangiospores, and resistant and deliquescent sporangia. Furthermore, this species has wider sporangiophore, smaller sporangia and lower growth than M.nederlandicus. A detailed description of the species and illustrations are provided for the novel species.

Fungal Divers ; 109(1): 59-98, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34608378


The increasing number of new fungal species described from all over the world along with the use of genetics to define taxa, has dramatically changed the classification system of early-diverging fungi over the past several decades. The number of phyla established for non-Dikarya fungi has increased from 2 to 17. However, to date, both the classification and phylogeny of the basal fungi are still unresolved. In this article, we review the recent taxonomy of the basal fungi and re-evaluate the relationships among early-diverging lineages of fungal phyla. We also provide information on the ecology and distribution in Mucoromycota and highlight the impact of chytrids on amphibian populations. Species concepts in Chytridiomycota, Aphelidiomycota, Rozellomycota, Neocallimastigomycota are discussed in this paper. To preserve the current application of the genus Nephridiophaga (Chytridiomycota: Nephridiophagales), a new type species, Nephridiophaga blattellae, is proposed.

Mycobiology ; 49(4): 363-375, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34512080


Penicillium species are known to be ubiquitous environmental saprophytes. In the survey of diversity of genus Penicillium, seven new records of Penicillium species belonging to section Lanata-Divaricata were isolated from freshwater and soil samples collected from different locations in Korea. Based on morphological characteristics and multilocus phylogenetic analysis of the rDNA internal transcribed spacer region (ITS), ß-tubulin (BenA), and calmodulin (CaM) genes, the isolated strains were identified as P. annulatum, P. camponotum, P. echinulonalgiovense, P. globosum, P. limosum, P. onobense, and P. yunnanense, respectively. This study presents detailed phylogenetic analyses and morphological descriptions of these species that contribute to section Lanata-Divaricata in Korea.

J Fungi (Basel) ; 7(9)2021 Sep 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34575760


Three novel fungal species, Talaromyces gwangjuensis, T. koreana, and T. teleomorpha were found in Korea during an investigation of fungi in freshwater. The new species are described here using morphological characters, a multi-gene phylogenetic analysis of the ITS, BenA, CaM, RPB2 regions, and extrolite data. Talaromyces gwangjuensis is characterized by restricted growth on CYA, YES, monoverticillate and biverticillate conidiophores, and globose smooth-walled conidia. Talaromyces koreana is characterized by fast growth on MEA, biverticillate conidiophores, or sometimes with additional branches and the production of acid on CREA. Talaromyces teleomorpha is characterized by producing creamish-white or yellow ascomata on OA and MEA, restricted growth on CREA, and no asexual morph observed in the culture. A phylogenetic analysis of the ITS, BenA, CaM, and RPB2 sequences showed that the three new taxa form distinct monophyletic clades. Detailed descriptions, illustrations, and phylogenetic trees are provided.

Front Plant Sci ; 12: 691754, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34220915


Terpenoids are a large and diverse class of plant metabolites that also includes volatile mono- and sesquiterpenes which are involved in biotic interactions of plants. Due to the limited natural availability of these terpenes and the tight regulation of their biosynthesis, there is strong interest to introduce or enhance their production in crop plants by metabolic engineering for agricultural, pharmaceutical and industrial applications. While engineering of monoterpenes has been quite successful, expression of sesquiterpene synthases in engineered plants frequently resulted in production of only minor amounts of sesquiterpenes. To identify bottlenecks for sesquiterpene engineering in plants, we have used two nearly identical terpene synthases, snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) nerolidol/linalool synthase-1 and -2 (AmNES/LIS-1/-2), that are localized in the cytosol and plastids, respectively. Since these two bifunctional terpene synthases have very similar catalytic properties with geranyl diphosphate (GPP) and farnesyl diphosphate (FPP), their expression in target tissues allows indirect determination of the availability of these substrates in both subcellular compartments. Both terpene synthases were expressed under control of the ripening specific PG promoter in tomato fruits, which are characterized by a highly active terpenoid metabolism providing precursors for carotenoid biosynthesis. As AmNES/LIS-2 fruits produced the monoterpene linalool, AmNES/LIS-1 fruits were found to exclusively produce the sesquiterpene nerolidol. While nerolidol emission in AmNES/LIS-1 fruits was 60- to 584-fold lower compared to linalool emission in AmNES/LIS-2 fruits, accumulation of nerolidol-glucosides in AmNES/LIS-1 fruits was 4- to 14-fold lower than that of linalool-glucosides in AmNES/LIS-2 fruits. These results suggest that only a relatively small pool of FPP is available for sesquiterpene formation in the cytosol. To potentially overcome limitations in sesquiterpene production, we transiently co-expressed the key pathway-enzymes hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase (HMGR) and 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate synthase (DXS), as well as the regulator isopentenyl phosphate kinase (IPK). While HMGR and IPK expression increased metabolic flux toward nerolidol formation 5.7- and 2.9-fold, respectively, DXS expression only resulted in a 2.5-fold increase.

J Fungi (Basel) ; 7(7)2021 Jun 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34199055


Three novel fungal species, Backusella chlamydospora sp. nov., B. koreana sp. nov., and B. thermophila sp. nov., as well as two new records, B. oblongielliptica and B. oblongispora, were found in Cheongyang, Korea, during an investigation of fungal species from invertebrates and toads. All species are described here using morphological characters and sequence data from internal transcribed spacer sequences of ribosomal DNA and large subunit of the ribosomal DNA. Backusella chlamydospora is different from other Backusella species by producing chlamydospores. Backusella koreana can be distinguished from other Backusella species by producing abundant yeast-like cells. Backusella thermophila is characterized by a variable (subglobose to oblong, applanate to oval, conical and ellipsoidal to pyriform) columellae and grows well at 37 °C. Multigene phylogenetic analyses of the combined ITS and LSU rDNA sequences data generated from maximum likelihood and MrBayes analyses indicate that B. chlamydospora, B. koreana, and B. thermophila form distinct lineages in the family Backusellaceae. Detailed descriptions, illustrations, phylogenetic tree, and taxonomic key to the Backusella species present in Korea are provided.

Mycobiology ; 49(2): 105-121, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37970186


Six interesting fungal strains were isolated during a survey of fungal diversity associated with freshwater; these strains were designated as CNUFC YJW2-22, CNUFC MSW11-6-2, CNUFC HRS5-3, CNUFC MSW242-6, CNUFC DMW2-2, and CNUFC CPWS-1. Based on a polyphasic approach including phylogenetic analyses of internal transcribed space (ITS), large subunit (LSU), beta-tubulin (BenA), and calmodulin (CaM) gene sequences, morphological analyses, the six strains were found to be identical to Acremonium guillematii, Cadophora novi-eboraci, Lectera nordwiniana, Mycoarthris corallina, Talaromyces siamensis, and Tetracladium globosum, respectively. To our knowledge, these are the first records of the rare Lectera, Mycoarthris, and Tetracladium genera in Korea, and the first reports of A. guillematii, C. novi-eboraci, L. nordwiniana, M. corallina, T. siamensis, and Te. globosum in a freshwater environment.

Mycobiology ; 49(6): 534-550, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35035246


During a survey of fungal diversity associated with insects, mud, soil, and freshwater niches in different areas in Korea, nine interesting fungal strains were isolated. Based on their morphological characteristics and molecular phylogeny analyses, using a combined data set of ß-tubulin (BenA), calmodulin (CaM), and second largest subunit of RNA polymerase (RPB2) sequences, the strains CNUFC AM-44, CNUFC JCW3-4, CNUFC S708, CNUFC WT202, CNUFC AS1-29, CNUFC JCW3-5, CNUFC JDP37, and CNUFC JDP62 were identified as Aspergillus alabamensis, A. floridensis, A. subversicolor, Penicillium flavigenum, P. laevigatum, P. lenticrescens, Talaromyces adpressus, and T. beijingensis, respectively. The strain CNUFC JT1301 belongs to series Westlingiorum in section Citrina and is phylogenetically related to P. manginii. However, slow growth when cultivated on CYA, MEA, CREA is observed and the property can be used to easily distinguish the new species from these species. Additionally, P. manginii is known to produce sclerotia, while CNUFC JT1301 strain does not. Herein, the new fungal species is proposed as P. aquadulcis sp. nov. Eight species, A. alabamensis, A. floridensis, A. subversicolor, P. flavigenum, P. laevigatum, P. lenticrescens, T. adpressus, and T. beijingensis, have not been previously reported in Korea. The present study expands the known distribution of fungal species belonging to the families Aspergillaceae and Trichocomaceae in Korea.

Mycobiology ; 48(2): 81-94, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32363036


During an investigation of the fungi from the Aspergillaceae family obtained from different environmental sources in Korea, we isolated six strains, including CNUFC WJC9-1, CNUFC BPM36-33, CNUFC MSW6, CNUFC ESW1, CNUFC TM6-2, and CNUFC WD17-1. The morphology and phylogeny of these isolates were analyzed based on their partial ß-tubulin (BenA) and calmodulin (CaM) gene sequences. Based on the morphological characteristics and sequence analyses, the isolates CNUFC WJC9-1, CNUFC BPM36-33, CNUFC TM6-2, and CNUFC WD17-1 were identified as A. europaeus, A. pragensis, Penicillium fluviserpens, and P. scabrosum, respectively, and isolates CNUFC MSW6 and CNUFC ESW1 were identified as A. tennesseensis. To the best of our knowledge, the species A. europaeus, A. pragensis, A. tennesseensis, P. fluviserpens, and P. scabrosum have not been previously reported in Korea.

Mycobiology ; 48(1): 29-36, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32158603


During an investigation of fungi of the order Mucorales from freshwater and sediment samples in Korea, we isolated six strains, NNIBRFG6649, NNIBRFG6255, NNIBRFG1498, CNUFC-YJ13, CNUFC-YR7, and NNIBRFG2739. The morphology and phylogeny of these strains were analyzed. Based on the morphological characteristics and molecular data from internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, the isolates NNIBRFG6649 and NNIBRFG6255 were identified as Mucor abundans, and M. aligarensis, respectively. The isolates NNIBRFG1498 and CNUFC-YJ13 were identified as M. moelleri, whereas the isolates CNUFC-YR7 and NNIBRFG2739 were identified as M. heterogamus. To the best of our knowledge, M. abundans, M. aligarensis, M. moelleri, and M. heterogamus have not yet been reported in Korea.

Animals (Basel) ; 9(12)2019 Nov 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31766341


The aim of this study was to characterize uterine, fecal, bedding, and airborne dust microbiota from postpartum dairy cows and their environment. The cows were managed by the free-stall housing system, and samples for microbiota and serum metabolite assessment were collected during summer and winter when the cows were at one and two months postpartum. Uterine microbiota varied between seasons; the five most prevalent taxa were Enterobacteriaceae, Moraxellaceae, Ruminococcaceae, Staphylococcaceae, and Lactobacillaceae during summer, and Ruminococcaceae, Lachnospiraceae, Bacteroidaceae, Moraxellaceae, and Clostridiaceae during winter. Although Actinomycetaceae and Mycoplasmataceae were detected at high abundance in several uterine samples, the relationship between the uterine microbiota and serum metabolite concentrations was unclear. The fecal microbiota was stable regardless of the season, whereas bedding and airborne dust microbiota varied between summer and winter. With regards to uterine, bedding, and airborne dust microbiota, Enterobacteriaceae, Moraxellaceae, Staphylococcaceae, and Lactobacillaceae were more abundant during summer, and Ruminococcaceae, Lachnospiraceae, Bacteroidaceae, and Clostridiaceae were more abundant during winter. Canonical analysis of principal coordinates confirmed the relationship between uterine and cowshed microbiota. These results indicated that the uterine microbiota may vary when the microbiota in cowshed environments changes.