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J Mol Model ; 20(8): 2306, 2014 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25024008


A unified coarse-grained model of three major classes of biological molecules--proteins, nucleic acids, and polysaccharides--has been developed. It is based on the observations that the repeated units of biopolymers (peptide groups, nucleic acid bases, sugar rings) are highly polar and their charge distributions can be represented crudely as point multipoles. The model is an extension of the united residue (UNRES) coarse-grained model of proteins developed previously in our laboratory. The respective force fields are defined as the potentials of mean force of biomacromolecules immersed in water, where all degrees of freedom not considered in the model have been averaged out. Reducing the representation to one center per polar interaction site leads to the representation of average site-site interactions as mean-field dipole-dipole interactions. Further expansion of the potentials of mean force of biopolymer chains into Kubo's cluster-cumulant series leads to the appearance of mean-field dipole-dipole interactions, averaged in the context of local interactions within a biopolymer unit. These mean-field interactions account for the formation of regular structures encountered in biomacromolecules, e.g., α-helices and ß-sheets in proteins, double helices in nucleic acids, and helicoidally packed structures in polysaccharides, which enables us to use a greatly reduced number of interacting sites without sacrificing the ability to reproduce the correct architecture. This reduction results in an extension of the simulation timescale by more than four orders of magnitude compared to the all-atom representation. Examples of the performance of the model are presented.

Macromolecular Substances/chemistry , Molecular Dynamics Simulation , Nucleic Acids/chemistry , Peptides/chemistry , Polysaccharides/chemistry , Protein Binding , Protein Structure, Secondary , Proteins/chemistry
J Chem Theory Comput ; 10(5): 2194-2203, 2014 May 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24839411


Continuing our effort to introduce d-amino-acid residues in the united residue (UNRES) force field developed in our laboratory, in this work the Cα ··· Cα ··· Cα backbone-virtual-bond-valence-angle (θ) potentials for systems containing d-amino-acid residues have been developed. The potentials were determined by integrating the combined energy surfaces of all possible triplets of terminally blocked glycine, alanine, and proline obtained with ab initio molecular quantum mechanics at the MP2/6-31G(d,p) level to calculate the corresponding potentials of mean force (PMFs). Subsequently, analytical expressions were fitted to the PMFs to give the virtual-bond-valence potentials to be used in UNRES. Alanine represented all types of amino-acid residues except glycine and proline. The blocking groups were either the N-acetyl and N',N'-dimethyl or N-acetyl and pyrrolidyl group, depending on whether the residue next in sequence was an alanine-type or a proline residue. A total of 126 potentials (63 symmetry-unrelated potentials for each set of terminally blocking groups) were determined. Together with the torsional, double-torsional, and side-chain-rotamer potentials for polypeptide chains containing d-amino-acid residues determined in our earlier work (Sieradzan et al. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 2012, 8, 4746), the new virtual-bond-angle (θ) potentials now constitute the complete set of physics-based potentials with which to run coarse-grained simulations of systems containing d-amino-acid residues. The ability of the extended UNRES force field to reproduce thermodynamics of polypeptide systems with d-amino-acid residues was tested by comparing the experimentally measured and the calculated free energies of helix formation of model KLALKLALxxLKLALKLA peptides, where x denotes any d- or l- amino-acid residue. The obtained results demonstrate that the UNRES force field with the new potentials reproduce the changes of free energies of helix formation upon d-substitution but overestimate the free energies of helix formation. To test the ability of UNRES with the new potentials to reproduce the structures of polypeptides with d-amino-acid residues, an ab initio replica-exchange folding simulation of thurincin H from Bacillus thuringiensis, which has d-amino-acid residues in the sequence, was carried out. UNRES was able to locate the native α-helical hairpin structure as the dominant structure even though no native sulfide-carbon bonds were present in the simulation.