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Conserv Biol ; : e14325, 2024 Aug 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39105487


Biodiversity research is essential for addressing the global biodiversity crisis, necessitating diverse participation and perspectives of researchers from a wide range of backgrounds. However, conservation faces a significant inclusivity problem because local expertise from biodiversity-rich but economically disadvantaged regions is often underrepresented. This underrepresentation is driven by linguistic bias, undervalued contributions, parachute science practices, and capacity constraints. Although fragmented solutions exist, a unified multistakeholder approach is needed to address the interconnected and systemic conservation issues. We devised a holistic framework of collective responsibility across all research participants and tailored strategies that embrace diversity and dismantle systemic barriers to equitable collaboration. This framework delineates the diverse actors and practices required for promoting inclusivity in biodiversity research, assigning clear responsibilities to researchers, publishers, institutions, and funding bodies. Strategies for researchers include cultivating self-awareness, expanding literature searches, fostering partnerships with local experts, and promoting knowledge exchange. For institutions, we recommend establishing specialized liaison roles, implementing equitable policies, allocating resources for diversity initiatives, and enhancing support for international researchers. Publishers can facilitate multilingual dissemination, remove financial barriers, establish inclusivity standards, and ensure equitable representation in peer review. Funders must remove systemic barriers, strengthen research networks, and prioritize equitable resource allocation. Implementing these stakeholder-specific strategies can help dismantle deep-rooted biases and structural inequities in biodiversity research, catalyzing a shift toward a more inclusive and representative model that amplifies diverse perspectives and maximizes collective knowledge for effective global conservation.

Estrategias para las prácticas equitativas y la responsabilidad colectiva en la investigación de la biodiversidad Resumen La investigación sobre biodiversidad es esencial para hacer frente a la crisis mundial de la biodiversidad, por lo que requiere la participación y la variedad de perspectivas de investigadores de diferente procedencia. Sin embargo, la conservación se enfrenta a un importante problema de inclusión, ya que los expertos locales de regiones ricas en biodiversidad, pero con economías desfavorecidas suelen estar infrarrepresentados. Esta infrarrepresentación se debe a prejuicios lingüísticos, contribuciones infravaloradas, prácticas científicas paracaidistas y limitaciones de capacidad. Aunque existen soluciones fragmentadas, se necesita un enfoque unificado de los múltiples actores para abordar los problemas de conservación interconectados y sistémicos. Ideamos un marco holístico de responsabilidad colectiva de todos los participantes en la investigación y estrategias a medida que abarcan la diversidad y desmantelan las barreras sistémicas a la colaboración equitativa. Se necesitan diversos actores y estrategias para promover la inclusión en la investigación sobre biodiversidad, y deben asignarse claramente las responsabilidades de investigadores, editores, instituciones y organismos de financiación. Las estrategias para los investigadores incluyen fomentar la autoconciencia, ampliar las búsquedas bibliográficas, fomentar las asociaciones con expertos locales y promover el intercambio de conocimientos. Para las instituciones, recomendamos establecer funciones de enlace especializadas, aplicar políticas equitativas, asignar recursos a iniciativas de diversidad y mejorar el apoyo a los investigadores internacionales. Las editoriales pueden facilitar la difusión multilingüe, eliminar barreras financieras, establecer normas de inclusión y garantizar una representación equitativa en la revisión por pares. Los financiadores deben eliminar las barreras sistémicas, reforzar las redes de investigación y dar prioridad a la asignación equitativa de recursos. La aplicación de estas estrategias específicas puede ayudar a desmantelar prejuicios profundamente arraigados y desigualdades estructurales en la investigación de la biodiversidad, catalizando un cambio hacia un modelo más inclusivo y representativo que amplifique las diversas perspectivas y maximice el conocimiento colectivo para una conservación global eficaz.

SciELO Preprints; abr. 2024.
Preprint in Portuguese | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-7623


Biodiversity research is essential for addressing the global biodiversity crisis, necessitating diverse participation and perspectives. However, the field currently faces a significant inclusivity problem as local expertise from biodiversity-rich but economically disadvantaged regions is often underrepresented. The underrepresentation of local experts is driven by four main challenges: linguistic bias, undervalued contributions, parachute science practices, and capacity constraints. While fragmented solutions exist, a unified multi-stakeholder approach is necessary to address these interconnected and systemic issues. Here, we introduce a holistic framework of collective responsibility, integrating tailored strategies that embrace diversity and dismantle systemic barriers for equitable collaboration. This framework delineates the diverse actors and practices required for promoting inclusivity in biodiversity research, assigning clear responsibilities to researchers, publishers, institutions, and funding bodies. Strategies for researchers include cultivating self-awareness, expanding literature searches, fostering partnerships with local experts, and promoting knowledge exchange. For institutions, we recommend establishing specialized liaison roles, implementing equitable policies, allocating resources for diversity initiatives, and enhancing support for international researchers. Publishers can facilitate multilingual dissemination, remove financial barriers, establish inclusivity standards, and ensure equitable representation in peer review. Funders should remove systemic barriers, strengthen research networks, and prioritize equitable resource allocation. Implementing these stakeholder-specific strategies can help dismantle deep-rooted biases and structural inequities in biodiversity research, catalyzing a shift towards a more inclusive and representative model that amplifies diverse perspectives and maximizes collective knowledge for effective global conservation.

A pesquisa em biodiversidade é essencial para enfrentar a crise global de biodiversidade, exigindo perspectivas diversificadas. No entanto, este campo do conhecimento enfrenta um significativo problema de inclusão, uma vez que os conhecimentos ecológicos produzidos em áreas ricas em biodiversidade, mas economicamente desfavorecidas, são frequentemente sub-representados. Esta sub-representação é impulsionada por quatro desafios principais: viés linguístico, contribuições científicas subvalorizadas, colaborações baseadas em práticas colonialistas (parachute science) e lacunas na capacitação e no acesso a dados. Embora soluções fragmentadas existam, uma abordagem multilateral unificada é necessária para abordar estas questões sistêmicas. Aqui, introduzimos uma abordagem holística de responsabilidade coletiva, integrando estratégias personalizadas que abraçam a diversidade e desmantelam barreiras sistêmicas para uma colaboração equitativa. Esta abordagem delineia os diversos atores e práticas necessárias para promover a inclusão na pesquisa sobre biodiversidade, atribuindo responsabilidades claras a pesquisadores, editoras, instituições e órgãos de fomento. As estratégias para os investigadores incluem o cultivo da autoconsciência, a expansão das pesquisas bibliográficas, o fomento de parcerias com especialistas locais e a promoção do intercâmbio de conhecimentos. Para as instituições, recomendamos o estabelecimento de funções de intermediação especializadas, a implementação de políticas equitativas, a alocação de recursos para iniciativas de diversidade e o reforço do apoio a pesquisadores internacionais. As editoras podem facilitar a divulgação multilíngue, eliminar barreiras financeiras, estabelecer normas de inclusão e assegurar uma representação equitativa na avaliação pelos pares. Os financiadores devem eliminar barreiras sistêmicas, fortalecer redes de pesquisa e dar prioridade à distribuição equitativa de recursos. A implementação dessas estratégias específicas para as partes interessadas pode ajudar a desmantelar vieses profundamente enraizados e desigualdades estruturais na pesquisa de biodiversidade, catalisando uma mudança para um modelo mais inclusivo e representativo que amplifica perspectivas diversas e maximiza o conhecimento coletivo para uma eficaz conservação da biodiversidade global.

SciELO Preprints; abr. 2024.
Preprint in Spanish | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-7622


Biodiversity research is essential for addressing the global biodiversity crisis, necessitating diverse participation and perspectives. However, the field currently faces a significant inclusivity problem as local expertise from biodiversity-rich but economically disadvantaged regions is often underrepresented. The underrepresentation of local experts is driven by four main challenges: linguistic bias, undervalued contributions, parachute science practices, and capacity constraints. While fragmented solutions exist, a unified multi-stakeholder approach is necessary to address these interconnected and systemic issues. Here, we introduce a holistic framework of collective responsibility, integrating tailored strategies that embrace diversity and dismantle systemic barriers for equitable collaboration. This framework delineates the diverse actors and practices required for promoting inclusivity in biodiversity research, assigning clear responsibilities to researchers, publishers, institutions, and funding bodies. Strategies for researchers include cultivating self-awareness, expanding literature searches, fostering partnerships with local experts, and promoting knowledge exchange. For institutions, we recommend establishing specialized liaison roles, implementing equitable policies, allocating resources for diversity initiatives, and enhancing support for international researchers. Publishers can facilitate multilingual dissemination, remove financial barriers, establish inclusivity standards, and ensure equitable representation in peer review. Funders should remove systemic barriers, strengthen research networks, and prioritize equitable resource allocation. Implementing these stakeholder-specific strategies can help dismantle deep-rooted biases and structural inequities in biodiversity research, catalyzing a shift towards a more inclusive and representative model that amplifies diverse perspectives and maximizes collective knowledge for effective global conservation.

La investigación sobre la biodiversidad es esencial para hacer frente a la crisis mundial de la biodiversidad, lo cual requiere una participación y perspectivas diversas. Sin embargo, el estudio de la biodiversidad se enfrenta actualmente a un importante problema de inclusión, ya que los conocimientos locales de regiones altamente biodiversas, aunque económicamente desfavorecidas, suelen tener menor representación. La escasa representación de los expertos locales se debe a cuatro retos principales: el sesgo lingüístico, la subestimación de contribuciones, las prácticas científicas de paracaídas y las limitaciones de capacidad. Si bien existen soluciones fragmentadas, es necesario un enfoque unificado de múltiples partes interesadas para abordar estos problemas interconectados y sistémicos. Aquí, presentamos un marco holístico de responsabilidad colectiva, integrando estrategias personalizadas que abrazan la diversidad y desmantelan las barreras sistémicas para una colaboración equitativa. Este marco delinea los diversos actores y prácticas necesarias para promover la inclusión en la investigación sobre biodiversidad, asignando responsabilidades claras a investigadores, editores, instituciones y organismos de financiación. Las estrategias para los investigadores incluyen cultivar la autoconciencia, la ampliación de las búsquedas bibliográficas, el fomento de asociaciones con expertos locales y la promoción del intercambio de conocimientos. En el caso de las instituciones, recomendamos establecer funciones de colaboración especializadas, implementar políticas equitativas, asignar recursos para iniciativas de diversidad y mejorar el apoyo a los investigadores internacionales. Los editores pueden facilitar la difusión multilingüe, eliminar las barreras financieras, establecer normas de inclusión y garantizar una representación equitativa en la revisión por pares. Los financiadores deben eliminar las barreras sistémicas, fortalecer las redes de investigación y priorizar la asignación equitativa de recursos. La implementación de estas estrategias específicas para las partes interesadas puede ayudar a desmantelar los sesgos profundamente arraigados y las desigualdades estructurales en la investigación sobre biodiversidad, catalizando un cambio hacia un modelo más inclusivo y representativo que amplifique las diversas perspectivas y maximice el conocimiento colectivo para una conservación global efectiva.

Sci Data ; 9(1): 600, 2022 10 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36195601


Rising temperatures represent a significant threat to the survival of ectothermic animals. As such, upper thermal limits represent an important trait to assess the vulnerability of ectotherms to changing temperatures. For instance, one may use upper thermal limits to estimate current and future thermal safety margins (i.e., the proximity of upper thermal limits to experienced temperatures), use this trait together with other physiological traits in species distribution models, or investigate the plasticity and evolvability of these limits for buffering the impacts of changing temperatures. While datasets on thermal tolerance limits have been previously compiled, they sometimes report single estimates for a given species, do not present measures of data dispersion, and are biased towards certain parts of the globe. To overcome these limitations, we systematically searched the literature in seven languages to produce the most comprehensive dataset to date on amphibian upper thermal limits, spanning 3,095 estimates across 616 species. This resource will represent a useful tool to evaluate the vulnerability of amphibians, and ectotherms more generally, to changing temperatures.

Amphibians , Thermotolerance , Animals , Databases, Factual , Hot Temperature , Temperature
Ambio ; 51(7): 1658-1672, 2022 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35076882


During COVID-19, there has been a surge in public interest for information on immunity-boosting foods. There is little scientific support for immunity-supporting properties of specific foods, but strong evidence for food choice impacts on other health outcomes (e.g. risk of non-communicable disease) and environmental sustainability. Here, we relate online recommendations for "immunity-boosting" foods across five continents to their environmental and human health impacts. More frequently recommended food items and groups are plant based and have lower land use and greenhouse gas emission impacts plus more positive health outcomes (reducing relative risks of mortality or chronic diet-related diseases) per serving of food. We identify trade-offs between environmental outcomes of increasing consumption of recommended food items, with aquatic environment impacts increasing with food recommendation frequency. People's reliance on the Internet for health information creates an opportunity to consolidate behaviour change towards consuming foods with multiple co-benefits. Our study identifies win-win options for nudging online information-seeking behaviour towards more sustainable choices for terrestrial biodiversity conservation and human health.

COVID-19 , Public Health , Diet , Food , Food Supply , Humans
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34639451


A growing number of policies and programmes in cities aim to increase the time people spend in nature for the health and wellbeing benefits delivered by such interactions. Yet, there is little research investigating the extent to which, and for whom, nature experiences deliver such benefits outside Europe, North America, and Australia. Here, we assessed the relationships between nature dose (frequency, duration, and intensity) and three mental wellbeing (depression, stress, and anxiety) and two physical health (high blood pressure, diabetes) outcomes in Singapore, an intensely urbanised tropical city. Our analyses accounted for individual factors, including socio-economic status, nature connection (nature relatedness), and whether people with poor health are prevented by their condition from visiting green spaces. Our results show that the association between nature dose (specifically duration) and mental wellbeing is moderated by a nature connection. Specifically, people with a stronger nature connection were less likely to be depressed, stressed, and anxious, regardless of the duration of their nature dose. For those with a weaker connection to nature, spending longer in nature was associated with being more depressed, stressed, and anxious. We did not find a relationship between nature dose and high blood pressure or diabetes. Our results highlight that the relationship between nature dose and wellbeing might vary substantially among cities.

Family , Parks, Recreational , Australia , Cities , Europe , Humans
Evol Appl ; 13(5): 1026-1036, 2020 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32431750


Habitat fragmentation is a major extinction driver. Despite dramatically increasing fragmentation across the globe, its specific impacts on population connectivity across species with differing life histories remain difficult to characterize, let alone quantify. Here, we investigate patterns of population connectivity in six songbird species from Singapore, a highly fragmented tropical rainforest island. Using massive panels of genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms across dozens of samples per species, we examined population genetic diversity, inbreeding, gene flow and connectivity among species along a spectrum of ecological specificities. We found a higher resilience to habitat fragmentation in edge-tolerant and forest-canopy species as compared to forest-dependent understorey insectivores. The latter exhibited levels of genetic diversity up to three times lower in Singapore than in populations from contiguous forest elsewhere. Using dense genomic and geographic sampling, we identified individual barriers such as reservoirs that effectively minimize gene flow in sensitive understorey birds, revealing that terrestrial forest species may exhibit levels of sensitivity to fragmentation far greater than previously expected. This study provides a blueprint for conservation genomics at small scales with a view to identifying preferred locations for habitat corridors, flagging candidate populations for restocking with translocated individuals and improving the design of future reserves.

Trends Ecol Evol ; 35(2): 96-100, 2020 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31837810


Inclusion of ecosystem-based approaches in the governmental masterplan for tsunami mitigation in Palu, Indonesia may make the city a rare case study for ecological disaster risk reduction in tropical biodiversity hotspots. Such case studies are a key pillar of the United Nations (UN) Sendai Framework to protect coastal societies globally.

Conservation of Natural Resources , Disasters , Ecosystem , Biodiversity , Tsunamis