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Phys Rev E ; 110(1-1): 014902, 2024 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39160921


The jamming transition is an important feature of granular materials, with prior work showing an excess of low-frequency modes in the granular analog to the density of states, the granular density of modes. In this work, we present an experimental method for acoustically measuring the granular density of modes using a single impact event to excite vibrational modes in an experimental, three-dimensional, granular material. We test three different granular materials, all of which are composed of spherical beads. The first two systems are monodisperse collections of either 6 mm or 8 mm diameter beads. The third system is a bidisperse mixture of the previous two bead sizes. During data collection, the particles are confined to a box; on top of this box, and resting on the granular material, is a light, rigid sheet onto which pressure can be applied to the system. To excite the material, a steel impactor ball is dropped on top of the system. The response of the granular material to the impact pulse is recorded by piezoelectric sensors buried throughout the material, and the density of modes is computed from the spectrum of the velocity autocorrelation of these sensors. Our measurements of the density of modes show more low-frequency modes at low pressure, consistent with previous experimental and numerical results, as well as several low-frequency peaks in the density of modes that shift with applied pressure. Our method represents an experimentally simple technique for investigating the granular density of modes and may increase the accessibility and number of such measurements.

Phys Rev E ; 94(3-1): 032909, 2016 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27739731


Developing quantitative methods for characterizing structural properties of force chains in densely packed granular media is an important step toward understanding or predicting large-scale physical properties of a packing. A promising framework in which to develop such methods is network science, which can be used to translate particle locations and force contacts into a graph in which particles are represented by nodes and forces between particles are represented by weighted edges. Recent work applying network-based community-detection techniques to extract force chains opens the door to developing statistics of force-chain structure, with the goal of identifying geometric and topological differences across packings, and providing a foundation on which to build predictions of bulk material properties from mesoscale network features. Here we discuss a trio of related but fundamentally distinct measurements of the mesoscale structure of force chains in two-dimensional (2D) packings, including a statistic derived using tools from algebraic topology, which together provide a tool set for the analysis of force chain architecture. We demonstrate the utility of this tool set by detecting variations in force-chain architecture with pressure. Collectively, these techniques can be generalized to 3D packings, and to the assessment of continuous deformations of packings under stress or strain.

Soft Matter ; 11(14): 2731-44, 2015 Apr 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25703651


Force chains form heterogeneous physical structures that can constrain the mechanical stability and acoustic transmission of granular media. However, despite their relevance for predicting bulk properties of materials, there is no agreement on a quantitative description of force chains. Consequently, it is difficult to compare the force-chain structures in different materials or experimental conditions. To address this challenge, we treat granular materials as spatially-embedded networks in which the nodes (particles) are connected by weighted edges that represent contact forces. We use techniques from community detection, which is a type of clustering, to find sets of closely connected particles. By using a geographical null model that is constrained by the particles' contact network, we extract chain-like structures that are reminiscent of force chains. We propose three diagnostics to measure these chain-like structures, and we demonstrate the utility of these diagnostics for identifying and characterizing classes of force-chain network architectures in various materials. To illustrate our methods, we describe how force-chain architecture depends on pressure for two very different types of packings: (1) ones derived from laboratory experiments and (2) ones derived from idealized, numerically-generated frictionless packings. By resolving individual force chains, we quantify statistical properties of force-chain shape and strength, which are potentially crucial diagnostics of bulk properties (including material stability). These methods facilitate quantitative comparisons between different particulate systems, regardless of whether they are measured experimentally or numerically.

Models, Chemical , Computer Simulation
Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 86(4 Pt 1): 041306, 2012 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23214579


Granular media, whose features range from the particle scale to the force-chain scale and the bulk scale, are usually modeled as either particulate or continuum materials. In contrast with each of these approaches, network representations are natural for the simultaneous examination of microscopic, mesoscopic, and macroscopic features. In this paper, we treat granular materials as spatially embedded networks in which the nodes (particles) are connected by weighted edges obtained from contact forces. We test a variety of network measures to determine their utility in helping to describe sound propagation in granular networks and find that network diagnostics can be used to probe particle-, curve-, domain-, and system-scale structures in granular media. In particular, diagnostics of mesoscale network structure are reproducible across experiments, are correlated with sound propagation in this medium, and can be used to identify potentially interesting size scales. We also demonstrate that the sensitivity of network diagnostics depends on the phase of sound propagation. In the injection phase, the signal propagates systemically, as indicated by correlations with the network diagnostic of global efficiency. In the scattering phase, however, the signal is better predicted by mesoscale community structure, suggesting that the acoustic signal scatters over local geographic neighborhoods. Collectively, our results demonstrate how the force network of a granular system is imprinted on transmitted waves.