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Front Psychol ; 14: 1265021, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38282842


The objective of the present study is to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Scale of Attitudes toward Gender Equality in Football in the Context of Schools (SAGEFS) in the international context. This sample was formed by N = 6,101 students. The study was conducted by applying the SAGEFS. The model of the three factors correlated in the complete sample and for each country was correlated using AFC. The structural model was appraised by employing eight indices: the relative Chi-squared index; the goodness of fit index and its adjusted formula; the normal fit index; the comparative fit index; the standardized Quadratic Mean; and the Quadratic Mean Error of Approximation. To conclude, the results evidence the presence of psychometric properties that are indispensable for the measurement of attitudes toward gender equality in the context of schools.

Educ. fis. deporte ; 32(2): 1471-1478, jul.-dic. 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, RHS Repository | ID: lil-713400


El Grupo de Investigación en Ciencias Aplica- das a la Actividad Física y el Deporte GRICAFDE (Universidad de Antioquia) y el Grupo de Investigación Estudios Interdisciplinarios sobre Educación ESINED (Universidad de San Buenaventura), han generado la trazabilidad pertinente para potenciar el área de la administración deportiva en todo el ciclo de formación que ofrecen ambas universidades. Es así como, luego de procesos de educación formal universitaria, educación pos gradual universitaria, procesos de investigación, extensión, proyección social y educación continua desde seminarios, diplomados y conferencias en diversos escenarios académicos, se generan hilos conductores para posicionar, visibilizar e impactar desde la administración, la gestión y la gerencia deportiva a las instituciones educativas, las organizaciones deportivas y las organizaciones comunitarias. Uno de los elementos que permite desarrollar tales acciones es la investigación que se desarrolló entre las dos universidades, a partir de la cual se llega a acuerdos conceptuales, siempre iniciales, y que, desde la perspectiva del mejoramiento continuo, serán punto de partida en la generación de comunidad académica desde el citado conocimiento disciplinar, basado en procesos de investigación en los saberes y usos de la administración deportiva, la gestión deportiva y la gerencia deportiva, determinando su relación con la educación, de tal manera que se mire al sujeto en la Institución Educativa y en la Organización Deportiva - comunitaria como una construcción histórica individual, social y contextual.

GRICAFDE research group "research group Applied Science in Physical Activity and Sport" at the University of Antioquia and ESINED Research group "Education Interdisciplinary Studies" at the University of San Buenaventura, have generated the relevant traceability enhance the area of sports administration throughout the training cycle offered by both universities. Thus, after the formal education process college education after college gradual, process research, extension, outreach and continuing education from seminars, courses and lectures in various academic settings, are generated for positioning wires, visible and impact from administration, management and sports management to educational institutions, sports organizations and community organizations. One element that allows developing such actions is research that developed between the two universities and from which agreements are reached initial conceptual and always from the perspective of continuous improvement will be the starting point in generating community from the aforementioned academic disciplinary knowledge, based on research processes and uses knowledge of sports administration and sports management, determining their relationship to education, so that you look at the subject in the educational institution and in Sports Organization - Community as a historical building individual, social and contextual.

Humans , Financial Management , Personnel Management , Organization and Administration
Educ. fis. deporte ; 29(2): 269-276, jul.-dic. 2010.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-599055


Este artículo hace parte del macroproyecto “El perfil competente del docente, redimensionando su cotidianidad en la vivencia del currículo: un análisis a la luz del formador de formadores en la Licenciatura en Educación Física y Deportes de la Universidad San Buenaventura, Medellín”, del año 2010. La pregunta orientadora se centró en comprender cuál es el perfil competente de los docentes de determinadas asignaturas en el uso de estrategias de enseñanza aprendizaje genéricas y específicas para la cualificación del futuro profesional y las demandas estatales de la evaluación de la educación superior, redimensionando su cotidianidad en la vivencia del currículo, con la implementación de orientaciones y finalidades educativas desde la propuesta pedagógica de Paideia Franciscana, propias de una universidad católica, franciscana y privada, espacio del presente estudio; como objetivo general se propuso reconocer los saberes, prácticas y discursos de los docentes de asignaturas específicas develando estrategias y competencias como factor clave de éxito, llegando a conclusiones orientadoras para proceder en la formación continua del profesorado, en las posibles rutas y ámbitos de la evaluación del desempeño, en reflexiones frente a los procesos de identidad bonaventuriana y en la prospectiva de pautas para un rediseño curricular por competencias.

The present article is part of the macro project “the competent profile of the educational one, analyzing its reality in the experience of the curriculum: A analysis in the light of training of the training ones in the Degree in Physical education and Sports of the University of San Buenaventura, Medellín”, in 2010. The orientation question concentrated in including/understanding which is the competent profile of educational of specific subjects in the use of strategies of generic and specific education the learning for the future professional qualification of and the state demands of the evaluation of the education superior, analyzing its eality in the experience of the curriculum, with the implementation of directions and educative purposes from the pedagogical proposal of Franciscan Paideia, own of the catholic, Franciscan and deprived University, space of the present study; as general mission to recognize knowledge, practices and speeches of the educational ones of specific subjects revealing strategies and competitions like key factor of success, reaching conclusions advisers to come in the continuous formation of the teaching staff, in the possible routes and scopes of the evaluation of the performance, in reflections in front of the processes of bonaventuriana identity and in prospective of you rule for a curricular redesign by competitions.

Humans , Physical Education and Training/methods , Education/methods , Faculty