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Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38896511


Unsupervised feature selection (UFS) aims to learn an indicator matrix relying on some characteristics of the high-dimensional data to identify the features to be selected. However, traditional unsupervised methods perform only at the feature level, i.e., they directly select useful features by feature ranking. Such methods do not pay any attention to the interaction information with other tasks such as classification, which severely degrades their feature selection performance. In this article, we propose an UFS method which also takes into account the classification level, and selects features that perform well both in clustering and classification. To achieve this, we design a bi-level spectral feature selection (BLSFS) method, which combines classification level and feature level. More concretely, at the classification level, we first apply the spectral clustering to generate pseudolabels, and then train a linear classifier to obtain the optimal regression matrix. At the feature level, we select useful features via maintaining the intrinsic structure of data in the embedding space with the learned regression matrix from the classification level, which in turn guides classifier training. We utilize a balancing parameter to seamlessly bridge the classification and feature levels together to construct a unified framework. A series of experiments on 12 benchmark datasets are carried out to demonstrate the superiority of BLSFS in both clustering and classification performance.

Sci Rep ; 14(1): 13217, 2024 06 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38851836


Anticipating human decisions while performing complex tasks remains a formidable challenge. This study proposes a multimodal machine-learning approach that leverages image features and electroencephalography (EEG) data to predict human response correctness in a demanding visual searching task. Notably, we extract a novel set of image features pertaining to object relationships using the Segment Anything Model (SAM), which enhances prediction accuracy compared to traditional features. Additionally, our approach effectively utilizes a combination of EEG signals and image features to streamline the feature set required for the Random Forest Classifier (RFC) while maintaining high accuracy. The findings of this research hold substantial potential for developing advanced fault alert systems, particularly in critical decision-making environments such as the medical and defence sectors.

Decision Making , Electroencephalography , Machine Learning , Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Algorithms
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38568758


Approximation ability is one of the most important topics in the field of neural networks (NNs). Feedforward NNs, activated by rectified linear units and some of their specific smoothed versions, provide universal approximators to convex as well as continuous functions. However, most of these networks are investigated empirically, or their characteristics are analyzed based on specific operation rules. Moreover, an adequate level of interpretability of the networks is missing as well. In this work, we propose a class of new network architecture, built with reusable neural modules (functional blocks), to supply differentiable and interpretable approximators for convex and continuous target functions. Specifically, first, we introduce a concrete model construction mechanism with particular blocks based on differentiable programming and the composition essence of the max operator, extending the scope of existing activation functions. Moreover, explicit block diagrams are provided for a clear understanding of the external architecture and the internal processing mechanism. Subsequently, the approximation behavior of the proposed network to convex functions and continuous functions is rigorously proved as well, by virtue of mathematical induction. Finally, plenty of numerical experiments are conducted on a wide variety of problems, which exhibit the effectiveness and the superiority of the proposed model over some existing ones.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36306292


As a crucial part of machine learning and pattern recognition, feature selection aims at selecting a subset of the most informative features from the set of all available features. In this article, supervised feature selection is at first formulated as a mixed-integer optimization problem with an objective function of weighted feature redundancy and relevancy subject to a cardinality constraint on the number of selected features. It is equivalently reformulated as a bound-constrained mixed-integer optimization problem by augmenting the objective function with a penalty function for realizing the cardinality constraint. With additional bilinear and linear equality constraints for realizing the integrality constraints, it is further reformulated as a bound-constrained biconvex optimization problem with two more penalty terms. Two collaborative neurodynamic optimization (CNO) approaches are proposed for solving the formulated and reformulated feature selection problems. One of the proposed CNO approaches uses a population of discrete-time recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and the other use a pair of continuous-time projection networks operating concurrently on two timescales. Experimental results on 13 benchmark datasets are elaborated to substantiate the superiority of the CNO approaches to several mainstream methods in terms of average classification accuracy with three commonly used classifiers.

IEEE Trans Cybern ; PP2022 May 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35622792


Approximation ability is of much importance for neural networks. The broad learning system (BLS) (Chen and Liu, 2018), widely used in the industry with good performance, has been proved to be a universal approximator from the aspect of density. This kind of approximation property is very important, which proves the existence of the desired network but does not provide a means of construction that is commonly implemented through complexity aspect. Thus, such an approach lacks the advantage of determining constructively the network architecture and its weights. To the best of our knowledge, for a BLS, there is a few theory providing a constructive approach to obtain the network structure along with weights ensuring the approximation properties. By virtue of the long-term memory and nonlocality properties, fractional calculus has observed many distinctive applications. The purpose of this article is to study the BLS approximation ability constructively, which is valid for fractional case as well. Specifically, first we introduce two simplified BLSs by means of extending functions. For each of the simplified BLSs, an upper bound of error is derived through the modulus of continuity of Caputo fractional derivatives. As a result, two types of fractional convergent behaviors of BLS, that is: 1) pointwise and 2) uniform convergence, have been rigorously proved as well. Finally, some numerical experiments are conducted to demonstrate the approximation capabilities of BLSs.

Neural Netw ; 150: 87-101, 2022 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35306463


Unsupervised feature selection is one of the efficient approaches to reduce the dimension of unlabeled high-dimensional data. We present a novel adaptive autoencoder with redundancy control (AARC) as an unsupervised feature selector. By adding two Group Lasso penalties to the objective function, AARC integrates unsupervised feature selection and determination of a compact network structure into a single framework. Besides, a penalty based on a measure of dependency between features (such as Pearson correlation, mutual information) is added to the objective function for controlling the level of redundancy in the selected features. To realize the desired effects of different regularizers in different phases of the training, we introduce adaptive parameters which change with iterations. In addition, a smoothing function is utilized to approximate the three penalties since they are not differentiable at the origin. An ablation study is carried out to validate the capabilities of redundancy control and structure optimization of AARC. Subsequently, comparisons with nine state-of-the-art methods illustrate the efficiency of AARC for unsupervised feature selection.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34748496


Human brain inherently exhibits latent mental processes which are likely to change rapidly over time. A framework that adopts a fuzzy inference system is proposed to model the dynamics of the human brain. The fuzzy inference system is used to encode real-world data to represent the salient features of the EEG signals. Then, an unsupervised clustering is conducted on the extracted feature space to identify the brain (external and covert) states that respond to different cognitive demands. To understand the human state change, a state transition diagram is introduced, allowing visualization of connectivity patterns between every pair of states. We compute the transition probability between every pair of states to represent the relationships between the states. This state transition diagram is named as the Fuzzy Covert State Transition Diagram (FCOSTD), which helps the understanding of human states and human performance. We then apply FCOSTD on distracted driving experiments. FCOSTD successfully discovers the external and covert states, faithfully reveals the transition of the brain between states, and the route of the state change when humans are distracted during a driving task. The experimental results demonstrate that different subjects have similar states and inter-state transition behaviour (establishing the consistency of the system) but different ways to allocate brain resources as different actions are being taken.

Automobile Driving , Brain , Cluster Analysis , Fuzzy Logic , Humans , Mental Processes
IEEE Trans Neural Netw Learn Syst ; 32(3): 1110-1123, 2021 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32396104


We propose a neural network-based feature selection (FS) scheme that can control the level of redundancy in the selected features by integrating two penalties into a single objective function. The Group Lasso penalty aims to produce sparsity in features in a grouped manner. The redundancy-control penalty, which is defined based on a measure of dependence among features, is utilized to control the level of redundancy among the selected features. Both the penalty terms involve the L2,1 -norm of weight matrix between the input and hidden layers. These penalty terms are nonsmooth at the origin, and hence, one simple but efficient smoothing technique is employed to overcome this issue. The monotonicity and convergence of the proposed algorithm are specified and proved under suitable assumptions. Then, extensive experiments are conducted on both artificial and real data sets. Empirical results explicitly demonstrate the ability of the proposed FS scheme and its effectiveness in controlling redundancy. The empirical simulations are observed to be consistent with the theoretical results.

IEEE Trans Cybern ; 50(3): 1333-1346, 2020 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31765323


We propose three different methods to determine the optimal number of hidden nodes based on L1 regularization for a multilayer perceptron network. The first two methods, respectively, use a set of multiplier functions and multipliers for the hidden-layer nodes and implement the L1 regularization on those, while the third method equipped with the same multipliers uses a smoothing approximation of the L1 regularization. Each of these methods begins with a given number of hidden nodes, then the network is trained to obtain an optimal architecture discarding redundant hidden nodes using the multiplier functions or multipliers. A simple and generic method, namely, the matrix-based convergence proving method (MCPM), is introduced to prove the weak and strong convergence of the presented smoothing algorithms. The performance of the three pruning methods has been tested on 11 different classification datasets. The results demonstrate the efficient pruning abilities and competitive generalization by the proposed methods. The theoretical results are also validated by the results.

Front Robot AI ; 7: 76, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33501243


At present we are witnessing a tremendous interest in Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly in Deep Learning (DL)/Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). One of the reasons appears to be the unmatched performance achieved by such systems. This has resulted in an enormous hope on such techniques and often these are viewed as all-cure solutions. But most of these systems cannot explain why a particular decision is made (black box) and sometimes miserably fail in cases where other systems would not. Consequently, in critical applications such as healthcare and defense practitioners do not like to trust such systems. Although an AI system is often designed taking inspiration from the brain, there is not much attempt to exploit cues from the brain in true sense. In our opinion, to realize intelligent systems with human like reasoning ability, we need to exploit knowledge from the brain science. Here we discuss a few findings in brain science that may help designing intelligent systems. We explain the relevance of transparency, explainability, learning from a few examples, and the trustworthiness of an AI system. We also discuss a few ways that may help to achieve these attributes in a learning system.

IEEE Trans Neural Netw Learn Syst ; 30(5): 1462-1475, 2019 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30281497


This paper considers the tracking synchronization problem for a class of coupled reaction-diffusion neural networks (CRDNNs) with undirected topology. For the case where the tracking trajectory has identical individual dynamic as that of the network nodes, the edge-based and vertex-based adaptive strategies on coupling strengths as well as adaptive controllers, which demand merely the local neighbor information, are proposed to synchronize the CRDNNs to the tracking trajectory. To reduce the control costs, an adaptive pinning control technique is employed. For the case where the tracking trajectory has different individual dynamic from that of the network nodes, the vertex-based adaptive strategy is proposed to drive the synchronization error to a relatively small area, which is adjustable according to the parameters of the adaptive strategy. This kind of adaptive design can enhance the robustness of the network against the external disturbance posed on the tracking trajectory. The obtained theoretical results are verified by two representative examples.

IEEE Trans Cybern ; 49(12): 4346-4364, 2019 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30530381


The application and theoretical analysis of fault tolerant learning are very important for neural networks. Our objective here is to realize fault tolerant sparse multilayer perceptron (MLP) networks. The stochastic gradient descent method has been employed to perform online learning for MLPs. For weight noise injection-based network models, it is a common strategy to add a weight decay regularizer while constructing the objective function for learning. However, this l2 -norm penalty does not generate sparse optimal solutions. In this paper, a group lasso penalty term is used as a regularizer, where a group is defined by the set of weights connected to a node from nodes in the preceding layer. Group lasso penalty enables us to prune redundant hidden nodes. Due to its nondifferentiability at the origin, a smooth approximation of the group lasso penalty is developed. Then, a rigorous proof for the asymptotic convergence of the learning algorithm is provided. Finally, some simulations have been performed to verify the sparseness of the network and the theoretical results.

Front Neurosci ; 11: 332, 2017.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28676734


A brain-computer interface (BCI) creates a direct communication pathway between the human brain and an external device or system. In contrast to patient-oriented BCIs, which are intended to restore inoperative or malfunctioning aspects of the nervous system, a growing number of BCI studies focus on designing auxiliary systems that are intended for everyday use. The goal of building these BCIs is to provide capabilities that augment existing intact physical and mental capabilities. However, a key challenge to BCI research is human variability; factors such as fatigue, inattention, and stress vary both across different individuals and for the same individual over time. If these issues are addressed, autonomous systems may provide additional benefits that enhance system performance and prevent problems introduced by individual human variability. This study proposes a human-machine autonomous (HMA) system that simultaneously aggregates human and machine knowledge to recognize targets in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) task. The HMA focuses on integrating an RSVP BCI with computer vision techniques in an image-labeling domain. A fuzzy decision-making fuser (FDMF) is then applied in the HMA system to provide a natural adaptive framework for evidence-based inference by incorporating an integrated summary of the available evidence (i.e., human and machine decisions) and associated uncertainty. Consequently, the HMA system dynamically aggregates decisions involving uncertainties from both human and autonomous agents. The collaborative decisions made by an HMA system can achieve and maintain superior performance more efficiently than either the human or autonomous agents can achieve independently. The experimental results shown in this study suggest that the proposed HMA system with the FDMF can effectively fuse decisions from human brain activities and the computer vision techniques to improve overall performance on the RSVP recognition task. This conclusion demonstrates the potential benefits of integrating autonomous systems with BCI systems.

IEEE Trans Cybern ; 46(2): 499-510, 2016 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25769178


We present an integrated algorithm for simultaneous feature selection (FS) and designing of diverse classifiers using a steady state multiobjective genetic programming (GP), which minimizes three objectives: 1) false positives (FPs); 2) false negatives (FNs); and 3) the number of leaf nodes in the tree. Our method divides a c -class problem into c binary classification problems. It evolves c sets of genetic programs to create c ensembles. During mutation operation, our method exploits the fitness as well as unfitness of features, which dynamically change with generations with a view to using a set of highly relevant features with low redundancy. The classifiers of i th class determine the net belongingness of an unknown data point to the i th class using a weighted voting scheme, which makes use of the FP and FN mistakes made on the training data. We test our method on eight microarray and 11 text data sets with diverse number of classes (from 2 to 44), large number of features (from 2000 to 49 151), and high feature-to-sample ratio (from 1.03 to 273.1). We compare our method with a bi-objective GP scheme that does not use any FS and rule size reduction strategy. It depicts the effectiveness of the proposed FS and rule size reduction schemes. Furthermore, we compare our method with four classification methods in conjunction with six features selection algorithms and full feature set. Our scheme performs the best for 380 out of 474 combinations of data sets, algorithm and FS method.

Algorithms , Models, Genetic , Pattern Recognition, Automated/methods , Female , Gene Expression Profiling , Humans , Male , Neoplasms/genetics , Neoplasms/metabolism , Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis
Front Hum Neurosci ; 9: 570, 2015.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26557069


Drowsy driving is a major cause of automobile accidents. Previous studies used neuroimaging based approaches such as analysis of electroencephalogram (EEG) activities to understand the brain dynamics of different cortical regions during drowsy driving. However, the coupling between brain regions responding to this vigilance change is still unclear. To have a comprehensive understanding of neural mechanisms underlying drowsy driving, in this study we use transfer entropy, a model-free measure of effective connectivity based on information theory. We investigate the pattern of information transfer between brain regions when the vigilance level, which is derived from the driving performance, changes from alertness to drowsiness. Results show that the couplings between pairs of frontal, central, and parietal areas increased at the intermediate level of vigilance, which suggests that an enhancement of the cortico-cortical interaction is necessary to maintain the task performance and prevent behavioral lapses. Additionally, the occipital-related connectivity magnitudes monotonically decreases as the vigilance level declines, which further supports the cortical gating of sensory stimuli during drowsiness. Neurophysiological evidence of mutual relationships between brain regions measured by transfer entropy might enhance the understanding of cortico-cortical communication during drowsy driving.

Bioinformatics ; 31(15): 2505-13, 2015 Aug 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25819077


MOTIVATION: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a dementia that gets worse with time resulting in loss of memory and cognitive functions. The life expectancy of AD patients following diagnosis is ∼7 years. In 2006, researchers estimated that 0.40% of the world population (range 0.17-0.89%) was afflicted by AD, and that the prevalence rate would be tripled by 2050. Usually, examination of brain tissues is required for definite diagnosis of AD. So, it is crucial to diagnose AD at an early stage via some alternative methods. As the brain controls many functions via releasing signalling proteins through blood, we analyse blood plasma proteins for diagnosis of AD. RESULTS: Here, we use a radial basis function (RBF) network for feature selection called feature selection RBF network for selection of plasma proteins that can help diagnosis of AD. We have identified a set of plasma proteins, smaller in size than previous study, with comparable prediction accuracy. We have also analysed mild cognitive impairment (MCI) samples with our selected proteins. We have used neural networks and support vector machines as classifiers. The principle component analysis, Sammmon projection and heat-map of the selected proteins have been used to demonstrate the proteins' discriminating power for diagnosis of AD. We have also found a set of plasma signalling proteins that can distinguish incipient AD from MCI at an early stage. Literature survey strongly supports the AD diagnosis capability of the selected plasma proteins.

Alzheimer Disease/diagnosis , Blood Proteins/metabolism , Brain/metabolism , Cognitive Dysfunction/diagnosis , Neural Networks, Computer , Alzheimer Disease/blood , Biomarkers/blood , Cognitive Dysfunction/blood , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Humans , Principal Component Analysis
IEEE Trans Neural Netw Learn Syst ; 26(1): 35-50, 2015 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25532154


We first present a feature selection method based on a multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network, called feature selection MLP (FSMLP). We explain how FSMLP can select essential features and discard derogatory and indifferent features. Such a method may pick up some useful but dependent (say correlated) features, all of which may not be needed. We then propose a general scheme for dealing with feature selection with "controlled redundancy" (CoR). The proposed scheme, named as FSMLP-CoR, can select features with a controlled redundancy both for classification and function approximation/prediction type problems. We have also proposed a new more effective training scheme named mFSMLP-CoR. The idea is general in nature and can be used with other learning schemes also. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithms using several data sets including a synthetic data set. We also show that the selected features are adequate to solve the problem at hand. Here, we have considered a measure of linear dependency to control the redundancy. The use of nonlinear measures of dependency, such as mutual information, is straightforward. Here, there are some advantages of the proposed schemes. They do not require explicit evaluation of the feature subsets. Here, feature selection is integrated into designing of the decision-making system. Hence, it can look at all features together and pick up whatever is necessary. Our methods can account for possible nonlinear subtle interactions between features, as well as that between features, tools, and the problem being solved. They can also control the level of redundancy in the selected features. Of the two learning schemes, mFSMLP-CoR, not only improves the performance of the system, but also significantly reduces the dependency of the network's behavior on the initialization of connection weights.

Artificial Intelligence , Decision Support Techniques , Neural Networks, Computer , Perception , Computer Simulation , Datasets as Topic , Humans , Learning
IEEE Trans Cybern ; 45(1): 40-52, 2015 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24816631


We propose a new archive-based steady-state micro genetic algorithm (ASMiGA). In this context, a new archive maintenance strategy is proposed, which maintains a set of nondominated solutions in the archive unless the archive size falls below a minimum allowable size. It makes the archive size adaptive and dynamic. We have proposed a new environmental selection strategy and a new mating selection strategy. The environmental selection strategy reduces the exploration in less probable objective spaces. The mating selection increases searching in more probable search regions by enhancing the exploitation of existing solutions. A new crossover strategy DE-3 is proposed here. ASMiGA is compared with five well-known multiobjective optimization algorithms of different types-generational evolutionary algorithms (SPEA2 and NSGA-II), archive-based hybrid scatter search, decomposition-based evolutionary approach, and archive-based micro genetic algorithm. For comparison purposes, four performance measures (HV, GD, IGD, and GS) are used on 33 test problems, of which seven problems are constrained. The proposed algorithm outperforms the other five algorithms.

Algorithms , Computer Simulation , Models, Genetic , Models, Statistical
IEEE Trans Neural Netw Learn Syst ; 26(7): 1442-55, 2015 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25163074


We propose an integrated mechanism for discarding derogatory features and extraction of fuzzy rules based on an interval type-2 neural fuzzy system (NFS)-in fact, it is a more general scheme that can discard bad features, irrelevant antecedent clauses, and even irrelevant rules. High-dimensional input variable and a large number of rules not only enhance the computational complexity of NFSs but also reduce their interpretability. Therefore, a mechanism for simultaneous extraction of fuzzy rules and reducing the impact of (or eliminating) the inferior features is necessary. The proposed approach, namely an interval type-2 Neural Fuzzy System for online System Identification and Feature Elimination (IT2NFS-SIFE), uses type-2 fuzzy sets to model uncertainties associated with information and data in designing the knowledge base. The consequent part of the IT2NFS-SIFE is of Takagi-Sugeno-Kang type with interval weights. The IT2NFS-SIFE possesses a self-evolving property that can automatically generate fuzzy rules. The poor features can be discarded through the concept of a membership modulator. The antecedent and modulator weights are learned using a gradient descent algorithm. The consequent part weights are tuned via the rule-ordered Kalman filter algorithm to enhance learning effectiveness. Simulation results show that IT2NFS-SIFE not only simplifies the system architecture by eliminating derogatory/irrelevant antecedent clauses, rules, and features but also maintains excellent performance.

Fuzzy Logic , Neural Networks, Computer , Algorithms , Automobiles , Chemical Industry , Computer Simulation , Machine Learning , Normal Distribution , Online Systems
IEEE Trans Cybern ; 45(2): 340-53, 2015 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24691554


An interval type-2 fuzzy set (IT2 FS) is characterized by its upper and lower membership functions containing all possible embedded fuzzy sets, which together is referred to as the footprint of uncertainty (FOU). The FOU results in a span of uncertainty measured in the defuzzified space and is determined by the positional difference of the centroids of all the embedded fuzzy sets taken together. This paper provides a closed-form formula to evaluate the span of uncertainty of an IT2 FS. The closed-form formula offers a precise measurement of the degree of uncertainty in an IT2 FS with a runtime complexity less than that of the classical iterative Karnik-Mendel algorithm and other formulations employing the iterative Newton-Raphson algorithm. This paper also demonstrates a real-time control application using the proposed closed-form formula of centroids with reduced root mean square error and computational overhead than those of the existing methods. Computer simulations for this real-time control application indicate that parallel realization of the IT2 defuzzification outperforms its competitors with respect to maximum overshoot even at high sampling rates. Furthermore, in the presence of measurement noise in system (plant) states, the proposed IT2 FS based scheme outperforms its type-1 counterpart with respect to peak overshoot and root mean square error in plant response.

Algorithms , Computer Simulation , Cybernetics , Models, Theoretical