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Horm Mol Biol Clin Investig ; 43(2): 137-143, 2021 Feb 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34704688


Endometriosis of the diaphragm has been gaining more attention in the practice of gynecologists and thoracic surgeons in recent years. Understanding related symptoms and developing imaging methods have improved their approach. A review of the literature was performed with the aim to report on incidence, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of diaphragmatic endometriosis. We also cover the issue of the Thoracic Endometriosis Syndrome (TES). Complaints of cyclic chest pain in patients of childbearing age should have as differential diagnosis the presence of thoracic endometriosis. Catamenial pneumothorax is the main manifestation of diaphragmatic endometriosis and Thoracic Endometriosis Syndrome. Other possible manifestations are hemothorax, pulmonary nodules, and diaphragmatic hernia. Despite the possibility of drug treatment, many patients will be submitted to surgical treatment. The minimally invasive approach should be the one of choice. The robotic pathway allows for an easier approach due to its ability to articulate robotic arms, allowing the treatment of lesions in hard-to-reach locations, such as the posterior part of the diaphragm. Multidisciplinary treatment should be used in most cases, as only abdominal approach is not sufficient for the diagnosis and treatment of lesions in the thoracic cavity. The approach of endometriosis of the diaphragm and Thoracic Endometriosis Syndrome should be multidisciplinary, allowing the improvement of quality of life in most patients.

Rio de Janeiro; Medyn; 2015. 100 p. graf, ilus, tab.(MedCurso 2015, 4).
Monography in Portuguese | Sec. Munic. Saúde SP, AHM-Acervo, TATUAPE-Acervo | ID: sms-12337
Rio de Janeiro; Medyn; 2015. 68 p. ilus, tab.(MedCurso 2015, 6).
Monography in Portuguese | Sec. Munic. Saúde SP, AHM-Acervo, TATUAPE-Acervo | ID: sms-12339
Rio de Janeiro; Medyn; 2015. 100 p. graf, ilus, tab.(MedCurso 2015, 5).
Monography in Portuguese | Sec. Munic. Saúde SP, AHM-Acervo, TATUAPE-Acervo | ID: sms-12350
Rio de Janeiro; Medyn; 2015. 100 p. graf, ilus, tab.(MedCurso 2015, 5).
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS, AHM-Acervo, TATUAPE-Acervo | ID: biblio-971690
Rio de Janeiro; Medyn; 2015. 68 p. ilus, tab.(MedCurso 2015, 6).
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS, AHM-Acervo, TATUAPE-Acervo | ID: biblio-971702
Femina ; 43(suppl.1): 15-20, 2015. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-754429


O dipositivo intra-uterino de cobre (DIU) é utilizado há anos como método contraceptivo de longo prazo. É método que não necessita de uso ou lembrança diária pela mulher e apresenta poucos efeitos adversos. É bem tolerado pela maioria das usuárias com baixo índice de descontinuidade. Atua basicamente no útero (endométrio e muco cervical) sendo especialmente indicado nos casos onde não se deve administrar hormônios pelos efeitos sistêmicos. Há alguns poucos efeitos adversos que podem interferir na qualidade de vida de algumas mulheres e o texto apresenta intervenções para minimizar estes efeitos. Tecemos comentários sobre as contraindicações do método. O DIU é um excelente método contraceptivo de longo prazo com poucos efeitos colaterias, desprovido de ação sistêmica e bem tolerado pelas mulheres.(AU)

The copper intrauterine device (IUD) is used for years as long-term contraception. It is a method that does not require use or daily reminder for the woman and has few side effects. It is tolerated by most users with low discontinuation rate. Basically, acts in the uterus (endometrium and cervical mucus) being especially suitable in cases where it should not be administered hormones for systemic effects. There are a few side effects that can affect the quality of life of some women, and the text presents interventions to minimize these effects. We made comments about the contraindications of the method. The IUD is an excellent long-term contraception with few side-effects, devoid of systemic action and well tolerated by women.(AU)

Humans , Female , Intrauterine Devices, Copper , Intrauterine Devices, Copper/adverse effects , Contraindications, Procedure
Femina ; 43(suppl.1): 27-30, 2015. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-754431


Os contraceptivos injetáveis trimestrais representam métodos de longo prazo muito utilizados, sendo acessíveis a grande contingente de pacientes. São altamente eficazes e com fácil posologia, colaborando com eficiente planejamento familiar. Suas taxas de gravidez oscilam entre 0,0 e 0,7/100 mulheres por ano. É método contraceptivo interessante para pacientes que não desejam ingestão de comprimidos, que apresentam contraindicações ao uso de estrogênios, que optam por amenorreia e para as adolescentes. No Brasil, é comercializado com a formulação de 150 mg de Acetato de Medroxiprogesterona de depósito (AMPD). Injeções intramusculares são capazes de inibir a ovulação e, também, alterarem o muco cervical e o endométrio. Seus efeitos adversos são reduzidos, destacando-se ganho de peso, dor abdominal, cefaleia, mudança de humor e diminuição do desejo sexual. Estudos atuais não demonstram maior risco de fraturas, apesar de haver discreta diminuição na densidade óssea. Apresenta benefícios relevantes como diminuição no risco de câncer endometrial, de câncer ovariano, de doença inflamatória pélvica e pode apresentar efeito benéfico nos sintomas da endometriose. Os autores realizaram revisão sobre o contraceptivo injetável trimestral priorizando seu modo de uso, efeitos benéficos, efeitos adversos e critérios de elegibilidade para sua prescrição.(AU)

The progestin-only injectable contraceptives are long-term methods widely used. They are accessible to large numbers of patients and are highly effective and easy to use. This collaborate with effective family planning. The pregnancy rates range between 0.0 and 0.7/100 women per years. They are a good alternative for contraception to patients who do not wish intake of pills, have contraindications to the use of estrogens, choose to amenorrhea and are adolescents. In Brazil it is marketed with the formulation of 150 mg of medroxyprogesterone acetate depot (DMPA). Intramuscular injections are able to inhibit ovulation and also modifies the cervical mucus and endometrium. Its adverse effects are few, especially weight gain, abdominal pain, headache, mood swings and decreased sexual desire. Current studies show no increased risk of fractures, although there is a slight decrease in bone density. It offers significant benefits such as reduced risk of endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, pelvic inflammatory disease and may have beneficial effect on the symptoms of endometriosis. The authors conducted a review of the progestin-only injectable contraceptive focusing on its manner of use, benefits, side effects and eligibility criteria for prescription.(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Contraception , Vaccines, Contraceptive , Medroxyprogesterone/administration & dosage , Medroxyprogesterone/adverse effects , Medication Therapy Management , Contraindications, Drug , Contraceptive Effectiveness
s.l; MedWriters; 2010. 96 p. ilus, tab.(Obstetrícia, 1).
Monography in Portuguese | Sec. Munic. Saúde SP, AHM-Acervo, TATUAPE-Acervo | ID: sms-8306
s.l; MedWriters; 2010. 104 p. ilus, tab.(Obstetrícia, 3).
Monography in Portuguese | Sec. Munic. Saúde SP, AHM-Acervo, TATUAPE-Acervo | ID: sms-8308
s.l; MedWriters; 2010. 96 p. ilus, tab.(Obstetrícia, 4).
Monography in Portuguese | Sec. Munic. Saúde SP, AHM-Acervo, TATUAPE-Acervo | ID: sms-8309
s.l; MedWriters; 2010. 140 p. ilus, tab.(Obstetrícia, 5).
Monography in Portuguese | Sec. Munic. Saúde SP, AHM-Acervo, TATUAPE-Acervo | ID: sms-8310

Parturition , Fetus , Obstetrics
s.l; MedWriters; 2010. 118 p. ilus, tab.(Ginecologia, 1).
Monography in Portuguese | Sec. Munic. Saúde SP, AHM-Acervo, TATUAPE-Acervo | ID: sms-8312