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Chem Mater ; 36(16): 7754-7763, 2024 Aug 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39220614


Materials with near-infrared (near-IR) luminescence are desirable for applications in communications and sensing, as well as biomedical diagnostics and imaging. The most used inorganic near-IR emitters rely on precise doping of host crystal structures with select rare-earth or transition metal ions. Recently, another class of materials with intrinsic near-IR emission has been reported. The compositions of these materials were initially described as vacancy-ordered halide double perovskites Cs2MoCl6 and Cs2WCl6, but further investigation by some of us on the compound reported as Cs2WCl6 revealed an oxyhalide instead, with a composition Cs2WO x Cl6-x , where 1 < x < 2. Here we demonstrate that the Mo compounds similarly possess the composition Cs2MoO x Cl6-x or Cs2MoO x Br6-x where 1 < x < 2. Preparing the pure halide appears harder for Mo than for W, and we have not succeeded in doing so. The distinctly different composition requires the coordination environment and oxidation state for the Mo and W centers to be reconsidered from what was assumed for the pure halides. In this work, we examine the mechanism for near-IR emission in these materials given their true structures and compositions. We demonstrate that the luminescence is due to the specific d-orbital splitting caused by the presence of oxygen in the distorted [MOX5]2- octahedra (X is Cl or Br). The fine structure in the emission spectra at low temperatures has been resolved and is attributed to vibronic coupling to the Mo-O and W-O bond stretches. Understanding the true structure and composition of these interesting materials, besides explaining the near-IR luminescence, suggests how this desirable emission can be realized and manipulated.

J Am Chem Soc ; 146(6): 3732-3741, 2024 Feb 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38301030


Semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs) offer prospective use as active optical elements in photovoltaics, light-emitting diodes, lasers, and photocatalysts due to their tunable optical absorption and emission properties, high stability, and scalable solution processing, as well as compatibility with additive manufacturing routes. Over the course of experiments, during device fabrication, or while in use commercially, these materials are often subjected to intense or prolonged electronic excitation and high carrier densities. The influence of such conditions on ligand integrity and binding remains underexplored. Here, we expose CdSe NCs to laser excitation and monitor changes in oleate that is covalently attached to the NC surface using nuclear magnetic resonance as a function of time and laser intensity. Higher photon doses cause increased rates of ligand loss from the particles, with upward of 50% total ligand desorption measured for the longest, most intense excitation. Surprisingly, for a range of excitation intensities, fragmentation of the oleate is detected and occurs concomitantly with formation of aldehydes, terminal alkenes, H2, and water. After illumination, NC size, shape, and bandgap remain constant although low-energy absorption features (Urbach tails) develop in some samples, indicating formation of substantial trap states. The observed reaction chemistry, which here occurs with low photon to chemical conversion efficiency, suggests that ligand reactivity may require examination for improved NC dispersion stability but can also be manipulated to yield desired photocatalytically accessed chemical species.

Inorg Chem ; 62(39): 15971-15982, 2023 Oct 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37721531


Metal sulfide ion exchange materials (MSIEs) are of interest for nuclear waste remediation applications. We report the high stability of two structurally related metal sulfide ion exchange materials, Na2xMg2y-xSn4-yS8 (Mg-NMS) and Na2SnS3 (Na-NMS), in strongly acid media, in addition to the preparation of Na2xNi2y-xSn4-yS8 (Ni-NMS). Their formation progress during synthesis is studied with in-situ methods, with the target phases appearing in <15 min, reaction completion in <12 h, and high yields (75-80%). Upon contact with nitric or hydrochloric acid, these materials topotactically exchange Na+ for H+, proceeding in a stepwise protonation pathway for Na5.33Sn2.67S8. Na-NMS is stable in 2 M HNO3 and Mg-NMS is stable in 4 M HNO3 for up to 4 h, while both NMS materials are stable in 6 M HCl for up to 4 days. However, the treatment of Mg-NMS and Na-NMS with 2-6 M H2SO4 reveals a much slower protonation process since after 4 h of contact both NMS and HMS are present in the solution. The resultant protonated materials, H2xMg2y-xSn4-yS8 and H4x[(HyNay-1)1.33xSn4--1.33x]S8, are themselves solid acids and readily react with and intercalate a variety of organic amines, where the band gap of the resultant adduct is influenced by amine choice and can be tuned within the range of 1.88(5)-2.27(5) eV. The work function energy values for all materials were extracted from photoemission yield spectroscopy in air (PYSA) measurements and range from 5.47 (2) to 5.76 (2) eV, and the relative band alignments of the materials are discussed. DFT calculations suggest that the electronic structure of Na2MgSn3S8 and H2MgSn3S8 makes them indirect gap semiconductors with multi-valley band edges, with carriers confined to the [MgSn3S8]2- layers. Light electron effective masses indicate high electron mobilities.

ACS Nano ; 17(6): 5306-5315, 2023 Mar 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36916650


Methylammonium lead iodide (MAPbI3) perovskite nanocrystals (NCs) offer desirable optoelectronic properties with prospective utility in photovoltaics, lasers, and light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Structural rearrangements of MAPbI3 in response to photoexcitation, such as lattice distortions and phase transitions, are of particular interest, as these engender long carrier lifetime and bolster carrier diffusion. Here, we use variable temperature X-ray diffraction (XRD) and synchrotron-based transient X-ray diffraction (TRXRD) to investigate lattice response following ultrafast optical excitation. MAPbI3 NCs are found to slowly undergo a phase transition from the tetragonal to a pseudocubic phase over the course of 1 ns under 0.02-4.18 mJ/cm2 fluence photoexcitation, with apparent nonthermal lattice distortions attributed to polaron formation. Lattice recovery exceeds time scales expected for both carrier recombination and thermal dissipation, indicating meta-stability likely due to the proximal phase transition, with symmetry-breaking along equatorial and axial directions. These findings are relevant for fundamental understanding and applications of structure-function properties.

Nano Lett ; 23(4): 1467-1473, 2023 Feb 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36753635


We report spin-polarized transient absorption for colloidal CdSe nanoplatelets as functions of thickness (2-6 monolayer thickness) and core/shell motif. Using electro-optical modulation of co- and cross-polarization pump-probe combinations, we sensitively observe spin-polarized transitions. Core-only nanoplatelets exhibit few-picosecond spin lifetimes that weakly increase with layer thickness. The spectral content of differenced spin-polarized signals indicate biexciton binding energies that decrease with increasing thickness and smaller values than previously reported. Shell growth of CdS with controlled thicknesses, which partially delocalize the electron from the hole, significantly increases the spin lifetime to ∼49 ps at room temperature. Implementation of ZnS shells, which do not alter delocalization but do alter surface termination, increased spin lifetimes up to ∼100 ps, bolstering the interpretation that surface termination heavily influences spin coherence, likely due to passivation of dangling bonds. Spin precession in magnetic fields both confirms long coherence lifetime at room temperature and yields the excitonic g factor.

Adv Mater ; 34(44): e2202709, 2022 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36062547


Interplay between structural and photophysical properties of metal halide perovskites is critical to their utility in optoelectronics, but there is limited understanding of lattice response upon photoexcitation. Here, 2D perovskites butylammonium lead iodide, (BA)2 PbI4 , and phenethylammonium lead iodide, (PEA)2 PbI4 , are investigated using ultrafast transient X-ray diffraction as a function of optical excitation fluence to discern structural dynamics. Both powder X-ray diffraction and time-resolved photoluminescence linewidths narrow over 1 ns following optical excitation for the fluence range studied, concurrent with slight redshifting of the optical bandgaps. These observations are attributed to transient relaxation and ordering of distorted lead iodide octahedra stimulated mainly by electron-hole pair creation. The c axis expands up to 0.37% over hundreds of picoseconds; reflections sampling the a and b axes undergo one tenth of this expansion with the same timescale. Post-photoexcitation appearance of the (110) reflection in (BA)2 PbI4 would suggest a transient phase transition, however, through new single-crystal XRD, reflections are found that violate glide plane conditions in the reported Pbca structure. The static structure space group is reassigned as P21 21 21 . With this, a nonequilibrium phase transition is ruled out. These findings offer increased understanding of remarkable lattice response in 2D perovskites upon excitation.

J Am Chem Soc ; 143(11): 4244-4252, 2021 Mar 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33688726


Two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors are attractive candidates for a variety of optoelectronic applications owing to the unique electronic properties that arise from quantum confinement along a single dimension. Incorporating nonradiative mechanisms that enable directed migration of bound charge carriers, such as Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET), could boost device efficiencies provided that FRET rates outpace undesired relaxation pathways. However, predictive models for FRET between distinct 2D states are lacking, particularly with respect to the distance d between a donor and acceptor. We approach FRET in systems with binary mixtures of donor and acceptor 2D perovskite quantum wells (PQWs), and we synthetically tune distances between donor and acceptor by varying alkylammonium spacer cation lengths. FRET rates are monitored using transient absorption spectroscopy and ultrafast photoluminescence, revealing rapid picosecond lifetimes that scale with spacer cation length. We theoretically model these binary mixtures of PQWs, describing the emitters as classical oscillating dipoles. We find agreement with our empirical lifetimes and then determine the effects of lateral extent and layer thickness, establishing fundamental principles for FRET in 2D materials.

Nano Lett ; 21(3): 1288-1294, 2021 Feb 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33464913


Nanoplatelets (NPLs)-colloidally synthesized, spatially anisotropic, two-dimensional semiconductor quantum wells-are of intense interest owing to exceptionally narrow transition line widths, coupled with solution processability and bandgap tunability. However, given large surface areas and undercoordinated bonding at facet corners and edges, excitation under sufficient intensities may induce anisotropic structural instabilities that impact desired properties. We employ time-resolved X-ray diffraction to study the crystal structure of CdSe NPLs in response to optical excitation. Photoexcitation induces greater out-of-plane than in-plane disordering in 4 and 5 monolayer (ML) NPLs, while 3 ML NPLs display the opposite behavior. Recovery dynamics suggest that out-of-plane cooling slightly outpaces in-plane cooling in 5 ML NPLs with recrystallization occurring on indistinguishable time scales. In comparison, for zero-dimensional CdSe nanocrystals, disordering is isotropic and recovery is faster. These results favor the use of NPLs in optoelectronic applications, where they are likely to exhibit superior performance over traditional, zero-dimensional nanocrystals.

Nanoscale ; 13(4): 2658-2664, 2021 Feb 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33496308


The photothermal properties of metal nitrides have recently received significant attention owing to diverse applications in solar energy conversion, photothermal therapies, photoreactions, and thermochromic windows. Here, the photothermal response of titanium nitride nanoparticles is examined using transient X-ray diffraction, in which optical excitation is synchronized with X-ray pulses to characterize dynamic changes in the TiN lattice. Photoinduced diffraction data is quantitatively analyzed to determine increases in the TiN lattice spacing, which are furthermore calibrated against static, temperature-dependent diffraction patterns of the same samples. Measurements of 20 nm and 50 nm diameter TiN nanoparticles reveal transient lattice heating from room temperature up to ∼175 °C for the highest pump fluences investigated here. Increasing excitation intensity drives sublinear increases in lattice temperature, due to increased heat capacity at the higher effective temperatures achieved at higher powers. Temporal dynamics show that higher excitation intensity drives not only higher lattice temperatures, but also unexpectedly slower cooling of the TiN nanoparticles, which is attributed to heating of the solvent proximal to the nanoparticle surface.

Chem Commun (Camb) ; 54(9): 1101-1104, 2018 Jan 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29333550


The aerobic photochemical oxidation of benzylamine was carried out on the ternary oxides CuWO4 and BiVO4 as a test proton-coupled-electron-transfer reaction in acetonitrile. Both oxides give the coupled imine product, N-benzylidenebenzylamine, in near quantitative (98-99%) yield, with rate constants of 0.34 h-1 g-1 and 0.70 h-1 g-1 for CuWO4 and BiVO4, respectively.

Dalton Trans ; 46(36): 12081-12087, 2017 Sep 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28885629


Titanium niobium oxynitrides (TiNbON) are an attractive category of potential photocatalysts, but strategies for preparing them remain limited. We adapt the wet chemical "urea glass" method for pure transition metal nitrides to single-phase mixed-metal titanium niobium nitrides for a range of niobium mole fractions. We then oxidize the nitrides by heating in air to prepare titanium niobium oxynitride that absorbs visible light of λ≤ 550 nm. The materials are characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and diffuse reflectance UV-vis spectroscopy. Their photochemical activity as a function of Nb fraction is benchmarked with methylene blue photomineralization promoted by full-spectrum AM 1.5G solar irradiation with and without a λ≥ 400 nm cut-on filter. First-order Langmuir-Hinshelwood rate constants for photomineralization reveal a composition with ∼8% Nb to have superior reactivity. Full compositional analysis by Kjeldahl chemical nitrogen determination and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy yields a chemical formula of Ti0.92Nb0.08O1.97N0.03. Finally, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy correlates a localized Nb4+ defect with increased photochemical reaction rate.