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Sci Rep ; 14(1): 4945, 2024 Feb 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38418538


We introduce a novel, gaseous target optical shaping laser set-up, capable to generate short scale length, near-critical target profiles via generated colliding blast waves. These profiles are capable to maintain their compressed density for several nanoseconds, being therefore ideal for laser-plasma particle acceleration experiments in the near critical density plasma regime. Our proposed method overcomes the laser-target synchronization limitations and delivers energetic protons, during the temporal evolution of the optically shaped profile, in a time window of approximately 2.5 ns. The optical shaping of the gas-jet profiles is optimised by MagnetoHydroDynamic simulations. 3D Particle-In-Cell models, adopting the spatiotemporal profile, simulate the 45 TW femtosecond laser plasma interaction to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed proton acceleration set-up. The optical shaping of gas-jets is performed by multiple, nanosecond laser pulse generated blastwaves. This process results in steep gradient, short scale length plasma profiles, in the near critical density regime allowing operation at high repetition rates. Notably, the Magnetic Vortex Acceleration mechanism exhibits high efficiency in coupling the laser energy into the plasma in the optically shaped targets, resulting to collimated proton beams of energies up to 14 MeV.

Sci Rep ; 14(1): 605, 2024 Jan 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38182609


Laser plasma-based accelerators provide an excellent source of collimated, bright, and adequately coherent betatron-type x-ray pulses with potential applications in science and industry. So far the laser plasma-based betatron radiation has been described within the concept of classical Liénard-Wiechert potentials incorporated in particle-in-cell simulations, a computing power-demanding approach, especially for the case of multi-petawatt lasers. In this work, we describe the laser plasma-based generation of betatron radiation at the most fundamental level of quantum mechanics. In our approach, photon emission from the relativistic electrons in the plasma bubble is described within a nonlinear quantum electrodynamics (QED) framework. The reported QED-based betatron radiation results are in excellent agreement with similar results using Liénard-Wiechert potentials, as well as in very good agreement with betatron radiation measurements, obtained with multi-10-TW lasers interacting with He and multielectron N[Formula: see text] gas targets. Furthermore, our QED approach results in a dramatic reduction of the computational runtime demands, making it a favorable tool for designing betatron radiation experiments, especially in multi-petawatt laser facilities.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 94(10)2023 Oct 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37855698


Laser WakeField Acceleration (LWFA) is extensively used as a high-energy electron source, with electrons achieving energies up to the GeV level. The produced electron beam characteristics depend strongly on the gas density profile. When the gaseous target is a gas jet, the gas density profile is affected by parameters, such as the nozzle geometry, the gas used, and the backing pressure applied to the gas valve. An electron source based on the LWFA mechanism has recently been developed at the Institute of Plasma Physics and Lasers. To improve controllability over the electron source, we developed a set of 3D-printed nozzles suitable for creating different gas density profiles according to the experimental necessities. Here, we present a study of the design, manufacturing, evaluation, and performance of a 3D-printed nozzle intended for LWFA experiments.

Sci Rep ; 13(1): 2918, 2023 Feb 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36806668


The temporal rearrangement of the spectral components of an ultrafast and intense laser pulse, i.e., the chirp of the pulse, offers significant possibilities for controlling its interaction with matter and plasma. In the propagation of ultra-strong laser pulses within the self-induced plasma, laser pulse chirp can play a major role in the dynamics of wakefield and plasma bubble formation, as well as in the electron injection and related electron acceleration. Here, we experimentally demonstrate the control of the generation efficiency of a relativistic electron beam, with respect to maximum electron energy and current, by accurately varying the chirp value of a multi-10-TW laser pulse. We explicitly show that positively chirped laser pulses, i.e., pulses with instantaneous frequency increasing with time, accelerate electrons in the order of 100 MeV much more efficiently in comparison to unchirped or negatively chirped pulses. Corresponding Particle-In-Cell simulations strongly support the experimental results, depicting a smoother plasma bubble density distribution and electron injection conditions that favor the maximum acceleration of the electron beam, when positively chirped laser pulses are used. Our results, aside from extending the validity of similar studies reported for PW laser pulses, provide the ground for understanding the subtle dynamics of an efficient plasma electron accelerator driven by chirped laser pulses.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 23882, 2021 Dec 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34903823


The quantum phases of the electron paths driven by an ultrafast laser in high harmonic generation in an atomic gas depends linearly on the instantaneous cycle-averaged laser intensity. Using high laser intensities, a complete single ionisation of the atomic gas may occur before the laser pulse peak. Therefore, high harmonic generation could be localised only in a temporal window at the leading edge of laser pulse envelope. Varying the laser frequency chirp of an intense ultrafast laser pulse, the centre, and the width of the temporal window, that the high harmonic generation phenomenon occurs, could be controlled with high accuracy. This way, both the duration and the phase of the electron trajectories, that generate efficiently high harmonics, is fully controlled. A method of spectral control and selection of the high harmonic extreme ultraviolet light from distinct quantum paths is experimentally demonstrated. Furthermore, a phenomenological numerical model enlightens the physical processes that take place. This novel approach of the electron quantum path selection via laser chirp is a simple and versatile way of controlling the time-spectral characteristics of the coherent extreme ultraviolet light with applications in the fields of attosecond pulses and soft x-ray nano-imaging.

Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 378(2184): 20200030, 2020 Nov 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33040652


This work presents studies which demonstrate the importance of the very early heating dynamics of the ablator long before the ablation plasma phase begins in laser driven inertial confinement fusion (ICF) studies. For the direct-drive fusion concept using lasers, the development of perturbations during the thermo-elasto-plastic (TEP) and melting phases of the interaction of the laser pulse with the ablator's surface may act as seeding to the subsequent growth of hydro-dynamic instabilities apparent during the acceleration phase of the interaction such as for instance the Rayleigh-Taylor and the Richtmyer-Meshkov, which strongly affect the implosion dynamics of the compression phase. The multiphysics-multiphase finite-element method (FEM) simulation results are experimentally validated by advanced three-dimensional whole-field dynamic imaging of the surface of the ablator allowing for a transverse to the surface spatial resolution of only approximately 1 nm. The study shows that the TEP and melting phases of the interaction are of crucial importance since transverse perturbations of the ablator's surface can reach tens of nanometres in amplitude within the TEP and melting phases. Such perturbations are of Rayleigh type and are transferred from the ablator to the substrate from the very first moments of the interaction. This article is part of a discussion meeting issue 'Prospects for high gain inertial fusion energy (part 1)'.

Ultrasonics ; 86: 14-19, 2018 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29407277


Nanoacoustic strains are generated in Silicon by chirped femtosecond laser pulses using thin Titanium films as transducers. We investigate the effect that the generating laser pulse chirp has on the amplitude of the induced strains, manifested as Brillouin oscillations observed in degenerate femtosecond pump-probe transient reflectivity measurements. The strain amplitude is larger when negatively chirped pulses are used, which is attributed to the more efficient conversion of laser pulse light into acoustic strain in the Titanium transducer. Our present studies clearly show that the dependence of the Brillouin amplitude and the lattice strain is a non-monotonous function of the laser chirp parameter. An optimum negative laser pulse chirp is found for which the strain amplitude is maximized. A detailed thermomechanical model satisfactorily supports the experimental findings. In such a way, it is possible to suppress or enhance the induced nanoacoustic strain amplitude, thus all-optically controlling it by at least a factor of two.

Nat Commun ; 8(1): 1713, 2017 11 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29170379


The study of plasma instabilities is a research topic with fundamental importance since for the majority of plasma applications they are unwanted and there is always the need for their suppression. The initiating physical processes that seed the generation of plasma instabilities are not well understood in all plasma geometries and initial states of matter. For most plasma instability studies, using linear or even nonlinear magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) theory, the most crucial step is to correctly choose the initial perturbations imposed either by a predefined perturbation, usually sinusoidal, or by randomly seed perturbations as initial conditions. Here, we demonstrate that the efficient study of the seeding mechanisms of plasma instabilities requires the incorporation of the intrinsic real physical characteristics of the solid target in an electro-thermo-mechanical multiphysics study. The present proof-of-principle study offers a perspective to the understanding of the seeding physical mechanisms in the generation of plasma instabilities.

Phys Rev Lett ; 107(17): 175002, 2011 Oct 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22107529


High harmonic generation (HHG) is a central driver of the rapidly growing field of ultrafast science. We present a novel quasiphase-matching (QPM) concept with a dual-gas multijet target leading, for the first time, to remarkable phase control between multiple HHG sources (>2) within the Rayleigh range. The alternating jet structure with driving and matching zones shows perfect coherent buildup for up to six QPM periods. Although not in the focus of the proof-of-principle studies presented here, we achieved competitive conversion efficiencies already in this early stage of development.

Nature ; 426(6964): 267-71, 2003 Nov 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14628046


Temporal probing of a number of fundamental dynamical processes requires intense pulses at femtosecond or even attosecond (1 as = 10(-18) s) timescales. A frequency 'comb' of extreme-ultraviolet odd harmonics can easily be generated in the interaction of subpicosecond laser pulses with rare gases: if the spectral components within this comb possess an appropriate phase relationship to one another, their Fourier synthesis results in an attosecond pulse train. Laser pulses spanning many optical cycles have been used for the production of such light bunching, but in the limit of few-cycle pulses the same process produces isolated attosecond bursts. If these bursts are intense enough to induce a nonlinear process in a target system, they can be used for subfemtosecond pump-probe studies of ultrafast processes. To date, all methods for the quantitative investigation of attosecond light localization and ultrafast dynamics rely on modelling of the cross-correlation process between the extreme-ultraviolet pulses and the fundamental laser field used in their generation. Here we report the direct determination of the temporal characteristics of pulses in the subfemtosecond regime, by measuring the second-order autocorrelation trace of a train of attosecond pulses. The method exhibits distinct capabilities for the characterization and utilization of attosecond pulses for a host of applications in attoscience.

Phys Rev Lett ; 90(13): 133902, 2003 Apr 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12689290


We present experimental results and theoretical analysis of two-photon ionization of He by a superposition of the 7th to the 13th harmonic of a Ti:sapphire laser. Solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for He in a coherent polychromatic field, the He+ yield is calculated. From this yield the number of He+ ions produced has been estimated and found in reasonable agreement with its measured value. The present results establish the feasibility of a second-order autocorrelation measurement of superposition of harmonics, and thus they represent the precursor towards the direct temporal characterization of attosecond pulse trains.

Opt Lett ; 27(17): 1561-3, 2002 Sep 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18026506


By use of a transmission-grating-based Michelson interferometer, second-order interferometric as well as intensity autocorrelation traces of the third harmonic of a Ti:sapphire 50-fs laser beam produced in Ar have been measured. The duration of the harmonic is found to be that expected from lowest-order perturbation theory. At this wavelength, the performance of the interferometer with respect to pulse-front distortion and dispersion is found to be satisfactory. This result is a first step toward the use of the interferometer for the temporal characterization of higher harmonics or harmonic superposition forming attosecond pulse trains.

Opt Lett ; 25(12): 923-5, 2000 Jun 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18064228


The coherent properties of the temporally and spectrally narrowed emission of laser-induced fluorescence of organic dyes hosted inside artificial scattering matrices (random lasers) were investigated. The excitation source was a frequency-doubled 200-fs pulsed laser emitting at 400 nm. Spectral and temporal features were simultaneously recorded with a spectrograph and a streak camera operating in photon-counting mode. Photon-number distributions were thus created. The temporal coherence of the laserlike emission above and below the excitation energy threshold was investigated from the photon-number distribution that was obtained.