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Nanomaterials (Basel) ; 14(2)2024 Jan 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38276733


THz radiation emitted by ferromagnetic/non-magnetic bilayers is a new emergent field in ultra-fast spin physics phenomena with a lot of potential for technological applications in the terahertz (THz) region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The role of antiferromagnetic layers in the THz emission process is being heavily investigated at the moment. In this work, we fabricate trilayers in the form of Co/CoO/Pt and Ni/NiO/Pt with the aim of studying the magnetic properties and probing the role of very thin antiferromagnetic interlayers like NiO and CoO in transporting ultrafast spin current. First, we reveal the static magnetic properties of the samples by using temperature-dependent Squid magnetometry and then we quantify the dynamic properties with the help of ferromagnetic resonance spectroscopy. We show magnetization reversal that has large exchange bias values and we extract enhanced damping values for the trilayers. THz time-domain spectroscopy examines the influence of the antiferromagnetic interlayer in the THz emission, showing that the NiO interlayer in particular is able to transport spin current.

Materials (Basel) ; 16(4)2023 Feb 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36837008


Co/CoO multilayers are fabricated by means of radio-frequency magnetron sputtering. For the formation of each multilayer period, a Co layer is initially produced followed by natural oxidation. Platinum is used not only as buffer and capping layers, but also in the form of intermediate ultrathin layers to enhance perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. Three samples are compared with respect to the magnetic anisotropies and exchange bias between 4-300 K based on superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry measurements. Two of the multilayers are identical Co/CoO/Pt ones; one of them, however, is grown on a Co/Pt "magnetic substrate" to induce perpendicular magnetic anisotropy via exchange coupling through an ultrathin Pt intermediate layer. The third multilayer is of the form Co/CoO/Co/Pt. The use of a "magnetic substrate" results in the observation of loops with large remanence when the field applies perpendicular to the film plane. The CoO/Co interfaces lead to a significant exchange bias at low temperatures after field cooling. The largest exchange bias was observed in the film with double Co/CoO/Co interfaces. Consequently, significant perpendicular anisotropy coexists with large exchange bias, especially at low temperatures. Such samples can be potentially useful for applications related to spintronics and magnetic storage.

iScience ; 25(7): 104615, 2022 Jul 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35800756


Terahertz emission from ferromagnetic/non-magnetic spintronic heterostructures had been demonstrated as pump wavelength-independent. We report, however, the pump wavelength dependence of terahertz emission from an optimized Fe/Pt spintronic bilayer on MgO substrate. Maximum terahertz generation per total pump power was observed in the 1200- to 1800-nm pump wavelength range, and a marked decrease in the terahertz emission efficiency beyond 2500 nm (pump photon energies <0.5 eV) suggests a ∼0.35-eV threshold pump photon energy for effective spintronic terahertz emission. The inferred threshold is supported by previous theoretical results on the onset energy of significant spin-filtering at the Fe-Pt interface, and confirmed by Fe/Pt electronic structure calculations in this present work. The results of terahertz time-domain emission spectroscopy show the sensitivity of spintronic terahertz emission to both the optical absorptance of the heterostructure and the energy-dependent spin transport, as dictated by the properties of the metallic thin films.

iScience ; 25(5): 104319, 2022 May 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35602944


Recent developments in nanomagnetism and spintronics have enabled the use of ultrafast spin physics for terahertz (THz) emission. Spintronic THz emitters, consisting of ferromagnetic (FM)/non-magnetic (NM) thin film heterostructures, have demonstrated impressive properties for the use in THz spectroscopy and have great potential in scientific and industrial applications. In this work, we focus on the impact of the FM/NM interface on the THz emission by investigating Fe/Pt bilayers with engineered interfaces. In particular, we intentionally modify the Fe/Pt interface by inserting an ordered L10-FePt alloy interlayer. Subsequently, we establish that a Fe/L10-FePt (2 nm)/Pt configuration is significantly superior to a Fe/Pt bilayer structure, regarding THz emission amplitude. The latter depends on the extent of alloying on either side of the interface. The unique trilayer structure opens new perspectives in terms of material choices for the next generation of spintronic THz emitters.

Materials (Basel) ; 14(16)2021 Aug 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34442877


We have explored the impact of elevated growth and annealing temperatures on the local interfacial structure of thin Fe(12 nm)/Pt(10 nm) spintronic bilayers, epitaxially grown on MgO (100), and their correlation to magnetization reversal and dynamics. Electron-beam evaporation growth and subsequent annealing at 450 °C causes significant roughening of the MgO/Fe interface with irregular steps and multilevel (100) MgO surface terraces. Consequently, threading dislocations emerging at the step edges propagated in the Fe layer and terminated at the Fe/Pt interface, which appears pitted with pits 1.5-3 nm deep on the Fe side. Most of the pits are filled with the overlying Pt, whereby others by ferrimagnetic Fe3O4, forming nanoparticles that occupy nearly 9% of the Fe/Pt interfacial area. Fe3O4 nanoparticles occur at the termination sites of threading dislocations at the Fe/Pt interface, and their population density is equivalent to the density of threading dislocations in the Fe layer. The morphology of the Fe/Fe3O4/Pt system has a strong impact on the magnetization reversal, enhancing the coercive field and inducing an exchange bias below 200 K. Furthermore, low-temperature spin pumping and inverse spin Hall effect voltage measurements reveal that below their blocking temperature the nanoparticles can influence the spin current transmission and the spin rectification effects.

Nat Nanotechnol ; 15(6): 457-461, 2020 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32313217


The fundamental phenomenon of Bose-Einstein condensation has been observed in different systems of real particles and quasiparticles. The condensation of real particles is achieved through a major reduction in temperature, while for quasiparticles, a mechanism of external injection of bosons by irradiation is required. Here, we present a new and universal approach to enable Bose-Einstein condensation of quasiparticles and to corroborate it experimentally by using magnons as the Bose-particle model system. The critical point to this approach is the introduction of a disequilibrium of magnons with the phonon bath. After heating to an elevated temperature, a sudden decrease in the temperature of the phonons, which is approximately instant on the time scales of the magnon system, results in a large excess of incoherent magnons. The consequent spectral redistribution of these magnons triggers the Bose-Einstein condensation.

Nanoscale ; 12(13): 7309-7314, 2020 Apr 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32202292


We unravel the underlying near-field mechanism of the enhancement of the magneto-optical activity of bismuth-substituted yttrium iron garnet films (Bi:YIG) loaded with gold nanoparticles. The experimental results show that the embedded gold nanoparticles lead to a broadband enhancement of the magneto-optical activity with respect to the activity of the bare Bi:YIG films. Full vectorial near- and far-field simulations demonstrate that this broadband enhancement is the result of a magneto-optically enabled cross-talking of orthogonal localized plasmon resonances. Our results pave the way to the on-demand design of the magneto-optical properties of hybrid magneto-plasmonic circuitry.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 13348, 2019 Sep 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31527771


Spintronic ferromagnetic/non-magnetic heterostructures are novel sources for the generation of THz radiation based on spin-to-charge conversion in the layers. The key technological and scientific challenge of THz spintronic emitters is to increase their intensity and frequency bandwidth. Our work reveals the factors to engineer spintronic Terahertz generation by introducing the scattering lifetime and the interface transmission for spin polarized, non-equilibrium electrons. We clarify the influence of the electron-defect scattering lifetime on the spectral shape and the interface transmission on the THz amplitude, and how this is linked to structural defects of bilayer emitters. The results of our study define a roadmap of the properties of emitted as well as detected THz-pulse shapes and spectra that is essential for future applications of metallic spintronic THz emitters.

Opt Express ; 26(1): 338, 2018 Jan 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29328309


This publisher's note amends the author listing of [Opt. Express26, 32792 (2017)].

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 1311, 2018 01 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29358715


We report on generation of pulsed broadband terahertz radiation utilizing the inverse spin hall effect in Fe/Pt bilayers on MgO and sapphire substrates. The emitter was optimized with respect to layer thickness, growth parameters, substrates and geometrical arrangement. The experimentally determined optimum layer thicknesses were in qualitative agreement with simulations of the spin current induced in the ferromagnetic layer. Our model takes into account generation of spin polarization, spin diffusion and accumulation in Fe and Pt and electrical as well as optical properties of the bilayer samples. Using the device in a counterintuitive orientation a Si lens was attached to increase the collection efficiency of the emitter. The optimized emitter provided a bandwidth of up to 8 THz which was mainly limited by the low-temperature-grown GaAs (LT-GaAS) photoconductive antenna used as detector and the pulse length of the pump laser. The THz pulse length was as short as 220 fs for a sub 100 fs pulse length of the 800 nm pump laser. Average pump powers as low as 25 mW (at a repetition rate of 75 MHz) have been used for terahertz generation. This and the general performance make the spintronic terahertz emitter compatible with established emitters based on optical rectification in nonlinear crystals.

Nano Lett ; 16(4): 2432-8, 2016 Apr 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27018661


We reveal an explicit strategy to design the magneto-optic response of a magneto-plasmonic crystal by correlating near- and far-fields effects. We use photoemission electron microscopy to map the spatial distribution of the electric near-field on a nanopatterned magnetic surface that supports plasmon polaritons. By using different photon energies and polarization states of the incident light we reveal that the electric near-field is either concentrated in spots forming a hexagonal lattice with the same symmetry as the Ni nanopattern or in stripes oriented along the Γ-K direction of the lattice and perpendicular to the polarization direction. We show that the polarization-dependent near-field enhancement on the patterned surface is directly correlated to both the excitation of surface plasmon polaritons on the patterned surface as well as the enhancement of the polar magneto-optical Kerr effect. We obtain a relationship between the size of the enhanced magneto-optical behavior and the polarization and wavelength of optical excitation. The engineering of the magneto-optic response based on the plasmon-induced modification of the optical properties introduces the concept of a magneto-plasmonic meta-structure.

Opt Express ; 19(24): 23867-77, 2011 Nov 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22109411


The influence of surface plasmons on the magneto-optic activity in a two-dimensional hexagonal array is addressed. The experiments were performed using hexagonal array of circular holes in a ferromagnetic Ni film. Well pronounced troughs are observed in the optical reflectivity, resulting from the presence of surface plasmons. The surface plasmons are found to strongly enhance the magneto-optic response (Kerr rotation), as compared to a continuous film of the same composition. The influence of the hexagonal symmetry of the pattern on the coupling between the plasmonic excitations is demonstrated, using optical diffraction measurements and theoretical calculations of the magneto-optic and of the angular dependence of the optical activity.

Membranes, Artificial , Nanostructures/chemistry , Nickel/chemistry , Surface Plasmon Resonance/methods , Light , Magnetic Fields , Materials Testing , Refractometry , Scattering, Radiation
Phys Rev Lett ; 107(7): 076601, 2011 Aug 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21902412


Hot carrier-induced spin dynamics is analyzed in epitaxial Au/Fe/MgO(001) by a time domain approach. We excite a spin current pulse in Fe by 35 fs laser pulses. The transient spin polarization, which is probed at the Au surface by optical second harmonic generation, changes its sign after a few hundred femtoseconds. This is explained by a competition of ballistic and diffusive propagation considering energy-dependent hot carrier relaxation rates. In addition, we observe the decay of the spin polarization within 1 ps, which is associated with the hot carrier spin relaxation time in Au.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 22(23): 236004, 2010 Jun 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21393776


We address the dimensionality aspects of the magnetic ordering in δ-doped Pd(Fe) structures. The key property we investigate, via magneto-optic Kerr measurements, is the magnetization induced by iron in palladium, over a wide temperature range 5 K < T < 300 K. The dimensional crossover we observe cannot be rationalized on the basis of structural considerations alone, since we find the dimensionality of the low temperature and of the critical region can differ. We discuss the crossover in terms of the temperature dependence of the magnon modes, giving rise to lower dimensionality at low temperatures.