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J Clin Pharm Ther ; 40(6): 693-5, 2015 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26394892


WHAT IS KNOWN AND OBJECTIVE: To report five cases with a probable interaction between acenocoumarol and levofloxacin. CASE DESCRIPTION: In five patients on long-term acenocoumarol treatment who had had stable international normalized ratios for at least 6 months, sudden erratic changes in the values of these ratios were observed after 1.5-8 days of concomitant levofloxacin treatment with no other apparent cause. WHAT IS NEW AND CONCLUSIONS: Closer monitoring should be considered in patients with concomitant use of acenocoumarol and levofloxacin, especially elderly patients and those with renal dysfunction who seemed to suffer the interaction more severely.

Acenocoumarol/adverse effects , Anti-Bacterial Agents/adverse effects , Anticoagulants/adverse effects , Drug Interactions/physiology , Levofloxacin/adverse effects , Acenocoumarol/therapeutic use , Aged, 80 and over , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Anticoagulants/therapeutic use , Female , Humans , Levofloxacin/therapeutic use , Male
Farm Hosp ; 31(2): 93-100, 2007.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17590117


OBJECTIVE: To describe the implementation, functioning and results of a prospective automated system monitoring clinically relevant interactions in hospitalised patients in a 400-bed hospital for the period between 1 January 2005 and 31 March 2006. METHOD: We created a computer programme in Access(R) 97 that checks, twice daily, the drug treatments of all of the patients admitted to the hospital in order to search for the 198 pairs of drugs previously selected from: a validated tertiary source (Hansten PD, Horn JR. Hansten and Horn's Drug Interactions Analysis and Management. St. Louis, MO: Facts and Comparisons; 2001 and updates), most relevant primary sources, expert opinions and alerts from the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Health Products. The clinical pharmacist will assess the drug-drug interaction (DDI) taking into account the timeline sequence, dose, administration route, management opportunities, patient diagnosis, clinical relevance, etc. If necessary, the doctor is contacted by phone and/or letter to inform him/her of the type of interaction, the mechanism and possible management. The programme files the following variables every day: interaction, sex, age, service, number of drugs, pharmaceutical intervention and doctor response. RESULTS: Clinically relevant drug interactions were detected in 3% of patients during their stay in hospital. These patients were an average of 10 years older and received an average of four drugs more than other patients. A total of 538 interactions were detected in 15 months. Forty-three of 198 possible DDls appeared at some time. The pharmacist intervened on 126 (23%) occasions. The doctor accepted the recommendation on at least 66 (52%) occasions. Fourteen drugs were responsible for 91% of the interactions reported. CONCLUSIONS: The patients with interactions are older and receive more drugs. The prior intervention of the pharmacist eliminated 77% of unnecessary alerts.

Drug Interactions , Hospitalization , Software , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Child , Child, Preschool , Humans , Middle Aged , Prospective Studies
Farm. hosp ; 31(2): 93-100, mar.-abr. 2007. tab
Article in Es | IBECS | ID: ibc-057797


Objetivo: Describir la puesta en marcha, el funcionamiento ylos resultados de un sistema automatizado de monitorización prospectivade interacciones de relevancia clínica en pacientes ingresadosen un hospital de 400 camas en el periodo comprendidoentre el 1 de enero de 2005 y el 31 de marzo de 2006.Método: Una aplicación informática en Access® 97 realizada adhoc, chequea, dos veces al día, los tratamientos farmacológicos detodos los pacientes ingresados en busca de las 198 parejas de fármacospreviamente seleccionadas desde: una fuente terciaria contrastada(Hansten PD, Horn JR. Hansten and Horn’s Drug InteractionsAnalysis and Management. St. Louis, MO: Facts andComparisons; 2001 and updates), fuentes primarias más relevantes,opinión de expertos y alertas de la Agencia Española de Medicamentosy Productos Sanitarios. El farmacéutico clínico valora lainteracción fármaco-fármaco (IFF) teniendo en cuenta la secuenciatemporal, dosis, vía de administración, posibilidad de manejo, diagnósticosdel paciente, relevancia clínica, etc. Si es necesario, contactacon el médico por teléfono y/o carta para informarle del tipo deinteracción, el mecanismo y su posible manejo. El programa archivadiariamente las variables: interacción, sexo, edad, servicio, númerode fármacos, intervención farmacéutica y respuesta del médico.Resultados: En un 3% de los pacientes se detectaron interaccionesde potencial relevancia clínica durante el ingreso. Estospacientes eran 10 años mayores y recibían 4 fármacos más demedia que el resto de los pacientes. Se detectaron un total de 538interacciones en 15 meses. Cuarenta y tres de 198 IFF posiblesaparecieron alguna vez. El farmacéutico intervino en 126 (23%)ocasiones. El médico aceptó la recomendación en al menos 66(52%) ocasiones. Catorce fármacos fueron responsables del 81%de las interacciones informadas.Conclusiones: Los pacientes con interacciones son mayoresy reciben más fármacos. La intervención previa del farmacéuticoeliminó un 77% de alertas innecesarias

Objective: To describe the implementation, functioning andresults of a prospective automated system monitoring clinicallyrelevant interactions in hospitalised patients in a 400-bed hospitalfor the period between 1 January 2005 and 31 March 2006.Method: We created a computer programme in Access® 97that checks, twice daily, the drug treatments of all of the patientsadmitted to the hospital in order to search for the 198 pairs ofdrugs previously selected from: a validated tertiary source (HanstenPD, Horn JR. Hansten and Horn’s Drug Interactions Analysisand Management. St. Louis, MO: Facts and Comparisons;2001 and updates), most relevant primary sources, expert opinionsand alerts from the Spanish Agency of Medicines andHealth Products. The clinical pharmacist will assess the drugdruginteraction (DDI) taking into account the timeline sequence,dose, administration route, management opportunities, patientdiagnosis, clinical relevance, etc. If necessary, the doctor is contactedby phone and/or letter to inform him/her of the type ofinteraction, the mechanism and possible management. The programmefiles the following variables every day: interaction, sex,age, service, number of drugs, pharmaceutical intervention anddoctor response.Results: Clinically relevant drug interactions were detected in3% of patients during their stay in hospital. These patients werean average of 10 years older and received an average of fourdrugs more than other patients. A total of 538 interactions weredetected in 15 months. Forty-three of 198 possible DDls appearedat some time. The pharmacist intervened on 126 (23%) occasions. The doctor accepted the recommendation on at least 66(52%) occasions. Fourteen drugs were responsible for 91% of theinteractions reported.Conclusions: The patients with interactions are older andreceive more drugs. The prior intervention of the pharmacist eliminated77% of unnecessary alerts

Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Humans , Drug Interactions , Medical Records Systems, Computerized , Prospective Studies , Medical Informatics , Clinical Protocols , Single Dose
Farm. hosp ; 26(6): 335-339, nov. 2002. tab
Article in Es | IBECS | ID: ibc-17852


Objetivos: Realizar una revisión sistemática de los pacientes con potasio sérico alterado, relacionándolo con su función renal y con la toma de fármacos que alteran su homeostasis. Método: El laboratorio de bioquímica envía a Farmacia, por correo electrónico, valores de potasio y creatinina séricos de cada paciente. El Servicio de Farmacia realiza un informe para el médico/a sobre aquellos pacientes que presentan un potasio sérico fuera de rango habitual (5,2 mEq/L) y que además, estén recibiendo fármacos o fluidos con capacidad para alterar el potasio en sangre. Resultados: Se enviaron 302 informes (282 sobre hiperpotasemia). La media de medicamentos por informe enviado fue 4,2 ñ 1,8. En el 40 per cent de los informes de hiperpotasemia, los pacientes estaban recibiendo suplementos de potasio (oral o intravenoso).Conclusiones: El acceso a datos de laboratorio y de tratamiento farmacológico permite al Servicio de Farmacia detectar y corregir problemas relacionados con los medicamentos de forma sistemática (AU)

Aged , Female , Male , Humans , Pharmacy Service, Hospital/methods , Monitoring, Physiologic/methods , Potassium/blood , Hyperkalemia/chemically induced , Creatinine/blood , Hospital Bed Capacity, 300 to 499 , Hospitals, General , Kidney Function Tests