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Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34040650


BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 crisis is fuelling a state of fear among the human population at global level. Especially, those living in informal settlements and slums worldwide have been profoundly impacted by this pandemic. Individuals living in these places are already leading underprivileged lives. Thus, the economic and mental health problems caused by the COVID-19 crisis have further exacerbated their living standards, which has resulted, for instance, in tragedies such as suicides. OBJECTIVE: In this study, we have sought to identify those individuals most at risk of displaying high levels of fear of COVID-19 in an informal settlement located in the capital city of Peru. METHODS: A questionnaire was administered to 449 inhabitants living in the Carmen Alto informal settlement. The questionnaire was made up of two parts: the first one inquired about demographic data and the second part consisted of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale. RESULTS: The demographic variables of age, gender, marital status, educational level, occupation, whether a relative from the household was infected with COVID-19, and whether one of them died of this showed significant differences. It could be observed as well that the groups of females, stable workers, unemployed and those having completed a workforce education are at higher odds of displaying high levels of fear of COVID-19. As expected, the groups that had either a relative infected with COVID-19 or a relative death by this had the highest levels of fear towards the virus. CONCLUSION: The female participants are more likely to display higher levels of fear of COVID-19 due to the terrible effect that unfavorable events have on them. In the cases of the unemployed and stable workers, their proneness to show high levels of fear towards the virus is because they have lost their incomes, due to the loss of their jobs, and because of fear of infection, respectively. Hence, we hope that this work serves Peruvian (and other) health authorities to develop strategies that help individuals living in informal settlements and are in urgent need of mitigating mental health problems.

Lima; s.n; 2010. x,88 p. tab, graf.
Thesis in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-590601


OBJETIVO: Determinar los estilos de aprendizaje y el rendimiento académico en estudiantes de la Escuela Profesional de Enfermería de la Universidad Alas Peruanas. TIPO DE ESTUDIO: Cuantitativo. DISEÑO: De tipo no experimental, descriptivo y transversal. AMBITO DE ESTUDIO: Escuela Profesional de Enfermería de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Alas Peruanas, ubicada en Calle las gardenias 460. Valle Hermoso - Santiago de Surco. Lima - Perú. POBLACION: Constituida por estudiantes del I al X semestre de la Escuela Profesional de Enfermería de la Universidad Alas Peruanas. TECNICAS E INSTRUMENTOS DE RECOLECCION DE DATOS: Se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta, teniendo como instrumento el cuestionario de Honey Alonso (CHAEA) en un tiempo de 45 minutos, el instrumento consta de 80 preguntas, fue adaptado a nuestra realidad por el Centro de investigaciones y Servicios Educativos (CISE) de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú en el año 2003, con una confiabilidad de 0.81 de consistencia interna. RESULTADOS: En el 48 por ciento predomina el estilo de aprendizaje teórico, en el 22 por ciento el activo, en el 20 por ciento el pragmático y en el 10 por ciento el reflexivo. En lo referente al rendimiento académico: el 73 por ciento de los estudiantes tienen un aprendizaje regularmente logrado, el 21 por ciento de los estudiantes tienen un aprendizaje bien logrado y el 6 por ciento tienen un aprendizaje deficiente.

OBJECTIVE: To determine the learning styles and academic achievement among students from the Professional School of Nursing at the University Alas Peruanas. TYPE OF SEARCH: Quantitative. DESIGN: In non-experimental, descriptive and transversal. OF STUDY: The nursing college of Health Sciences of the University Alas Peruanas, located at gardenias 460 street. Valle Hermoso - Santiago de Surco. Lima - Peru. POPULATION: Consisted of students from I to X semester of the Professional School of Nursing at the University Alas Peruanas. TECHNIQUES AND INSTRUMENTS FOR DATA COLLECTION: We used the technique of the survey, with the questionnaire instrument Honey Alonso (CHAEA) in a time of 45 minutes, the instrument consists of 80 questions, was adapted to our reality by the Center for Research and Educational Services (CISE) at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru in 2003, with a reliability of 0.81 for internal consistency. RESUL TS: In 48 per cent predominant learning style theory, in 22 per cent assets, 20 per cent in the pragmatic and 10 per cent reflective. In terms of academic performance: 73 per cent of students have achieved learning regularly, 21 per cent of students have been learning well and 6 per cent have a poor learning.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Learning , Students, Nursing , Academic Performance , Cross-Sectional Studies