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Rev. argent. cir ; 112(4): 508-516, dic. 2020. graf, il, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1288163


RESUMEN Antecedentes: la fístula anastomótica (FA) es una de las complicaciones más severas de la cirugía colo rrectal. Su desarrollo obedece a múltiples factores dependientes del paciente y la técnica operatoria; entre estos últimos podemos mencionar la vascularización de los cabos como uno de los principales. La angiografía fluorescente (AF) permite la evaluación de ese factor en tiempo real durante la cirugía. Objetivo: describir la experiencia en el uso de la AF durante la cirugía colorrectal en un Hospital Uni versitario de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, registrar el cambio de conducta quirúrgica inducido por el uso de la AF y la incidencia de FA. Material y métodos: entre enero de 2016 y junio de 2018 se incluyeron 37 pacientes sometidos a resecciones colónicas programadas y con evaluación de la perfusión con AF. Resultados: la AF pudo realizarse en todos los pacientes con un tiempo operatorio extra de 3 a 9 mi nutos, registrando un cambio de conducta en 4 (10,81%) pacientes. Se registraron 2 (5,41%) fístulas anastomóticas. Conclusiones: la AF con verde de indocianina durante la cirugía colorrectal fue factible, sumó mínima complejidad y tiempo a la operación tradicional, y permitió cambiar la conducta en la sección intestinal en el 11% de los casos, con baja tasa de fístulas anastomóticas.

ABSTRACT Background: Anastomotic leak (AL) is one of the most feared complication of colorectal surgery. Its development is dependent of patient and surgery factors. Of these, bowel perfusion is one of the most important. Fluorescent angiography (FA) allows the identification in real time of the bowel perfusion. Objective: to describe the experience in the use of FA during colorectal surgery in a University Hospital setting in Buenos Aires, to register the change in surgical plan according to the FA findings and record the incidence of AL. Material y methods: Between January 2016 and June 2018, 37 patients with scheduled colorectal resections and FA bowel perfusion assessment were included. Results: Perfusion assessment with FA was possible in all cases with an extra operative time of 3 to 9 minutes, a change in surgical plan was registered in 4 cases (10.81%) and 2 AL were recorded (5.41%). Conclusions: FA during colorectal surgery is feasible, with minimum extra operative time and results in a change in surgical plan in 11% of the cases, and low rate of anastomotic fistula.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Fluorescein Angiography , Colorectal Neoplasms/surgery , Colon/surgery , Colectomy , Colorectal Surgery , Anastomotic Leak
Rev. chil. cir ; 70(6): 551-556, dic. 2018. tab, graf, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-978029


Introducción: Las pruebas de diagnóstico por imagen se han convertido en una pieza crucial en el diagnóstico del abdomen agudo en la urgencia, sin embargo, la conducta médica deberá basarse en los hallazgos iconográficos contextualizados. El signo tomográfico del remolino constituye un paradigma por su asociación con el vólvulo intestinal. Objetivos: Registrar pacientes con diagnóstico de abdomen agudo en busca del "signo del remolino" en la tomografía computada e identificar quiénes requirieron intervención quirúrgica. Métodos: Estudio analítico de corte transversal evaluándose 115 tomografías computadas de abdomen agudo obstructivo en búsqueda del signo del remolino. Resultados: 15 tomografías fueron excluidas por tratarse de estudios solicitados en posoperatorios. El signo del remolino se presentó en el 5%. Los diagnósticos fueron de mal rotación intestinal (2%), vólvulo de intestino delgado (1%), vólvulo de sigma (1%) y enterocolitis (1%). Sólo el 60% de los pacientes requirieron cirugía. Discusión: La presencia del signo del remolino no siempre obedece a una resolución quirúrgica. No es patognomónico de una sola entidad puntual, pudiendo representar un hallazgo en el contexto de otra patología aguda, por lo que se debería reconocer sus variantes para instaurar el tratamiento adecuado, sea quirúrgico o médico.

Introduction: The imaging test have become an important piece on the diagnosis of the acute abdomen in emergency, nevertheless medical conduct should be based on contextualized iconographic findings. The tomographic "whirlpool sign" establishes a surgical paradigm for its association with the bowel volvulus. Objetive: To register patients with diagnosis of acute abdomen looking for the "whirlpool sign" in the computed tomography and identify who needed surgical intervention. Methods: Analytical cross-sectional study. 115 tomographies of acute obstructive abdomen have being evaluated. Results: 15 tomographies were excluded. The prevalence of the whirlpool sign was 5%. Diagnoses were intestinal malrotation (2%), midgut volvulus (1%), sigmoid volvulus (1%) and enterocolitis (1%). Only 60% of the patients required surgery. Discussion: The presence of the "whirlpool sign" not always determines a surgical resolution. It is not a pathognomonic sign of a punctual entity; it could represent an ordinary finding in the context of several pathologies. To apply the correct treatment, surgical or medical, for these patients it was important to recognize "whirlpool sign" variants.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Intestinal Volvulus/diagnostic imaging , Abdomen, Acute/diagnostic imaging , Signs and Symptoms , Cross-Sectional Studies , Intestinal Volvulus/surgery
Rev. chil. cir ; 69(6): 459-466, dic. 2017. tab, graf, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-899637


Resumen Objetivo: Las anomalías pancreáticas del desarrollo son un espectro de variaciones anatómicas, entre las que se destaca el páncreas divisum; su asociación con la pancreatitis aguda continúa siendo controversial. Materiales y métodos: En primer término se realizó una investigación no experimental de corte transversal sobre 100 piezas duodenopancreáticas cadavéricas y en segunda instancia se analizó el reporte de caso de un paciente con colestasis extrahepática y pancreatitis aguda asociadas a la portación de páncreas divisum. El objetivo fue determinar la prevalencia del sistema descompresivo pancreático. Resultados: Existe diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre las dimensiones del conducto pancreático accesorio y su relación con la permeabilidad. En cuanto a la volumetría pancreática, la sección correspondiente al tercio superior cefálico, cuello, cuerpo y cola del órgano registró una dimensión media de 21,99 cm3, mientras que la sección de los dos tercios cefálicos restantes fue de 8,17 cm3. Simultáneamente, el paciente reportado presentó cuadro clínico de pancreatitis con amilasa de 280 UI/l y lipasa de 173 UI/l asociado a colestasis. Al segundo día de internación se realizó colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica con papilotomía duodenal mayor y extracción de múltiples cálculos coledocianos, evidenciando un páncreas divisum completo. Discusión: El caso expuesto exhibe que la pancreatitis, en presencia de páncreas divisum, tendría la denominación de una pancreatitis ventral subclínica. Conclusión: El páncreas divisum sería un predictor determinante de pancreatitis aguda al perder el mecanismo descompresivo protector pancreático.

Abstract Purpose: Pancreatic developmental anomalies are a spectrum of anatomical variations, including the pancreas divisum, where its association with acute pancreatitis continues being controversial. Materials and methods: Firstly, a non-experimental cross-sectional study was carried out on one hundred cadaveric duodenpancreatic pieces, and secondly was analyzed the case report of a patient with extrahepatic cholestasis and acute pancreatitis associated with pancreas divisum. The objective was to determinate the prevalence of the decompressive pancreatic system. Results: There is a statistically significant difference between the dimensions of the accessory pancreatic duct and its relation with the permeability. In terms of pancreatic volumetry, the section corresponding to the upper third cephalic, neck, body and tail of the organ registers an average dimension of 21.99 cm3, while the section of the last two thirds cephalic was 8.17 cm3. Simultaneously, the patient reported presented a pancreatitis with amylase 280 UI/l, lipase 173 UI/l, associated with cholestasis. On the second day of hospitalization, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography was performed with a greater duodenal papillotomy and extraction of multiple common bile duct stones, evidencing a complete pancreas divisum. Discussion: The exposed case shows that pancreatitis, in presence of pancreas divisum, would have the denomination of a subclinical ventral pancreatitis. Conclusion: The pancreas divisum would be a predictor of acute pancreatitis by losing the decompressive pancreatic protective mechanism.

Humans , Pancreas/abnormalities , Pancreatitis/etiology , Cadaver , Acute Disease , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. chil. cir ; 69(1): 22-27, feb. 2017. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-844320


Introducción: Se han clasificado diversas porciones del conducto colédoco, desde su origen en la unión cistohepática, hasta la segunda porción del duodeno. No se puede lograr un consenso al momento de segmentarlo, debido a que algunos autores sostienen la existencia de 3 o 4 porciones. Objetivo: El objetivo fue establecer la prevalencia de cada una de las porciones del conducto colédoco, determinar sus características morfológicas y analizar su asociación quirúrgica. Material y método: Estudio analítico de corte transversal en el que se diseccionaron 40 vías biliares. Resultados: Se evidenció 85% de porción retroduodenal, 20% retropancreática, 80% intrapancreática y 45% intramural. No se evidenció la porción supraduodenal debido a las relaciones anatómicas regionales, al tabique cistohepático o a una unión cistohepática baja. La combinación secuencial más frecuente fue la retroduodenal e intrapancreática. El conducto colédoco tuvo una longitud de 66,19 mm y un diámetro de 6,31 mm. Conclusiones: La segmentación biliar establecida tendría implicancias tanto teóricas, al justificar las teorías etiopatogénicas vigentes de la pancreatitis biliar, como prácticas, redefiniendo la coledocotomía supraduodenal y los cuadros clínicos de ictericia obstructiva.

Introduction. Several portions of the bile duct have been classified from its origin in the cystohepatic junction to its outfall in the second portion of the duodenum. An agreement could not be reached among the authors at the time of segmenting it, since some of them claim that there are three or four portions. Objective. To establish the prevalence of each of the bile duct portions, determine its morphological characteristics and to analyze its surgical associations. Material and method. A cross-sectional study. 40 biliary tracks were dissected. Results: Retroduodenal portion 85%, retropancreatic 20%, intrapancreatic 80%, intramural 45%. The supraduodenal portion was not made evident because of the regional anatomic relations, the cystohepatic septum or a cystohepatic lower junction. The bile duct had an average lenght of 66.19 mm and a diameter of 6.31 mm. Conclusions: The biliary segmentation would have a theoretical explanation to justify the etiopathogenic theories of the biliary pancreatitis, and a practical implication by redefining the choledochotomy supraduodenal and clinical pictures of obstructive jaundice.

Common Bile Duct/anatomy & histology , Common Bile Duct/surgery , Cross-Sectional Studies
Surg J (N Y) ; 1(1): e23-e27, 2015 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28824966


Objectives Heister valves are mucosal folds located on the endoluminal surface of the cystic duct (CD) and were first described by Lorenz Heister in 1732. Their presence could represent an obstacle that impedes transcystic exploration. It has been suggested that the distribution of Heister valves follows a steady rhythmic pattern in a spiral disposition; however, there is no conclusive data to support this claim. The aim of this study was to describe the main characteristics of the CD and Heister valves in adult human cadavers. Methods A descriptive cross-sectional study was performed on 46 extrahepatic biliary tracts. Results The CD has an average length of 25.37 mm and diameter of 4.53 mm. The most frequent level of junction was the middle union. Heister valves were present on 32 CDs; in most cases, they were distributed uniformly on the duct and presented an oblique disposition. A nonreticular pattern was the most frequent reticular pattern. The most frequent type of the nonreticular type was the B1 subtype. The most frequent type of distribution was the nonreticular type, particularly the B1 type. Conclusions The cystic fold could hinder transcystic exploration. The cysticotomy incision should not be determined by the distribution of the fold on the CD. The morphology of the Heister valves does not show evidence of a steady systematic pattern.

Eur. j. anat ; 17(4): 193-201, oct. 2013. ilus, graf
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-134665


Since its discovery in the 17th century, the anatomy of the pancreatic ductal system and its variations has been studied by numerous authors around the world, and Argentina is not an exception. Nevertheless, most of these researches were carried out upon non representative or insufficient population samples in order to determine a reliable amount of evidence. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to detail the course and distribution of pancreatic ducts and their convergence with the bile duct in adult corpses in the Medicine Faculty of Buenos Aires University. This scientific research has been developed under a non-experimental cross section descriptive design. Gross macroscopic classic dissection was performed in (n=50) adult human cadaveric pancreas-duodenum with no criteria of exclusion. The dissections were made using microsurgical tools and optical magnification devices. The measurements were obtained by means of a vernier caliper and a protractor. In addition, a digital photo camera was used in order to achieve the necessary photographic documentation of the results. The variables under study were recorded for statistic analysis. The exocrine pancreas ducts and their union with the bile duct were dissected and exhibited in all anatomical pieces. The morphological patrons were established in terms of length and gauge of the principal and accessory ducts, number of tributaries, distribution and course within the gland. Finally, we registered the angle between principal pancreas duct and bile duct, and between principal and accessory pancreatic ducts. We evaluated the degree of duct suppression, and the features of the biliaropancreatic ampulla, and major and minor duodenal papillae. According to the results, there were patterns of distribution of pancreatic ducts and biliaropancreatic union that provide anatomical basis for an etiopathogenic analysis of acute biliary pancreatitis (AU)

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Humans , Male , Female , Pancreatic Ducts/anatomy & histology , Pancreas/anatomy & histology , Pancreatic Ducts/anatomy & histology , Microsurgery/methods , Bile Ducts, Intrahepatic/anatomy & histology , Biliary Tract/anatomy & histology