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Int J Cosmet Sci ; 2024 May 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38733167


When undertaking any review of the structure of the hair and its mechanical properties it becomes apparent that the overall behaviour of keratin fibres is commonly attributed to the presence of hydrogen, disulfide and ionic bonds. The action of physico-chemical agents used during various cosmetic treatments is viewed as the result of an interaction with these bonds. Thus, the breaking of bonds by chemical agents, or via mechanical or thermal stresses, affects the relative balance of disulfide and hydrogen bonds and the contribution of hydrophobic interactions, which are all important factors that may alter hair behaviour. Generally, these chemical bonds are considered as responding homogeneously to the environmental and cosmetic factors. This unitary image is challenged, however, by evaluating the results of chemical, nanomechanical, tensile and thermal measurements, which suggest that disulfide bonds may be grouped into several types, according to their location within the fibre and the way they respond to various agents. A compensatory effect of newly formed hydrogen bonds for broken disulfide bonds may also be seen, and additionally involves different types of hydrogen bonds. As a result, the picture of chemical bonding in hair appears to be far from a homogeneous one. In addition, it is apparent that further investigation is required for clarifying the action of ionic bonds and hydrophobic interactions within the hair fibre. The present review aims, thus, at offering a deeper background for understanding how the hair behaves under various conditions.

Comme l'indique l'étude de la littérature réalisée dans le cadre de cette revue, le comportement général des fibres kératiniques est généralement attribué à la présence de liaisons hydrogène, disulfure et ioniques. L'action des agents physico­chimiques utilisés au cours de divers traitements cosmétiques est alors considérée comme le résultat d'une interaction avec ces liaisons. Ainsi, la rupture des liaisons par des agents chimiques, ou par des contraintes mécaniques ou thermiques, affecte l'équilibre relatif des liaisons disulfure et hydrogène et la contribution des interactions hydrophobes, qui sont autant de facteurs importants susceptibles d'altérer le comportement du cheveu. En général, on considère que ces liaisons chimiques réagissent de manière homogène aux facteurs environnementaux et cosmétiques. Cette image unitaire est toutefois remise en question par l'évaluation des résultats des mesures chimiques, nanomécaniques, thermiques et de traction, qui suggèrent que les liaisons disulfures peuvent être regroupées en plusieurs types, en fonction de leur emplacement dans la fibre et de la manière dont elles réagissent aux différents agents. Un effet compensatoire des liaisons hydrogène nouvellement formées pour les liaisons disulfures rompues peut également être observé et implique en outre différents types de liaisons hydrogène. Par conséquent, l'image de la liaison chimique dans les cheveux est loin d'être homogène. En outre, il est évident que des recherches supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour clarifier l'action des liaisons ioniques et des interactions hydrophobes au sein de la fibre capillaire. La présente étude vise donc à offrir une base pour une compréhension plus approfondie du comportement du cheveu dans diverses conditions.

Int J Cosmet Sci ; 46(1): 130-141, 2024 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37753536


OBJECTIVE: Hair fibres have been shaped via either a thermal route or via a chemical route. The time-relaxation transients of the shaped hairs in air, and in water, respectively, were evaluated. The collected data were kinetically modelled in order to reveal information about the rate controlling mechanism of the recovery process. METHODS: Hair fibres were thermally shaped at different temperatures between heated plates and left to relax in an environment of controlled humidity and temperature. Different hair fibres were chemically shaped and left to relax in water of different controlled temperatures. Relaxation data were used for modelling the kinetics of the recovery processes by using exponential and logarithmic kinetic laws. The fitting of the models to the two sets of data has been checked by using the residual sum of squares for matching the proper model to each set of data. RESULTS: The processes of shaping and recovery were assimilated with a sequence of two successive quasi-chemical reactions, occurring at the used temperatures. Based on chemical and physical assumptions, the two groups of experiments were modelled by two different laws: an exponential law, suggesting a first-order process as the rate-determining step of the relaxation of thermally shaped fibres, and a logarithmic law, suggesting a slow relaxation, based on percolation theory, for the chemically shaped fibres. This allowed use of chemical kinetics tools for calculating the values of the activation energy in each case. The evaluated values of activation energy of the relaxation processes for both thermal and chemical shaping were found to be close to each other, in spite of the different methods of shaping. CONCLUSION: The kinetic analysis suggests that despite different reaction sequences occurring during the different shaping-relaxation processes, the rate-controlling mechanism that manages the recovery process is the same in all cases; and this process is proposed to be the thiol-disulphide reformation of intra-protein bonds inside hair.

OBJECTIF: Les fibres capillaires ont été traitées soit par voie thermique, soit par voie chimique. Les variations passagères du temps de relaxation des cheveux traités dans l'eau et dans l'air, respectivement, ont été évaluées. Les données recueillies ont été modélisées cinétiquement afin de révéler des informations sur le mécanisme de contrôle de la vitesse du processus de récupération. MÉTHODES: Les fibres capillaires ont été traitées thermiquement à différentes températures entre des plaques chauffantes et on les a laissées se relâcher dans un environnement où l'humidité et la température étaient contrôlées. Différentes fibres capillaires ont été traitées chimiquement et on les a laissées se relâcher dans l'eau à différentes températures contrôlées. Les données de relâchement ont été utilisées pour modéliser la cinétique des processus de récupération en utilisant des lois cinétiques exponentielles et logarithmiques. L'ajustement des modèles aux deux ensembles de données a été vérifié en utilisant la somme résiduelle des carrés pour faire correspondre le modèle approprié à chaque ensemble de données. RÉSULTATS: Les processus de traitement et de récupération ont été assimilés à une séquence de deux réactions quasi-chimiques successives, survenant aux températures utilisées. Sur la base d'hypothèses chimiques et physiques, les deux groupes d'expériences ont été modélisés selon deux lois différentes : une loi exponentielle, indiquant un processus de premier ordre comme l'étape déterminant la vitesse de relâchement des fibres traitées thermiquement, et une loi logarithmique, indiquant un relâchement lent, sur la base de la théorie de la percolation, pour les fibres traitées chimiquement. Cela a permis d'utiliser des outils de cinétique chimique pour calculer les valeurs de l'énergie d'activation dans chaque cas. Les valeurs évaluées de l'énergie d'activation des processus de relâchement pour le traitement thermique et chimique se sont avérées proches les unes des autres, malgré les différentes méthodes de traitement. CONCLUSION: L'analyse cinétique indique que, malgré les différentes séquences de réaction survenant au cours des différents processus de traitement-relâchement, le mécanisme de contrôle de la vitesse qui gère le processus de récupération est le même dans tous les cas ; et ce processus est proposé comme étant la reformation du thiol/disulfure des liaisons intraprotéiques à l'intérieur du cheve.

Hair , Hot Temperature , Kinetics , Temperature , Hair/chemistry , Water
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol ; 37(10): 1999-2003, 2023 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37210649


BACKGROUND: Breslow thickness, patient age and ulceration are the three most valuable clinical and pathological predictors of melanoma survival. A readily available reliable online tool that accurately considers these and other predictors could be valuable for clinicians managing melanoma patients. OBJECTIVE: To compare online melanoma survival prediction tools that request user input on clinical and pathological features. METHODS: Search engines were used to identify available predictive nomograms. For each, clinical and pathological predictors were compared. RESULTS: Three tools were identified. The American Joint Committee on Cancer tool inappropriately rated thin tumours as higher risk than intermediate tumours. The University of Louisville tool was found to have six shortcomings: a requirement for sentinel node biopsy, unavailable input of thin melanoma or patients over 70 years of age and less reliable hazard ratio calculations for age, ulceration and tumour thickness. The tool was found to appropriately consider tumour thickness, ulceration, age, sex, site and tumour subtype in predicting survival. LIMITATIONS: The authors did not have access to the base data used to compile various prediction tools. CONCLUSION: The prediction tool is the most reliable for clinicians in counselling patients with newly diagnosed primary cutaneous melanoma regarding their survival prospects.

Melanoma , Skin Neoplasms , Humans , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Melanoma/pathology , Skin Neoplasms/pathology , Prognosis , Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy , Disease-Free Survival
Sci Rep ; 13(1): 2740, 2023 Feb 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36792714


Hybrid layers consisting of Fe oxide, Fe hydroxide, and nitrogen doped graphene-like platelets have been synthesized by an eco-friendly laser-based method for photocatalytic applications. The complex composite layers show high photodecomposition efficiency towards degradation of antibiotic molecules under visible light irradiation. The photodecomposition efficiency was investigated as a function of relative concentrations of base materials, Fe oxide nanoparticles and graphene oxide platelets used for the preparation of target dispersions submitted to laser irradiation. Although reference pure Fe oxide/Fe hydroxide layers have high absorption in the visible spectral region, their photodecomposition efficiency is negligible under the same irradiation conditions. The high photocatalytic decomposition efficiency of the nanohybrid layer, up to 80% of the initial antibiotic molecules was assigned to synergistic effects between the constituent materials, efficient separation of the electron-hole pairs generated by visible light irradiation on the surface of Fe oxide and Fe hydroxide nanoparticles, in the presence of conducting graphene-like platelets. Nitrogen doped graphene-like platelets contribute also to the generation of electron-hole pairs under visible light irradiation, as demonstrated by the photocatalytic activity of pure, reference nitrogen doped graphene-like layers. The results also showed that adsorption processes do not contribute significantly to the removal of antibiotic molecules from the test solutions. The decrease of the antibiotic concentration under visible light irradiation was assigned primarily to photocatalytic decomposition mechanisms.

J Inorg Biochem ; 234: 111867, 2022 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35660721


Dehaloperoxidase (DHP) is a multi-functional catalytic globin from the marine worm A. ornata, whose physiological functions include oxygen transport and oxidation of toxic substrates present in its habitat. In the Fe(III) state, DHPA has an isomer shift of 0.42 mm/s, characteristic for high-spin heme proteins. Changes in pH have subtle effects on the electronic structure of DHP in the Fe(III) state detectable in the high-field spectra, which show a pH-dependent mixture of species with different zero-field splittings between 5 and 18 cm-1. The short-lived intermediate obtained by direct reaction of the Fe(III) enzyme with H2O2 has an isomer shift of 0.10 mm/s, indicative of an Fe(IV)-oxo state and of an S = 1 electronic ground state confirmed by variable field studies. The O2-bound state of DHP has an isomer shift of 0.28 mm/s and a high-field spectrum characteristic for diamagnetic heme complexes, similarly to other haemoglobins. Overall, the isomer shift and quadrupole splitting of DHP in the four states studied are expectedly similar to both peroxidases and to myoglobin. The differences in electronic structure between DHP and other heme proteins and enzyme are observed in the high-field Mössbauer spectra of the ferric state, which show pH-dependent zero-field splittings suggesting a heme site in which the ligand field strength at the iron ion is tuned by pH. This tunability is correlated with variable electron-donating properties of the iron, which can perform multiple functions.

Hydrogen Peroxide , Polychaeta , Animals , Ferric Compounds/chemistry , Heme/chemistry , Hemoglobins/chemistry , Hydrogen Peroxide/chemistry , Iron/chemistry , Myoglobin/chemistry , Peroxidases/metabolism , Spectroscopy, Mossbauer
Sci Rep ; 12(1): 7413, 2022 May 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35523844


The double carbonate BaCa(CO3)2 holds potential as host compound for carbon in the Earth's crust and mantle. Here, we report the crystal structure determination of a high-pressure BaCa(CO3)2 phase characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. This phase, named post-barytocalcite, was obtained at 5.7 GPa and can be described by a monoclinic Pm space group. The barytocalcite to post-baritocalcite phase transition involves a significant discontinuous 1.4% decrease of the unit-cell volume, and the increase of the coordination number of 1/4 and 1/2 of the Ba and Ca atoms, respectively. High-pressure powder X-ray diffraction measurements at room- and high-temperatures using synchrotron radiation and DFT calculations yield the thermal expansion of barytocalcite and, together with single-crystal data, the compressibility and anisotropy of both the low- and high-pressure phases. The calculated enthalpy differences between different BaCa(CO3)2 polymorphs confirm that barytocalcite is the thermodynamically stable phase at ambient conditions and that it undergoes the phase transition to the experimentally observed post-barytocalcite phase. The double carbonate is significantly less stable than a mixture of the CaCO3 and BaCO3 end-members above 10 GPa. The experimental observation of the high-pressure phase up to 15 GPa and 300 ºC suggests that the decomposition into its single carbonate components is kinetically hindered.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 23(11): 6841-6862, 2021 Mar 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33725033


We report a joint experimental and theoretical study of the low-pressure phase of α'-Ga2S3 under compression. Theoretical ab initio calculations have been compared to X-ray diffraction and Raman scattering measurements under high pressure carried out up to 17.5 and 16.1 GPa, respectively. In addition, we report Raman scattering measurements of α'-Ga2S3 at high temperature that have allowed us to study its anharmonic properties. To understand better the compression of this compound, we have evaluated the topological properties of the electron density, the electron localization function, and the electronic properties as a function of pressure. As a result, we shed light on the role of the Ga-S bonds, the van der Waals interactions inside the channels of the crystalline structure, and the single and double lone electron pairs of the sulphur atoms in the anisotropic compression of α'-Ga2S3. We found that the structural channels are responsible for the anisotropic properties of α'-Ga2S3 and the A'(6) phonon, known as the breathing mode and associated with these channels, exhibits the highest anharmonic behaviour. Finally, we report calculations of the electronic band structure of α'-Ga2S3 at different pressures and find a nonlinear pressure behaviour of the direct band gap and a pressure-induced direct-to-indirect band gap crossover that is similar to the behaviour previously reported in other ordered-vacancy compounds, including ß-Ga2Se3. The importance of the single and, more specially, the double lone electron pairs of sulphur in the pressure dependence of the topmost valence band of α'-Ga2S3 is stressed.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 33(15)2021 Feb 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33498030


We report results from a series of diamond-anvil-cell synchrotron x-ray diffraction and large-volume-press experiments, and calculations, to investigate the phase diagram of commercial polycrystalline high-strength Ti-6Al-4V alloy in pressure-temperature space. Up to ∼30 GPa and 886 K, Ti-6Al-4V is found to be stable in the hexagonal-close-packed, orαphase. The effect of temperature on the volume expansion and compressibility ofα-Ti-6Al-4V is modest. The martensiticα→ω(hexagonal) transition occurs at ∼30 GPa, with both phases coexisting until at ∼38-40 GPa the transition to theωphase is completed. Between 300 K and 844 K theα→ωtransition appears to be independent of temperature.ω-Ti-6Al-4V is stable to ∼91 GPa and 844 K, the highest combined pressure and temperature reached in these experiments. Pressure-volume-temperature equations-of-state for theαandωphases of Ti-6Al-4V are generated and found to be similar to pure Ti. A pronounced hysteresis is observed in theω-Ti-6Al-4V on decompression, with the hexagonal structure reverting back to theαphase at pressures below ∼9 GPa at room temperature, and at a higher pressure at elevated temperatures. Based on our data, we estimate the Ti-6Al-4Vα-ß-ωtriple point to occur at ∼900 K and 30 GPa, in good agreement with our calculations.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 32(33): 335401, 2020 Mar 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32174564


We present an experimental study of the high-pressure, high-temperature behaviour of cerium up to ∼22 GPa and 820 K using angle-dispersive x-ray diffraction and external resistive heating. Studies above 820 K were prevented by chemical reactions between the samples and the diamond anvils of the pressure cells. We unambiguously measure the stability region of the orthorhombic oC4 phase and find it reaches its apex at 7.1 GPa and 650 K. We locate the α-cF4-oC4-tI2 triple point at 6.1 GPa and 640 K, 1 GPa below the location of the apex of the oC4 phase, and 1-2 GPa lower than previously reported. We find the α-cF4 → tI2 phase boundary to have a positive gradient of 280 K (GPa)-1, less steep than the 670 K (GPa)-1 reported previously, and find the oC4 → tI2 phase boundary to lie at higher temperatures than previously found. We also find variations as large as 2-3 GPa in the transition pressures at which the oC4 → tI2 transition takes place at a given temperature, the reasons for which remain unclear. Finally, we find no evidence that the α-cF4 → tI2 is not second order at all temperatures up to 820 K.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 31(48): 485401, 2019 Dec 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31422945


The promising technological material Eu0.1Bi0.9VO4, has been studied for the first time at room-temperature under high-pressure, up to 24.9 GPa, by means of in situ angle dispersive powder x-ray diffraction (XRD). The compound undergoes two phase transitions at 1.9 and 16.1 GPa. The first transition is from the monoclinic fergusonite-type structure (space group I2/a) to a tetragonal scheelite-type structure (space group I41/a), being a ferroelastic-paraelastic transformation similar to that previously reported for isomorphic pristine BiVO4. The second phase transition is first-order in nature. The scheelite-type and the second high-pressure phase coexist in a wide pressure range. A monoclinic structure (space group P21/n) is proposed for the second high-pressure phase. Both transitions are reversible upon decompression. Details of the different crystal structures are reported. All the three observed structures are composed of network of VO4 tetrahedra and BiO8 (or EuO8 due to the substitution of Bi by Eu) dodecahedra. The room-temperature P-V equation of state and axial anisotropic compressibilities of the fergusonite and scheelite polymorphs are also given. In particular, the isothermal compressibility tensor for the monoclinic fergusonite phase has been calculated.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 8940, 2019 Jun 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31222067


The 5d transition metals have attracted specific interest for high-pressure studies due to their extraordinary stability and intriguing electronic properties. In particular, iridium metal has been proposed to exhibit a recently discovered pressure-induced electronic transition, the so-called core-level crossing transition at the lowest pressure among all the 5d transition metals. Here, we report an experimental structural characterization of iridium by x-ray probes sensitive to both long- and short-range order in matter. Synchrotron-based powder x-ray diffraction results highlight a large stability range (up to 1.4 Mbar) of the low-pressure phase. The compressibility behaviour was characterized by an accurate determination of the pressure-volume equation of state, with a bulk modulus of 339(3) GPa and its derivative of 5.3(1). X-ray absorption spectroscopy, which probes the local structure and the empty density of electronic states above the Fermi level, was also utilized. The remarkable agreement observed between experimental and calculated spectra validates the reliability of theoretical predictions of the pressure dependence of the electronic structure of iridium in the studied interval of compressions.

Nat Commun ; 10(1): 1803, 2019 04 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31000715


There is currently great interest in replacing the harmful volatile hydrofluorocarbon fluids used in refrigeration and air-conditioning with solid materials that display magnetocaloric, electrocaloric or mechanocaloric effects. However, the field-driven thermal changes in all of these caloric materials fall short with respect to their fluid counterparts. Here we show that plastic crystals of neopentylglycol (CH3)2C(CH2OH)2 display extremely large pressure-driven thermal changes near room temperature due to molecular reconfiguration, that these changes outperform those observed in any type of caloric material, and that these changes are comparable with those exploited commercially in hydrofluorocarbons. Our discovery of colossal barocaloric effects in a plastic crystal should bring barocaloric materials to the forefront of research and development in order to achieve safe environmentally friendly cooling without compromising performance.

Acta Endocrinol (Buchar) ; 15(4): 447-453, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32377241


CONTEXT: In HIV+ patients, several factors related to patient and antiretroviral therapy (ART) could determine early onset of bone mineral density (BMD) disturbances. OBJECTIVE: Evaluation of bone quality according to gender in patients from the HIV Romanian cohort. DESIGN: A cross-sectional study in "Prof. Dr. Matei Bals" National Institute for Infectious Diseases, Bucharest between 2016-2018. SUBJECT AND METHODS: We collected data regarding HIV infection, ART history, viral hepatitis co-infections and we calculated patients body mass index (BMI). CD4 cell count, HIV viral load (VL), vitamin-D levels were determined. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans were used to evaluate BMD. RESULTS: We enrolled 97 patients with the median age of 26 years. According to the DXA T-scores, 10 males and 8 females had osteopenia and 4 males and 4 females had osteoporosis. According to Z-scores 2 males and 1 female had osteoporosis. Hip DXA T-scores revealed osteopenia in 6 males and 9 females, whereas T and Z-scores showed osteoporosis in 2 males and 3 females. Lumbar spine (LS) T-score diagnosed osteopenia in 9 males and 6 females, while T and Z-scores revealed osteoporosis in 3 males and females. In males, low T-scores were associated with decreased BMI; low LS DXA Z-scores with low vitamin-D levels; low T and Z-scores and LS-BMD with high VL. CONCLUSIONS: Evaluating bone quality in patients with a long history of HIV infection, multiple factors should be taken into account.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 4554, 2018 11 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30385756


Iron oxides are among the major constituents of the deep Earth's interior. Among them, the epsilon phase of Fe2O3 is one of the less studied polymorphs and there is a lack of information about its structural, electronic and magnetic transformations at extreme conditions. Here we report the precise determination of its equation of state and a deep analysis of the evolution of the polyhedral units under compression, thanks to the agreement between our experiments and ab-initio simulations. Our results indicate that this material, with remarkable magnetic properties, is stable at pressures up to 27 GPa. Above 27 GPa, a volume collapse has been observed and ascribed to a change of the local environment of the tetrahedrally coordinated iron towards an octahedral coordination, finding evidence for a different iron oxide polymorph.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 30(29): 295402, 2018 Jul 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29873300


The phase diagram of zinc (Zn) has been explored up to 140 GPa and 6000 K, by combining optical observations, x-ray diffraction, and ab initio calculations. In the pressure range covered by this study, Zn is found to retain a hexagonal close-packed (hcp) crystal symmetry up to the melting temperature. The known decrease of the axial ratio (c/a) of the hcp phase of Zn under compression is observed in x-ray diffraction experiments from 300 K up to the melting temperature. The pressure at which c/a reaches [Formula: see text] (≈10 GPa) is slightly affected by temperature. When this axial ratio is reached, we observed that single crystals of Zn, formed at high temperature, break into multiple poly-crystals. In addition, a noticeable change in the pressure dependence of c/a takes place at the same pressure. Both phenomena could be caused by an isomorphic second-order phase transition induced by pressure in Zn. The reported melt curve extends previous results from 24 to 135 GPa. The pressure dependence obtained for the melting temperature is accurately described up to 135 GPa by using a Simon-Glatzel equation: [Formula: see text], where P is the pressure in GPa. The determined melt curve agrees with previous low-pressure studies and with shock-wave experiments, with a melting temperature of 5060(30) K at 135 GPa. Finally, a thermal equation of state is reported, which at room-temperature agrees with the literature.

J Viral Hepat ; 25(7): 834-841, 2018 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29397016


Hepatitis B virus may reactivate in patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with direct-acting antivirals. The aim of this study was to investigate the risk of hepatitis B virus (HBV) reactivation in HBV + hepatitis C virus (HCV)-co-infected patients with compensated liver cirrhosis treated with paritaprevir/ombitasvir/ritonavir, dasabuvir with ribavirin. We reviewed prospectively gathered data from a national cohort of 2070 hepatitis C virus patients with compensated liver cirrhosis who received reimbursed paritaprevir/ombitasvir/r, dasabuvir with ribavirin for 12 weeks from the Romanian National Health Agency during 2015-2016. Twenty-five patients in this cohort were HBs antigen positive (1.2%); 15 untreated with nucleotide analogues agreed to enter the study. These patients were followed up: ALT monthly, serology for HBV and DNA viral load at baseline, EOT and SVR at 12 weeks. Hepatitis B virus (HBV)-co-infected patients were all genotype 1b and 52% females, with a median age of 60 years (51 ÷ 74); 76% were pretreated with peginterferon + ribavirin; 72% were with severe necroinflammatory activity on FibroMax assessment; 40% presented comorbidities; and all were HBe antigen negative. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) SVR response rate was 100%. Hepatitis B virus (HBV)-DNA viral load was undetectable in 7/15 (47%) before therapy, and for the other 8 patients, it varied between below 20 and 867 IU/mL. Five patients (33%) presented virological reactivation (>2 log increase in HBV-DNA levels) during therapy. One patient presented with hepatitis associated with HBV reactivation, and two started anti-HBV therapy with entecavir. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) virological reactivation was present in 33% in our patients. Generally, HBV-DNA elevations were mild (<20 000 IU/mL); however, we report one case of hepatitis associated with HBV reactivation.

Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Hepatitis B virus/isolation & purification , Hepatitis B, Chronic/virology , Hepatitis C, Chronic/complications , Hepatitis C, Chronic/drug therapy , Liver Cirrhosis/virology , Virus Activation , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Alanine Transaminase/blood , Drug Therapy, Combination/methods , Female , Follow-Up Studies , Genotype , Hepatitis B Surface Antigens/blood , Hepatitis B virus/classification , Hepatitis B virus/genetics , Hepatitis B, Chronic/complications , Humans , Incidence , Male , Middle Aged , Prospective Studies , Risk Assessment , Romania/epidemiology , Viral Load
Nanotechnology ; 28(20): 205701, 2017 May 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28358717


This work reports the structural and vibrational properties of nanocrystals of corundum-type In2O3 (rh-In2O3) at high pressures by using angle-dispersive x-ray diffraction and Raman scattering measurements up to 30 GPa. The equation of state and the pressure dependence of the Raman-active modes of the corundum phase in nanocrystals are in good agreement with previous studies on bulk material and theoretical simulations on bulk rh-In2O3. Nanocrystalline rh-In2O3 showed stability under compression at least up to 20 GPa, unlike bulk rh-In2O3 which gradually transforms to the orthorhombic Pbca (Rh2O3-III-type) structure above 12-14 GPa. The different stability range found in nanocrystalline and bulk corundum-type In2O3 is discussed.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 28(44): 445401, 2016 11 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27605357


We present a combined theoretical and experimental study of the high-pressure behavior of thallium. X-ray diffraction experiments have been carried out at room temperature (RT) up to 125 GPa using diamond-anvil cells (DACs), nearly doubling the pressure range of previous experiments. We have confirmed the hcp-fcc transition at 3.5 GPa and determined that the fcc structure remains stable up to the highest pressure attained in the experiments. In addition, HP-HT experiments have been performed up to 8 GPa and 700 K by using a combination of XRD and a resistively heated DAC. Information on the phase boundaries is obtained, as well as crystallographic information on the HT bcc phase. The equation of state (EOS) for different phases is reported. Ab initio calculations have also been carried out considering several potential high-pressure structures. They are consistent with the experimental results and predict that, among the structures considered in the calculations, the fcc structure of thallium is stable up to 4.3 TPa. Calculations also predict the post-fcc phase to have a close-packed orthorhombic structure above 4.3 TPa.